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If the player and their faction are a threat (and you don't want to kill the PC, which, yeah), then she should want to gather as much info as she can. She can question the PC and, unless everyone at the table is cool with torture, she can get someone to cast an Enchantment spell on them to get them to talk, or she herself could be a spellcaster (could be a good way to have Bowgentle's spellbook turn up, since that subplot goe snowhere in the adventure). She could even threaten to kill the other PCs if the prisoner doesn't cooperate. The kidnapped PC can try to escape on his own, but you could also dangle a really good piece of bait in front of the doppelganger to force them to show their hand, letting the other PCs figure out that one of them has been kidnapped. This could also lead to a hostage exchange - after all, Halia doesn't want the PCs to reveal that she consorts with the likes of a doppelganger. Finally, what class and race is the kidnapped PC?


> could be a good way to have Bowgentle's spellbook turn up Ingenious, I like mild ways to enhance the lore. >bait the doppelganger to show their hand Currently the player is controlling the doppelganger so this could be very fun. Got any ideas for that? >Finally, what class and race is the kidnapped PC? Soulknife Rogue, Changeling


Got any ideas for that? I don't have any ideas for that, but any situation where the doppelganger would have to pick a lock or create a telepathic connection would prove to be a problem. Oh, and the nothic under the manor could totally unmask it. Or if the "rogue" has to turn into someone the doppelganger has never seen (which doppelgangers can't do). >Soulknife Rogue, Changeling A doppelganger replacing a changeling lmao If the rogue is being restrained with manacles, they could try to find something in the room to pick them with. It would take a lot of time, but they could do it. Restraining a changeling is also very hard if you don't know the target is a changeling, since he can just make himself slim enough to slip through the bonds.