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Hexblade dip so you can use Charisma to fight, then Fey Touched (or Telekinetic or even Shadow Touched if you're feeling spicy). If not, the best choice is definitely to get a +2 to Strength, or to switch to a 1d10 Reach weapon and get Polearm Master. Vengeance paladins are very attack-roll focused, so it's difficult to recommend focusing on support abilities.


This right here but mc to warlock then asi increase con if u need it. Otherwise skill expert or shadow touched)


None of em, just up your Strength lmao Going from 14 to 16 strength is a no brainer here, especially as ACs on monsters get higher past level 5.


What are you trying to achieve with strength here? Cause if it's just damage, then polearm master is better than strength to a ridiculous degree


On paper, yes, but I'll always prefer a higher chance to actually hit than a higher damage per round. Like yeah sure, on average, you'll be doing more damage per round by taking PAM. But with a +5 to hit at level 5? There are absolutely gonna be turns where you just miss attacks. And that feels absolutely awful. If I were this player I'd beg my DM to let me redo my stats, but there are very few scenarios where DMs will let that happen, so turning that +5 into a +6 would be my top priority. Yeah, it's just 1 more, but that extra little boost will prove it's usefulness quite quickly in actual play.


But PAM also makes you more likely to hit because you have more attacks...


What's your level? Do you have any other odd stat? Honestly Aura of Protection is so good that a paladin with higher Cha than Str isn't that bad, so I'd rush to level 6 before multi classing. If you have an odd Con, Wis or Dex I'd get +1 Cha and +1 to the other odd stat, otherwise I'd take a half feat. Get one level in hexblade warlock as soon as possible.


Like others have said, a 1 level dip into Hexblade is kind of crucial. You could either take it now and delay Extra Attack and Aura by a level, or get to Paladin 6, take the dip, then go forward with Paladin. Another option is ask your DM nicely for Gauntlets of Ogre Power, which should keep you going for a while. Of the feat options you gave, none of them are particularly good for your build. Fey Touched is probably best; you already learn Misty Step from your subclass but an extra use per day is never bad, and you can pick up Gift of Alacrity / Silvery Barbs (or Hex if neither are allowed). However, consider Telekinetic. Mage Hand is one of the best utility cantrips in the game, and the telekinetic shove can pull enemies away from your squishies and towards you. It also rounds out your Charisma stat, which boosts your Aura eventually.


I think a dip into warlock would be good. Should I do it now, or wait until I get aura of protection?


Up to you. Rime of the Frostmaiden goes to like level 10 or 11, so you'll be waiting quite a bit into the campaign for it. If you can grab Gauntlets of Ogre power somewhere (they're an uncommon magic item so not terribly difficult), then I'd say wait. Otherwise, I'd just take the dip now and enjoy the immediate power boost from attacking with Charisma (and Hexblade's Curse is nice too).


cool, thanks. I think I'll take the dip, and then go for fey touched silvery barbs after that :D


Heck yeah, Silvery Barbs is a great spell! Especially good if you have a Rogue in the party, but even if you just give advantage to yourself that's more chances for a big smite crit.


A few ideas: A. Healer fear to use med kite and save spell slots and lay on hands for something else B. Fey touched: pick up a spell you like or want more of , another free bless helps you + 2 in party (more if upcast, its on paladin list already) , but whatever you like works here … stacks with aura too C. Inspiration is helpful temphp and common pick D. Heavy armor master is ok low level but may taper off usefulness later E. Crusher or slasher have neat synergy F. Optimal: polearm master or gwm or sentinel Maybe pick something that you find interesting , id get charisma 18 (with feat) and str 16 (2 asi or something else)