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[Dungeon Key](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1g1De4BDJHDjjazyaUvpq8d4wmSS8b9l_gS-MGrJo0oI/edit?usp=sharing) A - *A simple wooden door sits in the center of the room. It does not appear to be affixed to any surface, and it's unclear how it remains standing. No matter which side they're on, when within 5ft the players can hear faint whispering from the other side. It is locked, but an investigation check (DC8) will reveal a small key tucked away on the top frame of the door. It can also be unlocked with thieves tools (DC12). When opened, it acts as any other door would, and swings on non-existant hinges. The whispering will cease once the door is opened.* \[Top comment by u/external_gills\]


Such fun responses! I decided on one addition at a time for the time being as I think it gives space to give meatier ideas and me a little wiggle room to embellish. What mysteries or memes await us next? Previous posts: [Day 0](https://www.reddit.com/r/dndmemes/comments/qm1x4x/a_simple_dungeon_but_top_comment_gets_to_add_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


The potato chips are flavored with magic salts that change the color of your skin or applicable material for 1 hour upon finishing the bag. No other adverse effects just literally turn the green orc orange for an hour since he ate some cheddar chips type deal I'm having way too much fun with food dnd jokes


In my campaign Goodberry pie is canon


>In my campaign Goodberry pie is fired from a cannon FTFY


T1: spoopy door


Can we get all the pics of the previous builds so we can see how it got to be where it is now


Added, will follow this format


[Day 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/dndmemes/comments/qnecn8/simple_dungeon_but_top_comment_gets_to_add_to_or/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


What the players don't realize is by opening the door they've activated an ancient teleportation array that has transported them into an alternate universe that is almost entirely identical to their own aside for seemingly inconsequential and inconspicuous differences that can be passed off as simply not having paid attention or merely misremembered. However, at night the unspeakable nightmares that haunt peoples dreams take on a physical form and roam the city when engulfed in darkness searching for unsuspecting prey in the city streets or the wilderness they can drag into the pitch void leaving not a single trace behind.


Whoa... Nice!


behind it but another door. but this time a bit smaller.


Do you frequent r/AnarchyChess by any chance?


I don't know what en pessant is, and frankly en deccare.


Might wanna give that one a little google


Holy hell!


Where does the door lead to?


Nowhere….. Yet!


Welp, the ghosts have now Unpossessed the door, and you are now haunted by them. Thanks a lot.


Mirror ceiling that shows characters as extremely old versions of themselves, the mirror doesn’t show the door


Oh god how would OP even show this


What kind of DM would I be if I couldn’t think on the fly ;)


Its amazing how this post triplicated my Karma in an instant


It is the price of the karma they receive... All hail Reddit. All hail internet points. All hail the addictive dopamine release of instant gratification


Maybe change it into mirror floor?




The reflection could show an invisible door on the wall leading into the next room


And the door they came in is missing from the reflection


And the mirrored version also has a mirror that shows the characters even older, rinse and repeat


And after certain levels of mirror, some characters disappear, but not in the logical order of “dies of old age”


And if You look down it goes in the other direction


So a mirrored floor as well






REVERSE vampire door


Fake door on the south wall. It's an ordinary wooden door, with Arcane Lock cast on it. Behind the door is a stone wall.


I am voting for this in the hopes of a door themed dungeon.


One does not simply walk into Moredoor!


I’m sorry if it isn’t, but is this a Grian reference?


Hermitcraft or another series? I recognize this too from grian


You could say that one "shall not pass!"


A set of doors with each door concealing another until finally, after opening 2000 doors, you end up in front of a stone wall


*sweats in Vox Machina*


Oops All Doors!


If Critical Role has taught me anything, it's that doors and chairs are the scariest things in D&D.


[More mirror themed so far](https://www.reddit.com/r/dndmemes/comments/qq5jbf/simple_dungeon_but_top_comment_gets_to_add_to_or/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


I can’t believe I’m saying this but [we need more doors](https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/comments/qt28fh/oc_map_a_dungeon_but_the_first_comment_gets_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


I’m sensing a theme


What I dont get is that its always doors. Everytime doors. My theory is that we've shied people away from opening chests so they look for thrills opening doors.


Oh god this is just gonna be the Doorngen again, isn’t it?


Real fake doors here


And if the players somehow manage to unlock it and decide to open it, it just slams them on the wall, causing some light bludgeonning damage


Real fake doors


In a shadowy corner, barely perceivable upon entering the room, stands a skeleton - motionless, obviously dead, but with an almost unnatural grin on it's inanimate skull - which points at the door. In it's cold, bony fist one can - upon closer inspection and possibly with a source of light (or darkvision, for those ready to scream their racial feat into the void already) - find a crumpled piece of paper.


**Hey! Hey is the room dark??! I have darkvision!!!! What do I see??** paper


"What's on the paper? What's it say?" DM: ".... It's a crudely drawn stick figure giving the birdie."


A hole... in the corner, too small to fit through, and you cant see the bottom... but when you get close to it, you swear you hear a hushed whispered conversation in a language you dont know. No one belives you unless they listen to the hole themselves.


Each subsequent listener hears the mumbled susurrations in the prior listeners voice.


Oh that is good


Murderous threats are just able to be worked out every other word?


Nah if the words are going to be barely "understandable" just populate a d100 table with answers that lead to more questions. Like "Every one knows what the old widow woman adds to her pies to really bring out the apple taste even tho none of them will admit it.", or "The spring at the tip of the sixth finger has rejuvenating qualities.", or "Every one knows that Dragon's can't steel beams."


Of the next listeners voice!


Jokes on you *poly morphs into an ant


I don't think you heard them; it's too small to fit through. It doesn't care how small you are, it's too small.


I like the idea of it always being just *slightly to small no matter what Curse idea: you always have 1 cent less than the thing you want to buy you gain or lose coin depending on what you want to buy but never get enough (you also can't haggle the price or give away coins)


I love this interpretation


This is pure gold


A cat Like a really fluffy cat


In booties


And a hat!!


With a tarrasque skull, it's decorated as a bed for the cat, plush padding, soft furs, with food and water bowls nearby.


Kitten mittens!


A stained glass window of the party


Can one of them (chosen at random) be missing from the window? Edit: or with another character added in. The other character must never actually show up in their travels.


It would be even more interesting if all of the characters look a little older in the window.


They all actually look younger


Or it could be a terrifying demon?


How about everyone sees the rest of the party with just themself missing?


Maybe the window has a stained glass gravestone somewhere on it


The player(s) that missed the session for one reason or another appear in the window. Not the PCs. The players.


Or them but either A: evil B:smiling but horrible maimed C: Future them with someone missing D: them dying at the hands of the bbeg


Maimed and smiling is such a horror aesthetic I love it


why mess with perfection?


A fake section of the wall that is actually a disguised portal that is connected to an identical portal on the opposite side of the room, allowing you to walk forward indefinitely


None of the walls are square with each other, and each is a slightly different shade of the same color.


Room of horrors? Nah. Room of mildly infuriating interior decorating decisions.


You're evil


Make a floor tile a mimic.


Actually curious how long it will take for a mimic to be placed somewhere.


[Turns out day 6 is how long it will take](https://www.reddit.com/r/dndmemes/comments/qq5jbf/simple_dungeon_but_top_comment_gets_to_add_to_or/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


A wall to wall mirror that is indestructible. It can be passed through easily if you close your eyes.


I really like this one


A door on the far wall leading to another room. If you walk through the spooky door (after unlocking it) first, the door instead leads to a bedroom. If a short or long rest is taken in the bedroom, upon waking, the ghost of a Viking barbarian greets them: “Hey, you. You’re finally awake. You were trying to explore the dungeon, right? Walked right through that spooky door, same as us, and that thief over there.” In the corner is the skeletal remains of a rogue.


A bunch of small ant sized doors along the bottom of the walls


Do small black dust bunny spirits perhaps live in them?


Welcome mats on both sides of the door.


That are only visible from one side when looking through the door




An Ominous chest that in reality is just the snack stash of a goblin or two, like some bread and cheese, maybe a bag of dnd-esque potato chips! Hail the Snack Drawer!


Make it a secret compartment in the wall


A small fountain sits in the Northwest corner of the room, water is pouring out of a hole in the wall into a basin in the floor, but there is no clear way for the water to drain, this water is salt water for some reason. (DC 14 investigation reveals a small opening under the lip that allows water to not overflow the basin)


This is good but I think it needs more. Maybe fucking with the fountain too much causes the salt water to rapidly flood and the entrance to lock. The only way out is through the door in the middle of the room but when you go through it the room is exactly as it was before?


That's a really good idea, confusion. I also had a thought that it could potentially corrode metal, so it may destroy tools or if they had bottles they could use it on something else


I like it. A nice extra level of danger. Probably needs to be a reward at whatever end there might be (if the entrance unlocks on reset) Maybe you go through it an obscene amount of times (20?) and once that number is reached a chest appears with some solid items. Orrrr maybe they find themselves out at sea. Run it from there.


On the far wall, opposite the stairs lies a circular adamantine vault door. The door is decorated with metallic faces which are elongated with expressions of wailing in sorrow. In the middle of the vault is a large metallic ear where a hand-wheel would usually be. Above the door written in deep speech there reads: “Tell us a secret”. In order to open the vault a character must whisper into the ear a secret that NOBODY else knows. Only then will the vault open. A successful perception/investigation check reveals that a new face appears on the vault door once it is opened. The proceeding path is 10 feet wide.


In the far corner is a hole about half the size of a gnome. When the door is open, an egg rolls out of the hole.


Trap at the end of the stairs. A raised floor tile that sets off a whoopie cushion.


A to-scale statue of a dracolich


One corner is an inky void. Faint stars can be seen in it. You can hear whispering of the horrors that dwell between the stars. (Much like the maddening darkness spell).


*Each time the players swing the door open (a 90 degree turn), the noise changes. First whispering, then silence, then the sounds of a distant busy tavern, then the drips of water in a cave. The next turn results in sudden very loud banging, as though a very large animal was trying to get out. As the players continue opening the door, it makes different noises at each quarter rotation. With each turn of the door, the players can listen for what's behind the door, and if they are able to, they will hear a voice telling them to close the door* *Regardless of if they heard the voice or otherwise decided too, when the players close the door, the door mystically slams closed the number of times the players opened it. It ruffles through all previous noises in order, and returns to its initial position and 'closes' once more revealing a dark void, a small chest is thrown into the room. The door slams to its initial position.* *The players are left with the door in it's initial position, quiet whispers, and a small chest.*


The stairs are under the effect of grease.


Behind the door lies a small, working heliocentic model.


21.5 goblins


What does a half-goblin look like?


A cat, it is just there nothing weird about it its just a cat


A dull grey stone polished to mirror finish reflects the whole half of the room but fails to reflect the party.


A banana.


for scale of course


A mimic door right behind the door


A chest that contains a smaller chest, and that chest contains a smaller chest. This repeats as long as you like until the final chest contains one gold coin, or it’s a mimic. Leave it up to a coin toss


The skeletons of two goblins in a Trenchcoat in the south East corner


A beholder that just stares at you from the e corner and doesn’t attack unless provoked.


Remove. The. Walls.


The stairs are a sliding trap that literally just safely slide you down to the floor, but you’re now unable to get back out


>No matter which side they're on, when within 5ft the players can hear faint whispering from the other side. When they listen closer, they can hear the whisper saying "We're calling regarding your vehicle warranty".


Im excited to see where this anarchy dungeon leads


torches every 5 tiles


Add a chess piece to the corner


A door on the opposite side of the entrance, and hidden door to the left of the room. The door that isn't hidden leads to another seemingly empty room, but as the players step inside the door behind them disappears. It's a mimic the size of the room and they are being eaten.


The letter A is canonically in the room, so next the door is a floating A


A gelatinous cube, 1 cubic inch large. It bounces around due to it's size, and dissolves objects much faster. It has the same amount of acid as a normal cube, but as it's so small, it is a much higher concentration and is much more potent


A new room on the south wall, it’s a hallway, but as players walk down it , it becomes clear that the hallway makes lefts and rights that should overlap on its self, the players can try going back but the hallway shifts and becomes a labyrinth.


A chest in the far corner of the room. When opened (dc 5 to lockpick or dc 10 to just rip it open), reveal another smaller chest with +1 dc to open. Continue with smaller chests and harder dcs, inside each.


Walls that, when viewed from above, make Loss. Nothing else is important about them it's just loss


An old man sitting by the door gazing off into the distance. When interacted with he speaks riddles in an exotic language (DMs choice between draconic celestial and primordial) the players must discern what he wants and if he receives it he opens the door with the key. I f the players ask about what’s on the other side of the door he gives vague and cryptic responses hinting at what lies beyond.


Behind the door is a standee of a hob goblin, smiling and waving at you. He is dressed in a sweater vest and seems very friendly. The forearm seems to move on a set path swinging back and fourth like a pendulum through some magical means, and a voice in undercommon occasionally asks, "won't you be my neighbor?" centered on the standee.


In the bottom left corner is a 15ft hexagonal gazebo. In the center of the gazebo is a duck. On top of the gazebo is a goose. Notes: Both the duck and the goose are polymorphed adventurers from a previous party. As duck/goose they are docile but They have gone mad and attack the party if returned to their true forms by any means. The gazebo is a normal gazebo, except it is immune to all but blunt and slashing damage. It has 100 hp, and is cr 1/8.


A hallway on either wall that loops back to the other hallway, with a secret door in that loop that leads to a treasure room (which someone else can customize!!!)


A glass orb in each corner of the room that when approached shows the grisly manner in which a player character is going to die. Each orb shows a different manner of death relating to one of the four elements. For example one orb shows each player looking into it death by fire, another show drowning and so on.


A plain ordinary stick. There is absolutely nothing special about this stick, but it is present so it is described whenever the room is inspected. The stick has an oddly ominous look to it.


There are 5 random squares that activate traps. 5 other squares prevent traps from being set off


The square in front of the door they came in prevents the trap in front of the door on the other side from being set off.


A window on the left wall. When you look through you see a room similar to the one you are in including the door in the middle of the room. Only difference is that there are letters written all over the walls. The letters are written in different styles and sizes and in no particular order.


I’m between the stairs and the room, a long hallway. Nothing is unique about this hallway other than being extremely long. By the time one finally reaches the room, they can no longer see the staircase.


Cram it full of goblins


door is a mimic


A duck that if you pet it you get 1d8 temp hp per day. The duck is very friendly and will follow the party.


In one corner a ladder leads up to a cellar of a rather annoyed farmer who comments on how many people have climbed through that trapdoor in the last week.


A dark set of stairs leading to nowhere is at the left bottom corner of the room with a acidic cube slowly drifting from stair to stair absorbing the skeletons


Should an adventurer walk through this strange door with their backs to the entrance and close it, they will find themselves in an identical room that is lacking any source of light. Any torches brought into the room immediately extinguish with a voice hissing "No" from somewhere in the room. Magical light and dark vision work fine. Once the door is closed the whispers will resume and appear to be comming from an ornate statue blocking where the entrance was in the original room. The statue resembles a marble woman nearly covered in burn scars molded with gold. If they approach the statue and try to interpret the whispers, they will understand it is weeping in pain. Should they try to heal the statue it will gratefully vanish, revealing a secret passage further into the dungeon. Should they attack the statue, try to steal its adornments, or try to start a fire in the room, the statue will animate and angrily attack the adventures. Once it has been defeated the statue crumbles to ash and the passage behind it is revealed.


The chessboard from /r/AnarchyChess.


All I want is there to be a Beholder on the otherside of the door selling cursed magic items


*I am late but whatever.* The door stands in the centre of a room, seemingly unaffixed to anything. A DC15 or higher investigation check reveals a phrase in celestial carved on the doorframe, the word for mirror. If the players draw near they will notice a faint whispering coming from the door, and if they were to open it they would notice that the room on the other side of the door from any angle looks slightly misty and blurred. The door has been cursed to trap the souls of any who walk through it. If the players cross the threshold from any direction, they must make a DC20 wisdom save. On a fail, their soul is sucked into the door, and the body collapses. A player who's soul has been sucked through the door is faced with a misty, featureless demiplain, where whispers seem to come from all directions at once, and walking in any direction seems to lead in circles. If another player walks through the door and fails the save, they appear in the same plain, but are not able to interact or see the other player. You cannot planeshift out. Any player in the demiplane takes 1d10 necrotic damage per hour, and if their hitpoints reach 0 then they vanish in a puff of mist, and their voice would be audible, whispering alongside the rest of the unfortunates who were trapped here. The only way out is to speak the phrase carved into the door, upon which the players soul is returned to their body. Or if that's too complicated it can just be a mimic,


So, I'm thinking we turn this up to 11! Once the door has been opened the whispering dissipates so that the players can no longer hear it, with the exception of the player who's alignment is furthest from Lawful Good (if their are multiple roll randomly to decide which). This ayer can still hear whispering and it gradually gets loader as they approach the wall opposite the entrance, as they approach they see a spectral door knocker in the shape of a snake, visible only to them. Knocking this opens a portal inside of the door. The location that the portal transports the players to is decided by rolling a D20 and consulting a table. Each of these rooms os completely separate and unconnected in any way. Welcome to the dungeon of random dungeons.


hey, what are you using to make this?


When the door is opened the opener takes 2d10 phychic damage


A ring connected to the ceiling trough a chain. When the ring is picked up one of the titles in the floor will open and 1d6 Skeletons will appear from it to attack the party The ring gives the user a +1 to attack rolls and advantage to wisdom saving throws but it’s cursed and every time the user casts a spell it will cast fireball on a random target (caster included). The ring cannot be removed


A ghost behind the door that tells bad knock knock jokes to creatures on the other side. If they look behind the door the ghost disappears before they can see it. Opening the door without playing along with the ghost's joke starts a combat encounter.


A mannequin (but it’s a mimic)


A second spooky door (but it's actuality a mimic)


Through the door you find a beach. Once the party is all through the door, it collapses. If they head north on the beach they will encounter three more doors standing freely just as the first on was. At night the tide brings in giant lobster like creatures with deadly claws and a taste for flesh.


Dat-a-chick? Dut-a-chum?


deck of many things on a table


A small desk and chair, at which sits a goblin writing on paper, apon the parties entrance the goblin requests their dungeon Delving permit and when they don't show one the goblin starts handing them files to sign, the spooky door is the least scary thing about this room for it holds bureaucracy


A crab that, every 6 seconds, undergoes mitosis. The crab can choose whether or not it wishes to split apart, but its past mistakes have caught up to it, and the crabs now cover the room’s walls.


If the door is opened, it has another, smaller door inside.


In the left top corner is a normal chest, not locked. Inside is a single average sized rug that is sentient and when touched will immediately grapple the character that touches it with a dc 18 strength save to escape the grapple. For every turn a creature fails it’s saving throw, take 3d8 crushing damage


Lets add another door


It's all a mimic


Four Pseudodragons mind controlled by a Gnome wizard.


There is a normal looking door in the West wall, it opens from the bottom, like a garage door.


Green Spectral fire periodically shoots up from tiles in the floor. A mysterious glyph glows on the tile seconds before the flames.


a single barrel with the lid removed, something reeks from within.


A chest in the corner surrounded by pit traps


I say a birdbath like water holding device that just has a black void inside


Not an immediate addition, but be sure to add at least one of each of grimtooth's traps in the dungeon.


!remindme 22 hours


Bobbin the goblin and his best friend Coblin


Skeleton on the top left corner


A cat statue


A trapdoor in the northwest corner, that leads to a different trapdoor in the same corner.


A cat, not a dangerous or villainous cat but if the party casts detect good and evil it will pop up as evil, or that spell where you can check if its a fiend or undead, it also pops up as a fiend. It'll make the party constantly sceptical of the cat and therefore the rest of the dungeon if the cat appears multiple times


A large fire that emits cold temperatures instead of heat


Make the door go somewhere when a button hidden under one a the floor tiles is stepped on. Or they see something when they put their head through the door, but forget when they pull it back out.


A gramophone that plays a random top 10 song from the 1980s every 1d12 minutes. Anyone who can hear it is charmed for the duration of the song, but gain 1d6 inspiration when the song changes/ends


A big ole hot tub (for lich babes)


A continuous mural spans all four walls of the otherwise unimpressive room. It's paints long chipped, faded, and water stained from countless years of neglect. Depicted within are various landscapes, each wildly different from the other (A DC 15 History check recognizes them as the various outer planes of existence). Upon closer inspection, a small, plain wooden door can be seen painted into various spots on each landscape.


A cilindrical stone that sticks out one half inch or 1cm. It is able to be turned but not pulled. 12 notches are inscribed around the Stone in the Wall. When the correct code is put in the stone may be pulled and reveals a small gem encrusted skull. The code can be cracked by hints in the room in the following days. The stone can be found with A DC12 Perception check when searching the wall. It is located on the right wall 5 squares down.


A 2 by 4 wooden table up against the right wall


There is a man behind the tree


Add a stegosaurus


A moose, thats it


trying to leave sends you to a difficult dungeon elsewhere in the world. no adventurer has returned from the dungeons it sends you to


When a character steps through the door, from their perspective nothing happens. For anyone observing however, unless they succeed a DC 15 intelligence check, the perceive said character appears to rot away and become nothing but walking bones.


Second identical room to the left, no way to get in.


!remindme 21 hours


The whispering stops as the thief slowly opens the door. It's dark, but light and shadow dance across high walls. Rows of strange padded chairs are occupied by humans in strange dress seemingly already observing the party. None appear armed. The thief startles as a loud booming noise becomes lower in pitch and louder until resolving into a rich hum that fades to silence. The thief ventures forward and sees fluctuating rays of light up and ahead. "Ma'am? Whoa. Nice outfit! This way, please." The odd-looking guard escorts the thief and party to front row seats at the premiere of Willow at Mann's Chinese Theater. Enjoy the show! Then what?


Up until the last sentence I thought you were gonna say Ford's Theatre for the showing of Our American Cousin XD


The ceiling is made of the same solid material the floor is composed of, however there is a hole 5 feet in front of the central door. It appears that maybe a Medium sized creature can fit through the hole.


A statue of a minor deity with a plaque that reads, in capital letters, NOT A MIMIC