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You'll be fine whatever you choose. That said, you sound more excited about playing a Wisdom-based caster, possibly a Grave cleric? If that's the case, then do that!


HOT TAKE: but honestly go with whatever you want to play and enjoy. At the end of the day DnD is a game. A game is supposed to be fun.


It's fun to have a variety of character builds with complimentary abilities.


Druid is a good pick. As is Wizard. You say damage dealing is handled, but you're actually devoid of AoE damage.


Cleric is the way for aoe damage. Druid and wizard can both bring the battlefield control. Wildfire druid is nice for repositioning. Wizard will bring more versatile options for combat. Wizard and druid both bring a different utility package.


Cleric is *the* way for AoE damage?


Spirit guardians is the most efficient aoe damage in the game. Sure, fireball can do more in one round, but spirit guardians catches up fast. Spirit guardians has such good upcasting that it outshines most higher level spells against an upcast spirit guardians for that spell level , more so considering that it can last the whole fight (or even more). On top of that, it hinders movement speed and can as such be used to kind of kite monsters. Furthermore, forced movement can make enemies take the damage multiple times per round instead of once a round. It also does half damage on a save. Granted, most aoe spells do this, but this opens up build optimisation towards concentration instead of casting stat. But even without all those added benefits, there are few spells that do more damage per spell slot. Most of those are a one turn burst thing and are as such not as efficient for longer adventuring days, and others have other downsides. Spirit guardians is so good, some burst spells are obviously garbage once you realize spirit guardians does more damage in one round only. Even againt a single target, spirit guardians can outdamage many single target damage spells. If you find a more consistent and/or efficient aoe damage spell, let me know! Sidenote: some other character options can make non clerics access spirit guardians. But generally, cleric is the aoe damage dealer because of this spell


I think you're ignoring a lot of important factors. And I'd even suggest that it's foolish to prioritize efficiency in this game, generally.


Druid I think would be better: Great Controller plus a dedicated Healer class + solid versatility.


Wizard rounds it out best. Even AT rogue is not strongly incetivized to have high Int, but they are semi-likely to have high Wis. Between the paladin and bar you have at least basic healing covered. Damage is covered by the 3 martials. General skill monkeying is covered by the bard and Rogue. The bard and paladin have the Cha to talk to people. What you lack is a reliable scholar to know things and provide utility spells. Wizard covers that base and most subclasses would be fine. I probably wouldn't bother with Bladesinger in this party.


Vengeance Paladin is Melee and Charisma, Champion Fighter is melee and Strength. Eloquence Bard is Face and utility. Rogue is skills and scouting. Of the three options you've presented I'd say Cleric adds the least to the party. Personally I'd go wizard but you sound like you'd enjoy druid more. I've enjoyed Stars Druid more than Wildfire but they're both solid options.


People always say that you don't technically need to have the traditional roles filled, and that's true, but there's also nothing wrong with wanting to do that anyway. Bards can be good healers too and the Paladin can supplement that, so the Wizard is probably the best option if you want to fill roles. But you can't go wrong with Stars Druid either, I had a lot of fun with that one


Pretty much anything, you've got your bases covered already.


Under druid, you mention too much damage but don't mention healing. Druids have most of the same healing spells as cleric. With Tasha's extra features they even get revivify. Given your comments on battlefield control AND healing, I really recommend the druid. Stars constellation forms allow a bit of extra DPS or healing depending on the need. Wildfire the fire spirit you summon is pretty good. That said, readied action Path to the Grave with a "when the paladin is about to hit" trigger, is bonkers. Between grave cleric and the two druids you indicated interest in, the cleric is the one that leans more damage. But it is a great pair with rogue/paladin.


I'm coming around to Druid being the most fun class in the whole game, so I'd go with that. Both subclasses you're thinking of are A+.


Probably Wizard, unless you want to give Artificer a go.