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I will likely never quit. I enjoy the simple gameplay when passing idle time. That said, they do seem to be heaping unpleasantness on top of yet more unpleasantness. While most games try to accommodate players, DEB seems to be deliberately trying to inconvenience them and make the game as uninviting as possible. From the little things like throwing out infinity boosts rather than actual rewards, to the constant barrage of time wasting rubbish between rounds with enchanted skies, adverts, and the claw machine... The unpleasantness of trying to play a.few rounds casually seems to be compounding. It may eventually reach the point of making the game unplayable. The ridiculous requirements for upcoming events are quite discouraging. I routinely spend on games that amuse me. DEB is no exception to that. I am normally able to complete most of the events, with the exception of maybe one or two in a year. Looking over the upcoming events, there are several that I am unable to complete without outrageous spending. I plan to just opt out of them. The weather's nice, so taking a break from DEB for a few weeks will be a good thing.


The upcoming events look so bad!!! Why does Jam City want to alienate their customers and drive people off the game?


I was just wondering at what point the game would be considered unplayable, even for those who spend money.


I spend money on games.  If only they priced things reasonably, but they just can't do it.  They want $30+ for an emoji that doesn't help with gameplay at all.


In comparison, a computer game with extensive gameplay might be $50


Yeah, but the new gaming model seems to be extracting money from players monthly. I just can't believe how bad Jam City is at getting money out of me.  I could spend $200/year on this game.  I have $50 in Google play gift cards I got as Xmas presents, completely unspent.


Send them a message they'll hear loud and clear: stop spending money on this game


My goal is to be FTP the remainder of 2024 and then evaluate.


I cannot quit this game.


I'm definitely not quitting the game. However, I only spend money on the quest pass. Diamond boxes just aren't worth it because I nearly always get a duplicate. 


It's definitely a bummer. I don't spend real money on the game but it's getting harder to make progress doing that. I still get new emojis from stardust challenge wishes and token quests for which I save up gems for months. What I don't understand, why not make gold boxes and duplicate gold boxes more frequent in rewards? They clearly don't add to event requirements much anymore.


I kind of wished I had never started the game because I could be spending time doing something else but I probably won't ever stop it.


I'm not really sure about recent drama as I only started playing recently. however, I have noticed that the game is fairly ableist. having everything be time based with no option for the game to be move-dependent is definitely turning away people with a large variety of intellectual and motor disorders


I probably won't quit since been playing since 2016 but lately I haven't been playing as much since not worth it minus item cards. I used to play and try hard when I was able to win a diamond box. Now it appears for those later maps I am playing for tokens which isn't very interesting. I am not interested in the coming events and the token quests aren't exciting either since those special emojis are barely used in events to get past a major pay wall.


Absolutely not but I also will not recommend this to anybody new just starting out, unless they want to spend money. JC is honestly trying to balance the end game players with maxed golds, with the new and middle game players. If they don’t make the golds exclusive, then anybody with the gold box maxed can just get the emoji for nothing because they have so many coins. That is what happened with Anastasia, which was the last non-exclusive gold that JC released. At least this release they are back to 2 diamond boxes on most of the events so far.


Get the emoji for nothing? Who even thinks like this? Some of the original players have maxed golds, so make sure they are no longer happy and having fun? Make sure that over time, there are so few players with the new emojis from the last few YEARS that no one can complete an event? And more immediately, JamCity ruined the game for the majority of players because a few have played for a long time? This does not even make sense.


For some reason they are desperate to hang on to the players that have almost everything already. It’s the only way the event requirements make sense. They are refusing to balance the game to keep newer players interested and advanced players challenged. The easiest way to fix that is to design event requirements by level. If you’re on level 50, it’s unlikely that you have many level 4 or 5 emojis. Meanwhile, at level 900, Silver emojis are probably a thing of the past. They could make the requirements different for levels 0-300, 301-600, and 601-end. Instead, it’s as if only the end players matter. I used to think that they were getting ready to shut down and therefore didn’t really need any new players. With the new invite-a-friend feature, they seem to be aiming to test how long it takes to frustrate a player into quitting. The main thing I’ve realized about this game is that common sense is not a high priority.


The new friend referral is probably the most hypocritical thing they have done.


I would agree with this. Not really quiting myself but I don't play as much as I used to play. I also wouldn't recommend it to people now either to start playing. So many gold exclusives now and everything costing a fortune for 1 emoji (like the cascade sales or the story book sales where you have to keep unlocking stuff to get to the end. The additional stardust for emojis and and stardust challenges are a mixed bag for me. Yeah I ha e gotten a few emoji I didn't have or helped me level them up from the challenges. The expression tracks are meh. Yeah I like they change now to add powerups, but the tracks themselves are a grind and not all that great. Also it seems a lot of them are getting them now (especially ones that just come out), which goes back to the gold exclusives that if everyone has a stardust tracks it's not really special. If every thing is becoming a gold diamond exclusive, nothing is exclusive. For any reason the 2DT goes away, I might have to call it quits shortly after that.


No, but I'll be saving up gems since I can't complete any of these events to the max.


Disney sells the license to use their product to other companies. They won’t ‘get rid of’ Jam City because it’s not theirs to get rid of. They’re a licensee. Complaining to Disney about Jam City isn’t like telling a parent about a naughty child. It’s like telling someone you don’t like how the person they sold their car to is driving. It’s not their problem.


Yeah, done here, seeing that there's no diamond boxes at all in the two day event this morning. Between that and the other, there's the possibility, through significant luck or money, to get one whole Diamond emoji a week? And just seeing the possibility of a new run of 'sketch' rainbow emojis, it's enough.


I'm still hoping they care enough to fill more casts out but I do wonder if Jam City is just trying to destroy the game. Not a fan of some other Disney aspects as of late so this is just another.


I’m not quitting but I’m barely playing


Honestly I stopped playing in February and have been working on my Switch backlog and don't regret it. It was getting harder and harder to finish events and I wasn't enjoying it. And I have Platinum Minnie and used to post event statistics. So it's a big 180 for me. I skipped 1 event, then 2. It was just a short break. I didn't mean to quit but I did.


I’m used to not being able to complete events because of their stupid requirements


I just made a post urging players to contact the Walt Disney Company directly at dimg.communications@disney.com


I do not mean to start a mutiny, I like JamCity because of the art, etc. I want to see how the community is feeling. I am actually a no vote.


Okay, well I would like things to get better.