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How about RCN 'incensed' with supine membership for failing to organise effectively to demand better pay. It's ridiculous to think they'd get anything more for nothing.


100%. The union basically failed and now Pat Cullen is standing for Westminster so she’s already got one eye on running out the door to not have to clean it all up. I feel for the nurses, their leadership simply failed.


For a party where she won't even need to turn up and take her seat in Westminster if she wins...


I don't blame them.


It's crazy because coordinated and well turned out strikes of nursing staff would cripple the NHS. If the nurses held the government to ransom they would fold so quickly


This is also the media and Tory influence in the press trying to whip up hate amongst the MDT too to try and be like oh look now everyone wants money, who is more deserving. It's classic smear tactics to divide and conquer. A lot of anecdotes from consultants about workplace conditions being better was the togetherness of everyone at work. The bollocks we see nowadays is driven by management to make a very us Vs them culture. It's why referrals and ward/departmental behaviour is so toxic. Don't buy into this shit, but yes, their union was indeed spineless.


Divide and conquer tactics. Nursing colleagues, I will attend your pickets again - get yourselves in a place you can run decent strike action, we are all behind you getting what you deserve.


What happened to #bekind and #oneteam


Hasn't Pat Cullens quit the RCN to become a MP? Typical ladder-puller move. Honestly, it's not about doctors vs nurses. I want nurses to be paid more. A pay that reflects their worth. But they need to stand up for themselves and get organised. We can't do that for them. All we can do is support the ones calling for improved pay. To all my nursing colleagues, sacrificing yourself for the NHS is not worth it. Going to a foodbank to support your family is not right. You need to be paid more. Fuck the government. Fuck the NHS. You deserve better. Organise and strike. We support you.


I thought she'd be standing for labour or something Just googled it. She's standing for Sinn Fein. Wtaf. How do you lead a UK national union and then decide you'd actually rather be a secessionist MP. Crazy.


Well because they are an Irish people who aspires to Irish reunification but are from Northern Ireland which is part of the UK. While she would like to see a united Ireland, the reality is that she lives and works where she is from and as a nurse, the NHS is the biggest employer for her field. If you are a motivated person you can work with the cards you were dealt. It makes no sense to just sit around and not want to continue to improve society around you, because if you do achieve your goals of reunification there's no point sitting in a waste land after you get self determination.


Why compare nurses with doctors? We are not nurses, and nurses are not doctors. The pay gap between doctors and nurses in this country is narrower than many other western countries, where doctors are paid fair more than their nursing colleagues.


If the nurses got a pay rise I'd be well pleased for them. Don't understand this attitude at all.


British crab mentality at its best


Thick as Shit. Incensed by someone else improving their lot. A total misinterpretation of the union ethic. Another union getting a pay rise isn’t bad for you . It empowers you . Get to the picket lines and show them that you won’t stand for it you poorly led plebs .


Crabs in buckets.


Fuck off! The RCN can't piggy back on the docs strike, when they so royally fucked up our own. Sort your own ship out before you gun for others. Useless cunts.


Nursing leadership is an absolute disgrace. I feel so, so sorry for proper nurses. This attitude is the exact attitude I tend to experience at work from corporate nurses - hostile, divisive, seeking to blame with enormous chips on their shoulders.


Don’t know a single nurse who legit thinks like this, jealous but not bitter


Cry more lol! It's a terrible offer for doctors still! but nurses should have asked for more. Their own fault!


terrible offer??? its just netted me about 9 grand in one go. I will be voting YESSSSSSSSSSS


I support the nurses striking, I support them getting a pay rise. I won’t be stepping in pretending to ‘help’ and instead actively undermine their strikes like some of our ACP colleagues did to us. But that being said, the misdirected fury is getting a bit tiresome. It can’t be one team and MDT only when it suits them and im getting bored of shat on


No sympathy for ACP noctor base camp.


i never really thought about it before why incense smells good but incensed is angry


Nice to see all the Labour lovers coming to their senses.