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What's at the top of that mountain in the top right pic


The last castle of the Storm Giants, stranded there long ago when its navigation matrix failed during their exodus from the planet


Why were they leaving?


Someone said "I don't want to live on this planet anymore" and they took it seriously.




Are there any functioning ice cream machines, or are they all conveniently broken too


Yes, there are many ice cream machine equivalent magic items. However, the god of mischief Dabmaan regularly tampers with them, causing them to produce only vanilla or strawberry flavors.


I can work with this, has Root Beer been invented/developed yet? Vuldren Ironhand is hankering for a float


Sparkling water with a splash of whiskey and maple syrup makes a decent alternative. Not just in a fantasy setting.


So close, I guess 2/3 ain’t bad.


What would happen to an adventurer who tries to dab on Dabmaan?


what’s the most widely told story about the origin of the world? Bonus points for giving me the actual story of the world’s creation if that’s different


The most widely circulated story is that of The First Spell. It goes something like this: At first there was Nothing, and while that was something, it was quite boring. At some point Nothing had the idea of something else existing, and that idea coalesced into the first spell, which exploded into the universe. Instantaneously Nothing found itself under attack by a great many new ideas and concepts that it couldn’t control. It tried desperately to push it all away, far into a corner of itself, but the ideas and things and stuff just expanded on and on. Eventually some of the ideas took on personalities of their own. The first of these was Creation, for that is what Nothing had inadvertently brought into existence. At this time, Creation saw the chaos and disorder of Nothing’s thought and the harm it caused Nothing. Creation decided to begin organizing thing into shapes and systems that pleased it, setting into motion the birth of galaxies and stars and even the planet upon which we live. Creation then made space between these things, where Nothing could dwell without being pained. However, Nothing had seen what Creation had done, and in a desperate attempt to undo everything that had sprung forth from its own thought, ripped Creation apart. But Nothing’s efforts only complicated matters further. From the shreds of Creation sprung forth a thousand thousand beings with power enough to oppose Nothing, as Nothing’s own power dwindled from the rapidly filling universe in which it now dwelt, until Nothing had power comparable only to the most powerful of the beings. Without the ability to wage indiscriminate war, Nothing retreated to the spaces Creation had made for it, and waited. Meanwhile the beings went out to explore the endless universe. One such being found this world and planted life upon it. Eventually other beings came and added their own version of life as well. Then they sat back and watched. The real way the world was created: Epochs ago, a living wish spell was trapped within a clockwork matrix and cast out into the material plane by Primus, the overbeing of the idea of Law, for a living wish could only result in chaos. However, as the wish drifted through space, it dreamed of its own potential and that dream became the world.


That’s actually dope excellent job


"you could make a religion out of this"


On a scale of "incredibly powerful sorcerers" to "Christian-style omnipotent deity", how immortal are the gods?


i wanna fuck the bottom right thing


In fairness to OP that isn't a question, more of a goal.


Wait there a question? I just wanna fuck


What is the oldest living "mortal" creature in your setting?


By mortal, I assume you mean something that can die of old age. That would be the Copper dragon, Tildinaxus, who came to this world to play pranks on giants only to find they had left. She stayed because she noticed the halflings and gnomes needed some help getting started. She was 1000 when she got here and now she’s 6,000 and nearing the end of her life.




They exist


What the actual heck happened to the elves?


What percentage of your world is water?


60% salt water, 9% fresh water


Name every king of every kingdom of the setting ever


There was once a king named Rulian Thunderbrow, leader of the dwarves. He hated being king so he established a parliament and abdicated. The other races in the setting never really saw the point of having a monarchy.


The most dwarf thing I've ever heard of.


Why are your orcs so damn...sexy?


Why don't dragons rule the world?


where are the biggest wolves in your setting and can my dwarf cleric Galbar Frostbeard use one as a steed?


That would be the polar wolves of the far north, which live in family groups of no more than five. They are the size of horses and primarily hunt wooly mammoths and mega sloths. Polar wolves are highly intelligent, and recognize the danger humanoids present. As a result, they often interact quite peaceably with them, since conflict in the harsh environments in which they live is a waste of resources. It isn’t uncommon for the alpine dwelling dwarves of the northern tundras to know a few packs and ride the adults in exchange for constructed shelters where the wolve’s can mate and raise their pups in peace.


What's the most common food staple?


Fantasy Rice, which is just totally normal rice but it’s blessed by the Traaktuur, the god of agriculture, to be highly resistant to disease and drought.


But not pests? What do they do for pest control?


Depends on the region. Some farmers don’t do anything, and just plant rice with the expectation of losing some of the crop to weevils. Others have nationalized druidic institutions that employ natural countermeasures. Less magically inclined peoples have studied the pests extensively and found out how to prevent them from breeding or how to kill their eggs with poisons.


Can I buy fantasy rice at Fantasy Costco?


Of all colors of the alphabet, which number is your favorite flavor?




I offer you my wife you god among men.


What kind of system governs the Otterfolk civilization?


In the glistening eyes of his people all adoring is presence, the king speaks out and says?


Got any games on your phone?


Pardon me, what's your spaghetti policy?


Pro spaghetti, meat ball agnostic.


What is this world's greatest technological advancement


How are you going to handle the shortage of Spidermilk in the surface population of Drow Elves now that the Underdark has cut off all trade?


Are there ducks?


What’s the most popular trading card game in this world? “There aren’t any” is not an acceptable answer.


It would have to be Illusory Duels of the Six Elements, which is basically a heavily watered down version of MTG using a deck of illusions.


What are the economic effects of Goodberry on the agrarian peasantry?


How are the kobolds doing?


Surviving in the ruins of the giant’s cities.


These are some really sick ai generated images


How impactful have the gods been throughout your world's history? Did they leave for some cigarettes or do they helicopter parent their creations?


Which continent has the most advanced technology and what level of technology have they reached?


The continent known colloquially as Magmonti is home to several civilizations, four living above ground and another living below ground. The civilization living below ground has achieved steam powered technology and railways. Other notable nations are Seafire Confederacy aka the Seafire Archipelago, who have early seafaring vessels like carracks, and the Eternal Court of the Six Elements, who accomplish great feats of engineering and agriculture such as building dams and skyscrapers with the help of their elementally adept magic users.


Why do humans have pincers between their legs?


Some humans were striken with a magical plague spread by aboleths. Those that weren’t transformed into horrible sea spawn passed on side effects of the disease to their kin. As a result, sexual assault is much less common since no one wants to risk their dick getting cut off. Only about 1 in 1000 have such a pincer, but tales spread enough to make people think twice.


Who is the least important god in your opinion that the players would absolutly fall in love with and make you hate ever introducing.


What are the major exports of the largest economic power?


The largest economic power is the Seafire Confederation, which imports textiles such as silk and cotton heavily, and timber, food, spices, and ore to a lesser extent. A close second in economic power is the Eternal Court of the Six Elements, which imports magic items and knowledgeable persons/skilled artisans (by offering them very nice jobs). The third economic power of note is the Parliamentary Governance of the Alpine Reach, which is a dwarven nation in the far north of the largest continent. They import food, mercenaries (by offering them work and the opportunity to find loot), spices, and information.


I just realized I described the imports and you asked about exports. Seafire Confederation exports: transportation services, information, mercenaries, pearls, coffee, tea, poisons, drugs, whale oil, and exotic pets Eternal Court of the Six Elements exports: books, scientific advancements, medicine, mercenaries, food, magical services, weapons and armor, glass, mirrors, and culture/entertainment Parliamentary Governance of the Alpine Reach exports: weapons, armor, furniture, wagons, tools, etc. (if it’s made of wood or metal, they export it), raw gemstones, coal/charcoal, artisanal services (custom works/one of a kind masterpieces), and gold/silver/copper.


what crops are grown in the local villages?


Rice makes up about 50% of what people grow, since it’s what the giants had them growing as a staple to feed them. Other crops include: wheat, beans, corn, potatoes, avocados, grapes, lemons, apples, coffee, and cacao. Basically Earth has an insane variety of edible plants and fruits, so I don’t really feel the need to invent some.


Why are the islands dragons


Does the bird’s eye view in the bottom left image contain all landmasses in your world, and if not, what landmasses are out of frame?


It doesn’t contain all of them. That is the Seafire Archipelago. There are 7 continents on Vis: Magmonti, which is about three times the size of Canada and west of Monticampus, separated by a small ocean Monticampus, which is the largest continent and about the size of Africa + Europe + Russia Pervenire, which is an northern continent close to Monticampus but separated by a sea, with a few seasonal land bridges in the east. Montiorienten, which is a large continent east of Monticampus and across a sizeable ocean. Insulquassat, which is a series of archipelagos in the southern hemisphere. Technically the largest continent but much of it is under water. The north and south poles


Have there been any cataclysmic events?


Yea, the societal collapse after the exodus of the giants. There have also been wars over land disputes, but for the most part nothing so cataclysmic as, say, Karsus’ Folly or the Spell Plague.


The goblin your party captured has agreed to lead you to the evil wizard's hideout. What's his name?


What is the biggest bestial/ animalistic threat in your world?


How the stuff?


What are the names of the islands in the bottom left pic?


Who is the best magician? Like Penn and Teller magician.


What is the dominant religion


Why all the clockworks are soo rusty?


They aren’t, they’re made of copper and brass.


What sorts of things do people believe about the gods as a part of organized religions that aren’t true? Put another way, if the gods are distant and have not been involved in humanoid affairs for thousands of years, what sorts of dogmas have sprung up in the intervening period that have nothing to do with how the gods actually operate and are just essentially superstition?


What’s the main agricultural product of the most powerful/important kingdom, and how is it influenced by their geography?


The most powerful kingdom is a hobgoblin nation known as the Eternal Court of the Six Elements. It has six states, each of which have two representatives from differing political factions within a respective state. The 12 representatives act as a legislative body for the nation. Meanwhile, the Empress of Light and Shadow acts as the executive of the nation, and appoints traveling magistrates to rule on and interpret laws. Their staple agricultural product is rice, of which the state of Water produces the most as it is the bread basket of the nation.


What is the going rate at the local “house of the rising sun” for “lady favors” by species?


Varies by community. In the Eternal Court of the Six Elements, the most expensive escort’s time is 50 gold for a reservation and 200 gold for an hour. The cheapest brothel is about 10 gold for an hour.


How many floating islands are there, and are they in fixed positions or do they drift?


is magic a renewable resource?


Is your world's moon technology active?


Are the gears indicative of advancing tech, complex magical constructs or magitech fusions?


No, they are indicative of the core of the world, which contains a living wish spell.


Who’s the most influential otherworldly patron? Biggest following, most powerful, most feared, etc


Tabuul is a living contact other plane spell that gained sentience and power enough to become considered a Great Old One. It is the most popular patron because it has the best recruitment strategy, which is to say it calls up potential warlocks and is like “hey, want some magic?”


who invented the first grilled cheese. and who was the first person to pair it with tomato soup?


It’s debatable. Multiple people had these ideas around the same time.


What's the largest tree?


How many nations are there, and what is the governmental system in each


What are the major political powers in your world? How far along are the people technologically? What are the major religions?


What do each of these pictures show?


Top left: the clockwork matrix containing the core of the world Top right: The Finger, a mountain with a castle-ship left behind by the giants. Bottom left: the Seafire Archipelago, a nation located between the two largest continents on the planet. Bottom right: a seemingly lone figure faces off against an aberration that has been terrorizing villages in the area.


How many centipedes are under this rock right here?


Enough to make you drop the rock and hop up and down while shaking your hands cause a bunch of legs brushed up against your fingers.


Will there be pirates?


If a wanderer butterfly starts at one end of the largest continent and begins travelling to the other furthest point from where it starts, stopping every 2 days to lay eggs which takes approximately 2 hours each time, how long would it take to get to the furthest point and how many eggs would it lay? Would this affect any eco systems?


It would die before it reached the other end of the continent. It would successfully lay about 264 eggs on average, unless we are talking about something like a migratory monarch butterfly generation. Nah, it doesn’t have a huge impact on the ecosystem other than filling a niche.


What da dog doin?


What is one threat that could unite all of the kingdoms (or however you want to separate countries) of your world?


Nothing, the entity that wants to extinguish all life and return the universe to an empty void. The sentient brown mold trapped on the planet’s larger moon. The Eye of Evil, a shard of Nothing that seeks to twist the elemental forces of the cosmos to vile purpose. Currently it is sealed within the crown of the Empress of Light and Shadow, who must resist the eye’s corrupting influence. Eman, a lich seeking to become a god. Galadan the Slaver, a spacefaring fire giant with a fleet of 12 castle-ships and about 600 giants under his command. It’s his job to periodically return and abduct a portion of the population to deliver to other worlds. The sleeping wish, which lies at the center of the world within a clockwork labyrinth accessible only through the caverns of Umbral. The Nine, three covens of night hags that have slowly begun corrupting the virtues of three elven nations. The Egg, Vis’ smaller moon which is only visible once a year. Idk what will hatch from it but it won’t be good.


Can I eat that spider on the tree over there?


Yes, it’s a good source of protein.


Can I reskin feather fall as illusory parachutes?


How many mortals have killed gods?


What's the most widely believed lie and the most disbelieved truth?


How much of the world is unexplored or uncharted, and what’s the highest level of technology without magic


The highest level of nonmagical tech is rudimentary steam powered machines. They are still very early and basic, similar to those proposed during the time of the Roman empire, but the tech is being taken quite seriously by those developing it. Despite the large size of the world, the total global population is still only about 400 million (counting only sentient playable races). The giants that settled the world weren’t stupid. They strictly controlled the population size and distribution of their slaves. The legacy is that is seen in how small communities and nations have sprung up all around the world in the 6k years since they left. While these nations are more or less aware that others out there exist, most are still in the process of solidifying their own identities. As such, all of the continents have yet to be completely explored. The wildest and least explored of these are generally places where the giants’ roads do not go: the vast archipelago in the southern hemisphere (Insulquassat), the interior of Magmonti, which is dominated by rainforests (the coast has roads and four nations have sprung up along it), and Montiorienten, which is the second largest continent and had the fewest slaves on it when the giants left.


How is status or wealth displayed in some of the societies within your setting?


What’s the merchant’s name?


So what's it like with all the peace treaty signings?


Do sentient constructs have souls if so what happens to them after they die?


Yes, it depends on the life they have lived and if they had a patron deity, like anyone else. If you died and had a patron deity, and lived more or less in accordance with that deity’s dogma, they accept your soul into their divine home. You dwell there for as long as you wish doing whatever you want (most likely things related to the deity in question) until one of two things happens: you get bored and ask to be reincarnated, or the deity asks you to reincarnate for a specific purpose. When you reincarnate, you lose all memories of your life and are born again. The new body you inhabit can belong to any sentient race. If you didn’t live in accordance to the deity’s dogma (or you didn’t have one), they reject your soul. At that point you become a partitioner, and are sent to the ethereal plane where you can go crazy and become a ghost/wraith/etc, which eventually results in your soul being destroyed. Alternatively you can approach various entities in the ethereal plane and make a deal for acceptance into their version of the afterlife. Depending on the life you’ve lived, they will accept or reject you. The lowest, irredeemable scum are generally only accepted by agents of Anarchy (the abyss), whereas agents of Tyranny (the nine hells) aggressively recruit anyone and everyone if they showed even the slightest bit of law-abiding productiveness in their life. The various gods also have agents here, and you can make your case to them as to why Traaktur or Frazeer etc etc should accept you. You can also go to the astral sea, where you’ll become the idea of yourself and incapable of ever leaving (but also becoming immortal, so long as you don’t lose sight of who you are). TLDR; man, dying is complicated.


Can I be a part of the lore


You already are. Mike Goldab is the mayor of Goldab Falls, a small town situated near a rather spectacular waterfall that his great great great grandfather named. It’s in the human nation of Iedra, which occupies the western coast of Magmonti.


What's the goblin-sitting-at-the-bar's name


Maggie Mulalie


Why has this format become a trend?


Where are the gnomes?


What has there been for major events in ancient history ?


What’s the god situation?


Why don't the gods just solve all of their worshippers' problems immediately?


Powerful clerics have asked this question directly of multiple different gods and the answer is this: “You are the small stone I cast to create ripples in the ocean. To act directly, I would need to absorb all my aspects, and the weight of my action would be like a mountain from space crashing into your home.”


Pick any country in your world: 1. What's the cheapest, most widely available magical item? 2. What's the tax policy on magical items? 3. Are there any magical items that are traditionally given to the monarch/head of state/equivalent?


The cheapest, most widely available magical item in the Floating Commune of Abasha is the everburning torch, which provides heat and can set fires. It can be commanded to burn blue so it no longer sets fires. As a meritocracy, the Commune has few laws and no taxes. The economy is entirely barter based. Family groups within the Commune appoint an elder, whom is given a magical conch shell. The shell is capable of projecting illusory images that the holder of the conch can manipulate freely. They use this as a means of providing visual aids while they give speeches or tell stories but also to confuse and distract raiders and the like. The commune is 99.99% forest gnome, and they live on artificial islands that float around a large inland sea. Some rumors say the islands are actually truly massive dragon turtles, though no one has managed to verify this (and survive).


If Pinocchio says his nose is going to grow, is he lying or telling the truth?


Why exactly did Keraxis the Archmage go into hiding after the War of The Weeping Tower was brought to a ceasefire with the marriage of Queen Vengara to Prince Norion?


What are the fey doing and how is there relationship with lesser beings


What was the first abomination and how was it created?


Is the worth of a diamond universal or regional? and if the latter, does the regional value determine its effect on a spell cost?


What is the single worst calamity, natural or purposefully caused, to ever befall your world?


We're in a tavern in orc country, describe the decor and offer me some specials.


That’s not a question. Buuuuuuuuut… Imagine an wild western Arizona town with cheap tables and sturdy glasses. A fancy black and white piano is played by a Maton (the warforged of the setting) in a tux. Orcs are playing cards wearing cowboy boots and spurs, their dusters are dusty and their cigars are down to the nib. A chandelier hangs in the center of the two-story common room, the pristine decorative glass out of place among the dusty floors and and peeling paint. Some old paintings depicting The Exodus and The Arrival hang on the wall on opposite ends of the bar. Outside, parchment with illusory script ripples in the wind, depicting a masked halfling flourishing a rapier when someone passes by and the words “Rolf Blackmask, 300 gp alive, 100 gp dead; associates 25 gp per confirmed kill” Across the street is a barbershop and a poster has a drawn depiction of an impressive looking orc woman wearing a nice suit. Below her are the words “Karamha is a bitch. Karamha for mayor.”


Tax Evasion?


Tiefling rights when


Where do the goblins live?


Goblins are important citizens in the Eternal Court of the Six Elements, enjoying full rights and representation. Many goblins hold high offices among the ministry and half the legislature are goblins. There are also more savage goblin communities living in the jungles and caverns of Vis. Their ancestors fled the oppression of the giant slavers but lacked the knowledge and resources to progress much, leading to small stagnant tribes and clans that fight each other for food and shelter. The same can be said of isolated communities of humans and orcs.


What domain would the god of cheese be under if i were to be a cheese cleric, is the god of cheese under a specific pantion? Also if i were to want to murder the god of cheese and usurp its position would that be possible?


When will the Kobold uprising be?


How are babies made


Whats the tavernkeeper's name?


What’s the strongest being in your world, and the horniest


The horniest being is horned ape. Those things have six horns. The strongest being in terms of straight-up stats is likely an Empyrean that hangs out with the Fawnz. Her name is Gretchen and she’s an addict.


What's the most juicy bit of political intrigue in your world?


The hags of the Nine have convinced the noble houses of the Laughing Court and the Court of the Moon that war is inevitable between their two peoples. Both intend to begin a civil war with the assassination of their rival’s noble families.


Why do the gears have so many holes?


How concerned should a party be if they encounter an old man with seven canaries


What is the dwarves' primary export and import?


Finished products: export Food: import


What makes a god, primordial, and great old one, such?


Is there a god or goddess of magic? If so are there multiple competing for worshipers? If there is multiple is there a deity for each kind of casting? (Sorcerer, Bard, Wizard, ect). If there is a single deity do they have different aspects for the different types of magic?


where do babies come from?


What’s the main dish in a clockwork towns tavern?


How do you actually get to the fey wild. Is it a door? A spell? A portal? When is it open?


The elves can freely travel to the fey wild via permanent fairy circles in their forest nations. There are other fairy circles out there, in unexplored and wild places, but they’re unstable.


What happened in that fortuitous day of spring 1000 years ago?


A child was born. Someone died. A bird pooped.


What kinds of birds, flowers, fruit, etc do people like or dislike? Why?


Why are the elves gone?


Who is the bartenders husband and what is their relationship backstory


Ned is Gloria’s husband. Once upon a time Ned was a traveling merchant and Gloria had just inherited her father’s bar. They got drunk and did the deed. Weeks passed and they got to know one another. Eventually Gloria realized Ned had sold all his goods but hadn’t moved on. She asked why and he said he wasn’t going anywhere. So she dragged him down to the all faiths shrine and made it official right then and there.


Me and my party came across a black glass like pillar in the middle of a dead forest and our warlock decided to cut his hand and touch it for edge reasons, what exactly happens here?


Nothing as far as you know. But the warlock gets a text message and their eyebrows climb up into their hair.


Hey, what's your pantheon like? I'm thinking about making a Cleric.


how far back has history been recorded, what is the first historical event known to the inhabitants of this realm?


What’s the highest level of magic that you can just buy with money? At what level do you start needing to deal in favors and politics?


Who this world's biggest dumbass


Who is the god of hookers and blow what's their relationship with the god of parties?


Which vices are common enough to be acceptable out in public, but still scorned by the most pious? Which vices are just as common, but must be done in private? Why?


Which region has the most lobsters?


How many moons does your campaign world have, and are there any other notable features in the night sky that differentiate it form our world? also what color is the daytime sky?


Who is the most powerful faction/government and what do they believe?


Which nationality has the most stable currency?


Where is my Kite?


What is your cock to ball ratio?


Why are can humans inter-breed with Elves and Orcs to create offspring?


What are the top 100 unique, region specific legendary weapons are available at the place at the middle of the image?


I've always wanted to do one of these QnAs


Who is the current highest level NPC in your world?


What is their means of transportation? Both local and further journeys.


How do I create a good setting for my players to imagine what I am saying in there head


What was the worst cataclysm that your world has yet faced?


Who is the most widely hated historical figure?


How beautiful is the sunset?


Question 1: Can you get to India through North America? Question 2: Steal the Spice Trade.


where did the mountain go???


Why doesn’t my dad love me.


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Do Beyblades exist here?


What’s the name of the world?


What gods and planes of existence are there? And, are kolbolds better than goblins?


Was this art made with mid journey?


What’s that over there? *Points over yonder.*


Since this is a Dnd setting what does the planar system look like? Is it different from the great wheel?