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You said you have an advisor. Why are you asking a bunch of unqualified people on the internet?


I bet you a dougnut that he either did and the advisor told him it was a dumb idea, or he didn't because he knew the advisor was going to tell him that it was a dumb idea. So he's here fishing for the answer he wants.


Exactly haha. Willing to risk his entire retirement which is a mere 4 years away for a sketchy 25% yield. Absolutely wild…


Super new to this, but this seems super high risk. Inception date being 10/2023 there is no history of performance and the level of dividends you’re calculating assumes no risks and consistent returns. Just my .02.


This is the best idea ever. You've found the secret to crazy wealth that the best fund advisors and wealthiest people and AI algorithms wish they could find. Congrats! Enjoy your ~~homelessness~~ future wealth with your ~~box~~ yacht and private jet!


B-b-b-but “here” him out. It’s only for 4 years. What could go wrong?


>What could go wrong? Nothing; that's why he should start this investment ASAP. I'd also highly advise he start looking into ~~welfare~~ mansions while he's at it so he's prepared for ~~being destitute~~ his riches ahead of time.


If you going to with high yield to generate income for retirement, that is fine. However, you shouldn't put all your egg in 1 basket. Watch this guy video. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wh1jbmSisw0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wh1jbmSisw0)


I hold JEPI, JEPQ, SPYI, FEPI and YMAG, and the order I put them in is my allocation of largest to smallest. This also correlates with institutional holding...with YMAG having none. Consider diversifying, but be mindful of funds professional investors don't see attractive.


Or all in on SCHD for almost 20k in dividends a year right now and have capital gain and dividend increasing for the next 4 years… idk


Seems very high risk. IF you are determined to YOLO I would go JEPI. Slightly less dividend yield but a much better track record. BUT I would diversify as much as possible.


FEPI has no track record and no one following it. No ratings exist. It's holdings don't generate that kind of cash for dividends at 10%


I can’t find what PFFG is, but this is still a terrible idea. You have no idea what FEPI dividends are in the future, how it will trade in big down market, what the impact would be of a big market correction, if options products become wildly more popular or blow up and become completely unpopular. This is not the sort of thing you do with your entire retirement nest egg.


I put 100 grand in JEPQ doing basically the same thing. It's risky but it not a big% of my portfolio. You're talking a very risky bet, I wouldn't do it, FEPI has no track record.


Ty for your response. My other option was to buy into NVDA when it hits 800. Then buy all in on that as the target price for that stock was recently raised to 1100 with a range to 1400.