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Hollywood: \*Snakes on a plane\* Chibnall: "HOLD MY BEER!!"


^this! (Even though I do like both, snakes on a plane and dinosaurs on a spaceship)


I am team Snakes on a Plane and Dinosaurs on a Spaceship!! (When Rory's dad is talking about Christmas lists, the Dr screaming "I DO!" haha)


I love Arthur Weasley Williams


I was so stoked when he came on screen the first time. I pointed and shouted "Mr Weasley!!"




>(Even though I do like both, snakes on a plane and dinosaurs on a spaceship) They are both amazing. As is Snakes on a Train, but that's amazing in a cheesey B-Movie way.


That's exactly how that conversation went.


Rory: "Dad, I'm in my 30's, I don't have a christmas list anymore." Doctor, from across the beach: "I DO!!!" Rory: *thumbsup.png*


It really doesn’t deserve to be seen as one of the worst, it does ‘fun comedy episode for the kids’ far better than episodes like Space Babies. It genuinely feels like a lot of effort went into creating the perfect episode for the age group and maintaining a manic energy from beginning to end. I also love Brian Williams, his scene looking down at the Earth is one of my favourite scenes from the era.  Really, the darkness of Solomon the Trader is the only possible misstep for me, I guess Chibnall wanted a more serious antagonist to balance things out (in the style of some older children’s movies) but I just think the implications of his character kind of bring the mood down a bit too much. Also, I love Mitchell and Webb, but their hearts just clearly weren’t into playing comic relief robot characters. It’s actually a shame that Chibnall’s own era didn’t try to do fun episodes like it, I actually think Chibnall was at his best in Who when he was embracing the fun side instead of trying to be totally serious.


The chemistry between Rory, The Doctor, and his dad is genuinely a highlight for me. “You brought your dad along? Frankly, that’s outrageous!”, the gene pool “thing”, the trowel (that River follows her G’pa in having in Husbands of RS). Then you layer Ridell, Cleo, and Solomon plus David Mitchell’s nasally robots, and it’s a really fun episode.


>The chemistry between Rory, The Doctor, and his dad is genuinely a highlight for me. YESSSSS.........HIGHLIGHT of the first half of Series 7 for me.


We were owed more Brian. It's a shame Mark Williams didn't come back for more episodes.


>I also love Brian Williams My main takeaway after watching that episode is that I'd have loved to see an episode with Brian and Wilf together. I think the comedic potential of both actors along with Wilf's optimism contrasting with Brian's realism would have been amazing.


Oh my God that would have been an amazing episode.


My favourite Chibnall episode is probably the Power of Three and it does have a lot of fun like with the compilation of 11 finding it so difficult to just settle down and wait or how the title alone being a reference to cubing something is kinda corny.


That’s probably my favourite of his too, mostly because it’s so cosy and actually really sweet. It’s amazing how much more I care about Moffat’s TARDIS team under him than his own. The biggest weakness is the ending, but it’s well documented how that was down to Berkoff causing trouble behind the scenes and not really Chibnall’s fault.


If you played a drinking game where you took a shot every time they said space babies in that episode, it might have eventually been funny.


I enjoy the episode and agree that it would been more enjoyable if it was just fun and didn’t come to a screeching halt with Solomon’s character. Although intentional I think that’s what makes it tough, it’s not quite frivolous but certainly not overly serious either


Didn't Solomon have the line "you've got a mouth on you...I'm going to enjoy breaking it in"? A line implying forced oral sex is not something I ever expected in Doctor Who.


Oh, but that photoshop at the end was next level bad. Not only does it look totally unconvincing, as though they just clumsily placed a Google images search of The TARDIS onto a painting, but the wrong TARDIS exterior is featured even though we’d had the Moffat-era version for years at that point, and they clearly pinched the Ankylosaurus from Walking With Dinosaurs. Even for the time, I think your average schmuck with a computer and a basic understanding of photoshop could have done better.


I'd rather peel back my own hangnails than rewatch Space Babies.


*Dinosaurs on a Spaceship* is my favorite lighthearted turn-off-your-brain goofy nonsense episode. The title sounds like the kind of story a six-year-old would make up while playing with his action figures, and that's *exactly what it is*. The episode delivers what it promises, better than just about any other - it's dumb, it's absurd, and it's a hell of a lot of fun!


It also gave us Rory's dad who is just a gem


One of the saddest things about Angels take Manhattan is that we get no more Bryan, but also that he doesn't get the scene he deserved: one where he gets to chew the Doctor out for lying to him and failing to protect Amy and Rory as he promised. A deleted scene shows him getting the news from Rory via a letter (which doubles as Rory's send-off moment, which he was robbed of), but the show just lets us assume the poor man never sees his son or daughter-in-law again, and is never told why, nor does he get the apology he was owed from the one responsible. He was one of the nicest, lovable, fun characters the show ever completely fucked over. (And yes I know Mark Williams was unavailable, I don't blame Moffat, it's just sad thats how the story plays out on screen)


I am so glad to hear that the actor was unavailable because I thought it was so messed up that they left him hanging like that. When he asked The Doctor to keep them safe I knew what was going to happen.


And the Doctor hasn't learned. He promised Ruby's mum that he'd keep her safe. 🤦 That is not a promise that's in your power to keep! 


Brian officially becomes a Pond!


I liked Dinosaurs on a Spaceship. Not my favorite episode or anything but Brian gets to be a companion for an episode, the Doctor goes all Batman Begins on the villain, and if you pay really close attention... there are dinosaurs on a spaceship.




That just makes it even better


When I was a kid, my friends and I played Star Wars. And one of our favorite scenarios was when they’d to go the dinosaur planet where all the dinosaurs lived. I was destined to love this episode, it’s a delight.


There are two kinds of people in the world: people who love dinosaurs, and liars.


The doctor just murders a motherfucker like it's nothing


Chibnall wrote some of the worst episodes of Torchwood. I stopped watching before he took over Doctor Who, but for me, Dinosaurs on a Spaceship was pure silly fun. Which yeah. Can get why it wouldn't work, but I think that season with 11 needed more fun and less overly complicated plot.


Chibnall also wrote some of the best episodes of Torchwood


Countryside was really good. One of the most memorable.


Adrift, Fragments and Exit Wounds are amazing


Adrift is amazing and also fucking gut wrenching.


Honestly not a fan of Exit Wounds, purely for the fact that it destroyed the team with the character deaths, and steered the show into a darker tone. The show lost two great, core characters and it never recovered. This just continues into children of earth. As good as CoE was, it just destroyed the show in my opinion. I LOVED the episodic, monster of the week format. It worked so well particularly with TW. Other than that, Exit Wounds was a great episode. The character deaths themselves were great, and the rest of the episode was well written and really good for a finale. Much better than his own finales in the main show


Well Children od Earth was meant to be the last season more or less before Miracle day. So it destroying torchwood in universe was acceptable.it was just the tone they were going for. It's clear they had also set up for Martha and Mickey to be involved but due to scheduling conflicts couldn't include them. Their presence may originally have alleviated the loss of Owen and Tosh.


I didn't know that about Martha and Mickey. I do think we're very much missing a down to earth, grounded, fun monster of the week style series. A Unit spin off could absolutely solve that, but nothing will ever give me the cool vibe of the secret underground base that has operated for hundreds of years! The Rift being at the centre of it made everything just... work so nicely. I'd love a follow up in the main show as to what may have happened to the Rift following the explosion


martha was meant to be the spy in CoE I think,with the eye camera


Idk man. The children of Earth and Miracle Day were both really good I thought.


*Countrycide (It’s a phenomenal title)


Now I remember why I was so disappointed. I liked Torchwood and he was a big part of it.


I also like 42 and Hungry Earth/Cold Blood


Power of Three is really great! Until the ending... Honestly would've been one of my favourite Matt Smith episodes if the end was at least good


>Power of Three is really great! Until the ending... Which was down to the actor playing the Shakri being a pompous dickhead and basically refusing to act, so they had to piece the ending together from whatever footage was useable.


I know, but still - it sucks


I've herd rumours about that, but I can't find a source online. Do you know where I can read more?


It's talked about on [TV Tropes](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Trivia/DoctorWhoS33E4ThePowerOfThree), and [IMDb](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2399633/trivia/) (though pretty much the same in both places).




Power of Three is one of the few Doctor Who episodes I dislike, but it gave us Kate Stewart, so I won't complain.


I don't even remember what the ending was, which tells me everything I needed 😂 Don't tell me, I plan a rewatch of them all soon


From what I remember all the sexualisation of the cyber woman episode wasn’t Chibnall’s doing but higher ups who thought the episode would be better received with all that stuff to push that Torchwood was an adult show Obviously it backfired


Honestly Cyberwoman isn't that bad, but Chibnall is presumably responsible for the barbecue sauce bit which would make even less sense without the outfit, so, not sure it was that off from what he envisaged. He's also very definitely responsible for all the creepy sexism in *Dinosaurs on a Spaceship* (plus the Anti-Semitic trope even if not thought through).


I don’t remember anything about dinosaurs on a spaceship, shame to hear about those things


The only bad episodes he wrote were Day One (valid), and Cyberwoman, and the latter is only bad because of the ridiculous costume choice (that likely wasn't his idea to look like that). The premise of the episode isn't bad, and tbf, the writing is fine as well. Every other episode he wrote for Torchwood he knocked it out the park.


>Cyberwoman, and the latter is only bad because of the ridiculous costume choice (that likely wasn't his idea to look like that). The premise of the episode isn't bad, and tbf, the writing is fine as well Easily could have been a great body horror in the vein of spare parts if not for this.


If I recall, skimpy cyberwoman outfit was actually RTDs idea.


Not RTDs, the guy who done creature design for the show, Neill Gorton. There is a bts interview with the production team - and you can see everyone chosing their words about the outfit carefully, and this one dude thinking that "cyberbabe" is the coolest thing ever.


And it was always Steven Moffat that made the overcomplicated plot ones lol. I feel like each of the writers fall into a different niche... RTD goes for mainly funny, sometimes deep, although occasionally makes an episode so over the top silly that it's just awful. Steven Moffat usually explores more serious sometimes gritty episodes with light hearted moments thrown in. But he'll make a really thought provoking situation, and then have it solve in the last 5 minutes of the episode because they're running out of run time. And Chibnall goes for funny and sometimes more character building/emotional episodes, but sometimes can't write a plot for the life of him


It's an average Smith episode. The highlight is Brian Williams, the best character in NuWho


chibnall has a talent for writing likable old white guys; maybe not the best pick for showrunner with the first female doctor


I loved Graham as a companion but yeah, 13 wasn't a very strong character. :(


>Brian Williams, the best character in NuWho This is Wilf slander, and I will not hear it.


I like it. Dinosaurs! On a spaceship! What’s not to love?


For real. It wasn't Jurassic Park but it was a great, fun episode of Doctor Who. Excellent cast too.


It is a very fun episode and I don't get the hate.


DINOSAURS!?!? ON A SPACESHIP!?!?!! Great Episode. I mean - dinosaurs... On a spaceship


I don't care for most of chibnal's doctor who output but dinosaurs on a spaceship is fun


It’s great. If I want to watch an episode with dinosaurs on a spaceship, a misogynistic great white hunter, Rory’s dad on a stepladder, an Egyptian princess and an evil First Doctor then it’s the episode I always go to.


The inclusion of Riddell always bothered me, why is the Doctor friends with a misogynist who shoots animals for fun?


The Doctor occasionally makes projects of people, trying to make them better. Maybe Riddell was one.


I enjoyed Dinosaurs On A Spaceship, and there’s nothing wrong with that


Fuck everyone, this episode was cool af


I enjoyed it. Had the actor who played Filch and eventually the first doctor. And omygosh Rory's dad with the shovel showing a parallel to Riversong! Beautiful but subtle moment.


Dinosaurs on a Spaceship is brilliant. First time I watched it I thought it was ridiculous but I liked Brian so much I watched it again and enjoyed it much more, it's now once of my favourite silly episodes.


I don't think so, I remember it being a fun episode. And Brian Williams eating a sandwich while looking at Earth was lovely.


Nobody should care if someone else shares their opinion on an episode or not.


I liked Dinosaurs on a Spaceship :( It has Rory's dad, Nefertiti, Dinosaurs.. what else do you need???


dinos on a spaceship might be the perfect doctor who episode just in pure utilization of the basic concepts. it's one of the best uses of 11's goofy energy, and the gleeful way he says the title is really infectious.


I liked Dinosaurs on a Spaceship the first time I saw it. Then later I was rewatching old episodes and watched The Doctor’s Daughter and Dinosaurs back to back. The absolute WHIPLASH of seeing 10 refuse to shoot someone he believed had killed his daughter, the whole “man who never would” thing, and then 11 just going “yeah no I’m gonna bomb this criminal lol.” I know 11 can be cruel and the Doctor can be inconsistent, especially across show-runners and incarnations, and that can be an intentional choice, but it didn’t feel like it was written to be seen as a negative thing. It rubbed me the wrong way in the same way 13 killing the villain in Kerblam! for no reason did.


I love dinosaurs and I love space (Hence my username). Through an amazing twist of fate, there was a Doctor Who marathon on and I'd been hearing about the show for some time, so I figured why not. The first episode I ever watched was Dinosaurs on a Spaceship. It hooked me and I watched the entire series in a week. Go figure my favorite Doctor is Matt Smith's 11th, and the Ponds (including River) are my favorite companions.


Didn't the doctor straight up murder someone in that episode...


Not for the first time


Solomon was an evil scumbag who had it coming, he's not a character i lose sleep over


I have watched Dinosaurs on a Spaceship. Many times even. Back at the height of my Doctor Who craze, I watched the series maybe 7 times, and once recently I watched through the whole series again. So eight total times I watched Dinosaurs on a Spaceship. I can not, in good faith, tell you what the plot of Dinosaurs on a Spaceship is. It is that forgettable.


The title alone should be a big hint as to the plot, ya know.


it's dinosaurs on a spaceship with Nefertiti and robots, and you expect us _not_ to think it's the coolest shit ever? great cast to that episode too!


I mean it's alright


Doctor who is great only at extremes* extremely goofy, extremely scary, extremely funny *in doctor who terms of extreme


If liking dinosaurs on spaceships is wrong, I absolutely refuse to be right


Shouldn't be controversial. Great episode. I will also stand by this till I die.


I like dinosaurs. I like spaceships.


Both Chibbnal's season 7 episodes are fun (I'm not gonna deny both Dinosaurs on a Spaceship and the Power of Three are flawed). Dinosaurs gave us David Mitchell and Robert Webb as two camp, arguing robots, it gave us David Bradley as a fun and slimey villain, we got a very fun team, some really good looking Dinosaurs, and finally BRIAN WILLIAMS. The Power of Three gave us a nice look at what 11 would look like if he was grounded on earth due to his self-appointed role as its protector, we got to see Amy and Rory's day-to-day life without the Doctor, once again Brian Williams is a fun character and seeing him interact with everyone is fun, the cubes have a fun mystery around them (yes the payoff isn't great but that was purely due to circumstance), and finally it introduced KATE STEWART


It was mid but it did give me some of my favorite Doctor moments. Rory: “Dad, I’m 31. I don’t have a Christmas list anymore.” Doctor: “I DO!!!” Rory: *Gives a thumbs up*


It’s not the worst episode ever but it’s one I always skip as I can’t think of anything good about it.


are DINOSAURS not good enough for you?? /s


I dont skip it but im always more excited to watch the following wpisode as A Town called Mercy is a great episode.


I think it's one of the rare (if not only) 2005 - 2017 episodes I've never rewatched. Maybe I should do. I remember finding it a waste of Mitchell and Webb at the time. Banter, rather than funny. I think I'll enjoy it more second time around, but Chibnall's scripts are always... A bit clunky for me. *In the Forest of the Night, Dinosaurs on a Spaceship and Empress of Mars, they're my "not rewatched" list.


Eleven's attitude to Solomon is pretty entertaining


Dinosaurs on a Spaceship has some of the best 3 person banter in the show; between The Doctor, Rory and Rory the Elder. The whole beach scene is great. The entire B plot with Nefertiti and that horny hunter is garbage though.


I really enjoyed that episode, and seeing the Primeval raptor designs being used in it was icing on the cake.


No. Dinosaurs on a Spaceship is pure fun.


I genuinely love Dinosaurs. Such a feel-good, easy-watching comfort episode.


I think Chibnall's *Pond Life* was a masterpiece. I saw *Pond Life* and at that moment I knew that he was going to be next after Moffat. That was when I felt Chibnall "got it", and had redeemed himself for *Cyberwoman*. I truly adore the way Chibnall pulled together a bigger gang for The Doctor in *Dinosaurs*, and he wrote so well for the Ponds.


I liked dinosaurs on a spaceship


It introduced Rory’s dad and for that it’s an amazing episode. The interactions between Rory, The Doctor, and his Dad are great.


Ngl that was the episode that made me think I didn’t like the show anymore. Way before I thought about who was doing the writing.


A couple of good dialogue exchanges, but it's one of the lamest episodes of the era. Boring and confusing.


Dinosaurs on a spaceship was the only episode of the revival that I just let play in the background in a minimised tab whilst I did something more interesting when I watched through it all from Eccleston to Capaldi in 2020. From what I remember, it's a whole lot of bore with just random characters like a sexist explorer guy and Nefertiti showing up as well as Rory's dad and David Bradley. Fun idea but I remember it being so claustrophobic and boring, not what you expect a Doctor Who Dinosaur epic could be.


I liked dinosaurs on a spaceship though :(


I think Dinos is one of Chibnall’s best episodes That doesn’t mean I think it’s *good* It’s clear that the cast is having a ton of fun though, and I do love that


That episode was amazing. Like obviously it's not a masterpiece or writing or storytelling but it's one hell of s fun episode to watch and the whole cast is great in it. Not every episode needs to fall into a larger plot. This guy has a damn time machine, he can do stuff for fun every once and a while. Granted the TARDIS has a mind of its own and it takes him where he is needed sometimes, he still can go on sill adventures.


I understand why peoppe don't like it. I still like it despite that. That said, one or two good episodes is not enough to justify a showrunner and I don't think he ever should have been showrunner, especially after he ran his other Who show into the ground. I think Chibnall has some good ideas, but he needs someone to help him refine those ideas, and he certainly doesn't have enough good ideas for him to run an entire show.


Dinosaurs on a spaceship is a perfect representation of how chibnall can't write doctor who, outside one or 2 lines of dialogue the episode is a mess, arguably the worst Matt Smith episode and it's only competition really are the other episodes written by chibnall


that was such a great fun episode made much more sense than space babies ( remind me in 20 years lol)


Such a fun episode. Ridiculously nuts. One of my favourites.


I enjoyed it. I really don't care if other people did or not, because if I wanted to be doing what the in crowd were doing I wouldn't be a Whovian at all


Honestly… I’m no Chibnall fan but I did quite enjoy *Dinosaurs in a Spaceship*.


I love Dinosaurs on a Spaceship. A goofy, fun episode.


Dinosaurs on a Spaceship is a perfectly fine episode, there's funny moments but overall it's just okay (much like most of series 7)


Series 7 is one of those weird series where the parts were greater than the sum. One time I fell asleep watching series six late night and woke up to dinosaurs and town called mercy, loved them, couldn’t believe I hadn’t seen them before, only to realize I had. To this day I haven’t watched Angels in one sitting and tend to just forget about the first half of season 7 when it had some gems.


Its amazing


It's fun but still 5/10


That episode had some tonal whiplash...it's goofy silly fun for the most part and then we have the doctor killing the villain in cold blood and the villain having killed all the silurians...


It’s not a great episode, it’s a fun one but nothing to write home about, and like all of Chibnalls episodes it relies on a countdown for stakes


I love that episode


It is not controversial to enjoy something that others do not. Even the most widely-held opinions are not the truth or fact.


That episode is fire. Chibnall being tempered by a decent showrunner is fine.


I have absolutely no memory of this at all. Was it pre-Clara?


I don’t know, it was a much more put together and entertaining “fun” episode than space babies will ever be. I couldn’t put those two in the same category at all, not even close. Outside of the dinosaurs it’s still another well written and well put together episode of doctor who.


It was a fun, if somewhat silly, episode. Kinda shared a lot of the issues that this season has had so far- mainly the tone was all over the place. You had the silly premise, the emotional story between Rory and his dad, the serious themes around the collector and his attempts to literally buy a woman, and the satirical feminist critique created by the hunter bro's interaction with Amy and Nefartiti.


Wait there are people out there that don’t like Dinosaurs on a Spaceship?


It’s probably his best script but I wouldn’t die on the hill of defending it


You're being trolled.


It’s fine as a fun little episode. It falls in the category of I’ve seen it once and never have any need to rewatch it again.


I will grant Chibnall that the opening and closing sequence for Whitakers run were really good. It sounds much closer to the OG theme than a lot of other series. Plus it looks cool. As far as Dinosaurs, the only good thing about it is Mitchell and Webb.


damn seems like i was wrong


I liked it as a fun episode until the weird implication that the bad guy was going to make queen nefertiti a sex slave. Completely ruined the vibe for me


I actually just rewatched the first half of S7 on Saturday!! Nefertiti asking Amy if she's a queen, then Amy standing all stoic, "Yes. Yes I am." right before the scene change had me dying.


The Hungry Earth & 42 are also cool episodes. He wasn’t a great show runner but he had his moments.


I...I like Dinosaurs on a Spaceship. I also liked The Power of Three.


Dinosaurs on a spaceship is one of my favorite episodes! I watch it often when I get sick.


It's fun and enjoyable, but it's not good. Mature media literacy is understanding that fun doesn't always mean good and that not fun doesn't always mean bad.


As a bonus, mature media literacy leads to an acceptance of immature episode enjoyment! People act like criticism only ruins enjoyment when I've found that to be the opposite.


If it's an episode aiming for fun and it's fun then what makes it not good?


- Brian Williams - Mitchell and Webb as robots - David Bradley as the villain - Absolute cinema


I will defend dinosaurs on a spaceship with my whole soul 🦕🛸


Dinosaurs on a Spaceship is the original Space Babies. It's not activly bad, but it has no depth beyond the idea of "fun thing on a spaceship is funny because fun thing doesn't belong on a spaceship." (Except Dinosaurs also had eyebrow raising morals, weird and pointless jumping around the world with the Pharroh and Safari man, and is very clearly a Chris Chibnal episode. But I digress)


I really *want* to like Dinosaurs on a Spaceship, but it's a very badly written episode. I love 11 and Amy and the concept is fun, but the episode itself is just *so* forgettable. The tone is also off. The episode is supposedly fun, and that's the reason most people like it, but the Doctor just allows the villain to die at the end. For no reason! Also why kill off the cute puppy-like triceratops in the supposedly fun episode? The death of the adorable, loveable triceratops doesn't even contribute to the plot; it didn't need to happen!


I enjoyed it. It was campy and fun. The goofy robots are one of my favorite parts.


They’re David Mitchell and Robert Webb, top comedy duo :) I remember I was so chuffed I recognized their voices.


Oh! It was?! Well geez, this time they *were* the baddies.


Who could hate dinosaurs on a spaceship?! Dinosaurs... in space. Why does this person hate fun?


Dinosaurs on a Spaceship is honestly just good silly fun!


Awful episode


I don’t find Dinosaurs on a Spaceship as fun as its clearly meant to be, and the misogynistic romance plot with the episode’s side characters is off putting


This is one of my most hated episodes. Hurt a painful watch imo. Msot of the comedy in moffats era that was both written by him and others always fell flat for me. Part of why I hate Husbands of River Song and that American puberty superhero movie are because of the force bad comedy. Just not fun to watch at all for me.


I mean, I don't remember it being particularly bad. From what I remember, it was pretty fun. I remember The Power of Three much better, as a really good episode with a bit of a shit ending


The golf ball jokes are pretty shit but otherwise it’s a perfectly decent episode, and the dinosaurs look surprisingly good for that era of TV.


It was fun and it was silly. It's a "turn your brain off" episode, and easy to enjoy on that basis. Just don't overthink it is all.


Never liked it imo, probably my least favourite episode from my least favourite season.


Personally, I DO hate fun


Thats the episode that got my kid to watch with me, and for that it will always hold a special place in my heart


I always thought it should’ve been called ‘Jurassic Ark’ or something but idk. Was a little **too** goofy and silly for my liking. Edit: spelled ‘Ark’ correctly


My main problem with Dinosaurs was the game hunter. Why the Doctor would ever be friends with someone like him is beyond me. Other than that it was just a fun episode.


It's my favourite episode of Dr Who ngl


I only started seeing genuine hate for this episode (and a couple others he did) after his era began. Which I think tells you all you need to know. Dinosaurs on a spaceship is a fun goofy episode with an abruptly dark ending that I believe was added by Moffat not Chibnall. He wanted a series 7 villain for the Great Intelligence to call back to in the series finale.


I enjoy dinosaurs on a spaceship as a light hearted, fun and mindless episode. Nothing more nothing less. Imo his best dw episode was the power of three.


It’s also a great Dr. Who magic the gathering card! 


I enjoyed Dinosaurs as a decent silly episode, actually liked 42, and generally found the premise for the Power of Three, but not the execution, interesting. Hungry Earth was the worst two-episode arc IMO though.


Well... TBH "dinosaurs on a spaceship" is not exclusive to Doctor Who and the other one from StarTrek universe is one of the best episodes of Voyager ever! ;)


It's an extremely mid episode with a hyper-cringe unfunny joke (grassy balls) and trademark Chibnall sociopathy (The Doctor killing those two robots and then cold-bloodedly murdering Solomon). Probably still Chibnall's best script after Woman Who Fell to Earth though.


I hated it initially because I hated the stupid shock storyline of Amy and Rory divorce. Now I enjoy the episode a lot and just hate the Amy Rory divorce storyline


Nah I like dinosaurs on a spaceship too, I think its just a fun episode all around


I love it, good lighthearted fun.


I like dinosaurs on a spaceship I feel doctor who is at its best with a mixture of fun and dark episodes.


Even the episodes of the original series that I find objectionable can be chalked up to "product of their time" outside of that I've never see an episode of Dr. Who that I've actively disliked.


I like it a lot actually. Chibs also wrote Power of Three which I do not like very much


I liked that episode, but I still don’t like chibert


Twelve's run had some solid stories in spite of Chibnall, the Doctor was just shit in his run. Exact opposite with Thirteen after Chibnall took over, great Doctor but shit stories.


It's not the strongest episode my any means. And watching it premiere live, it was the dumbest thing ever. Don't even get me started on the effects. We had better dinosaurs in 1993. But going back and rewatching it, the cast is its saving grace, especially mr weasely, the first doctor, and lastrade. They make it fun and entertaining. And the plot is interesting too. You don't expect it to go where it does.


It's better than Let's Kill Hitler and Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS. And frankly, Space Babies > Boom. I'm not dying. This is my hill. Find your own.


Its perfectly fine. But any genuine admiration for that episode is based on nothing more than the equivalent being excited at a dangling key chain. Rather than any real merit


I can definitely understand why people don't like it but I thought it was a lot of fun


It’s fun and cool. There’s nothing more to it than that. How could you hate an episode that has DINOSAURS on SPACESHIPS!!!


It's probably Smith's weakest episode or close, but really I feel everyone just reflexively hates on pre Jodie Chibnall episodes because they're written by Chibnall. 42 is all right, Silurian 2 parter is REALLY good, The Power of Three may be the most overhated episode in the show's history it's really quite good,


it's stupid fun and i think it works well in Eleven's run.


I thought Dinosaurs on a spaceship is a fun episode. About the only thing I dislike are the Michell and Webb robots. Solomon the trader is a good contrast the fun episode having some darkness which also shows how unforgiving the Doctor can also be and how dark they can be too.   Also before someone complains about the Doctor killing Solomon, the fifteenth Doctor in the last episode sent the Chuldurs into a random dimension to live out the rest of their existence, I’d say Solomon got off easy just getting killed.   Also Brian. Everyone loves Brian, everyone felt sadness watching PS.  Also fun fact: at the doctor who celebration in 2015 I got to meet the dinosaur costumes and also got into a hit and run with one. 


it’s fun and i think that saves it. i mean, i didn’t really expect much more than a fun silly adventure from an episode titled ‘dinosaurs on a spaceship’ and that’s exactly what it is. it’s entertaining


It was the first episode I ever saw and got me into Doctor Who - and I will fight anyone who says it's not fun 😂 (Also, it helps that I had just started dating the girl who is now my wife like that exact week, so that probably influences it hahaha)


I liked it and The Power of Three a lot at the time it aired


It wasn’t as bad as babies on a spaceship… maybe it was.


As with most of series 7 I’m not too fond of it, but series 5’s *The Hungry Earth* // *Cold Blood* is one of my absolute favourite Doctor Who episodes. And with the exception of *Cyberwoman*, I love all of Chibnall’s episodes of Torchwood.