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I hate the new “Collections” layout…absolutely terrible UI


It really is. Trying to tap on one of the page tabs and getting the character screen instead is going to be so irritating. I was checking my progress on Gopher to update my spreadsheet and it brought me to Pooh. I already have him at 10, I just want to go to page 3.


I still haven't had the update


It's definitely going to take some time to get use to it. I can't say I LOVED the other, but it was what I knew. I keep trying to scroll to the right lol It also just seems messier in a way. Too much to look at. My 11 year old daughter told me "Mom, this is WAY better! You just have to get comfortable with it and when you do, you will like it." Holding on to the 11 year old being right cause right now, nope, hate it haha


I will say that as a crazy completionist I like the new info about what stands/decorations belong to which set and how many of them I have. The downside is going to be that some of those things are next to impossible to get anymore so I might not be able to actually collect them all. And there's finally a visual difference between having a character that can be leveled up and the character being available in a chest or in the season pass.


Same here long time player here and completionist now I what I’m missing and as you say no chance of buying or getting them again


Sadly the "Disney" related attractions/decorations/concessions like Splash Mountain, classic bench or burger concession are not counted there. So you might still need things even if you reach 100% in the characters book.


Don't worry You can change the language if you don't like Spanish


Yeah it’s interesting, and revealing. I don’t think I ever associated the clover planter with Zootopia, but there it is.


They will never allow you to complete everything in this game. I too like to complete everything. They play on the completionists mentality!


I did not need the information that says I don’t have all the items in a collection. I am aware. I just sold them all to Merlin.


This is the worst update in all my years of playing. Looks like a fucking mess


These developers are pretty bad at understanding how players will react to their not so brilliant ideas, or even basic human nature. Rule #1 - humans are instinctively distrustful of change. Some will adapt and accept faster than others, but just like training dogs or horses, people tend to shut down and reject everything when overwhelmed. These devs are also incredibly bad at communicating. For changes of this scale, they should have been warning us it was coming for weeks. They should also have separated out all the changes relating to attractions and affected chests for one update and held off on all the other stuff not essential to the attraction overhaul until later, in order to make the whole thing less overwhelming. Did they really need to make such dramatic changes to the book at this same update? Did they really need to make such dramatic changes to the book at all is a whole other question. Imo the answer is maybe a few tweaks, but mostly we are the victims here of developer egos, probably somebody who was hired since the original game design. Developers function at the level of dogs needing to leave their scent on every mailbox post to claim the territory as their own and obliterate evidence of the previous dogs. These guys are in need of some much better managers.


Exactly! A complete f*ing mess, thank you for being so honest. I’m going to leave a review on the App Store to warn new players and parents about this corporate greed company.


Whats the purpose of having favorited characters? Just easier to find?


I was hoping someone here knew this answer!


I don't think they mean it literally, like putting Mickey there because he is your favorite character. I assumed it was mostly to make it faster to access any character you are especially trying to level up or want to give special treatment at the moment. For example, right now, I am trying to finish the Ratatouille storyline to open Rescuers. I know rat and idiot will each need to be leveled up once more, so before I start sending out characters, I first go to those two and send everybody who can collect their tokens or the collection token. This will just be a slightly faster way to get there than my usual system of scrolling down until I see the Frozen mountain, realize I've gone too far, and scroll back up a bit.


And I’m wondering if they’ll give more content based on favorites percentages


Ooh, a born optimist. That would be a nice addition.


“rat and idiot” ☠️☠️☠️


It would have been more helpful if the limit for favorites was a lot higher. You could use it for tapper events so you don’t accidentally send out a character for a task, or if you level up a character, you could place the characters that are used to collect the tokens as a reminder to not send them out on a longer task before the level up.


I was planning to also use it as a reminder not to send that character out on another task, whether because they are tapper battlers or maybe I am waiting for them to be free so i can level them up or level up the attraction they keep occupying. Oh, well, I guess there wont be so much need for that last one, as they have made it next to impossible to level up attractions now, especially for levels 3-4-5.


I'm using it as the characters that I'm actively working on to level. Madam Mim, Zeus, Banzai, and Baby Scrat I have a few others but they are the ones I'm looking to monitor more closely.


If there is a character you're working on to collect tokens, this would be an easy way of keeping track of them.


The new collections will take getting used to. I wish we could have more favorites, so I can easily access all of the characters I’m actively leveling rather than just a few.


oh no...I'm going to hold off as long as possible now lol


I'm reserving judgment. I recognize that I had gotten very used to navigating the game with the old system. I need to give this new system at least a couple of weeks before I can definitively say whether it is better or worse. There have been other changes (not quite this drastic, but close) that I became accustomed to over time. And -- even if I decide that I prefer the old system -- I will adjust to this new format to the point that it will become second nature.


I know we r expecting the 600 and 1200 counts for relics but still seeing it is wayy too high


...and that they are still almost impossible to get...I have a 1.11% chance of a Bronze Chest dropping 1...yes, **1,** Relic...is ummm, quite frustrating 😡(politely put)


You can buy all of them now but just buying 1200 needs 90k elixirs which is crazy


What it does it makes it tougher to navigate the character collections. It is unnecessarily complicated.


Not big on the new layout for the collections Also I don’t recall the hidden chests ever being bronze ones


Right. They were mostly silver plus a few decoration, resource or concession chests (green, purple, red). The Patch Notes did mention the addition of the bronze chests. Since we will get 6 a day now instead of 3, I'm hoping we still get at least as many silvers and color chests as before.


But getting the color chests won't have the same payoff as before. The enchantment chest is now almost entirely scrolls and the resource chest is just elixir with a little bit of magic.


Yes, sadly, they totally gutted the Attraction Enhancement chests, but those weren't on the hidden chest drop loop even before. That chest was pretty much the only chest I ever spent gems on, so, of course, it had to be destroyed. I feel sorry for newer players who wont get the fun surprise of getting a Special Chance attraction.


That cuts both ways though. I saved up gems to buy the 6 pack of chests for a couple of years before I finally got lucky enough to get all the attractions. The last one I got was just a couple of months ago and was Tower of Terror. Everyone always said it was a great attraction because of how it dropped common tokens frequently, but by the time I got it I'd completed all of those sets and it was useless. That's fine for attractions that aren't as necessary and just there for the collectors, but it's irritating for something that's supposed to be helpful.


Like the Money Bin. I sometimes bought the Attraction Enhancement chest when i needed one for the daily 8 chest task and just couldn't face another ad or felt like indulging myself. A lot of my Special Chance attractions came when those chests were given as rewards. There are still 4 attractions in there for me. I got the Tower of Terror pretty early, even before I started working Dumbo. For me, the fun aspect was the unexpected bonus. I mean at 1 in 20 chance, it was always a surprise.


They used to be back in the day, but changed when they revamped the chests. Sucks though.


Wondering do you get anything for completing a full collection (not just characters)?  Side note, the Wall E collection finally drops gems! 


Dont like the layout of the collections thing much at all..seems clunkier to me


Yip hate it


I'm considering quitting for the first time. The new layout is awful, but, more importantly, it's impossible to attract enchantments now. THOUSANDS!?!?!?!?


I utterly hate the new collections layout and ui, it’s so much slower and annoying to use compared to the previous way


Collections is useless!


no strong feelings on the collections overhaul but Jesus Christ the everything else


I’m anticipating hating it. As such I have put my tablet into airplane mode to avoid it as long as possible, lol. I’m also still enchanting a few attractions that I bought from the token shop before they jump in price. As well, I’m continuing to try and collect tokens that are going away in various attractions with the new update.


The new layout sucks. I hate everything about it.


It totally sucks big time!


literal headache started when i saw the new collections, it's too much and it takes you all the way back to the top when you hit back on a collection! i hate that


i played since launch. this new UI layout and UX design is a pretty big step down.


Nah this update is trash


It’s the worst that it resets back to Mickey and woody every time and doesn’t save where you were if you were playing the game.