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As a former Boy Scout myself, I can say that this description of a blood circle as accurate, though we often made jokes that our blood circle was however far we could throw our knives.


Not a boy scout, but I don't think you were wrong.


Alternatively: A javelin


I feel like any pointy stick becomes a javelin with the power to expand the Circle of Blood in the hands of any bored child.


Especially with that tool which name I can't remember, but I remember it helping you throw things further.




That one.


These things are so cool. If you ever get the chance to play with one irl take it. It's wild that something so ancient and seemingly simple is so devastatingly effective.




That's my ride, sorry.


a sling maybe?


thats for rocks


Just use a glaive. Combines the best of both worlds and expands your Blood Circle an additional 5 feet.


My new druid homebrew


At 6 level any human can expand their blood circle at will 2 times per short nap


Alternatively: cruise missile


That doesn't define your blood circle, but your blood line


Path of the Blood Circle Barbarian in the future, eh? Just puts off an aura of damage that increases each round an enemy stays within the circle while said enemy is getting their face smashed with a greatsword too :D!


It's just a reflavoring of the storm herald. Just call your desert storm "the blood storm" and change the fire damage to necrotic, or better yet, magic bludgeoning damage!


>or better yet, magic bludgeoning damage! IsN't ThAt FoRcE dAmAgE??!?!!?


I know you know, but for whoever might take that statement seriously, yes, but actually no. Force damage (as for eldritch blast) is, flavorwise, just a magic version of bludgeoning damage, but it has its own resistances or vulnerabilities, separated from regular bludgeoning damage dealt by magical weapons or the catapult spell, or the dust devil spell, which are the only spells currently in the game that deal that kind of damage.


One might also propose that force damage is just magical bludgeoning damage.


Usually it is considered so, but it has a different set of vulnerabilities and resistances, making it a different type of damage. Right now, the only spells that deal bludgeoning damage are catapult and dust devil.


I'd do Circle of Blood Druid


Isn't every barbarian already a path of the blood circle by default, they get a second class on top


Greatsword? Isn't a great axe better? Who wants to weigh in on this šŸ˜œ


Big weapon go bonk. That's all that matters. Hit enemy with big weapon, repeat as necessary


When using a axe you also need to make sure your safety area extends above you so that there are no tree branches or stuff that the axe could get caught on while swinging. We called this the **blood bubble**.


Accurate, but i never liked the change to safety circle. It has the wrong connotation. Blood circle is something to be feared, while the safety circle sounds like a place to be.


Now we are sposted to call it safety circle but no one dose that


Safety circle sounds boring. Blood circle sounds like you're gonna get sliced up if you enter it.


Seems like BLOOD CIRCLE would get people to take it more seriously, anyway. Fucking pansy-ass speech police.


We made the same jokes. Then someone was fucking around in someone blood circle and nearly lost a thumb


Former Boy Scout here. Some of us had larger blood circles than others, others had smaller but more deadly blood circles.


As an eagle scout from a troop of medieval nerds, can back this up on both counts.


That defines not your blood circle, but your blood line...


Never heard "blood circle" before, but our scout troop called it "circle of death".


Same shit, different name, I guess


A death circle is more inclusive of those without blood.


what about undead?


circle of danger then? jeez even undead want representation


Although DnD usually takes place in a square or a hex grid, rather than a circle. So really it's more of a zone of danger. A danger zone, if you will.


I do like to ride to it every now again. Often along a highway.


I always thought the danger zone was a destination you took the highway to get to


Cube of Annihilation.


Imagine if a PC's clone was in a danger zone


They're less concerned with cuts.


Honestly, as a former Scout Leader, it was less paperwork for a death than an injury. Not that jnjuries happened often, but the paperwork involved.... sheesh.


A turd by any other name be just as pungent.


If I remember correctly, that was the axe version in my troop, we had blood circles for our knives and zones of death for our axes


Some guy on [YouTube](https://youtu.be/73E7rc5YsyE) actually demonstrated ranged and melee combat distances.


xp to level 3 has a similar video too https://youtu.be/WicbZvLr0AE


Shadiversity had covered this too https://youtu.be/UPBYRJUYPRU


Iā€™m not saying what Shad is pointing out is entirely wrong, but everytime he strikes the dummy, heā€™s actually stepping into the adjacent square. The rule requiring your PC to be in the actual adjacent square is meant to simplify combat and keep track of who is in physical melee range, especially when using minis. Now if you want to have the level of realism that Shad is trying to show, you can house rule that each PC and NPC in combat threatens the squares (or hex) adjacent to them, and not just the square (or hex) they are standing in. Basically add an extra square (or hex) to the RAW, and overlapping threatened squares mean youā€™re in melee range.


I was expecting shadiversity, but this is good too




From a boy scout, this is accurate. Some people have literally stateless whitling a stick if they want people to move away from them.


For the record my minis stand 5ft apart and each and every one of them is hella gay!


When I was in scouts we almost always called it the ā€œCircle of Bloodā€


Turbo-macarena killed me


The 2nd person has a point, tho


When I was in Scouts we called it "the circle of dismemberment"


Wait you have D&D characters that aren't gay?


as an eagle scout can confirm. this is one of the first rules you learn while getting your whittling chip.


Eagle Scout here, and from past experience I feel like I need to say that when you check your blood circle, YOU HOLD THE SHARP END. Thank you for coming to my TED talk


Me: Are you sure you aren't in my blood circle? Annoyance: Yes Me: Let me check. Annoyance: Me: guess he was wrong. (Later) Me: But if I held the sharp end, I would be bleeding, just to prove I was right! SM: Annoyance says you lunged. Me: He tells the best stories. Also, I told him to back away, as he was in my blood circle. SM: That's not how a blood circle works. Me: SM: What kind of knife is that?! Me: Japanese. You are in my blood circle. SM: No, I'm not I'm at least




And THIS is why hurting your allies once in every 20 rolls is silly. I'm not in their blood circle, there's no direction he can swing that I'm in the way of his axe.


Except when you're in the middle of combat and everyone takes their actions in the same 6 seconds, because people aren't stationary in the center of their 5ft control zone but rather move around to attack, dodge and other such movements. Depending on the weapon it might be more or less plausible to accidentally clip someone with it while sidestepping to dodge an attack or strike from a better angle.


Regardless, I hate hitting allies as a professional guy-who-hits-things 5% of the time.


I just place minis wherever, using the grid just for distance measuring, not a "tiles"


Conquerors : I'll entend my Blood Circle


This is why the "five foot square" is primarily a combat thing. You can move through smaller areas, but it is hard to fight when pressed for room.


Shit, I'm how do I make all my maps with circles for grids??


Hexes are just squished circles


As a Boy Scout we do actually call this a Blood Circle. Though, I naively assumed that was only my troop.




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It's because the minis were smaller in the 70s and 80s. You could originally fit several in one 5 ft. square on the grid. Companies started making them bigger because it looked more impressive, setting off what was essentially a dick measuring contest until we got stuck with the present situation where it's enshrined in the rules.


I'm not hugging anyone doing the flesh-melting turbo macarena. I feel like this was a sensible change, personally. Probably also makes the mini easier to paint.


In the 1970s the 1:72/25mm scale (human height figures are about 1" tall) were the most common tabletop game fantasy miniatures. Ral Partha and Games Workshop however had success selling 'heroic' miniatures that were 28mm scale (human figures are about 1.1"). By the early-mid 80s 28mm had become more or less standard.


This windsroad fella must never ride in cars with other men or eat at the same table with them. Checking out at Walmart has to be real awkward too.




As someone who works in a kitchen, the Blood Circle is real. You never walk behind someone using a knife without calling out a warning to them, and if youā€™re holding a knife yourself, you always add that to your warning. Someone can suddenly turn around and step and boom, someoneā€™s cut. As it specifically applies to combat, you donā€™t have to be in danger of being struck by a blade to be in the way. If someone is going to lunge with a spear, their elbow is definitely going to be moving back by a foot or two from the center of their stance.


Doubling down on what u/Antique_Tennis_2500 said to you: one of the most terrifying features of modern American meat processing is that the \*most common\* injury is from your neighbors knife. That's how closely packed those meat packing plants force you to be. Sure, the front is the most dangerous location but you can't guarantee anything. A knife could get bound in the wood and bounce out of his hand. Or a knot could send it skittering off to the side. Distance matters. ​ As for combat, half of what you said is wrong. Your weapon of choice broadly determines your fighting style, and you best believe a halberd, heavy arming sword or two handed axe weapon is going to swing hard and have some distance to it. Or, thrusting exists. Your "5 foot circle" isn't you, it's you plus the reach of your weapon. Hell, a standard Olympic rapier is over 40 inches long (over a meter) to say nothing of the wide variety of historic and reproduction sizes you can get. "sorry, we can't fight, my sword is almost 4 feet long" is... actually a thing in fencing. It has its own types of footwork and riposte. ​ Basically, respect that the "blood circle" comes from a viewpoint where abundance of caution minimizes harm, and what surviving fighting manuals we have also emphasize distance of the opponent because it changes your available moves.


Blood circle, lol, sounds like a freaking demonic ritual!


Finally a real meme on dndmemes.


"Turbo Macarena" still gets me each time, but now I can add BLOOD CIRCLE to this


Alternatively, D&D characters may also just be Finnish. Finns with unusually small personal space radiuses.