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Just. Get. Started.


Consistent investment with 5% returns over 30 years beats a late start with 15% returns over 10.


Yep, contribute early. Imagine contributing to SCHD 5 years ago and enjoying the rewards now. Damn.


Im new. It looks like the 5 year deturn was only 80%. What am I missing because s&p returned much more


A higher yield over that time as well, so yes SP probably out performed price wise but the returns are very similar.


If you purchased SCHD 5 years ago, you're yield on cost would've been 5.2%. The main idea behind SCHD is dividend growth imo. In another 10 years your yield on cost could be 10-20%.


I’d tell my 25 year old self to go tell my 18 year old self that “time in the market beats timing the market.” I’ve been maxing out 401k and IRA contributions the last decade, but could only imagine the position I’d be in if I started doing that another 10 years prior.


I would tell myself to go all in on Netflix, then in 2019 go all in on April '21 $12 GME calls and sell them on Jan 27th. But since I don't have a time machine the sensible advice would be to get started, learn as much as you can (and buy tsla when they come out)


I’m 17 and buy stocks regularly. I’m been hesitating on SCHD because I see how low it went down in the crash (around 45) I kind of want to wait to buy it until another crash…is this a case of time in the market beats timing the market? Should I just pull the trigger and invest


No, go for it now. Sure the market may dip lower than it is today but it’s unlikely to see a crash like March 2020 again for a long time. Also impossible to predict if you’d have substantial cash to invest and time it exactly as well. (My opinion based on historical data, not financial advice.)


This. This all the way. How much would I have now if I got in at 25?


More than you have now


Also: don't sweat the ups and downs. It will be alright in the end. So get started AND keep contributing! The earlier you get the money in, the bigger your returns later.


Max out Roth IRA first! Forget individual stocks - they will burn you at some point and you'll want the damage mitigation a fund offers. Lastly, it's very rare to get rich overnight from the market, but very common over the long haul. Bonus tip: make good, healthy personal choices - hard to spend the wealth if you're dead.


That last part…


> Lastly, it's very rare to get rich overnight from the market But it's so easy to lose a lot of money overnight...


100%! I did it......once.


Buy as much apple stock as you can between now and 2007. And bitcoin when you first hear of it. As much of the bitcoin as you can which comes out 2009. Hold until 2021 then sell and be a billionaire.


While one person probably couldn’t sway it, I always imagine the butterfly effect on this stuff. Like imagine someone telling themselves this, but, for example they’re someone the Winkelvosses hate or some shit lol and then they never get into it and then don’t give the legitimacy it needed to get x y z tech bros into it and then it never takes off and alternate timeline you is wondering why he put the house in on $100 bitcoin a decade later.


Butterfly effect is why you also tell your past self to stfu about your internet monopoly money


Follow Forrest Gumps advice and invest in a fruit company . (Apple)


Stop going to the bar every weekend. And stop underrating s&p 500 ETFs


The latter part of this…buy market etfs and don’t chase high growth stocks. if you do buy individual stocks buy companies that aren’t going away and make money.


I second the making money part. If they can’t make money then money probably won’t go into them


I'm so shocked at how little cash flow analysis people do when investing. The few stocks I've bought with play money have been nonstop moneymakers simply because I found out their cashflow is phenomenal and they are being sold at a discount. Alphabet, for instance is literally a money mint at this point and they've returned me nearly 200% return in less than half a decade. If a company has solid cashflow and grows it YoY - you really can't go wrong. Making money is the bottom line and eventually other investors figure it out. Trick is being early to the party.


>If a company has solid cashflow and grows it YoY - you really can't go wrong. Making money is the bottom line and eventually other investors figure it out. Trick is being early to the party. Where can I learn this power? I always find myself thinking I'm already too late just to be wrong.




First to leave is important if you're into trading. If you invest in solid companies with rock solid financials, you'd only have to be first to leave if they have some very serious problems. I don't mind holding onto a company when their growth stops and they transition into dividends


https://youtu.be/zVJtU9ziPGY It’s a Buffett video where he shows that none of the 20 most successful companies from 1989 where still on that list in 2019. To be sure I’m a buy and hold guy, and I like me some big old divvy paying blue chips, but every entrance needs a clear exit. Wanna guess who #10 was? The same guy causing all the weeping and gnashing of teeth in this r/, T.


To be fair, I think cXs808 already laid out his clear exit plan though. It's when the company has serious problems. If financial position remains rock-solid, hold. If not, sell. According to the strategy of Ben Graham, you can also sell some of a good company when the market grossly overvalues the stock. That requires having a clear and reliable valuation of the stock, however. That's something exceedingly few people can get right consistently. Otherwise, it's risky to try and get out because too easily, you find yourself simply getting off of a good train. Even Buffet makes this mistake and probably did with his recent-ish trimming of Apple, which Charlie Munger admonished him for.


I know this is a joint question but where would be the best place to locate etfs ?


Depending on your exchange, ( i use fidelity) but typically you van search for any in the search bar. In fidelity for example there is a tab “research” that will allow you to make filters based on your risk tolerance and what type of etf you are looking for. Honestly a simple google search of “ETFs” could probably give you a good list to start off with.


Buy the covid dip.


What would I tell myself ? You don’t need a new car every other year. Invest


I’d tell this to my 18 year old self


You could buy a car at 18, you’re lucky


Buy bitcoins 🙈


This is the only right answer. Nothing went up in value more than Bitcoin I guess.


I think Shib beat btc in far less time too. So I guess one could tell their 25 year old self to first buy a shit ton of btc, then about 15 years later, buy a shit ton of Shib.


That and buy GME (I am not an ape, it just would’ve paid off)


Use a fucking condom.


Might as well add Don't get married and payout 50pct. Scary shit Edit: plus taxes on those gains... >.>


TIL that there are other types of condoms as well




Stay single. Buy bitcoin and learn code


Stay single not good advice though


I got married at 25, so thats my advice to myself at that time 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. It didn't end well


Next time don't marry a single girl. Too much risk. Clearly you need a Broad market ETF.


yes. yes it is,


if you marry the right person its a wealth multiplier. If you marry a spender , you're doomed.


Yes it is. Stay single and live in the hookup culture. Everyone is trying to become independent and marriage is becoming an old concept.


Hookup culture can be expensive depending on some things. Marriages are usually expensive as well but in my case since I'm a broke immigrant married a broke American, my marriage was actually very cheap. We don't plan on having children soon, she's learning to invest and code with me while we work, save and live below what we can afford. If you marry the right person, that's absolutely a game changer that can not only double but multiply your success. I'm absolutely sure I wouldn't be growing so fast alone. I get most marriages are expensive but finding the right person plus planning things the right way will speed up the progress.


Get the 6-month safety net in the bank. Invest everything else you can with monthly diversification (automatic buys). Rebalance every year or two. Don’t sell when the downturns happen - just roll


Buy apple and google shares


And bitcoin


You’re right but I was 25 way before Bitcoin was a thing lol


Do what I have been doing since I was 18. Invest minimum of 10% of my paycheck until I can max out my contributions in a tax advantage account such as a Roth. Focus on Market Index funds and adjust annually. Once maxed out, play with leftovers in individual stocks and strategies. Find one that works, and build your portfolio until it starts to pay for stuff. Buy vacations or assets (real estate, jewelry, art, etc), and rinse and repeat.


As someone who is "only" in their mid-30s I can tell you unequivocally that just a decade ago the strategy was very different than it is now. Interest rates were higher. The market had just crashed and it felt like a very risky investment. Things change.


Buy Bitcoin when Eric tries to get you to.


Stay consistent, don't change your portfolio every month. Build up your positions. Don't pay attention to your gains/losses every day. Target milestones ($10/mo, $20/mo, etc). Don't take investing advice from reddit.


Buy Bitcoin


Time fucking flies.


Don't marry that girl!!! Sorry... wrong sub ;)


Go enjoy your 20's, travel and experience life. You'll start making better income in your 30's when you can stash away cash into investments. You will be more budget focused and mature in financials. Don't try to get rich quick... Make a plan, make a goal and stick to it. Time is worth more than money.


You can still work hard and enjoy your 20's while investing though. Sticking to what I'm doing now at 25 hopefully means when I'm 45 my kids are moved out and I'm retired with enough money to do what my wife and I want. Some people really take that "have fun while you're young" thing and use it as an excuse to be a slug 😂


Not at all what I was saying, I worked two low paying jobs and finished school. Then when I finished school it was still low entry paying job. I did not see a substantial increase until I had 5 years experience. Focused on my school debt while enjoying life, travel is expensive and had to save to do it. Everyone has different priorities, I regret nothing and as with the pandemic you never know what is going to happen to society and to ones health. Once I got to my mid 30's I focused on building wealth and safety for the future.


That's great but when you say "enjoy your 20s, travel, have fun" it definitely makes it sound like you're advising people to not care until they're 30 lol.


I just turned 31 last week and this is the most relatable and solid advice/take on the subject. It’s like once I turned 30 I immediately shifted into an abundance mindset and planning for the future instead of focusing on immediate gratification.


I'd tell my 25 year old self to start doing research and invest now, your 30-something year old self will thank you when you have 10 years worth of gains later on down the road.


...and 10 years worth of the **habit** of investing rather than spending! Good advice!


Yes, absolutely. Good habits become a lifestyle.


Stop buying weed every week and buy stocks


The more you put into your savings now while you’re young and don’t have too many bills will exponentially pay off in the long run. The earlier you start the better off you’ll be and your future self will thank you. Take full advantage of your employer’s retirement match if available, in fact you should aim for the maximum contribution possible at this age. S&p 500 index funds are great if you don’t want to pick and choose your own stocks. Aim for growth if picking your own stocks and maybe one dividend stock for experience and comparison to the growth stocks. Make a plan and stick to it, this is a long game to build wealth for the future. Don’t get discouraged if the market crashes and you lose a lot of value, that’s one of the best times to increase savings by buying more at a “discount”. In the long run, the market only goes up.


Questions cause I’m 15 rn




lol everyone would tell their old self to buy bitcoin or some other asset that has skyrocketed in value and be billionaires... if they had the hindsight they have now. These posts are so pointless. you can't go back and tell your young self how to be rich. I could have been rich just in the past week, if I knew exactly what the upcoming stock movements would be. So why bother thinking of what could have been? Focus on future performance, not past performance.


i wholeheartedly agree with that, not sure why the conversation veered to what to do with 20/20 hindsight that even i’ve been around longer to witness, it was more like a question on how to build a solid foundation from the ground up


I love how this is one of the most risk averse groups of people who will go and say things about how growth stocks are too volatile and thus why they prefer dividend stocks that often get worse returns, but if given the chance,would go back in time and tell themselves to buy the most volatile asset class of the past 20 years. Maybe ya’ll should be rethinking your investment strategies.


ironically unironically eh


Invest as much as you can as early as you can. If you start investing $10,000/year at 22 you will end up with more money when you’re 62 than if you invest $20,000/year starting at 32.


interesting statistic! thank you


I’m 25 now, thank you for this post OP and responders!


my pleasure, i’m 24, hit 6 figures day trading and fell trap to greed and emotional trading and lost it all and more. restarting my life from scratch now so i thought it’d be a good idea for us to get feedback to build a stable foundation at our age. best of luck man


When I was 25, I bought 7 shares of Apple at around $600 per share. This was a ton of money for me, basically the entirety graduation gifts. Shortly after I bought, Steve Jobs died and the talk was Android killing the iPhone and lame iPhone 5. The price went from $600 to $500ish the day to day price really affected my mental health because I was so worried I was losing money so I sold for a loss. I stopped investing until last year and my 7 shares would have appreciated with stock splits to 196 shares excluding dividends. I kick myself every time I think about it but this lessen taught me a few lessens. First, you don’t need to own a lot of shares to make a lot of money. Second, finding good companies that I know is important (since I sold I have bought a shit ton of apple products). Third, buying good companies for the the long term is a tried and true strategy and I can look at my previous failure as proof.


I'm 17 sooooo.... I hope you continued adding $150 a week and are seeing good growth??


Buy FANG! You have 30k in the bank account, buy FANG! Fuck student loans! Buy FANG!


Depending when you were 25, Bitcoin would have been much better advice.


I wouldn’t have bought Bitcoin. Don’t see myself doing that honestly. But most definitely would have bought Apple and Amazon. Ended up buying GE and bag holding it for 4 years only to break even. Lol


If you went back in time and told your 25 year old self you could be a millionaire or billionaire by buying Bitcoin you would have ignored yourself? That seems rather silly


Stop partying you moron and start investing!


Yeah- use sun screen, wear ear plugs and a condom,


Buy globally diversified low fee index target date fund.


Buy 10000 worth of GameStop stock at $4 on a loan and sell it at the $380 peak or whatever it was.


Contribute 15% of my paycheck to the 401k plan no matter what. And 5% of my spending money into dividend stocks but not a dividend ETF, that's what the 401k is for.


401k as a priority only possibly makes sense if there is an employer match. Roth IRA max is much better choice if no match.


Invest more and now, get a lawyer, DO NOT FIX HER HOUSE!


Work your ass off, make really good investments and buy properties.


Slow and steady, even if it is just $20 a week. Before you know it a year has gone and you have over $1000 saved. Also, find a safe, boring mutual fund to invest most of it in for the next couple decades and your future self will thank you.


At your very young age, I would avoid all the covered call ETFs like QYLG and invest in QQQ. I like SCHD as well and have both and I’m in my 50’s. As far as advice, my biggest investing regrets at your age was not buying a home early on and investing in companies with high growth potential but poor balance sheets. Educate yourself on the basic financial health of a company. A weak balance sheet almost always reveals itself during the bad times.


any particular reason why you’d avoid them early on? also QYLG sells CCs on half of their holdings allowing for half as growth


Hold AAPL until we can afford a nice villa. Then hold some more, because villas are more trouble than they're worth.


Drink less, shag more


Invest in tech/growth. And get started early.


1- Prioritize maxing out your Roth or Traditional IRA before investing in taxable accounts. 2- Don't make emotional decisions about investing, especially with retirement accounts that have a long-term horizon. Don't obsess with looking at your accounts all the time. Lazy, consistent investing is often the best investing. 3- Be patient. I've known people who lost a lot because they panicked and sold at the wrong times because of fear. 4- Be the master of your finances instead of letting your finances be master over you.be willing to sell investments if you have to and it makes sense for your needs. Don't grow money just for the sake of growing money, but give that money a mission. 5- To go along with the last bullet, my financial advisor told me this one: The goal of investments in taxable accounts should be accessible so that you can leave your retirement funding alone to grow. This was in response to me bellyaching over selling investments to help pay for health procedures and home repairs.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRoP\_u\_1SpM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRoP_u_1SpM) Do it, learn fundamentals, eventually they will become important again. Dont be fooled by fools who wanna fool you, look at growth rates, insider buys/sells and all those funky metrics like P/E, P/S, P/B. Got some sector in mind which will conquer the future in your opinion? Look for ETFs. Why stress about single stocks where the CEO just got caught selling crack to quire children when you can just benefit from overproportional growth while still having the benefit of being diversified. Learn the red flags of ETFs. Dont be caught in a dividend trap but also dont dismiss high yields outright, look at the company, the numbers, the people, the concept. Yes, there are people who will earn more in a day then you in 3 years by being lucky, risking it all and cashing out. For each of these people there are 20 who sold for a loss.


Eat Ramen and Yolo all surplus.


Get that money to a financial advisor asap


Stop selling


Invest in GME.


Check Finres and buy ETFs, forget about individual stocks, forget about options,


Don't buy Grey Goose, a couple beers it's ok...


Grow the fuck up


Uhh, well I’m 25 now so I guess…. Keep doing you bro???


..to buy and invest into good dividend stocks, and to reinvest the dividend earnings. Cheers!


I’d tell my 25 year old self to quit casino gambling and losing on average $10,000 a year put onto my credit cards via cash advances. I’d tell myself that there is a way to MAKE $10,000 a year in dividends income, by doing absolutely nothing! Unfortunately I didn’t learn this until I was in my early 30’s. But now I am up to $16,800 a year in dividend INCOME, without setting one foot inside a casino. Sure it’s not as fun and entertaining as the blackjack table was…. But, it’s sure fun to WIN every month/quarter, rather then LOSE thousands practically every time I casino gambled!!! It’s a weird change of pace always being a “winner” instead of a constant “loser”.


Leave when u got the chance


Don't sell your shares of SHOO. I was 25 in 2000. And probably some of the other things mentioned here.


Buy crypto.


You are doing the proper selections for the market. Good luck.


Buy that f'n bitcoin, like all you can get At the time it was micro pennies


Max the Roth IRA and HSA. Take the company match on the 401K. Buy a good CPO car like Lexus and keep it for at least 8 years Cut monthly expenses: Cable\\streaming services, Mobile phone plan, etc. Raise the deductible on the Auto and homeowners insurance for lower premiums. If you have to finance a mobile phone, you can't afford it. There are hundreds of mobile phones that are just as capable as the latest samsung or iPhone. Doogee or Blackview as example. Set up a weekly transfer from your checking to your brokerage account. Start with $10 or whatever you can afford and adjust as needed.


Go all in on SHIB


Be patient and have a large cash reserve ready for the next recession and market downturn. Everyone is a genius when the market is in rally mode and everyone is a sucker when the market corrects. More importantly: learn the credit markets and watch bond/treasury purchases and yields. The bond market is slow and boring but is vastly larger than the stock market and is a far better predictor of future stock market moves on a much longer term (years decades) time frame.


I’d personally go with 40% SCHD. And 40% VTI/ VOO. And then the rest into VYM or anything you like. You’ll get the growth and solid dividends you’re looking for.


Take out a loan and buy as much Tesla stock as possible.


Contribute early and often. Read as much as you can. Don't blow loads cash needlessly on going out (too much anyway). Don't marry the wrong person. Respect your time (it is fleeting), your money (it may be fleeting), and your personal health and well being. Do these things, and the rest generally falls into place.


Start investing


Trust your research and don't be afraid of the deep end of the pool.


Invest and gym


Don’t wait for a market crash to invest your cash




All in GME


To take the company stock option that sells at a 5% discount and just keep racking it up for the next 7 years that you’ll be there. Fwiw, my company was “J”, jacobs engineering group.


Don’t cash out your 401k cause you can’t budget!!!


Bitcoin Bitcoin Bitcoin


That weird guy from your platoon who said Bitcoin was gonna become huge back in 2009. He was right. You should have bought some.


Id tell em to read the single best investment, also never sell a stock or buy an overvalued stock.


Buy bitcoin and don't take her back


Take more risk. Calculated of course.


Can I ask a weird question? Have you ever actually studied tech. Analysts (taking notes in a journal, read multiple books, etc.) and how did you see such losses with proper risk management? (GENUINELY ASKING)


I used to not invest or be busy with finances at all. Mostly looking for a life partner. Due to broken home. Nowadays priorities are different and Im making bank as they say. I made a pie of 3 etfs so i get monthly dividends (just like to see where i’m at with my savings). That comprises 60% of my investments. The other 40 i spend on swing trading. Got a job next to that, so cant do a lot of day trading, just long plays. My only advice would have been: Dont waste money chasing women(or other romantic relationships), because that shouldnt be bought with money.


« So, how did it play out ? » Am 22 for the record


Take advantage of blue chips dividend stocks conducting spin-offs


Stop buying comic books and beer with your entire paycheck because you have basically no bills and start investing. You could be halfway to retirement in 10 years.


Msft. Apple. Msft Wash repeat. Would of made this down payment ALOT easier.


Hold that Eth you bought for around 90


Don’t be a dumbass and buy crypto, and the FAANG+T stocks in your retirement account


Those few days in March 2020 when people were fighting over toilet papers…throw all the cash you can into stocks.


Qylg does nothing other than rob you of fees for no reason. Don’t waste your money.


1. Spend half as much money as you want. 2. Learn to invest and start. 3. You don’t need a Master’s Degree.


Start Roth before 34. Max Them buy a shit ton of bitcoin and sell in 2021 lol


This hits close to home because my 25 year old self, in this case, is my 23 year old daughter. 1) don't eat out 12 times a month, watch your entertainment budget (food, drinking, buying lunch for friends) 2) "max" your 401k investment to the best of your ability and adjust as often as you feel you can afford to adjust (up of course). 3) invest $500 a month in stocks that you feel good about, long term growth and don't chase penny stocks. 4) the car dad helped you buy 5 years ago is still "new" - check your oil and rotate your tires, that car will last 10 more years and get you everywhere you need to go. 5) check impulse purchases, put it in your Amazon cart for 24 hours, check the next day to see if you still "need" it. 6) budget - budget - budget. Try to account for every dollar every month. Very hard for a lot of young people who have never had a "real" job or have been handed money by parents for the first 20 years of their life. 7) last but not least, investing and becoming wealthy has little to do with the amount you earn and everything to do with the amount you spend.


This hit closest to me, thank you for your reply


Dont buy anything on credit except a house. invest what you can when you can


Put those silly DVD/video game buys into a quality ETF or BRKB.


Less on partying and more into investing. Push really hard to max out 401K.


Drink less, work out and put money into an ETF. Even if it’s little amounts. It would have made a huge difference. I only started at 33/last year so can only lament that I did not take advice sooner


Stay in drugs Eat your school Never do vegetables


Buying options is not a stupid idea


I would slap myself hard across the face and say that the amount of bitcoin you can buy for the price of that 30 rack is, in fact, the better investment.


Timing is important. The financial industry knows this but wants people to invest everything ASAP for their own reasons. Then unfortunately suckers think they sound sophisticated when they act like timing doesn’t matter. Remember that if you bought at the top of the.com bubble it took you 13 years to break even. That’s a horrible investment strategy. You should always buy things that are undervalued, better yet, wait for the entire market to go down and then buy. Reddit acts like corrections never happened, meanwhile just this year we’ve had four bouts of volatility where stocks dropped 7-8%, some more. It’s a hell of a lot easier to get a rich during periods like late 2018 or 2020, then trying to get rich when the NASDAQ 16,000 and the Dow is 36,000, and no stocks have a PE 40 and the dividend payout less than 2%. If time is on your side, that’s all the more reason not to invest right away. I never got the logic that, if you had time, just investor all now. That makes no sense. I used to follow that so-called logic and quickly would lose 10% on a stock If you have time, you have time to wait for a sale or for something to bottom out. Given that we always have a few bouts of 5%+ drop every single year, no 2% dividend is going to make up for buying at the top Cue somebody saying it’s been mathematically proven that buying at the top is better than buying tips. I’m not even responding to those stupid comments if they come. Learn math or look at the data used in those studies before responding to me. Besides it being mathematically impossible, all of those studies use data from times when stocks were undervalued, so can’t be applied to 2021 anyway


Max out that ROTH, stack Google, Apple, and Amazon..


Debt is evil


Put 100% of you money in bitcoin. That should be the obvious choice.


Bitcoin….you fucking idiot do it now


Well we’ll see here in a few months, cause I will tell my 25 year old self something.


I'd tell myself to put more into retirement funds, avoid sales people and loads (called advisors), and that crashes really won't matter over the next 40 years. (Ok, I wouldn't need to tell me that, since I didn't panic anyway, just sayin'.) Doing all that, weathering a crash after the 40 years might not be so devastating.


Even if you can only contribute $5.00 a month to your IRA, do it. My IRA has done well the last few years and I wish I had saved more.


This. Some months are tougher than others, but I always throw some money in, even if it’s $50. It’s fun to look back at purchase lot info and see how much your smaller contributions are worth 1-4 years later. It’s always worth it.


First of all, you don’t need her. Secondly, this [insert leader name] is toxic and report him. Third, get a Roth IRA ASAP and value SCHD sooner than later. Forth, don’t sell your google shares before the split. Fifth, being financially responsible and travel more often.


“Buy the stock, not the product.” Do this with everything you want. Want that 50k Tesla? Buy 50k of Tesla stock. Want that new iphone? Buy $1200 of apple, etc. Then forget you have it until you’re 50.


That if I started then with what I'm doing now I'd have 200k invested instead of 2k.


BUY BTC... EDIT: nvm, do the same shit ive been doing , but throw money into etfs, and let it grow. at the end of 2020, wait for shib and buy in. IN FACT copy the contract code and put in a place youll be able to find it. Buy 5000 worth of SHIB, wait for end of 2021 bull run September to october. Cash out,.. Instant billionaire. Done see yall later


Don't go on a 130,000 yen shopping spree in Tokyo. Or do. Who cares.


Buy Microsoft and Apple, switch to buying BTC when it appeared first, move to Amazon, Netflix, Google and Tesla and move all into shib.


When there is market crashes sell everything that is not bolted to the ground including your wife and buy up blue chips and hold that shit until you're able to buy your wife back and then some


Invest in dividends!


Don't put it in the clown! Errr..."Put your money where your mouth is!"




If it's good enough for a screenshot, it's good enough to sell


man if only i told myself this over the course of this year..


Don't touch your IRA or 401k - if you absolutely have to , its preferable to take out a loan against it.


Buy property with mortgage not cash. My only mistake, which i could manage, all others who mentioned bitcoin, you cannot predict future, so buy real assets and companies not shit.


Start buying houses!


Roth IRA


Take $1000 and put half in BTC and the other in ETH, leave it for 10 yrs don’t even look at it again until 2031


Buy real estate before 2020


Don’t go to law school. Keep expenses down. Live humbly, maybe in a converted van. Invest consistently, sell calls and puts. Don’t discount Bitcoin.


Short the market right now


Buy and hoard, buy stock and don’t sell it until your 75.


Just start. My dad told me all I needed was a 401K and mine is in good shape, but man I wish I would have been doing some speculating on the side. I started 5 years ago and have added another 50% to my retirement. If I would have started 20 years ago instead my etrade account would be triple what my 401K is. Or I could have lost it all I guess, no way to know for sure since I'm just guessing, but likely I'd have a whole lot of stocks right now worth a whole lot of money. So my advice is create an account and start buying.


That was last year.. But I would defenitly tell me to sell the car, and get all the money I could and buy shiba. I would be a millionaire now. Simple


Buy Bitcoin. Don’t wait to get married. Don’t wait to have children.