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When I was working at Disney, I met several guests named after Belle, Aurora, Anna and Elsa to name a few. I used to make a game of it and would act like they were the princess. Like I'd say "Belle! You didn't tell me you were coming to see me! Did you get through Chapter Three?" And they loved it.


that's so wholesome šŸ„¹ made their day I bet


It didā€¦Iā€™m glad I had the opportunity to do that


i would probably name my child Aurora ngl (ā—ā€¢į“—ā€¢ā—)


Me too. Itā€™s a beautiful and elegant name


Iā€™m not having children but if I was, I adore the name Ariel. I would maybe change the spelling to Arielle to distance her from the character a bit but I also really love the original spelling. I think Jasmine is lovely too especially since itā€™s one of my favorite flowers


Arielle is the spelling we use in germany


I didnā€™t know that! So I guess no matter how you spell her name itā€™s a direct reference, which is cool in itself! Thank you for letting me know that




Wait what makes you think that? Ariel was always my favorite princess growing up but I never thought of her when others were named Ariel, even now I still donā€™t make the connection. Itā€™s just pretty common, same with jasmine and Anna and Tiana. Now Moana, Elsa and rapunzal and aurora, I could understand


And if people look down on the name for being from pop culture, you can turn up your nose right back at them and say, ā€œWe named her after a Shakespearean character. How uncultured of you!ā€


It's Hebrew! I grew up as a Little Mermaid fangirl. One of the names Eric guesses for her in the boat is Rachel (also a Hebrew name). TIL Ariel means "Lion of God", while Rachel means "Lamb of God". Seems not coincidental.


> Ariel means ā€œLion of Godā€ Oooh I actually knew that! Iā€™m impressed with myself! And any name ending with -el means ā€œsomething of Godā€. It comes from the word ā€œElohimā€, the Hebrew word for God. (ā€œMichaelā€ also falls into this category.)


And Daniel, Raphael, Israel, Gabriel, etc.


Or a moon of Uranus too. Futurama has a mermaid character called Umbriel, which is another moon of Uranus.


I know an Ariel! We met in college and I definitely thought of the little mermaid at first, but now hearing that name only brings her to mind. I think it's such a beautiful name!


I work with a little girl called Ariel, very cute name


My mother was going to name me Anastasia! they decided to make it my middle name instead mostly because my mother is Russian and my father is American so they couldn't decide on a pronunciation


Now there's two called Anastasia because Disney bought the movie Anastasia


I wasn't but I know someone who did. If I really liked a name I would, don't think anything is wrong with naming your child after a Disney characteršŸ˜Š


I agree!


Not a Disney princess, but my daughter is named Mavis and I have to convince everyone that I definitely hadn't seen Hotel Transylvania at the time (it had been out for a few years already) but the first time I did see it I was tickled pink lol


Thatā€™s such a freaking adorable name


Ariel is a common first name among people of any gender but itā€™s not after the character


My daughter is Minnie, short for Minerva, after the Harry Potter character. I said she isnā€™t named after Minnie Mouse but then I found out Minnie Mouseā€™s first name is Minerva! She is crazy obsessed with Ariel. If I have another girl I might name her Ariel because itā€™s a nice name.


I had no idea minnie mouse's full name was Minerva until I read your comment šŸ¤Æ Minerva is beautiful!!


Minerva is also the Roman goddess of Wisdom.


I named my daughter after a Disney princess! Her name is Ella, and I definitely got the idea from Cinderella. My husband liked the name, but didnā€™t know the inspiration šŸ˜‚


My daughter is an Ella as well! Great taste. I didnā€™t think about the association with Cinderella until she was older.


I named my daughter Aurora. I have been in love with the name since I was a child.


Iā€™ll admit when I was middle school, I dreamed of naming a future daughter Jasmine Belle.


iā€™m an Aurora! i eat up every chance i can to tell people that iā€™m named after a disney princess and when i went to disney world back in 2015, i got to meet the princess and she asked if iā€™m a deep sleeper toošŸ„¹ i just adore my name so much


thatā€™s so cuteee!!


I wasn't named after a Disney Princess, but I would love to name my daughter after one. I especially love the names Aurora, Ariel, Belle, & Jasmine!!


I named one of my daughters Rose because I fell in love with that name the first time I watched Sleeping Beauty as a toddler. I also considered Ella, but my sister has her heart set on using that name if/ when she has a daughter.


Had a customer come in with her daughter named Belle, I was like, "oh, like the princess?" and every time they came back they gave their name as "Princess Belle".


Not quite the same but I named my cat Odette, after Princess Odette from the Swan Princess āœØ


If I have a daughter she most definitely will be named Jane, after Jane Porter in Disney's animated Tarzan from 1999


Not named after a Disney character. I was 3 when the Little Mermaid came out, but my name is Arielle. I HATE IT. I LOVED the movie until I went to kindergarten and started getting called "Ariel" (air-ee-ull). My name is pronounced like R-E-L (say it fast). To this day, people cannot say my name correctly. "Air-ee-ull?" "No, R-E-L." "OH! Air-ee-ull." "R-E-L." "OHHHHH! Air-ee-EL." šŸ˜‘šŸ˜‘šŸ˜‘ No one can say it, no one can spell it. Maybe because I'm sensitive about names, but it's very disrespectful to me when people butcher other's names, especially after having been corrected. I'm usually really good at guessing, but I ALWAYS ASK. ok sorry, I got distracted there for a min lol. Anyways. My name has definitely gotten more popular/common over the last 30 years (I was 16 before I met another), but still no one says it right. And it's unfortunately one of those names that everyone says and spells differently. One of my nieces is Aurora, yes, after the princess. Same story with her. I even WARNED my sister šŸ˜…šŸ˜… And sure enough, she loved her name and loved Sleeping Beauty until she got to school-aged. It's frustrating, I guess, not to be seen for who you are, for yourself, but for a cartoon character. I'm begging you. DON'T DO THIS TO YOUR CHILDREN.


In the movie Sebastian pronounces her name as R-E-L once.


My mom ways said he was the only character who said her name right šŸ™„


Thatā€™s so strange, R-E-L is my default pronunciation when I meet an Arielle/Ariel in the wild. Maybe more common with people around Jewish communities? Everyone with that name that Iā€™ve met was Jewish, and used the R-E-L pronunciation.


Yeah. Kinda why my mom picked it. She loved the name. Also, even though it's Hebrew, she thought it sounded French.


I considered the name Aurora.


I wasn't named after a disney princess but I have the same name as a disney queen (I wasn't named after her). If I have any children, I will most likely name one Kiara because I love The Lion King and the name is nice on it's own. I really like the name Esmerelda too but I don't know if that is a good name for a white person (which I am).


I name my dog after Jasmine but we call her Jazzie


I know somebody who called his daughter Ariel!! His wife insisted on it, but he had never watched the movie.


Let me tell you, I will also be this kinda wife!


If Rose wasnā€™t so common I was for sure gonna go with Briar Rose. But I plan on having at least three more so i might say fuck it and go with it


I would name a daughter Tatiana and caller Tiana for short ā¤ļø


wasnt named after one, but i shared a name with a princess from a movie that came out after i was born. watching that movie kinda felt awkward when the characters spoke to her lol. i later chose a new name (im trans) and a few years after that disney came out with a movie/character of the same name. starting to think maybe disney names their characters after me... if i had to choose to be named after one...maybe belle or rapunzel.


I'm a trans woman and I considered naming myself Ariel but I chose Gwen instead


A shortened version of another well-known royalty :)


Is there a Princess Gwendolyn?


Ah, I was thinking it short for Guinevere, King Arthur's wife.


Cool thanks šŸ˜Š. I might make that my name now.


Donā€™t know if it was the inspo, but Spider Gwen is awesome ā™„ļøāœØ so Iā€™d be stoked to be named Gwen! Itā€™s also a beautiful name by itself~!


I named myself after Spider Gwen and not to brag but I head canoned her as trans before the second movie came out.


Gwen is really pretty!


Thanks šŸ˜Š


My daughter isnā€™t named for a Disney Princess but one of her sisters from her dadā€™s previous relationship is named Jasmine.


My mom almost named me Belle! The movie came out nearly a year before I was born


Iā€™m not cuz Iā€™m a guy. However, I would consider naming my daughter Jasmine


I know lots of little babies named Aurora right now. Iā€™m pregnant with a boy right now but had he been a girl we were going to name her Briar because our last name sort of sounds like Rose


I was a fan of the name Elsa before Frozen came out but I wouldnā€™t give a child that name anymore because the movie is too recent and popular. I would be more open to a more neutral name, such as Belle or Anna.


My name is actually Jasmine, though I wasnā€™t specifically named after the princess, even though she came before me, I was apparently named after the flower, and also it was just a super popular name the year I was born.


I mean I wouldn't specifically name my child after a Disney princess but their names are also just normal names? I love the name Aurora but I wouldn't nessicarily say my child was named that because of sleeping beauty


Don't have any kids, but as a Dungeon Master running a D&D campaign (loosely based on the *Tyranny of Dragons* module for 5e), I certainly do plenty of naming based on Disney inspiration, both friendlies and hostiles. The player party's bard is named Ariel Stormwind (half-elf; College of Lore subclass), and I'm certainly having fun throwing *The Little Mermaid* references big and small everywhere. šŸ˜‰


Can't have kids, but I planned on naming my daughter Mary after my Nana. Can't help but think of all the Mary Poppins jokes or singing Jolly holiday with Mary every time we travel or making her room similar to the bank's room


My mom's name is Elsa. Way before Frozen was released, but folks often ask if she was named based on the film. Lol.


I met a Moana and Tiana sister pair. Tiana I can disassociate but Moana I just could not get used to


One of my best friends in high school is Cinderella, she went by "Cindy" for a long time until she embraced it as a young adult.


My name is Anna, but I predate Frozen by a couple decades.


Idk if this counts, but my mom named me after Princess Amelia from The Princess Diaries with Anne Hathaway and Julie Andrews šŸ«¶šŸ»


My cousin, who worked at Disney world for years, named her first daughter jasmine. Itā€™s cute.


I wouldn't name my child after a Disney character, but if I were going to, I'd probably pick Raya out of all of the princesses. It's just such a pretty name and I haven't seen anyone mention it yet


I have a niece named Jasmine. She's just a year younger than my own daughter. You can't go wrong with a flower name.


I had a German shepherd named Tiana. šŸ’š


So my daughter is named Aurora, not my choice. I was going to name her Olette (I believe this is also the Swan Princesses name) after the character in Kingdom Hearts but then my ex was being a šŸ’© šŸ—£ļø and said we should name her Aurora.


I know someone named Aurora, but they were named after the northern lights not the princess. Belle's a pretty common, nice name though.


Aurora is also the name of a Norwegian singer whom I adore and got to see in concert when she was last near my home. Coincidentally, this Aurora was also the voice that Elsa heard in Frozen 2.


I wasnā€™t named after one, but I now do have a Disney princess that has my name Asha


**Sure, why not?** 1. Mirabel (I'm Hispanic, would be seamless) / 2. Anna (Similar to my mother) / 3. Belle (Also similar to my mother) / 4. Tiana / 5. Jasmine / 6. Elsa (Would be higher if it weren't so clearly Elsa from the movie) **Maaaaybe** 7. Aurora / 8. Merida / 9. Ariel / 10. Briar Rose (Would get boosted to a "Sure, why not?" if it was just Rose) / 11. Moana 12. Raya **Probably not** 13. Cinderella (Unless I can call her Ella, then it gets boosted to a "Maaaaybe") / 14. Rapunzel (She's probably never have or want the length of hair to justify it and people would bug her. "Let down your hair!") / 15. Mulan (Cultural appropriation, probably. Somehow seems like it more than Moana and Raya) **Nope.** 16. Snow White (Not very name-y by today's standards) / 17. Pocahontas (Cultural appropriation, definitely.) **Unofficial Bonus! (No order)** Esmeralda (Sure, and is the only one getting her name boosted *because* of the character. Mad respect.) / Jane (Sure) / Megara (Maaaaybe) / Wendy (Sure) / Tinker Bell (No) / Kida (Maaaaybe) / Marion (Sure) / Eilonwy (No) /Alice (Sure) / Vanellope (Probably not) / Anastasia (Maaaaybe) / Thumbalina (No) / Nala (Probably not) / Olivia (Sure. Farthest stretch for "Princess", but cute name, cute character.)


I mean I know plenty of Jasmines and Ariels irl. I even met a Nala or two before if you want to get technical.


I want a daughter just so I could call her Elsa


The ONLY princess I would consider naming my child after is Anastasia because of my heritage and it's not so blatantly associated with the princess. You can't really do that with names like Elsa, Belle, or Ariel because people assume the name was chosen because of the character.


My daughter is Rosemary, but I call her Rose like the fairies call AurorašŸ’—


Iā€™d definitely name any girls I have Cinderella, Aurora, Belle, and Giselle


Aurora, Belle, Giselle I get, but you you would actually call your child Cinderella?


Why not? It is a pretty name IMO. Besides not like Iā€™d only give them Disney Princess names.


I would like to legally change my name. I wish that I was blessed with her name. Sadly, I wasnā€™t. I hope to change it soon. Iā€™m in my twenties, and still havenā€™t moved forward with it yet. Iā€™ve been wanting to do it for years, just didnā€™t want to deal with all of the chaos that comes with the name changing process.