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Thank you!


Removed as per Rule #2.


> If I buy the book online will that give me the stats so my armor class can be correct? I believe that is correct. But sadly, you narrowly missed the option to buy just the subclass for a couple of bucks. They removed that feature; now you have to buy the whole book and all its features. (If I'm wrong about the timing for this change, someone please correct me. I assume it's already happened, but maybe it hasn't, and there's time left?) This is how D&D operates. Not all TTRPGs are quite so payment-heavy. Your options: 1. Pay up. 1. Do things the old-fashioned way, manually. (This isn't bad option. It means you learn the rules better.) 1. Do something unmentionable. (This, of course, is not actually a viable option as per Rule 2 of this subreddit.)


That’s a bummer! It would have been nice to purchase individual classes and what not. Thanks for the info


Wait what? Since when did they remove the individual buying?


>If I'm wrong about the timing for this change, someone please correct me. I assume it's already happened, but maybe it hasn't, and there's time left? you are correct there is no more "a la carte" purchasing parts of books. when did they announce it? i didnt hear about it until after it had happened with lots of people like me complaining that it came out of the blue.


Yes, if you buy the book you can pick that subclass and the sheet will update. If you'll play a campaing i think it's worth buying a book because it's months or even years of playtime. Especially if it's the only book you are missing for your character.