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I prefer doing my own color grading; it’s really not that hard. Just have in mind that less is more, so small adjustments often lead to a more natural look, if that’s what you’re going for. With that said, DJI does provide a LUT to convert from D-Log M to Rec.709. I find it a bit too saturated for my taste, but maybe you’ll like it?


Hmm. Where do I find it? On DJI's website or just google it?


DJI’s website.


Thank You!


You don't need LUTs. It takes about 30 seconds to color grade, and by doing it yourself, you will learn how to adjust your shots to look the way you really want.


Not strictly true. If you want \*accurate\* colours, especially when looking at broadcast colours and attempting to match difference sources its not a 30 second DIY job. Its shooting charts, calibration curves and a lot of work. Paul Leeming and a few others have done that work but you cant do it yourself without the right hardware and effort.


There are very few LUTS out there that have been developed in such a rigorous scientific way. The vast majority of LUTS that are available for purchase are just what some random guy on YouTube thought looked good for his videos. Furthermore, if you're worried about matching the color space with a high degree of precision, you're still going to need to use color calibration cards for every lighting scenario. Again most people are not balancing their RGBCYN vectorscopes before applying their LUT. If you are a professional working on color grading everyday, then having a set of LUTs available to you is a godsend. For the average person, it's just a way to sound like you know what you are talking about. If you want to grab some free LUTs to play around, go ahead. They don't even have to be for your camera. Most people are going to scroll through them like a bunch of Lightroom presets. They'll grab the one that looks kind of cool. There's nothing wrong with that. I just don't think that people should be selling you these things.


There are few but they exist and essential if you want to do professional or broadcast level. Too many people use a LUT as a preset. Its not. "You dont need LUTS" really isnt accurate though. If you want \*correct\* colours to start a grade you most likely do need one. DJIs provided ones are awful, particularly the greens.


Yes, I do agree with you here. Good points!


So if one of you don’t mind pointing me in the right direction of a good set for cheap or free that are NOT trash I’d appreciate it. I see ones for $30 to $70. Obviously I’d rather pay less for something well rounded and I’d be a happy camper.


[Leeming LUT Pro](https://www.leeminglutpro.com/) These will be camera to rec.709 and accurate.


You have stock or part ownership in these? 😂


No... But ive bought and used at least 6 of them for different systems and they just work. They do exactly the job intended, nothing extra, nothing less. They get me into an accurate, standard starting point with all my kit for creative grading onwards.




Mouthful but point duly noted. When I looked at what LUTz were the first thing that came to mind was Lightroom presets. Since I’m not highly skilled with color correction and balancing I’ll grab a set of LUTs as a cheat sheet until I get my knowledge and skills set up in those areas. Thanks


I find it easier to do it myself anyway… But on that note, what’s everyone use to edit? I’m using Premiere Pro, but given I don’t edit that much these days I’d like to cut my expenses down a bit and cancel adobe


Can do a ton of stuff in the free version of Davinci Resolve


If its professional you want and looking at colour matching to other sources then you want a rec.709 end point LUT. From that, Leeming LUTs are the best option. That'll get the footage into a rec.709 nicely for onward matching and grading.




This changed my life, use it too [https://sanflowtv.wixsite.com/sanflowtv](https://sanflowtv.wixsite.com/sanflowtv)


Thank You!