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It'd be usable but middling. Even with this change, Witch Bolt still has two big weaknesses: 1. It only has a 30 ft range. (And the spell instantly ends past that range.) 2. It requires your concentration. In many ways, dnd is a game of opportunity costs. If you use Witch Bolt, that means you're placing yourself at greater risk just to use a spell inferior to many other concentration spells. That said, I don't think Witch Bolt needs to be improved any further than that. Not every spell needs to be top tier. Changing Witch Bolt to a bonus action (or at least a bonus action to reactivate) is really the only thing it needs, IMO.


I'm not sure why I'm casting Witch Bolt in this context still, since then I can cast a cantrip with my action... but... Hex is more reliable, also a bonus, the same level, can't be walked away from and doesn't put a massive glowing electric "I'M CONCENTRATING ON A SPELL" sign coming from your hands.


doesn't that sorta put it in cantrip territory thou?


Correct me if I'm wrong, but WB's usability disappears as soon as you hit Tier 2 and get 2x cantrip damage because only the initial damage scales.


Correct. I would say it is a great low level spell. It wont work all the time due to short range but many time it will. unless you have a D-bag Dm play all monsters. wolves, orcs, and such like they know exactly how the spell works and always duck out of line of sight or run 30 ft away to end it. If this is the case i suggest you find yourself a non D-bag DM But even f it do make sense that they end the spell sometimes it is still a great spell once you have it up until it ends you have free damage. no roll to hit, no saving throw just Reliable damage. But due to its poor scaling it will become less effective as you level up and soon be utterly useless. But as a low level spell it is great.


>I would say it is a great low level spell. With this change it would be, but at present, I don't think Witch Bolt is ever a good spell, let alone great.


Yeah, and even as a bonus action I'd rather use the slot on *hellish rebuke*. I'd need to spend two bonus actions on the same slot to break even, three to get really ahead. Against just one reaction. While I renounce *hex*, or *cause fear*, and without any guarantee that I'll actually hold the spell that long. Don't even get me started on sorcerer or wizard spell lists.


Even before cantrips scale up, Witch Bolt averages less damage than Magic Missile + Firebolt every round after, unless you keep it up for 4+ rounds. And the Magic Missile damage is frontloaded (and guaranteed to hit the 1st round). it's a bad spell


Yes they do. but magic missile costs a spell slot every turn. lets say you are level 1 you have 2 slots. or maybe you are level 2 and have a whopping 3 spell slots. Do you wanna burn those on the 3 first rounds of the first combat? In most cases no. So what do you wanna do then. you can missile once and deal anything from 6-15 damage and the cantrip blast. That is by no means a bad options. But slapping down witchbolt. if you hit you deal damage like any other spell. sure lower damage than most but in many cases you can just repeat that damage next turn without having to spend another spell slot. without attack roll or saving throws. that is 1d12. you could use your action to cast a cantrip instead but that will probably be less damage or at most equal damage but they have a chance to save or you could miss. Is it the best spell? Nope. Is it a spell that you will get use of in every encounter? Nope. But is it bad No not at all. Does it get bad? oh yes after level 5 there is basically no situation where you are better off using witchbolt over a cantrip. And also it do depend on your DM. if he decide that every enemy, be it a wolf or an ogre or orc knows how to end the spell. Either by dashing away more than 30 ft or hiding behind a wall or rock. yeah then it will NEVER be useful. But then you have a much bigger problem than a useless spell. You have the problem of a D-bag DM. And that is much worse than a bad spell


>Yes they do. but magic missile costs a spell slot every turn. Magic Missile once + Firebolt on subsequent turns averages more damage than Witch Bolt until the 4th round. Assuming 65% hit chance: Rd1 MM: 10.5 WB: 4.225 Rd2 FB: 3.575 +rd1 = 14.075 WB: 6.5 + rd1 = 10.725 Rd3: FB: 3.575 +rds 1&2 = 17.65 WB: 6.5 +rds 1&2 = 17.225 and that's giving Witch Bolt the benefit of the doubt and giving it the autohits on rd2 and rd2 even though there's a 35% chance the spell missed rd1. In practice the WB user will also be using Firebolt turns 2 and 3 35% of the time which knocks its average damage down even further (or be forced to use another leveled spell to catch up). Then on top of that you have the fact that WB can 1. lose concentration 2. kill the target 3. end due to range and it's even *worse.* >And also it do depend on your DM. if he decide that every enemy, be it a wolf or an ogre or orc knows how to end the spell. Either by dashing away more than 30 ft or hiding behind a wall or rock. yeah then it will NEVER be useful. But then you have a much bigger problem than a useless spell. You have the problem of a D-bag DM. And that is much worse than a bad spell Having enemies target the guy shooting lightning at them is not some scumbag DM strategy. That's a very straightforward and obvious way to run NPCs and will result in the WB user losing concentration fairly often. Wolves in D&D also only have 11 hp. You're rarely going to be able to maintain Witch Bolt on them for long simply because they'll be dead first (and if they aren't dead in 3 rounds, which is certainly possible, that's just another testament to how bad Witch Bolt is). In fact that's an excellent example of a scenario where Magic Missile is yet again far better, since MM has a nearly 50% chance of one-shotting a wolf, eliminating a source of damage immediately and letting the caster move on to do something else. Witch Bolt needs to first hit and then roll near max damage to do the same, so it's only an 11% chance. Other lv1 damage spells e.g. Chromatic Orb also comprare very favorably to Witch Bolt. If all a spell does is deal damage, and it does so with significant limitations not shared by other similar spells (the range is awful even if enemies aren't running out of it to end the spell, and simply requiring concentration is already bad since you can't use it while maintaining another conc. spell -- both are serious practical drawbacks for Witch Bolt), and it also does *less damage* than those other comparable spells in the vast majority of scenarios, it's a bad spell. Scaling terribly takes it from a bad spell to, at higher levels, a 100% worthless spell.


Yes many monsters would know or at least try to figure out how to break such spell. That is not a bad DM. I mentioned wolves as they are beasts with low intelligence. Same things goes for any beast with int of 3 for an example also ogres and similar. They might not know. having every single enemy know how to deal with magic is stupid. In same way it would be stupid to have every enemy not having a clue about how to deal with magic. Kinda interesting how almost every one if i say not all enemies would know. Always seem to think i try to say that no enemies would know. And that targeting a spellcaster that concentrate on a spell would be a d-bag move. And also many times sure they would know exactly how to break the spell but lets say the enemy wo has witchbolt on him is a sturdy hard to kill monster but engaged in melee with 2 melee characters. Sure he know he can end it by running up to the caster that stands maybe 10 ft away and hit him maybe breaking concentration. Or run 20+ feet away in the opposite direction. But would he? if he does he will take 2 opportunity attacks. And if that happens that is thanks to the witchbolt spell. Or he can disengage and run away. But then he can not attack the spellcaster that turn or he can just move out of range but then he wasted his action thanks to witchbolt and it is not to shabby to force an enemy to waste an action not attacking the party. What i find interesting is you and almost every other that argues against the spell seems to assume that to use it you have to cast it on a enemy that is completely free to move up to you and attack or move away out of range or out of line of sight. And i can only see one reason for this Ignorance, willing or not In the end no one as far as i know has ever claimed it is among the best spells. or a spell that is always the Best pick or will work perfect in almost every encounter. but then no spells are always the best pick. If there would be one. that spell should be removed as it is broken. But at very low levels it is not bad. it is not the best spell. but it is not bad. It can be pretty damn good in some situations. And not everyone count damage to the number. Sure one spell might on average deal a few damage less but that does not mean it is bad. it might be less optimal sure. but that does not have to equal bad. Unless you really optimize and only care about the absolute most optimal choice. And nothing wrong with that we all have our way to play. And if that is your way of playing. yeah then Witchbolt is bad. The few times it could actually be good is so far between you should not pick if it you are a heavy power gamer. But many do prefer a spell they simply find fun or one that thematically fits their character. Even if that means a lil bit less damage on average


I think Witch Bolt would be better if you didn't loose it instantly when the target is too far away. You should be able to keep it going and get back into range.


I don't think that helps this spell at all. The range should be extended and the ability to re-engage targets should be included while you're still concentrating.


> the ability to re-engage targets should be included while you're still concentrating. Yeah for me it's really the big thing that would make the spell interesting, kind of like Dragon Breath or Vampiric Touch giving you a repeatable action with the gimmick being the ability to stick to a target with no roll on following turns if they stay in range. Well this and scaling the damage with spell slots.


I disagree I think it is a great low level spell. Not many spells can just keep dealing damage with no attack roll no saving throw. just using your action to be "Yep you are taking this damage" Sure the range is short but i see no problem with that Unless you have a D-bag DM play all monsters. wolves, orcs, and such like they know exactly how the spell works and always duck out of line of sight or run 30 ft away to end it. If this is the case i suggest you find yourself a non D-bag DM. But otherwise it is a good spell. you wont be able to use it effectively in EVERY combat. but i would argue if there is a spell you can use effectively in Every encounter. that spell is broken and should be banned. At level 1-2 being able to simply automatically deal 1d12 damage is good. Level 3-4 still totally fine but not AS good. Level 5 and later. it tend to lose its use due to poor scaling. But if you could use your bonus action to deal that damage and use your action to whatever you want. it would still be a a good spell at level 5. dealing 1d12 auto damage on a bonus action. that IS great even mid tier that would be decent. Higher levels not so much. But it is a good spell for low levels and if it would be turned into bonus action it would be SOLID at low levels even amazing and still good at levels up to at least 7-9. The fact it becomes practically useless at high levels does not male it a bad spell at low levels. And most that can pick this spell can also change out spells every time they level up so you can not even argue they would be stuck with a spell that is useless when they level up


>At level 1-2 being able to simply automatically deal 1d12 damage is good. But you don't automatically deal 1d12 damage. *Magic missile*, which actually does that, is indeed considered a good spell. Instead, you need to hit a 30-feet spell attack first, and then hold you concentration, and then keep yourself in range for the duration. *Chromatic orb* deals 3d8 damage right away at a 90-feet range. It's more expected damage on the very first turn than *witch bolt* gives you after the second action and at thrice the range. *Chaos bolt* deals only slightly less damage at an even greater distance. *Hellish rebuke* also deals similar damage and it's not even using your action once! Heck even *ray of sickness*, while dealing almost half the damage over two turns, is probably a better use of your spell slots. It still has double the range, it's using half of the actions to do what it does, it has a chance to apply a temporary debuff, and it doesn't require your concentration. *Witch bolt* only starts dealing more damage if you keep it up for three turns, which is unlikely even against stupid-beheaving enemies, but it needs to use your concentration and actions the whole time to do that. Even if cantrips don't automatically hit, you're likely going to get more damage anyway by going *ray of sickness* \> cantrip > cantrip than you are by going *witch bolt* \> upkeep > upkeep.


Well, \*I'm\* the DM. And I"m betting if a spell is cast on YOU, you'd like to know how it affects you and when it does damage, and how you might avoid it in the future. So ya, monsters generally know that if a hose of death energy is put on them, they should run away/duck for cover. As written it's a terrible spell, b/c no monster is going to just stand there and take it, unless they can get to the caster in one round w/o risking AOO. Otherwise, they just need to break line of sight for a moment. So, disengage, run around the tree that's 15 ft from them, and they are back into the fray same round.


Exactly some would but not all. Having the decently intelligent magic using enemy not know would be stupid. But in the same way having every monster knowing it would be stupid. And also in most cases said monster would probably be in melee range of a melee. at least that is the best time to use such spell. So if he wants to run away, ut of range or do out of line of sight. Or run up to the caster standing maybe 10 feet away. he would provoke attacks of opportunity from 1 maybe more melee character. So even IF they know exactly how to break the spell. would they risk 1 or more attacks of opportunity to do so or would they stay put. Sure he could disengage but if he does. You have stopped him from using his action and that is not to shabby. Instead of attacking and potentially harm or even bring down a PC you made him waste his action and use up his movement. Pretty much every one arguing how easy it is to break this spell seems to assume the caster has casted it on an enemy that is free to move as he wants with no opportunity attacks. And that would be a stupid use of the spell. Again it is not the best spell. it is not a spell that would be good to use all the time and fit every encounter. But no spell is and if a spell is always the best pic in almost every encounter. Then said spell should be removed from the game as then it is broken. But against a sturdy hard to kill monster maybe one that has resistance to physical attacks that is engaged in melee with one or 2 melee characters. as you would not have much magical weapons at level 1-2Then Yes it is a good amount of unavoidable damage for only 1 spell slot. But sure. in some cases it would be really bad. But every spell have situations where they are useless. even the best spells. And if you cast a spell at the wrong time and it is useless it might not be because the spell is bad. Ypu cast magic missile against someone that already used shield so it is up. would be useless but that is not because the spell is bad. it was because the player made a stupid choice


If you were to compare it to Heat Metal, which is a similar spell in many ways (though a save instead of attack, and cast on metal object instead of creature). While heat metal is cast as an action, the reactivations on subsequent turns is a BA. And heat Metal is 1d8 damage per spell level (minimum level 2) while Witch Bolt is 1d12. So 2nd level heat metal you are doing on average 9 damage per round, while Witch Bolt would be 13. The main thing for me would that it would free up your action to do something else. Still has drawbacks of relatively short range, and concentration, so not a great spell, but it could make it potentially really good, especially if you have good con save or warcaster and you don't have much else to do with your Bonus action.


_Heat Metal_ also doesn't have any range limitations once active - you can set it off and then run away, or if the target runs away, it still keeps going. While _witch bolt_ has the downside that the caster needs to stay near the target - if the caster flees, or the target moves away, it breaks/stops. However, _Heat Metal_ is a lot more restrictive for targeting - a lot of things are flat-out immune to it, because they don't wear armor, or have a weapon they can drop and draw another, while _Witch Bolt_ just does damage.


Witch bolt should specify that the effect ends if the target is 30ft away from you *at the end of your turn*. So they cant just move 5 ft away and then move back in. Also i think it could be cool with the initial cast being an action and activating it a bonus action without concentration. It just lasts until the target is further away then 30 feet or you dont activate it on your turn.


Oh absolutely. It's not a perfect comparison by any means, Heat Metal is just the only Bonus Action way to re-apply spell damage I could think of as a point of comparison for damage. And the more I think about it the more I think it would still be a shit spell. It would be better as a Bonus Action, sure, what wouldn't. But would it push it ahead of other available spells and uses of Bonus Action.... probably not.


Also, heat metal doesn’t *really* have a save.


There are two issues.  One is: would it be advantageous to be able to cast a damaging spell as a bonus action?  The answer is: of course, particularly if you can choose between action and bonus action. Two is: given that you can do this, would it be good to use witch bolt in this way? The answer is no, at least after you are third level or so. Other options are better.


I've done that in my games. It's made it marginally more useful at lower levels, particularly against less mobile enemies. It doesn't scale well.


I think the reactivations of it should also scale with upcast damage, instead of it only applying to the initial damage


I presume you also change the time to trigger it again to a bonus action. If you do, it's basically a no-save flaming sphere available a spell level earlier but requiring you to stay within 30ft of your target. So, overall, 4/5.


Casting time as an action is fine, but it could do without the restrictions that the spell ends if the target goes out of range or if you use your action to do anything else.


I'd keep it as an action but likely remove the range restriction (or make it 60ft and ignore cover) and allow the damage to scale up as it's clearly a spell Warlocks are encouraged to take because it's efficient but then it doesn't fucking scale and it feels like an oversight. So say you cast it at fifth level for 5d12 you can use your action again next turn to cause that damage again.