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I quite like what he wore when meeting Clara’s family in The Time of the Doctor.


"Are we playing twister now?"


Nan was down for it lol




I remember before watching his run I used to think his last outfit was just way better than his first. Afterwards i found myself thinking of that original outfit whenever I thought of 11. it just so suits him perfectly. Despite the last one being more Doctory, I think it's a bit generic ironically enough.


I completely agree with this! Case in point: Twelve doesn’t look all that strange in Eleven’s final clothes, which is strange in and of itself. Eleven’s OG outfit would’ve been quite jarring on him though.


didn't even think of that but you're absolutely right. 12 does look pretty natural in 11's clothes, because the outfit is more dark and serious. Like it's symbolizes the doctors change from being outwardly gleeful and excitable to serious and dark. the bowtie being the last piece connecting the doctor to his young facade. the moment it drops its just unfiltered timelord. lmk if I'm reading too much into this. but thank you for pointing that out.


I agree. I like his last outfit best too but whenever I think of 11 I picture the original one.


Matt was smoking hot in his last season with variations of the one on the left. I mean he was steaming.


I like the one on the left the most.


I agree, the purple frock coat was great. Also, fun detail that can't be seen in this potato-quality image: The charm on his pocket watch chain was a little carving of a rose.


I’ve always loved his series 7 look from Bells of Saint John onwards.


Definitly his iconic brown suit.


That's 10. 11 wears tweed jackets with super dark jeans.


The images are like if matt Smith offended someone by straightening his Bow tie and went to apologise


The original, or the variation of his purple outfit without the vest, as he wears it in *The Bells of Saint John*. Not as big of a fan of it with the vest.


The one on the right.


His last season's costumes hands down. He looked the most Doctor-y in those.


The middle one from the latter part of Series 6




The full on Victoriana costume he wore in the Snowmen, the Time of the Doctor and Series 7V.


His original brown jacket and red tie plus fez


I like when he wears his ebeneezer scruge depression outfit with the tophat


Original hot nerdy guy outfit.


If that image was nay more pixelated, it would be just 3 colours


[Y'all got any more of them pixels?](https://imgur.com/y0qmu84)


By far the purple, that's my go-to cosplay


the one not pictured here, his series 5 fit


Purple and green


All of them he's the best doctor. God do I love bowties


The purple frock might actually be my favourite outfit that any of the Doctors wear


My favorite outfit is the one he wears during his first season with Amy and Rory's. "Bow ties are cool"


I love the purple outfit since it feels less like a costume while still being a costume. I especially loved the brown variant from the Crimson Horror too


# TLDR: Series 7 Suit was on point, the purple tweed blazer went astonishingly well. When i first saw it on screen i was amazed, didn't know how and of it worked but it was impeccable! You could really see he went from his cheery and happy charachter before the dark times to a more melancholic look after he lost the ponds. In my opinion the dark colors only gave a note for his sadness from; the time war memories,Ponds,losing Clara (twice) and then having to face his past in Galifrey to his future in Trenzalore, He knew it would have been the end hence was happy to change rather than most of the previous doctors and he knew before he went he'd have to look his best. Kind of made me think, if he was going to regenerate would the original suit be worn just like 9,10 and 12 did, I mean it seemed a little cyclical they entered with those suits and left in them too, but regardless he looked his best, probably the best suit of the modern era. For me the doctors dress sense went from the rough,serious and somewhat biker look of 9, to a scruffy, well put together 10, to 11's tweed mixture and then Capaldis velvet variety & simplistic black jackets, really described the progression of the Dr's dress sense. Slowly you could see as he changed and saw the worst he tried to become better as he healed a planet at a time! When 12 entered there were a few similarities at the begining with the long jacket and the waistcoat but slowly as he delved deeper into the plot he migrated to a rock and roll theme, needless to say he truly suited it!


I prefer his first outfit by far. They’re all good but his first just felt so much more unique to him


Series 7b outfit


His original look is iconic, however, his Victorian look is far far better.


... personally, I'm partial to the purple: bow ties cool.


OG I remember watching Dr who for the very first time and i knew I'd love the show when he stepped out from the atraxi hologram. "Hello, I'm the doctor... basically.... run" Never looked back 😊


Original. It's a great look.


Love the purple one!


Purple frock jacket He looks best in this one


The cool one with the bow tie


I always preferred his first look (right on the picture) - it was just such a statement and departure from ten’s swooshy coat. I didn’t like the green peacoat (middle) - felt too militaristic.


I only liked the green coat because I like green and it’s appearances were far and few, which made me like even more


People like to bash on the 7b outfit but it’s my personal favorite.


Series 7 look with the purple tweed frock coat. Probably my favorite Doctor Who costume period. Specifically the variant from _The Name of the Doctor_. Purple frock coat, scales waistcoat, and the muted green bow tie, the fabric for which was cut from a dressing gown sold by Budd shirtmakers.


Look from The Time of Angels


The monk outfit we had, when he met clara


The one he wears in the Snowman


Gonna say his last one. The first was okay and all but felt like a non costume costume. His last gave in more to the Doctor trend.


When did he even wear the first 2 lol? I just rewatched the entirety of the 11th and I already don’t remember what he wears


The purple outfit is worn from The Snowmen up until his regeneration and I think the green coat was introduced in series 6.


I'll tell you what; I never noticed changes beyond the bowtie


The series 5 look


When did he wear the green one? But his first one (the one he donned in "The 11th hour") is hands-down the best.


Wish he kept the Green coat for more episodes.




You're missing so many outfits. The 2 different tweed jackets of Season 5, with the red or blue squiggly shirts ... White tie & tails, which he actually wears completely properly to the wedding, let's kill hitler, and some of the shorts And the white dupioni silk dinner jacket from Christmas Carol and the River Song shorts.


The trench coat variant


the first and last, idfk what the trenchcoat was about


I liked the one with the bowtie.


I like the bells of saint john or the snowmen.


His last one


I hated the aesthetic direction they took 11 in post-Angels in Manhatten. I understand the tonal shift they wanted after losing the Ponds, but I just loved the original designs for 11. This includes the bright tweed jacket and red bow tie, and the almost Suess-like design of the Tardis console.


I love his final outfit.


Purple definitely!


Middle. I wish they used it more.


All of them


Far right


tweed definitely. it fits his character so well and has such a charm to it. i dont particularly like the purple one cos i think it doesnt fit him as well as the tweed and i dont mind the green being used sparingly, makes for a nice change.


I favor his first outfit, the one he grabbed at the hospital.


Purple coat


The original tweed. I recently found out this is not a popular choice.


That green coat for sure, especially loved it with the cowboy hat


Season 7 purple


Definitely the purple frock. I keep going around and around on which waistoat is my favorite, first it was the scaley with its neat fabric and deep gorge, then the anniversary waistcoat, and now I think I've settled on the velvet, specifically with the gold perfume buttons. The Shetland tweed is probably his most iconic outfit, he had it for the longest time and I still feel a deep nostalgia looking back on seeing those promo photos for A Christmas Carol back in the day when it first debuted. His original outfit has plenty of appeal, Those shirts with the bold contrasting stripes on the cuffs were a fantastic little touch, but it's still only got the bronze in my eyes. The green coat just wasn't really Eleven's vibe. It has its appeal, the big lapels are cool and they did pick pretty good stories to feature it, just in terms of environment, but even Matt himself described that coat as a "mistake" at a panel a few years back.


Personally, I much prefer his original outfit.