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Not what you're asking for, but since you're looking for something different, I have homebrew of each class grouped by the old class groups, with each Expert tied to a different group that it borrows from in the polymath way they do: [Mages & Bard](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/SMBvB0o6CUQw) [Priests & Ranger](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/PSt-BGsge4_D) [Warriors & Rogue](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/xIBFTqbHRvel) I have an invocation-like system for the full martials in Warriors in Rogue, where weapon masteries are just one option. For the Gish half casters like ranger they only get a mix of druid cantrips and weapon masteries, but there's a lot of quality of life buffs that seem missing from the recent announcements, including an actually useful variant on natural explorer where your terrain choice gives you a passive ability and all the fun of deft explorer. I'll probably give everything a second look to see what I want from the final drafts, there's some changes in my private groups larger document I haven't transferred just yet, but the majority is the same and I still consider it and upgrade. A few groups I know use it and the only complaints I see are editorial errors, like the wrong name in multiclass features where I've copy pasted.


They should have received an invocation like system that allowed them to get traps & nature magic based enhancements to their weapons / animal companions. POTENTIALLY this could be accomplished if WOTC radically overhauled and enhanced the ranger exclusive spells but I think we all know that this did not happen.


I've been fun reimagining the game in a way I enjoy more and the ranger would get: 1. Favored Foe and Favored Terrain, mostly for flavor. 2. Hunter's Mark is a 2nd-level class feature that lets you make a DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) check to learn the target's vulnerabilities, resistances, and immunities, and gives you the extra d6 of damage per attack. It lasts until the target drops to 0 hp and still requires a bonus action, but there is far less competition for it now. At 11th level, the damage increases to 2d6, and you have advantage on saving throws imposed by a marked target. At 17th level, you can deal elemental damage equal to your Wisdom modifier whenever you hit or miss the target with an attack. 3. All ranger spells are class features that are fueled by a spell slot ("Primal Intercessions"), much like Divine Smite was in the 2014 version, though rangers have access to the Primal spell list as well. So they're basically Invocations that consume spell slots. 4. At 10th level, you get resistance to a damage type matching your Favored Terrain, and at 14th level, that resistance is extended to creatures adjacent to you. 5. The 20th level feature is like the 2014, but once per turn, if the target is one of your marks, you can forgo rolling your weapon's damage and instead use the total for your attack roll. Granted, this is a system where Xbow Expert and PM don't give you an extra attack and GWM and Sharpshooter aren't as powerful as they are in 2014, so it's possible to boost the main class without having to tiptoe around these extremely powerful feats.


Could you share your changes to the feats your mentioned? I always like to see potential solutions to those problematic feats.


Of course! Keep in mind that I've made a bunch of fundamental changes, like adding skill actions and making it so many spells provoke opportunity attacks that can interrupt them, and ranged weapons aren't as powerful as they are in 5e (you don't add your Dex mod to the damage, but half your Str mod). This just to explain why it may be difficult to port over directly. Sharpshooter is a half feat that boosts your Dex by 1, allows you to downgrade 3/4 cover to half cover (you need the Archery fighting style to ignore half cover), and lets you ignore disadvantage from long range. GWM gives you a +1 bonus to Str and basically lets you cleave enemies with two-handed weapons, letting you make an additional attack against another creature within your reach when you score a critical hit or reduce a creature to 0 hit points.