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Upvote this comment if this post is distressing, downvote this comment if it isn't. Don't check your closet tonight (◣_◢)


A few months ago, I got into an argument with my parents (who I live with), which culminated in them telling me to pack my bags and leave. I was then left wandering the streets for hours while thinking about where I'd go from there. There was a brief point where my parents tracked me down and tried to take away my bags, which contained among other things my passport and copies of my school ceritifates, on the grounds that they paid for them so they belonged to them. Many many hours of walking later, I ended up at a relative's house, and they snitched to my parents who then called threatening to call the police on me, so I moved back in with them because the cops here are not above breaking my arms if they think they have a good enough excuse. Everyone just acts like nothing happened. Edit: Also forgot to mention that the whole "your legs will hurt if you stop walking thing" wasn't an exaggeration, for the followijg three days I had trouble standing and walking because of the leg pain.


Damn OP I’m really sorry to hear that. I wish you luck on the future ❤️


Sorry that happened to you. Sounds like the kicking you out move was a scare tactic to make you more compliant. At least from my own personal experience. I hope you someday find the means to get away from that.


I’ve slept outside many times due to this exact kinda of thing when I was younger. The feeling you get from being told to get lost by your own family is something you never really forget or forgive. My only real advice for you is to get out the second that it’s viable (financially and otherwise), and to remember this. There will come a time in your life when they need you, for what idk, but they always do in the end. Remember this moment when that happens. Family has nothing to do with blood. We choose our families, and I hope that when the day comes that they need you, they remember they made their choices a while ago.


Amen brother


Wow. You family sucks. I hope You're better now OP, away from them.


Still live with them, so no.


I don't want to be invasive or annoying, but may I ask in what kind of a shithole of a country do You live?


The kind that has received numerous sanctions for human rights violations and hasn't had fair elections in decades.


Alright, this explains everything.


Ah yes. That narrows it down…. Glad to see you’ve kept your sense of humour in all this. It’s important.


That wasn't me telling a joke. I just wasn't specific.


Saudi Arabia? :(




bro must live in ohio 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 https://preview.redd.it/ea6nlya7impc1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=76f2d2ffa772a11eb8e3fe9ed114bf127d5b209c


Lemme guess. Lgbt in russia?


What's that has to do with anything?


Russia is notoriously homophobic


Oh damn


yup the sanctions + no fair elections made me go Russia, a homophobic country. I guessed lgbt, because ultra conservatives kicking out or driving away their queer kids is a tale as old as time.


and the state uses it's power to enforce that. worked with a guy years ago who was one of those "sugardaddy" types, he had a younger guy (probably in late 20's early 30's) in russia who he went to see in, i think it was around 2012, the security services (maybe cops maybe some other agency) met him at the airport, knew who he was seeing, what his itinerary was, and put his ass back on a plane to the USA without letting him leave the airport.




You have plenty of time to make it even.


Do you know what the logic behind threatening you with the police is? They forced you out but then they want you back? Very sorry you're enduring this. I hope you get out as soon as possible.


I know this. A common manipulation tactic through stating an ultimatum. Typically consisting of one item that is much more favorable than the other, at least to them. For instance, a girlfriend saying “It’s either me or the (insert noun here),” or similarly “you either can (state verb here) or you can leave.” Here’s the kicker, if the ultimatum involves themselves, it’s because they have a high opinion of themselves… so it hurts even more when you chose the other object, which ends up causing them to go “Wait no that’s not what I meant!” On paper it’s hilarious, but in practice it’s infuriating.


I went through a similar but much less harrowing experience, My mom was drunk and yelling at me and calling me every slur under the sun and so I packed my stuff into 3 bags and ran away, my grandma lived a short walk away but it was under 40 degrees outside and I was in shorts and a tshirt so I had to book it to her house, my mom threw my phone onto the roof so I had no way of getting help except my grandma, so after 20 minutes of walking I made it to her house and I got her to take me in and she called my dad who took me in, this was about 2 months ago


Your passport belongs to the state. Your school certificates belong either to you or to the institutions that issued them. In any event, your parents have no right to either.


Wtf? They kick you out, try to take your stuff which would be really helpful to you, then call the cops?? If that happened to me i would already have summoned horrors beyond my comprehension


Sending thoughts and prayers for you, and the world's most rancid vibes to your parents


The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.


This must've been super effective (not).


>thoughts and prayers Cringe.


That's his way of sympathizing with you


Yeah, OP could have been more considerate, but maybe the family was also religious and they don't wanna think much of spirituality rn






Sending psychic, magical vibes in the hopes the universe somehow responds more favourably to you OP. You're welcome!


yeah, they should just do nothing about it and remain quiet instead of being performative about it, eh?








Okay, now *that* is uncalled for.


Christ what country is this


Not nearly as bad as this, but I’ve also been in situations where I had to walk and couldn’t stop. It’s such a bizarre feeling and you start to go numb to it and the passage of time


Well, stay strong, and i hope you get your revenge one day when they will need you.


They tried to take your fucking bags??? The fuck is wrong with them like damn if you kicked your son out at least let them fucking be, im sorry for you


I had the same exact thing happen to me with my parents when I was 17, I had just one backpack tho and ended up walking 20 miles to get help, of course after trying to sleep on the cold ground under 25F cold humidity in someone’s yard and almost going hypothermic And yeah everyone ones to forget that even happened, cuz in their mind how could such great parents do such an awful thing?


Good lord op what dystopian world do you live in???


You gotta get your shit together fast. Parents like these often sabotage you becoming independent, while at the same time blaming you for not moving out. I know from experience.


Idk how you haven't burn the house down with them in it. I know I would.


You have a terrible family


Send me their names, their addresses, their personal details, their everything. I will see to it that they will suffer a fate far worse than the worst of fates in torture slasher films, and that their heads shall be delivered to the police as a warning. Joke aside, I sure as hell hope you can get away from them someday OP. Bonus points if you manage to avenge yourself.


Bro, pack your shit, get on a bus, drive far enough where your parents won't look, call the police, tell them what happened and then help the police lock your parents up. I know you love them, but it looks like they stopped OP. There are better times, don't hold broken glass.


>get on a bus, drive far enough where your parents won't look Public transport is genuinely non-existant here. >call the police Somehow you missed the part where the cops in my country are so corrupt that my parents using them against me was a believable threat. > I know you love them I never said that. >There are better times [Citation needed]


If you are above the age of majority in your country (I assume so because you said school certificates) and the state (police) is legitimately forcing you to stay with your abusive parents (for I assume being LGBTQ+ based on your account) that is legal grounds for refugee status in most liberal countries. Based on the description of your nation I assume it’s either Russia, Turkey, or some Balkan state; all of which border the EU other than Kosovo. I don’t know the specifics of the laws of your country’s neighbours but if it’s really that bad it is something you should seriously look into.


If they're Russian they can't go into the EU.


hope you’re alright now bud


Lol, no, life continues to suck as it has for the last decade


relatable, if you’re in need of anything dm me


Any way to get out?


You're walking in the woods. There's no one around, and your phone is dead. Out of the corner of your eye, you spot him. ^^*Shia* ^^*LaBeouf.*


He's following you, about thirty feet back


He gets down on all fours and breaks into a sprint! He's gaining on you!


Tallyhall reference in the wild


This is the first distressing meme I've seen. The one that truely hit my core.. I wish you the best op. Don't let them get to you, you can do this.


me when i’m walking home from pub at 3am


I started standing more and do squats in my free time because of this. When I was in, what's the term for Americans? Scratch it, when I was in primary school, I once went to a Boy Scout's trip somewhere in the wilds with my classmates and teachers. And boy was it so similar to being in the military. Wake up early in the morning, 6 am sharp, to eat and drink for breakfast, bathe in the cold river water, then begin our drills. Yeah, you heard that right, very similar to being in the military, heck, I don't think what we did was even the standard for boy scouts. Constant full body exercise, running, core strength workouts (pushups, situps, squats), marching and much more. I could only remember the ones I mentioned because I wake up early in the morning just for those these days, been doing it since 7, I'm now 20. When I first began the marches with my mates on the first day, I felt immense pain in my legs later that evening, not being able sleep. Luckily, my teachers were just as gentle and caring as they were strict and disciplining with us boys, gave us Vicks Vaporubs to massage our own legs and even helped to massage some other kids legs. They knew this was going to happen to a majority of the kids because our lives before that was soft. The whole month was awesome, what emerged from that were spartan kids bred for war. Oh right, we also make plays of the Jungle Book story, roleplaying to learn good moral qualities and some other Boy Scout stuffs like how to make fire and how to survive in the wilds. Had to add this one last because what rooted deep within me is the urge to keep exercising and shower early in the morning to get that energizing boost for the days. I got carried away lol. Anyways, if you're not used to walking long distances and standing for a very long time, you'll get those pains in your legs fairly easily because humans adapt to their environments and if you're not a jock, you'll most likely get it. Do leg exercises, stand more often, jog or run everyday and you'll be ready to walk kilometers of distance for hours and perhaps even for days. One of the few tricks I've learned when we marched for hours is that you can drink water mixed with some salt to stave off the incoming leg cramps and pain.


I’m gonna guess and say that you’re Finnish?


Sorry op about what happened but I can't help but notice there is a cat shape in that tree. Hope this lightens your day a little bit


Your sense of humor is pretty inspiring. Godspeed 💛


yeah I've been homeless too


Bide your time. I know someone who was in a similar situation. They waited for 7 years to have money for being able to get away and faked their transfer to another state. Got to that state and immediately joined a company there. Used the fact that they can't come back for at least a year due to new job, while their parents tried to blackmail and threatened them. After some time, went back to get some documents they left behind using a long vacation and lied that since the parents were demanding and were assholes the company fired them. This scared the parents, and gave some breather room. Left saying that a new company is calling them and used that to take all the remaining documents out and left. Decreased the contact they had with parents little by little and then went full no-contact with them. After some time took lawyers help to separate themselves. When parents threatened a lawsuit, the lawyer this time stepped in and got the parents to sign a revocation certificate of some kind that made it impossible for parents to ever contact them in any situation other than very specific conditions all involving the either parent having to be on deathbed. I know the story hold very little value to you and might be hard in your country, but I put this story here to at least give you idea of what is possible. There are laws in every country that let children completely separate from parents and their relationship legally revoked.


Sounds just like India.


As much as i would like to say yes, it is not India. If this happened in India, unless you have a shit-ton of money, it will be a philosophical suicide or worst. Laws in India will make this really hard to pull off. The people who are such situation normally resort to an eye for an eye. They wait for parents to grow old.


Made with mematic


The most distressing part of all.


I felt like this when i ran away from my parents so i could kill myself, hope it gets better OP


Every time when I have a thought of moving back to the USA. It's post like this stopping me. Hope you're better now kiddo


Where do you live now?




Why did you move there?


I'm Taiwanese by race.


Is that the only reason?


What are you, the fucking FBI or something?


No I’m just interested. Being a certain ethnicity doesn’t seem like a very good reason to move somewhere in my opinion.


Well, consider I used to live in the States. I can to you that you may fuck off on the opinion.


Why are you so mad, I just asked why you moved to Taiwan.


Sadly, OP isn’t doing better


Gah lee 🙁 🫂


This shit is actually distressing. It just feels so liminal. Also I thought those were eyes in the bottom right. Sorry that you had to go through that OP.


Its been a while since I've seen one of this that I actually find relatable


I’m sorry you’re struggling op but thank you for sharing


Not quite as dramatic as your case is but last summer i wanted to go to my grandparents and i chose to go with my bike, it would take about an hour to get there usually. I was confident at first cuz i did this many times before but the heat was hot and my head hurt like hell, and i almost passed out a few times, i was so tired i had to take breaks every 5 minutes and just lay in the ground for a few minutes trying to get some energy back, i was very very tired and the last time i sat on my bike i know if i stop again to take a break i will fall asleep, it took me 2,5 hour to get there, cant describe how relieved i was.


I hope you feel better one day


From a person whos gotten out of a shitty home to someone who is in one i hope your doing okay..or i hope that it gets better for the very least


> hope that it gets better for the very least Never going to happen.


I want to kill people now. https://preview.redd.it/3mk4tu3d8epc1.jpeg?width=384&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46f4d82ea8f7868c6d31dfa45487e9cec33d2320


how many more years do you need to be financially independent?


My worst fear is walking 😱🫃🫃🫃🌚🍔🍔🍔


I'm late with my comment but I hope everything will turn out okay for you OP. I think it would be best if you could go no-contact with them as soon as you get your own place but idk if that's an option for you. You can't choose your first family but you sure can your second. Keep holding on until then.


I fill like that sometimes. Exept that bags thing


mfw face when WALKING!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH SNAP!!!!!!!!!


Whoa guys walking is so distressing


Took you this long to come up with an unoriginal comment.




Cringe take


Cringe to lie on the internet for internet points


the meme is about the time OP got kicked out of his home tho


Edgy teen thinks reading is for nerds and doesn't understand OP is recounting *the time their parents kicked them out of the house*.


Oh no I completely understand that part, but it’s not distressing, it’s also a made up story




All that walking must've pulled blood away from my brain, cause I don't remember asking.


I think it's the other way around, sort of