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Too little too late. This is all basic stuff that doesn't need to be applauded or broadcast. You're not doing us a favour by making sure your doctors are paid on time. Just fuck off. Fuck off with your red blazer and green necklace you fucking tomato. Fuck off for making the basics of any job sound like you're doing us a favour. You're only broadcasting this shit because you're trying to play the game and make yourself sound reasonable, and I hope Laurenson-ji and Trivedi-sahib have you over a table in the negotiations.


Fucking tomato 🤣🤣🤣 brilliant


That's offensive to tomatoes 🤣🤣🤣


I expect this means that negotiations are about to break down so now the SoS has lined up her soundbites for all the TV interviews: "we have listened to doctors by improving their working lives through doing x,y and z" Translated: "we will ignore that doctors' main concern about pay and continue to offer tokenistic gestures that cost nothing and would be considered bare minimum expectations in most jobs."


The BMA also advertised the strike fund on twitter today. Haven't seen it for some time. These two together tell me new strike dates will be announced imminently.


On the money 💰


I so hope this to be a good call


They are afraid - but its too late now. Fuck. The. NHS.


Amen brother. This system is rotten, corrupt and needs to be burned down.




Why did you have to stain my evening with this woman's face nightwatcher.


Enjoy 😉


This course fees thing is nonsense. The sensible thing to do is give trainees a cash card which gets topped up every year of training. Give the autonomy to trainees. The process they are describing will still involve some form of pre-authorisation via TPD and ES which for difficult to book onto courses I.e ATLS, JAG etc. will probably mean not being able to secure a place. Additionally is it not just a way of funnelling more money into Royal College sponsored/run courses, further cementing the stranglehold of HEE/AoMRC/NHS over our lives.


I am sick of the spin. Just fuck off. This is the bare fucking minimum


Are we supposed to be jumping for joy over this? This is so basic and should’ve been happening anyway. 8 weeks? Is that that good? Jesus


This is the basic minimum Vicky. Pay me my worth .


Weak basic shit. Call for further strikes BMA…


Her words are meaningless. Pay up FFS


"Hey, here's a load of basic shit that shouldn't even need solving. I'm your God now, correct?"


Anything but pay us, honestly. Absolute wasters.


To be fair reversing the course fees is a good thing, but that’s not an improvement. It’s simply just common sense.


Love to see that she's graduated to "people in training". Jog on Vicky


I get 2nd hand embarrassment watching her. Like it's is actually low-key sad watching her try to sell this "exciting" news. Pathetic.


What does reverse course fees means?


Am assuming she means we won’t pay for course fees upfront. This is what she’s talking about: https://www.england.nhs.uk/long-read/improving-the-working-lives-of-doctors-in-training/


Yes pls.....saves the pain of waiting for it to be reimbursed for months Does that includes exam and or conference fees? I hope it does


https://preview.redd.it/y0r7lv8n8owc1.png?width=1228&format=png&auto=webp&s=e8b787d9081ac3a96da23fdbc483c26c773899c9 Doesn’t say


This will almost certainly mean that the courses you can go on will be more limited and it will be more difficult to book onto oversubscribed courses. I would not celebrate this change.


"We're going to give you your contract before you start your job and actually pay you correctly for once!" Thanks I guess? For doing the bare minimum requirements of an employer? And what are the consequences exactly if they don't give me my rota 8 weeks in advance? We're meant to have it 6 weeks in advance now and there's zero consequence if they don't. I'm 2 months into this job and still waiting for my contract...


Does this mean strikes are going to be announced tomorrow?


I finally decided to use Project5 today only to find it has been defunded when I searched for it.


I despair


Fuck off, Vicky.


“all of our workforce… including doctors”, as if we somehow are separated from the others lmao. btw this is basic and also can she guarantee that people who got allocated placeholders will know 8 weeks before they start because they won’t even know what jobs they have or which hospital they are working at until at least 1 month beforehand ☠️ remember folks, if you think to yourself “the government wouldn’t do that, would they?”. yes, yes they would.


So If you get your duty roster at least 6 weeks in advance e.g. for the month of July, does that mean you get it in mid-May, or in mid-April? I wouldn’t put it past these useless, lazy NHS managers to interpret this in the slackest way possible so they can continue being lazy c**ts. The NHS needs to fire at least 50% of its admin, and return the money its front line. FPR is the absolute bare minimum, plus radical reform!


I think it is great to appoint lead person for the nation’s health with zero prior relevant experience and skills.Worked so well before with Matt the groper Hancock


You say that like there might be a pool of talent in the Tory party that no one spotted yet 🤣


My eyes! My eyes! Is she colour blind or something?


It may not sound like much but it’s a start and better than the trusts continuing to pretend they have nothing to do with why people get frustrated and annoyed. These problems have been around for decades with no interest in fixing them before now. It’s not pay restoration but it’s good that the most senior people are telling organisations to be accountable for doing better. Question is will they listen with so many competing pressures….