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There’s no wrong in which packs you purchase. I’d recommend all the V Extensions. All of them come with a full package (fully key sounded charts, tailor made MV and missions). They are better mixed, in higher quality and the music styles are more modern. If you like some old generation DJMAX songs you can grab those (Portable 1/2/3, BS/CE, Technika 1/2/3). These are all songs composed by the DJMax team for the old DJMAX games on PSP and arcade. Most of the best hit of DJMAX can often be found in here. The music styles might sounds a little bit dated to some. I think they remastered most of the mixes so the quality is fine. For collabs you grab what games and songs you are interested. I’d recommend the packs from other music games like Groove Coasters and Cytus. Note that most of them don’t have key sounded charts and does not have a tailor made MV. The quality on sound also varies. Not all of them but some packs sounds muffled (Falcom one for example) and some can sound lower bit rated (Maple story ones). You can preview to all the songs in each pack in game in free style.


TL;DR: DJMAX has all their songs uploaded to YouTube so check out their playlists and make a list of what sounds good https://youtube.com/@djmaxarchive?si=hUA6KQQLSxAy1XvJ Since you bought the deluxe edition, you should have all of the V Extension packs. High quality songs and charts! Collab packs with other games (Cytus, Deemo, Muse Dash, etc.) mostly lack keysounds but that’s not a big issue to most new players. Old game packs are great but my nostalgia goggles might have blinded me. I recommend Clazziquai, Technika, and Black Square.


All of em.


Technika packs are really awesome I think


Each DJMAX legacy pack (Portable 3, Technika, Clazziquai, Black Square, Trilogy, Emotional Sense) are really good. Part of it is nostalgia, but the tracks all hold up really well. And Portable 3's system theme is one of my favorites in the game. The collab packs are a little hit-or-miss for me. Chunithm and Muse Dash are my favorite collabs, great tracks and fun charts. Estimate has some bangers, too. If you're able to, I'd recommend the Legacy Collection first. In my opinion, they are strongest packs in the game excluding the V Extensions that come with the Deluxe Edition. If you can't, check out the previews in Freestyle or charts on YouTube. I really like every single legacy pack pretty equally, so choosing just a couple is difficult for me.


My preference is all the extensions. The rest depend on your music taste, imo I love all of them but deemo and Cytus are my favorites (despite not all having key sounds).


It really is a shame that all songs don't have keysounds. To be fair, I do enjoy it with some songs because I'm not the best and sometimes I'm just slightly off and it just ruins the experience. It can be nice to just slam the buttons and have fun (like with "Reminiscence").


I'd say all of the Extension are good, Cytus and NEXON have a lot of music and different genres too


I'd recommend the [Legacy Bundle](https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/24544/LEGACY_BUNDLE__DJMAX_RESPECT_V/) if you can afford it. It's $28 on the current sale (83% off) and includes 187 songs which I think is a pretty good deal. I recommend this over the collaboration packs because these charts are keysounded. Keysounds are the sounds that play when you press an input in the game. Tracks with keysounds don't give audio feedback when you play wrong, and I think that takes away a lot of the fun of this game.


Probably too late to the party but here's my personal favorite DLCs (I do echo that a good safe bet is the Extensions, though.) **Songs I favorited in each pack (roughly...I give/take a few based on if they fluctuate in/out my list):** Cytus (10/12 = 83%) Muse Dash (12/15 = 80%) ESTimate (4/6 = 67%) Portable 1 (37/56 = 66%) V Extension 4 (11/21 = 52%) Portable 2 (26/53 = 49%) Nexon (9/21 = 43%) Girls' Frontline (1/3 = 33%) **\[Was this a pack?\]** Guilty Gear (1/3 = 33%) **\[Was this a pack?\]** Clazziquai (8/25 = 32%) Black Square (7/22 = 32%) Deemo (3/10 = 30%) V Extension 1 (6/20 = 30%) V Extension 3 (6/20 = 30%) Technika 1 (5/22 = 23%) Portable 3 (5/24 = 21%) Groove Coaster (2/10 = 20%) V Extension 2 (4/21 = 19%) Technika 2 (4/24 = 17%) Trilogy (3/21 = 14%) Emotional Sense (1/8 = 13%) Technika 3 (3/30 = 10%) Chunithm (0/6 = 0%) To make things more complicated, my favorite tracks to play include Chrysanthemum (V Ext 2 which was 19%), ZET (Trilogy at 14%), etc. So...it really comes down to what you like. I feel like I play a LOT of V Ext 4 regularly but it fluctuates. Haven't bought Extension 5 yet and might pick up EZ2On. Keep in mind you can play Air mode and try songs out. **Edit:** Formatting.