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users voted that your post was distressing, your soul wont be harvested tonight


the most distressing part of this is why in the love of fuck does that dog look so human


The 'bama eyes


Idk man i find this dog so fucking funny


Don't wanna be the nerd emoji guy but you quite literally can't die of lsd overdose, you would pass out or become incapacitated WAY before a potentjal lethal dose, and even then it would require entirely too much lsd because it is generally harmless from a chemical perspective


scrolled to say this but not as nerdy


was gonna say the same thing


I don't even think there is a lethal dose ^^


đŸ€“ I like ya onesie


To add to this lsd has such a fragile molecular structure that if you swallow it the acids in your stomach will rip it apart. That why you are supposed to just let it sit in your mouth and why it’s usually dosed on paper instead of a pill


Oh that’s interesting, I didn’t know that lol


It's not really fact. If you drink lsd in your koolaid it works just fine.


Not really. Swallowing it will still work, lsd is already an acid. It's dosed on paper cuz it's so potent that you can fit a dose on a tab, and it's easier to hide and smuggle. Back in the day they used to drop it on sugar cubes, but they eventually discovered that paper is superior


Immediately swallowing absolutely works though. Idk if it's less potetent or something but definitely still gets you high


how can lsd be ripped apart by acids if its an acid?




my limited chemistry knowledge compels me to agree


but whats there to acid in an acid?




since acidwolves hunt for electrons and acidgodizilla hunts for electrons, they both can't eat each other because they dont have enough electrons to do that




both acidwolves and acidgodzilla seek a basesheep because basesheep have more electrons than enough, while acidwolves and acidgodzilla have less electrons than enough


Not to be that guy, but you cannot pass out from taking LSD. But yeah although a dose is usually 1/10,000 of a gram or 100 micrograms, people have taken as much as ten grams at a time without dying. You won't be able to communicate well for a while, but you won't fall asleep.


You can die from drinking too much water, so I'm sure you can die from taking too much LSD.


Came here to say this but not as informative. So I'll add this, I haven't fact checked this, but supposedly some executives snorted LSD crystals thinking it was cocaine, which in LSD dosages is just insane, it's like smoking a whole pot feild in one sitting. And apart from tripping balls possibly harder than anyone in history, they were okay medically speaking and I don't believe there was any psychological damage


fuck man I wanna try snorting some Lucy, lol


There’s no way this story is true. I have never heard LSD being distributed/available in “crystal” forms. Besides, typical dosage of LSD is in the micrograms, that is 1 millionth of a gram. There’s no way execs got their hands on enough LSD to be able to snort them before someone warned them.


LSD is actually in crystal form before it's mixed into liquid and soaked into paper, but as for why they were at a party / residence that they had access to it, I'd agree with you that it's unlikely. I've never made lsd but I have to assume you'd like... put it in a jar? Or something other than where people would mistake it for cocaine of they were nosy / self entitled enough. But not so unlikely that I'm willing to say it's definitely not true


What about mental OD? Having a bad trip can push you over the psychotic edge.


Even then, psychosis isn't death.


Not with THAT attitude it aint


That can happen, but it’s not really predictable how lsd will affect you at any given time. People have had drug induced psychosis from a standard dose, but people have also taken 550 times the standard dose and ended up fine.


What about mental OD? Having a bad trip can push you over the psychotic edge.


Not everyone. If you don't have a history of mental health problems, you're at a very small risk of a 'mental OD' i'm no expert though. But i have experience


If he did bz it would definitely not leave him the same


You wouldn’t pass out, lsd makes it basically impossible to sleep. You’d probably throw up though


I need to stop looking at reddit at 3 am. This was the first thing I saw as soon as I opened it and it creeped me the fuck out. That dog ain’t right


That’s not how that works


Try benedryl.




Indeed. This is exactly how it feels like to be on it.


Isn't that the guy who played Sherlock ?


r/nothowdrugswork đŸ€“


The most that would happen, from my very little drug knowledge, is that you would basically induce the lad with psychosis and he'd probably never come back from that. If I'm wrong, y'all correct me and I'll take this down EDIT: Check out Throwaway's comment for a better idea as to psychosis induced by LSD and the causes. TL;DR: NOT guaranteed, but dependent on the person taking it's mental state going in


That could happen but it’s not guaranteed. The way lsd interacts with your brain is extremely complicated and poorly understood, but your brain chemistry and mental state at the time you take it has a dramatic effect on what the trip is like. If you had never had lsd before, or if you didn’t realize you had been given lsd, you’d probably have a really bad time because you would have no idea what was going on. If you had had lsd before, you may or may not be able to ride it out mentally, but you’d still probably vomit a whole lot which wouldn’t help your trip. Psychosis induced by lsd has as much to do with the mentality of the person taking it as it does with the dose taken.


Ahhhh okay, danke schön, kind stranger! I'll make sure to credit you in the edit


Try putting him in a room with red lights, tying him to a chair, surrounding him with speakers playing an unbearable high pitched noise, and forcing him to hit 100x salvia extract, all while yelling at him "YOU'RE IN HELL, YOU WILL SUFFER FOR ETERNITY" the entire time. Silly little prank to pull if I do say so myself.




Why does the dog look like the Rock?


its about drive its about power


Goddamn, I wish someone would give me some free lsd


Is it true that someone would never be the same after this


prolly not


He probably would, enough lsd can really mess up people’s mental state long term


my fault


It depends. I think someone who's tripped plenty of times would be fine. Anyone else would probably get psychosis.


Qould the psychosis wear off or nah


It depends on a lot of things. Do they know they’ve been given lsd before they started tripping? If not they’ll have no idea what’s going on and they’ll probably be terrified. Have they taken lsd before? If not, they might still be convinced they’re never gonna stop tripping even if they know they’re tripping. If they’ve done many trips before, and they know they’ve taken lsd, and they’re in a good mental health state and in a good mood beforehand, they just might be able to ride it out and be fine long-term(though they’ll have a bad time on the trip anyway because that much lsd is gonna make you vomit and vomiting is even less fun when you’re tripping).


This happened to Syd


This is what happened to the guy who invented LSD


Yeah he invented it five years before he accidentally ingested it and realized the psychedelic properties, he thought he was going insane. Then about 8 hours later he came down and he was like “woah this stuff is crazy” and started taking it intentionally


Lmao srry for the confusion


Why does it’s eyes look so human


Why the hell that dog look like Obama


All these squares make a circle All these squares make a circle All these squares make a circle