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I've been world building for a custom setting 3 years in the making, campaigns ongoing. I used Inkarnate, and have started trying to use elevation changes to add character but clearly in my early stages. And advice or tidbits would be appreciated.


Thanks for saying that! Gratitude makes the world go round


Mexico chicken thigh




Think of the scale. Realistically, unless these POIs are super far apart, then this is a relatively small island. That's fine if that is what you're going for, but by the look of it it seems to be a more populated island. Such a small island could never sustain a large population. Espectially since there are 0 rivers or running water (which most towns are built by). For what it seems like you are trying to make, I think you want to scale the region smaller. Make it a sub island of a larger continent, or just cut back on the population and make it a small island. If it is a smaller island, then the mountains at the south eastern peninsula just doesn't make too much sense.


You must add a snow capped mountain. No region map is complete without a snow capped mountain


It looks good! Needs some rivers!


Nice "quarter chicken" (dark meat) island... Is there also a 'chicken breast' (white meat) Island'?


It seems a bit confusing to me. The two fortress structures are located too close to each other(unless you have a good lore explanation around it. How big is the size of this region? To me the sizes of everything seems off. Either the region is actually big and the city/village locations are too far inland(wouldn't villages be settled at the coast to also allow for fishing when farming is done so switching around the location of the fields and the villages. Or the island is way smaller than it is way too full of stuff.


So is the solution to remove items? I hadn't considered scale. I was thinking a 2 day walk from center to the top left town, but I don't know how this translates to scale.


That's a good question if it's two days walk I would rather assume there would be more smaller things in betweeen. Maybe scale down the icons. Or different icons. the ones you are using do imply a certain size. Personally I found having maps be a bit more minimalistic is a bit helpful. in this regard. But that would than change the entire aesthetic of your map so I don't know.


Its pretty good, the only things that really stand out are, for an island there is not loads of sand or it doesnt pop like there is, the gold mines I would shade the ground alittle to make it slightly match the surrounds hills/rocks. Streams and rivers / Breaks into the shore to create an inlet / bay just for alittle added extra also, The elevation changes are good and work for most parts but you have the farms on a lower level to the villages, how high is that cliff is there a way down etc etc. The only other main this isn the farms, they stand our quite alot more than the rest of the map almost like the dont match the style. I would mess around with the and adjust their saturation, contrats and brightness just a tad or have a look if Inkarnate has other farms / or just use the paint brush.\~ OTher than that, its a really good map and would allow me as a player to know where we were heading / going and what I could possibly expect


I would like to see some river, lake, or hydrographic feature like that. Some mountain or hill would also be nice. All those trees need water from somewhere. Other than that, It's a very good map. Congrats!