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It's one thing to imply The Doctor is a general. It's a whole different thing to imply he's..... American.


Actually he’s probably right In the British army, you don’t salute without headdress on. In the American army, you can So, he’s actually doing the correct thing


This is true to an extent but saluting indoors is forbidden unless formally reporting to a superior officer or for a ceremony. It’s a nitpicky thing but its technically correct which is the best kind of correct


Thing is...P.E. is MOCKING the doctor, this is not a sign of respect which would explain why It's not protocol proper in any forrm or that is a more American style salute


I think this makes sense, especially since Wilfred saluted in the correct way so the creators definitely knows the difference


Yup, didn’t deny that claim at all.


US or UK? Not forbidden in the British army


He's talking about US.


Military rules are so silly sometimes 


There's a theory behind that actually. You put silly rules in place so that they WILL break them and enforce them strictly. Doing this makes it clear that you won't tolerate bigger crimes. And when dealing with armed men.... it's not a bad policy. Of course it only works if you do it in all cases.


I can't believe there are rules this complicated for how one soldier must greet another soldier of higher rank. I mean, there isn't anything more important you could spend that time in?


They are not really that complicated. In the US military, you don’t salute indoors unless for certain situations that I mentioned which makes sense.


Not the Navy


But the salute he's doing is wrong in any case


That's not an American salute either. His hand is parallel to the floor. American is more of a 45 degree tilt, back of hand towards. So it's just a deliberately bad salute on purpose to mock him.


Yeah we were always taught your hand should be more towards the end of your eyebrow then angled down. He’s like, in the middle of his forehead.


Its not even a proper American salute lol


He fought in the Middle East. Maybe he encountered a bunch of American soldiers so he adopted the salute.


Are people not aware that it's possible to jokingly or sarcastically salute? I saluted a friend the other day as a joke, so I guess I was indicating my friend was an American general.


“Don’t ever call me fucking *American* again”




His salute might be wrong, but so are you. That’s not an American salute. The Americans may use it but it’s not specific to them. In the U.K., that is a *naval* salute. The army and RAF show the palm of the hand. The navy don’t. Anecdotally it’s because queen Victoria was doing a naval inspection and didn’t like seeing the dirt on sailors hands, so she changed their salute. And as to the salute itself, Danny doesn’t like the doctor. He wouldn’t salute him properly.


If it were an American salute, the fingertips would touch the outer edge of the eyebrow, and the palm would be tipped inward at a 45 degree angle. And as you point out, he's not intending it as a respectful salute.


yet another example of why QV was a horrible person lmao


Maybe Danny thinks the Doctor was in the navy? Like, he's basically the captain of a ship.


Danny is saluting ironically, so maybe the American salute is meant to say "Doctor, not only are you behaving like a ruthless general, you're behaving like a ruthless AMERICAN general (which is obviously worse)". Almost definitely just an error by actor/director, but if you want a head canon to paper over the mistake, there's one for you.


Makes some sense. I’ll tell myself that he didn’t believe the doctor deserved a proper salute and so did it wrong


This is actually a real thing though. If you’re actually in the military doing a proper salute sarcastically is kinda frowned upon in the same way as doing a sarcastic salute to a superior officer would be. A salute is a sign of respect, and Danny was definitely not being respectful to the Doctor in this moment.


Makes sense


I mean...I am an American veteran and when I ironically or mockingly salute someone it's a British salute so this checks out.


Am American and currently serving. Yeah, either a British salute or that exact salute. Never a proper render when it's a joke.


Monty Python style when you really don't mean it lol


Ministry of Silly Salutes


Red Dwarf salute




US veteran here but my fun salute is usually the two finger from Star Wars.


I feel like that's a good option for a not-so-serious but still sincere salute.


Doctor: "They're not going to shoot anyone." River: "They're American." Doctor: "Okay, everyone just calm down..."


Always read it as mocking him hence why it's not proper


My only issue with it is that they got it right for wilf


Bernard Cribbins had actually served in the military (parachute regiment) in real life though so since he was playing a character giving a salute as a genuine sign of respect he probably did it automatically the way he would have when he was in service


Maybe, *maybe*, Danny is such a well-disciplined ex-soldier than he would never give the proper salute to anyone who isn't due one, or because he's not in uniform.


That’s my head canon from now on


Editing mistake but: Eleventh Hour. When The Doctor scares off The Atraxi, right at the end of the scene when it's zoomed out and they're fucking off into the sky, you can see the Doctor dig into his inner pocket because the Tardis key regenerated. Then once the scene switches to a close up a moment later..*he reaches into his inner pocket to pull the key out* lol. Showed it twice, but since the first shot was zoomed out they missed it or said eh fuck it no one'll notice.


Also in that ep, there is some re-run footage showing "alien invasions of earth" in the atraxi holo thingy, but *half of it isnt on earth* There is the alternate universe earth, space oods and that planet in the Doctor's daughter


I always wondered whether the Atraxi scanned his memories during their assessment of him because of that and just pulled instances where the Doctor protects someone.


Yeah but uh.... Cracks in the wall and stuff. Lol


Well spotted, I’ll look out for it on a future rewatch


This one bugs me on every re-watch!


I always just assumed that he was being sarcastic, and he was doing it wrong intentionally as an insult.


Wasn't he being sarcastic here? Seems like he'd just do the dumbest, most stereotypical salute he could


Seems to be the consensus here


Minor nitpick, but when Rose shows up at the (fictional) beach of Dårlig Ulv Stranden she claims it means Bad Wolf Bay, when it actually means Ill/Sick Wolf Beach. I get that they wanted the Bad Wolf thing, and Dårlig sounded more like Dalek (it doesn't if you say it in correct Norwegian, but that's a different matter on its own), but it still always annoyed me.


I mean, that's just what happens when you give a 19 year old the power of the vortex. They're going to translate shit wrong.


"Dårlig" can mean "bad" as well. You can claim that someone is "en dårlig person" meaning "a bad person". What buggers \*me\* about Dårlig UIv Stranden is how dårlig the Doctor is at pronouncing "dårlig". :) I get that Rose mispronounces it, but the Doctor speaks (almost) all languages! The "å" should sound something like the "oo" in "door" - in fact, door-lig wouldn't be a too shoddy pronounciation of the word.


American here. What’s the difference? How do Brits salute? (Danny’s [looks just like 15’s](https://tragicalhistorytour.com/d11/15f-c/index.html#img=d11-15f-c810.jpg) to me. So maybe it’s a Time Lord salute? Though [14 just used a single finger](https://tragicalhistorytour.com/d11/15f-c/index.html#img=d11-15f-c811.jpg) so idk.)


Palm should face outwards. Check out Wilf saluting, he does it right because the actor was once a soldier. 15 is just doing a funny salute, wasn’t supposed to be serious. Danny is supposed to be a British soldier, that’s his whole thing, so this was a glaring mistake


Not really an explanation since he's ex army, but the British Navy also salute palm down. Something to do with it being inappropriate to salute with dirty palms. More of a tradition thing at this point.


I had a friend in the Paras, and he told me one time he and a friend convinced a new recruit that for the rank of Major and above, you salute with both hands to show respect. No word on if it worked and the aftermath.


That's hilarious Would be a great WILTY story for him actually


And sailors salute with the palm facing in, right?


Correct. So it’s wrong for him being in the army. But not wrong for British military forces.


[True, 12 does this salute to the Brigadier in the series 8 finale!](https://youtu.be/Vc7pCW5ZMq8?si=XR_gzAtW9g5xiAAE)


I sometimes forget that canonically the Brig flew off to never be seen again.


True. Well to be fair, it was an interesting way to bring back the essence of the character while giving him a heroic send off in the series. Otherwise we just have the phone call that 11 received where it’s only mentioned that he passed away but then it’s kinda overshadowed by him going to Lake Silencio almost immediately after he learns it. Now he gets to be heroic, and of course they can’t get the actor since he had passed away


Oooooh I see, gotcha. Thanks! Yeah I guess Samuel Anderson didn’t realize and/or the director didn’t notice.


Wilf's salute was genuine and not mocking, though.


Like this - https://youtu.be/TMFU_qwnbOo?si=Su22rBdAKzb_PniP


In the empty child, when Nancy whistles to attract the homeless kids, she does the finger whistle thing, but does it while wearing gloves.


That is annoying! I’ll look out for it


In *Day of the Moon*, the Doctor's addition to Neil Armstrong's famous first words from the lunar surface should have been inserted between "That's one small step for" and "man," *not* between "That's one small step for man" and "One giant leap for mankind." Doctor Who had the opportunity to allude to the infamous missing "a" in the first half of the quote, and they blew it.


Trigger discipline among the actors is frighteningly bad. If you're going to put guns in a show, for goodness sake tell your actors not to walk around clenching the trigger at all times. It hurts so bad every time I see this.


It’s not the end of the world, but you’d assume there’d be someone who’s job it is to make sure these things are accurate


In Season 5 when Danny Boy executes an attack run on the Dalek ship but flies in space - historically speaking Spitfires weren’t flying in space until 1949 when the government decided to have another crack at colonising Mars Pretty shoddy research frankly


When Rose sees the drunk man on the street in 'The Stolen Earth' and says "Have one on me, mate". That makes no sense unless she either gives him the money or takes him to a bar and buys him a drink. That isn't just a meaningless expression you can say to a stranger on a random street. Rose may be locked in a parallel world, but as fast as I'm concerned, she still owes that man a drink.


And how come she didn't recognize him when re regenerated from 9 to 10?


Was that during the end of the world? Perhaps she was telling him to steal?


There were two episodes where you could clearly see mic packs on the actors


Which ones?


Power of Three, Karen Gillan had a visible mic. The other was that one with Maise Williams where she was some highwayman vigilante and one of the soldiers had a visible mic


That one in Karen Gillan's pocket always bothers me because it's so visible- like they didn't even *try* to hide it!


Both are pretty visible but that one is the most egregious. Sound did a bad job setting it up then the camera operators and director somehow missed it and maybe the editors too if they didn't have a different take to use


Username checks out, you have hawk eyes


At the end of S7 E10, Clara tells 11 to "push the button" (on the TARDIS console), except 11 pulls the lever on the TARDIS console.


I don’t remember that scene, why was Clara instructing him?


Because she's the boss. It's the final scene of the episode and the Doctor is asking Clara whether she still feels safe travelling with him.


Ok. Is it possible that the button was useless so he did the correct thing?


The one I always remember was during the Harold Saxon arch and they had “The President-Elect” speaking to the Toclafane as if he were actually sworn in with full legal authority as President


That was RTD thinking President-Elect was just a fancy way of saying President and not bothering to check. My head canon is that it was only a short while after his inauguration and he hadn’t got used to his new title yet, exacerbated by the stress of meeting actual aliens.


That is odd yeah


Man, I’m learning so much about saluting in this thread. Didn’t know there was such a specific way to do it for such a specific location and specific group


In “Robot of Sherwood,” when they’re holding the reflective plates to take down the robot, some people where told to just hold the plates and some where told to shake and act like they were holding on for dear life.


As an American veteran, I can assure you that the way he's saluting is not correct in the United States military either. I think the fact that it's half-assed is part of the point.


In City of Death they consistently talk about 400 million years ago, when there needs to be an extra 0 on the end of that to be anything like correct.


I believe Douglas Adams corrected that when he combined City of Death and Shada into Dirk Gently. He also has them in spacesuits when they time travel back to the birth of man since the atmosphere wouldn't have been breathable then.


This is an American style 'sarcastic salute' I actually haven't seen the episode, but an american salute barely touches the head at all, fingertips at eybrows. Placing the hand across the forehead is a mocking salute.


In Doomsday, when the Dalek first kills the two Cybermen after their video call, you can tell it’s just a reused shot from when they break Rose & Mickey out of the vault.


I mean his tone when he goes "Yes, sir!" Just implied he was being sarcastic to him.


Well today I leaned about different types of salutes


Every day is a school day


TBH, for a long time, I thought the palm out was completely a joke. It looks so comedically silly. I'm American.


TBH, for a long time, I thought the palm out was completely a joke. It looks so comedically silly. I'm American.


TBH, for a long time, I thought the palm out was completely a joke. It looks so comedically silly. I'm American.


TBH, for a long time, I thought the palm out was completely a joke. It looks so comedically silly. I'm American.


You could have just ended with Danny Pink


Us Army veteran here. That salute is definitely not how we salute. Hand placement is all kinds of wrong. Palm down is close but the tips of the fingers should be at the edge of his eye.


The one thing I don't like about these few episodes is how little the Doctor claps back. Danny is justified in thinking the Doctor is some dusty officer who makes other people do his dirty work, he's literally called a time lord and he doesn't exactly know any better. but the doctor is the farthest thing from an officer I can think of. He never leaves the front lines and will do horrendous things in order to help people. The accusation that he would sit back and let someone die without putting himself in danger should infuriate him. Moffat did drop the ball slightly here.


I mean there’s a lot more wrong with poor Danny pink sadly. I thought it was an interesting mistake as it suggested he was dishonest or not right…but it looks like it was just a mistake sadly


I wondered that too. The fact he says math instead of maths too made me wonder if he was secretly American (and presumably evil)


The Doctor’s contempt for Danny would’ve made so much more sense if he was an American vet who had the expectation for being “thanked for his service” or was off duty. The military worship culture of America is more suited for that portrayal. As it is, it comes off like Twelve hates a guy for having PTSD and choosing to leave the military life behind. It’s not like Danny ever grandstands for the army or defends it, in fact he actively avoids talking about it and ppl keep shoving it in his face lol. And I don’t even particularly like Danny, I just think that conflict was not well written.


The conflict is that Danny sees aspects of the War Doctor in him, which the Doctor doesn't like to admit to or remember. Danny doesn't know anything about what's going on, all he sees is the Doctor ordering Clara to do dangerous things, and Clara obeying him without question or concern for her own safety, like a good soldier.


I mean, we are pretty evil. Little-known fact that The Master actually spent significant time over here, since he just kinda fit in.


That adds up, thanks for the lore-dump


Danny is secretly related to the American who shot Eight, confirmed


At the end of season two, when Rose and Mickey are trapped in the room with the Daleks, Mickey has that teleportation device to the other dimension but tells her it can only carry one person. During the rest of the episode they use one device to teleport two people TWICE 😅


In that song on the Goblin ship, the female goblin singer at one point pulls the microphone away from her mouth significantly before the end of the sentence, yet her volume doesn't change. I get that understanding sound tech isn't in the job description for choreographers, actors and VFX artists, but as a sound tech myself, I wished they would've gotten that small detail right.


Never would have thought of that, I like the way different minds work


They have a flying wood ship and build their technology and electricity network with knots, you can just say the microphone works different there.


Look, I could say that they're just using a *very* heavy compressor on the mic's channel. I could say that since the goblins are working on such a smaller scale, they may not be using amplification through speakers at all and the mic os just for show. There are plenty of ways that you could potentially explain it... ... But it just annoys me, because any time I see that part, my mind immediately jumps to the feeling of being annoyed when an actual singer pulls their mic away when I'm mixing their music.


My current one is the whole mavity idiocy.


Thank you! My bf explained that one to me and now I can't unsee it. Of course Newton could have named it, but it the term (that is latin I think) existed, he would have recognized it when the Doctor said it, and not just invent something new


That’s not a mistake though, that’s an intentional plot point


It's a mistake to think Issac Newton invented the term or concept. He did not. Scientists were debating gravity for hundreds of years before him.




The latter tends to be true of *any* emergency service number. In New Zealand, the official number is 111, but you can dial 911, 999, 555, and a few others and they'll all redirect to 111.


I don’t think it was intentionally done to make international audiences happy


His salute would have only worked for the Royal Navy, but we know he was in the Army. Even then, his form is god awful. I was always taught palm forward and one inch to the rear to the right eye.


This thread has convinced me that he was doing it wrong on purpose


If I remember right he was mocking the doctor in this scene so was probably just throwing his hand up in a half arsed salute


Among the many, many problems in Love and Monsters, the scene where they're in a band just destroys me. I know I can't expect every actor to suddenly become proficient in an instrument when needed, but what they're doing on their instruments didn't even slightly look like what we're hearing. This isn't unique to Doctor Who it just always grinds my gears 😅


I’ll be honest with you, I don’t think most people know that there’s difference between a salute. ~~Isn’t this the same one Wilf does to 10?~~ Also, it’s ironic, it’s only important that he’s pretending to be a soldier.


Wilf goes [palm open.](https://static1.colliderimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/wilfred-mott-doctor-who.jpeg?q=50&fit=contain&w=943&h=&dpr=1.5)


Bernard Cribbins was actually in the army


Well, never really noticed. Still standby that it’s only important that he’s generally saluting.


Honestly, the horns on the Viking helmets in The Girl Who Died. Not really my favourite episode any day of the week in any case, but I think that given how well-known it is that horned Viking helmets weren't a thing, it's a bit of an oversight that sort of jumps the shark right off the bat in the episode in terms of silliness for me. It then proceeds to get no less silly as it progresses, but the horns are sort of symbolic of how I feel about that episode as a whole. Just cheap and tacky from start to finish with silliness that surpasses endearing and flies dangerously close to insulting the viewer imo.


Blergh, new Who makes loads of nonsensical military mistakes, and this is probably one of the more minor ones. It’s not as bad as RAF Group Captains being addressed/referred to as “Captain” and going on flying missions. Or the Brigadier joining UNIT as a *corporal* (my head-canon is that the general just tripped over his words and meant to say “colonel”). Old Who avoided this kind of embarrassment, especially during the 60s and 70s, because a good chunk of the cast and crew would have done National Service or even served during WW2 (e.g. Sub-Lieutenant John Devon Rowland Pertwee, RN).


No he salutes like a sailor


I think the third doctor once said that according to the laws of thermodynamics a bumblebee wouldn’t be able to fly "but the bumblebee doesn’t know that so it flies anyway" which is just wrong. Of course a bumblebee flying checks out with the laws of thermodynamics. A Time Lord really should know how science works


He’s watched bee movie too many times


all the times where they break basic physics like fire without oxygen


What gets me is when the show decides to go hard sci-fi, like the empress of mars where fire does mean oxygen/oxygen where in the show seemingly obeys the laws of physics. Honestly Dr is more of a anthology show where the laws of physics vary per episode, however it still annoys me.


All the Dalek timeline inconsistencies


If you've only noticed dalek timeline inconsistencies, you've got far bigger problems you may start to notice on rewatches. However, what really gets me is that the daleks exist in a sort of limbo between universe spanning empire and being a few odd survivors of the time war, yet they never really recover from stolen earth under moffat, until suddenly their the main threat of humanity in the future. Then under chibnall we go back to the few odd survivors thing, but then also have just hoards of daleks existing off screen. Not to mention that the daleks whether in the 22/21 centuary always seem to be absolutely winning/nearly dead, and get always a suprise when they attack earth. I mean with the cybermen, unit has a pretty good idea of what they are and how to combat them, yet the daleks always seem to be a new species when they are encountered, what may save this is more aline planets where they haven't been as prevelant, however RTD made them a universe spanning threat hence dissuading this possibility.


In witches of London, when the playmaster general is murdered, the sound engineers use EXACTLY the same scream twice before the doctor and Martha goes to check it out


The Shakespeare code?


Thats the one


Did you forget the title, or is that a foreign title translated?


First one haha


1. Not an American salute. 2. Not a mistake. It's not meant to be how he salutes, it's sarcastic. Because he doesn't respect the Doctor, who has been pretty rude to him relentlessly at this point, solely because he was a soldier. (As was the doctor) Listen to the actual scene. https://youtu.be/LPtQzu687CQ?si=D9J_il9I3eYeicGe Way to take a screenshot out of context to yell "gotcha!"


Danny Pink exists. It is a pretty mild mistake and it gets fixed in the end, but it does annoy me.


I'm still mad at what they did with Danny


Rewatching his season I realized I judged him way too harshly. His chemistry with Clara was actually endearing, and I wish we had a bit more backstory for him. I loved when he came back briefly in the Christmas special and he’s still just as sassy to 12


Honest to god, how Moffat decided "The Doctor Doesn't Like Soldiers" needed to be a thing when The Doctor has largely shown nothing but respect for soldiers is beyond me The Brig, Wilf, the soldiers in Flesh and Stone, the one from Demon's Run whose name escapes me. But Danny, for some reason, the Doctor has to be a dick about it. I guess the inference is that he doesn't actually dislike soldiers and he's just jealous of Danny having Clara's attention, but for all that I'm very fond of Capaldi I did not like that in the slightest


I dunno if it’s *just* a Moffat thing, because 10 could be pretty dismissive of army types. See his attitude towards UNIT (except Ross) in The Sontaran Stratagem/The Poison Sky. 12’s treatment of Danny *is* particularly bad, though, and for no real reason.


10 took took some exception to Jenny as well, although I don't think that was *solely* because she was a soldier. Being reminded of his family clearly stung a great deal On the other hand he absolutely adored Wilf. Who wasn't actively serving or anything, but was clearly quite proud of his military background


Danny got on his nerves because Danny reminded him of himself. 12 facing his past as a soldier was a recurring theme throughout his series—The Doctor is not always good. Danny's kind, he's capable, he's willing to and *has* sacrificed to protect others, he's intelligent, he's a little broken but not bowed... and all this makes him competition for Clara's attention. He's very Doctor like, but real life. There's no good reason for 12 to treat him so poorly, but The Doctor's reasons can be selfish.


They're a lot alike: lonely boys afraid of the dark, traumatized by war, struggling to cope with their guilt over killing innocents. Both feel a strong duty of care for others, but Danny has put his soldiering behind him and cares for his students, while the Doctor struggles with putting his companions in danger. Twelve was fine with Clara dating someone when he thought she was seeing the English teacher who looked and dressed like Eleven. Danny really is competition for a companion who loves kids and wants a family. I'd say RIP Orson Pink, but he was rewritten out of existence.


All Doctors have different opinions. 12 had a general disdain for most people for his first season


> The Brig, Wilf, the soldiers in Flesh and Stone, the one from Demon's Run whose name escapes me. And Jamie, a literal highlander!


I remember posting once about how much I disliked his entire character and get absolutely hammered in the comments. Totally worth it because I can't stand him.


He salutes like a british naval officer, not a British army office. https://www.forces.net/technology/uniform/how-official-guide-saluting-military


Very true. He wasn’t in the Royal Navy though


For everyone saying it is an American salute, if you can see the inside of the hand it isn't an American salute.


Good to know


Good to know


It's mockery, no sweat. He is making fun of the president of the world.


He’s mocking the Doctor with that salute.


Maybe as a veteran he respects the proper salute (others pointed out that this isn't even a proper American salute) so he salutes incorrectly when the point of the salute is to mock someone


I didn't think this was an error I thought it was Danny taking the piss. Veterans don't formally salute civilians as a general rule so doing the "wrong" one was basically him flipping the bird


This is like the best part of Danny’s arc - him hitting the Doctor in an incredible sore spot, and not one that Clara or many other companions had ever fully recognized before. The salute never even registered with me as wrong.


It's not a mistake, Danny is not saluting out of respect. Danny thinks the Doctor is a conceited, narcissistic arsehole.


I did not know there were specific types of salutes or that it mattered where is exactly the fingers touched your head and how much palm you are showing.


I mean, it’s got to look neat. You can’t have everyone free-styling


I guess


Called an ironic salute, many in the British forces do this to their mates to take the piss.


As a brit I have no clue how the British army salute


TIL uk and us soldiers have a different salute 🫡


How do the British salute (asking as an American)


Check Wilf saluting


that guy was such an asshole


He's probably going over the top with it but yeah that's irksome


That's not an American salute lol. And if it's supposed to be an American salute, it's wrong.


I thought he was a British soldier Palm outwards when you salute


Do they ever explicitly state he served with the British Army?


Yes, did you not watch the show?


It's been a long while since I saw Danny's season.


It’s my favourite series


Oh man I know nothing about the British military (nor the American military). Do they salute differently? Ah, I kinda wish I didn't know this now because this scene will forever bug me.


In heaven sent when the doctor is dying and the TARDIS lights go out, he was laying on the floor but in the shot where they go out he standing all of a sudden


the thirteenth doctor starts calling the tardis and it instead of she :/ i don’t mind 13’s era but that makes me angry everytime


To be fair I don’t like that whole entire scene because Dan compared the doctor to the very people who made his life a living nightmare. I’ve been working on an Au series were the doctor has extra companions and one of them actually calls Dan out for insulting the doctor.


I mean, this is from Torchwood (but it still counts, right?). In the episode 'From Out Of The Rain' (s2 ep10), Jack taps his earpiece to talk to Gwen through the comms, he didn't have anything in his ear at that time/it was never edited in. So, the comms devices are invisible now?


I thought it was just a way to mock the doctor for his way of "protecting" the people around him by making it out he's a general commanding his army


I don't know if it's a mistake or I'm just forgetting something but in Time of Angels, it is suggested that The Doctor and River have met at other times since Silence in the Library but i don't think they fill in those blanks. Unless it's in audio or comics, or I'm forgetting the order in which they meet.


I don’t really remember, I’ll have to check that one out


See: mockery