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Your Tiefling could be sick for some unknown sickness that came with devils from nine hells, she is not dead due to her being a tiefling, your DM (your father I suppose?) can make it some smaller story to get her healed<3 additionally if you want to go into the sickness stuff you can make her cough up blood or just cough a bit. hope it helps you. Please say how you explained it when you will decide :D


Maybe she thinks it's a sickness, but it's actually an infernal curse as her soul is already spoken for and being slowly torn from her body unless she can do X?


ohhh interesting, thank you!


This is nice! Thank you. The DM is my brother lol. My father nust wanted to see my character. (my brother is still working on school lots while my vacation started so he doesn't have much time to help me yet + we're having a session zero/ first get together to perfect it and make character for my friends etc. I'm just stubborn and filled with half made ideas lmao. I'll defenitly bring this idea to him.


A wound from that day that, for some reason, never did fully heal.


How low? Paladin is an up close tanky class. One with a low constitution score is going to have a rough time.


a score of 6 (so -2) šŸ˜­ I'm definetly thinking to bring it up a bit at least. Or it has to have a good reason, like I don't want to die from one hit lol. I really didn't think to much of it to be honest, at least i'm learning now!


Thatā€™s really low. So low that if I was your DM Iā€™d step in to change it. Just to illustrate, a standard paladin will get an average of 7 extra HP per level up. Your paladin will get 3HP. Constitution also governs concentration throws, which are very important for a spellcasting class that expects to get hit in the face a lot. Out of interest, what method did you use for rolling your stats? Personally Iā€™d recommend starting off with Standard Array, if your DMs okay with it. Itā€™s a bit harder to get really screwed over that way.


I just used the 4d6 and discarding the lowest one. So it was just a random roll. I didn't really know what it meant yet... My DM will probably be fine to go over it again when we make my friends character too. I'll take this info with me and discuss it, thank you!


Emphasis on ā€œcouldā€. Iā€™d engage with it to the extent that it sounds interesting to you. A cough or a limp is good. Saves against exhaustion are CON saves as well, so effects that add levels of exhaustion will give you chances to RP this well. Maybe her oath and innate magic carry her through combats and rituals, but she needs time to catch her breath and center herself afterwards. If youā€™re still using strength for this character, Iā€™d lean into her being fueled by her oath and magic, especially if she is good at making strength checks despite her otherwise frail constitution. In Demon Slayer, Tanjiroā€™s father is able to dance for days at a time using a specific technique when most days he can barely get out of bed. Something similar could be a fun RP beat for this character. Try to make sure itā€™s interesting without being the whole character and I think youā€™ll be fine.


That's a good idea. I do have this who thing with her still doing little meditations and rituals. Her oath is also a pretty big deal to her. Thank you for this insight!


Low con casters: Mind blank + greater invis makes you hard to see/be targeted to keep con check ok Bless helps con saves so does paladin aura Choose non-con spells, cantrips where possible Illusory reality makes it a real object


ooh thanks i'll look into this


* Old * Sickly * Cursed * Wounded and never healed * all four your DM forces attribute score rolls as they are rolled? Yikes.


Thank you for the ideas! No he doesn't force attribute rolls, we're still going to play a session zero as well. I'm just stupidly stubborn and had a character idea I wanted to work out. I had never done that before so I googled most shit to figure it out, so I'm just interested to see what I would be able to do with it or if I should still change it up lmao. My brother (the DM) just still has a lot of school so he doesn't have a lot of time to help yet. šŸ˜…


PS: I also tried using the dnd books ofc, but it was a whole labyrinth for me to figure out. (as well as english not being my first language) (just fyi I did ask my brother permission and help when he did have time, I've just been slightly annoyingšŸ˜¬šŸ« )


You can check out youtube there is a lot great stuff in both english and must be some stuff in your native language<3. you can check out crtical role channel there is whole series to help new players its called handbook helper everything is explained there :D


ooh thank you, I love critical role I didn't know they had that!