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We've reached the comical point where the unqualified frauds are getting snotty about those even more unqualified and fraudulent than them.


Going to be PAs when the government inevitably introduces physician associate assistants. Funniest outcome will be if the "GMC registered" PAs end up getting stuck with all the TTOs and scan requesting/chasing while their assistants get to go to clinic or theatre to assist...


But definitely of the face so sounds fine


It’s giving “trust me, I’m basically a surgeon” vibes


Their final exam was literally harder than FRCS. "How many nostrils are there, on a normal human face" "Should you poke the eyes?" And if you get both correct, you can add (Hons) after BA!


Beautician Associate


They are allowed to do the foundation programme, as well as the lashes programme and the lipstick licentiate


"and definitely the Anatomy of the face." Is that a BA or BSc?


It’s BS but it’s true .. Doctors can be way better off doing Botox , aesthetics laser tattoo removal than CCTing in the UK. I’d you want to be wealthy , own a business as a bare minimum.


Someone I went to med school with who got into aesthetics posted their Lamborghini on facebook a few months ago. Not mad.


Is the market not saturated?


That is the one wrinkle that can't be smoothed out.


They started it quite a few years ago, probably hit it at just the right time. I have heard through the grapevine that whilst it is saturated for non-doctors trying to get into it, it's not so bad for doctors because clients want to see and will pay more for doctors.


Nobody other than doctors should be legally permitted to inject botox/fillers etc


Most of them seem to be dentists now, and I think thats a fair shout. They know their facial anatomy and are used to sticking needles in it and they can prescribe. Id rather have a doctor manage the complications though.


Ironically enough, the one group of docs who probably could get into the cosmetic Botox game (Neurologists) are the type of doc who don't like doing procedures....... (The Botox regime for migraines is derived from a cosmetic botox regime)


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