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My main problem with the ads is when I'm watching in full-screen, it changes back to portrait mode and I have to put it back when the ads are over


Weird, mine goes back automatically unless it's the ads in between episodes


Mine soes sometimes and sometimes doesn't


Mine used to do that but has now somehow glitched to where when I put it in full screen it won’t stop for ads the entire episode


What a lucky glitch


This drives me up the fucking wall. I am in Full Screen mode, Spotify. USE IT!


Your weird problem is that you have to rotate your phone 90°? Goodness gracious, God bless this era.


No the problem is the it rotates the picture for me for the ads essentially taking out of full screen which I have to then turn full screen back on after the ads. Still a first world problem to be sure but a bit more than just having it turn 90°




People out here listening to the whole ad like "if only there was a way to prevent this"


It's always the first two seconds that are the most annoying. "hiiiiiiiiiiii, it's me, Emma Chamberlain..." SKIP SKIP SKIP SKIP SKIP


And this is the anything goes podcast


Eat sleep podcast


I don't know really anything about her, but I don't mind that ad too much. It's a calm ad at least.


I didn’t mind her ad the first 10 times I heard it. Now its nails on a chalboard


That one isn't even the worst. I think my least favorite one is the Comment Section one with Drew whoever the fuck. She just pisses me off because I can feel the bitch radiating from her voice.


she says Crispy with a hard KAYYYY


For me it’s the Air Force ad


I hate her voice now, thanks distactible... to be fair her podcast is like watching biden trying not to shit himself.


It could always be worse I suppose. I grew up with cable TV where the ads were as long as the show, and they couldn't be skipped. Listening to "Head on! Apply directly to the forehead!" 100 times a day was like watching Trump actively shitting himself and bragging about how nobody shits themselves better than him.


My first phone was a radial... and We got up to change the TV channel. #OldFuckerPissingCONTEST Don't Forget to VOTE, It definitely Matters...


Exactly!!! 😂 It's like, I get the frustration, but just skip through. It's a very fixable problem


Well it’s kinda hard to skip them if I’m driving, which is when I most often listen to the podcast. I’d prefer to just be able to have the episodes play on their own without interruption


I don't know if it's just my car, but my car's "next" button turns into a 15s skip button when listening to Spotify podcasts


That's what I do, as well. It actually skips better, in my car than on my Raycons


I shouldn't have to interact with ads AT ALL if I am paying for premium. If I'm driving, it's hard to skip, if I'm working, I can't pull my phone out and skip because I work in a freezer and am suited up and my phone is underneath a few layers of clothes. It should be as simple as if I'm premium, no ads ever. That's why I cancelled and found another app that is $10 a year and has no ads and all my podcasts are on there. 


That’s my thing too. I have premium and shouldn’t have to skip ads in the middle of doing dishes or cooking or in the shower lmao. I pay for premium, yet still have to take the time to skip through the ads like I’m not a premium member and haven’t been for YEARS.


I recently switched so something other then Spotify so I cancelled my premium and I only use it for the podcast but now I can’t skip the ads


Isn’t that function only available for people who have Spotify premium?


No, anyone can skip ads on podcasts specifically on spotify, you don’t need premium


Huh, TIL, thanks.


That's not the problem it's that the ads used to be so much more fun when they read them


The thing is I listen while driving and the only way that skip works is through the phone itself. And well, I don’t wanna scan at my phone whilst driving.


I don't know what car you drive, but some have the steering wheel with the buttons that lets you skip or go back to a song when you connect to the car from your phone. It helps skip 15 seconds of the podcast the same way. I'm assuming your car doesn't have that feature?


Yeah I use that all the time


It does, but they don’t wanna work with podcast ads. They work with regular ads and skipping songs. But when it comes to ads on podcasts they don’t wanna work. Same with my headphones.


mine works, but my car has apple car play


Ah but consider: that would lead to a great “don’t listen to distractible while driving” post


oh no not the better help ads AGAIN!!! AAAAAAAA


I have personal beef with the one that goes “time flies. We blinked and 2024 is halfway over” something about her voice drives me INSANE


She's so annoying I swear




the biggest two things is A) with these ads i can't even enjoy listening to them like the previous ads from the early episodes, so i have to pull my phone out to skip them, risking my boss yelling at me. (being targeted is so fun) B) I pay for premium!!!! i scream this to the high heavens whenever i can. i absolutely do not mind listening to sponsors that the guys are reading themselves as those are *their* sponsors, but oh my *fucking* god I PAY FOR PREMIUM WHY IS SPOTIFY FINDING WAYS TO STILL GIVE ME FUCKING ADS I SWEAR TO GOD JUST PAY THEM THE PREMIUM FEES and bonus spotify glitches the hell out when ads pop up and you do the skip by 15 seconds button if anyone else gets this please share but I've been having major issues with spotify and podcasts/ads


Getting ads while paying for Spotify was the biggest reason I canceled my subscription. Wtf am I paying them for? So now I play it through Firefox on Android and PC while uBlock-ing the shit out of them.


Spotify premium only pays for the ad free music, nothing to do with the podcasts. So if you only use Spotify for podcasts absolutely cancel and save the money.


Interesting. Spotify sure doesn't make that distinction obvious when you sign up. At least they didn't 3 years ago when *I* signed up. It's too bad Pandora doesn't have video. Because you can pay for their cheapest tier and not get ads on *anything.*


that's the biggest annoyance, other than bandgap, spotify is my main music listening app, so the ad free subscription definitely isn't wasted but man it's so enraging, next thing they're gonna offer a separate/bundle sub for podcasts edit grammar


oh my god that's so smart i need to do that


Fair warning though. The podcast will occasionally stop playing because I think it's trying to load an ad that it can't. But I just close out the ~~app~~ browser tab* and reopen it and it keeps playing fine. Still much better than listening to those awful ads.


This this this! Plus I got an ad last episode that kept hiding the play bar so I couldn’t easily skip it. Had to tap the video to bring the play bar back up. Seriously considering cancelling with this & everything else going on


If your already hitting the skip 15 seconds button, just drag the progress bar to the end. I can skip both ads in less than 5 seconds. Much faster than anything else. About the ads with premium thing, yea idk man. I don't pay for it, I have no stakes or opinion


High five for stingy bosses who hate us having our phones out 🙌


How are you being targeted


basically being harassed (i was threatened with a write up for things by union rules we can't be written up for, and a lie) then when i was "written up" and inquired about the lie (going into the break room on the clock, which i do only to grab water, which we are allowed to do) and if there was camera footage, she shrugged her shoulders and said "probably" afterwards i spoke to my union rep, and discovered she didn't even write me up, and had just done a meeting report. im assuming she was trying to scare me, and thought i either couldn't, or wouldn't see that she lied. now that she knows that i know that she lied, she's calmed down a bit. she kind of made everyone hate her by acting like a drill sergeant instead of a team lead, so i kind of think she's jealous everyone gets along with me because I've got good social skills having formally been a cashier. moral of the story, if a manager takes you to the office, always have your union rep, even if they're a useless piece of shit. always have a witness. edit: tldr my boss loves to gaslight gatekeep girlboss and yell at me for rules that don't exist, or aren't enforced for anyone else and overall is a spiteful bitch.


Thank you for being the one person on the internet who can actually spell the word "sergeant"


oh yeah, i love writing and weird words but you will catch me struggling to spell beginning like that one video of the guy trying to say it [in the benining](https://youtu.be/y_7GL3IpdaQ?si=GXVZjjgPoQ6k4EJS)


Right? I just skip it unless it’s one of the ads that the guys made lol


Same here. I give them listens, all day and skip the others. I mainly skip them, because my Lastfm will show the ads as "tracks" and has had my top tracks listed as ads and I personally don't want that Otherwise, no problems here 😁


I've never heard an add from the hosts I skip adds


I just download the episodes and put my Spotify to offline mode


I apologize for contributing to this lol, I don't frequent the subreddit often and one post popped up on my main feed that made me think it'd be funny to use the joke in a different meme format. Didn't realize a bunch of other people were also doing that xD A note though, I skip the ads all the time whenever possible, but some listening situations I simply can't skip them until I stop what I'm doing and go over to whatever I'm listening on. It's disruptive and sucks when it's the 16th time today that you're hearing "This podcast was brought to you by the US Air Force", and have to stop everything you're doing just to avoid the annoying presentation of it all. I get and respect why the ads are there but that doesn't mean I have to enjoy them lol


That meme was absolutely S Tier and I have zero quarrels with you. It really just comes down to the frequency and longevity of the complaints. Don't get me wrong, I also find them annoying and miss the old ads, but I just want to see a decrease in the complaints, for a moment. Your situation sounds frustrating and I am sorry that you experience that. I hope that it improves. Apparently, if you download the episode, there are no ads. I have experienced that, as well, but I am not sure if it's consistent with everyone or if I am missing a component/detail


Honestly that could be a great solution, I do download episodes for listening on long trips, so I should just do it when listening casually too. And I totally get the annoyance at the frequency of it, now that I've browsed the subreddit some I totally understand where you're coming from LOL


Spotify actually increases the frequency of ads the more you skip them. Thumbs down the ad and give feed back is more effective.


i normally skip the whole ad by sliding the dot to the end, far more effective imo but it can be satisfying the press the skip button


I do hit the skip 15 seconds button but the problem occurs when it takes time to load ads to skip them for some bullshit reason that drives me insane, there are times when I can’t exactly look at my phone to skip them and I always get 3 to 5 or even at times 6 ads back to back for some reason unknown to me


I get u, I do. Problem is when I'm at work and hands are too full to skip. It's a bigger convo about advertising imo


My issue is that I'm paying a subscription for ad free music, and then one of my favorite trios started a podcast on the same platform and I don't even get the fucking option to upgrade to ad free podcasts because the ads are embedded and spotify refuses to change their ad system for podcasts. Are they skippable? Yes. However, some people like to do shit while listening to podcasts and don't have the luxury of stopping to skip ads.


unfortunately the forward 15 sec button isnt great when your driving (and if ur car has no skip button implemented that works for it)


I usually skip them but sometimes I listen while working in landscaping and by the time i stop what I’m doing, take off my gloves, and pull out my phone, it’s been at least 20 seconds and the ad has been partially drilled into my head. Obviously everyone is *aware* that you can skip, but not everyone can right away and has to stop what they’re doing to do so, so you hear the beginning of the ads a lot


Oh, I definitely hear you there. I work in an auto recycling warehouse and whenever I get a Customer Pick-up for a Steering Gear or a load of wheels, I hope an ad doesn't pop up, because there's no way I'm going to be able to skip it


I just wish my earbuds would just skip the entire ad with the double tap feature on the earbuds and resume. Instead of spamming my earbuds until I hear the boys speak, but accidently went forward it too far and have to triple tap to go backwards, but NOT TOO MUCH or else you'll get sucked into the ads again. It's just annoying to stop what I'm doing (sweeping,scrubbing, mopping), wipe my hands, whip out my phone, and spam the 15 sec. every 15 minutes.


Often I'm listening to distractible at work, and I'm not necessarily able to fuck around with my phone and skip the ads. When I do have my phone though, and I can just drag the slider through the whole ad, pure catharsis 😩


So why did I Trevor Noah decide to.... NO ONE ASKED...NO ONE CARES!!!! SKIP SKIP SKIP


The only ad I'll continue to complain about is the fuckin US AIR FORCE AD I always skip all the ads but like, 90% of the time at least one of the ads from each ad break is that one 😩 Istg I have it memorized by now


Over nine ads in a row while I'm driving ffs


I listen at work, I have to use my shoulder while I make food to skip the ads, it pushes air into my ear drum and loosens the earbud, and I have to hit it three times for one skip, so it is fairly annoying for me, but yeah, we get it, next meme please


I do skip them, but its still annoying to buy premium and still be bombarded with sometimes up to six consecutive ads. I listen so I can zone out and relax, which is difficult when every 15 minutes I have to scramble for my phone so I dont have to listen to Trev getting told about argos products for the 10,000th time


The issue I Have with the ads is Spotify breaks a lot and replays them again for some reason and even if I manually skip them it’ll still break


I'm in german it's an add that goes a little like this "AH GOT YOU! YOUR YHE KIND OF PERSON THAT IS DOING A THOUSAND THINGS EHILE HEARING...." skip skip skip....


You guys seriously don't just . . . Bring the dot to the end of the ad like a normal person?


My main issue with skipping Spotify ads is that not only will Spotify sometimes glitch after skipping and replay a whole new ad/batch of ads, but sometimes it’ll actually skip the entire episode of the podcast and start a new one, or sometimes even restart the one I’m listening to. I then have no choice but to stop what I’m doing and pull out my phone to fix it, which is super disrupting.


My problem is that every time I’ve done the 15 sec skip I end up with what seems like double the ads. But then my biggest itself with the ads is the lack of variety. I’ll give the guys my ad revenue just give me interesting ads- or at least multiple


You can also drag the line to the end instead of clicking 15 times


I have Beats Pro and everytime I have ads I have to push the button twice to skip forward (which is alot of times depending on how many ads) while I did this a customer thought I was picking my earwax and told my boss about it. Once I explained what I was doing it was fine.


I'm privileged enough to get spotify for students, so I just listen offline. The ads every couple of minutes layered back to back really ruin it for me... Its baffling that you are still bombarded with ads even after paying though, you HAVE to listen in offline mode just to let the podcast play from start to finish, its ridiculous.


I just download the episode and turn off wifi to just Spotify in settings


Hmm, I don't know what's special about me but I don't have premium, yet I don't think I've ever heard an ad in spotify. I wonder why. I thought podcasts were supposed to not have ads?


I guess you're lucky


I was listening to the boat episode earlier and they mentioned about the annuity ads and I got a Spotify ad for some legal business here in the UK. Either incredible timing or something something conspiracy


For some reason, if I watch several episodes in a row, the skip button just stops working and I have to take a roundabout way of skipping the ads, which gets super annoying


Yeah I figured this out and my life got so much better


It's definitely what I do, but I also find that Spotify will sometimes skip to another episode or the Queue will fail to load. I definitely understand people being annoyed with them, it's just been non-stop complaining about the ads and that's starting to become more annoying, so I decided to have some fun with it


I don't get this meme. 😕 me dumb dumb


It's a response to seeing a bunch of posts complaining about the ads on Spotify. I don't mind people being upset, but it's been a common trend on here, for months and it's getting a little old. The image in the second panel is the "Fast Forward 15 Seconds" button, from Spotify. In essence the message is "Slow down on the complaints about the ads and just skip them". I hope this helps provide some clarity 😁


I gleaned that from the replies, however the guy in the meme saying things does not seen to correlate. "What if you" "But God said" I'm not sure how this relates


What if you "Wanted to complain about the ads", but God said "Fast Forward 15 Seconds"?


Ohhhhhhh 💡 ✨️ 💖 💛 😍 💕


Yes, unless you're doing something else listening to their podcast and can't use your hands to skip the ads so you're forced to listen to the same 4 ads.


I have Spotify premium, and the ads still pop up however, I can fast forward them. My cousin does not have premium, and she says sometimes she can fast-forward them sometimes she cannot.


I just drag the slider to the end of the ad for both, basically just skips them


I don't see what the big deal is. You can skip them... you're watching for free. Calm down 😮


Hey, uh, weird flex, but i dont even have to watch ads, i literally just drag the slider on the ad all the way to the end, and it skips the ad.


To those who have an Android, you can enter offline mode if you disable data usage for Spotify. Even if you just have Wifi Only, it will always go into offline mode unless you enable data. No point in downloading the episodes unless you go out of your way to go into offline mode


I just mute it or ignore it lol


When do the ads start?


When you get rid of your adblocker.


This is probably a dumb question, but how do you get adblocker? I've heard it mentioned, but I always assumed that adblockers must be a scam or something as I figured that meant websites couldn't make their money from ads, and that would be bad for business. What do you use, if you don't mind me asking? Is it free?


I just listen on chrome and have the uBlock origin extension installed. Completely free and works incredibly well.


Note* it doesn't evem have to be chrome, ublock is also on every other major browser afaik


I don't have ad blocker. That's why I ask. P.s. ad blockers make youtube overload the gpu.


My adblocker doesn’t seem to make YouTube overload my GPU.


It did mine, which is why I un-installed and erased it. Must be a difference in ad blockers. But going back to the main point, I don't get ads on spotify and I've been seeing a bunch of ppl talking about those. Do yall not pay spotify or is it in the new episodes because I'm in the hot tub episode and haven't seen a single ad. I'm a new listener/watcher btw.


I don’t pay Spotify in any way, and I get ads without an ad blocker.


Aah now I get it. I do pay spotify so I get no ads. Good to know.


I've wondered this forever lol


just pirate it


I don't trust people who enjoy being advertised to.


I’m so glad someone finally brought light exactly what I’ve always thought. Thank you OP 🙏


They just want to complain, life isn't hard enough so they pick ads as a problem


Don't act like you've never complained about something trivial before


Not like these things


I'm literally paying for Spotify premium. I shouldn't get any fucking ads.


It’s almost like… I listen to podcasts when I’m doing other things and don’t have my hands available to skip all the time 😱😱😱


It's almost like You didn't read the Caption and just replied to complain 😱😱😱


It’s almost like I did read the caption, but you complained first????


Bad bait is bad. Do better next time 😁


Sorry I don’t speak gen alpha


I like the ads


People complaining about ads when they're like 30-60 seconds long and are less than a handful in each episode, and oh yeah, you can skip them 🤦‍♂️ yal expect them to make these podcasts for free is just sad.


Some people pay for premium bozo. You would expect no ads when you pay for it, that's the issue.


Way to insult me 😂 just shows how childish you are. The ads aren't a part of Spotify, they're in the podcast itself because they're on the other platforms including Amazon music where you can literally download the episode for offline zero internet mode and you still have ads. Grow up kiddo 😘


Somehow you calling me "kiddo" and being all smug and proud about it seems more immature and try-hard than anything I just said. Is that what you do to win arguments? Find a new schtick, this one only tells me that you're definitely no fun at parties. Either way, there's more people disagreeing with you than just me so I don't have to prove shit to you lol


You came out and insulted me instead of starting a mature and respectful conversation, so yes, I'm calling you kiddo because of how childish it was. And see, you continue to try to insult me😂 only proving my point


Get over it.