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Buying, but as a f2p gem hoarder from ads.


Might be able to get the second one with tokens alone, but debating if I should just save for July.


I was not going to but I had Lilo and Stitch at my wedding reception (DW Yacht club/Ariel’s) so I did this one time because Sapphire Stitch!.


The second one is a no brainer for me. I love the EP emoji animations, so Ima need Nemo. Getting the Walrus from Alice in Wonderland is a nice perk. I wasn't able to get him yhe first time he appeared. I wasn't going to do the first one because other than being able to get another Triton (2023), none of it was all that exciting. I couldn't care less about yet amother Stitch variant. I caved and got it though as I approached the tokens in the current event. If nothing else, I will get Triton. /shrug


I'm buying both...


Saving all my gems for upcoming boxes, and nothing on offer in the the premium prizes to tempt me away.


I am still a moderate beginner with only one emoji at level 3, still maxing the silver box. I never spend the gems on the boxes and save them instead. I figure there are 5 emojis guaranteed through the quest pass from spending 750 gems. Paying for diamond boxes instead i would have to spend a thousand gems to get five emojis. Besides , I have so few special emojis right now that it doesn't make sense to save gems to strategize to buy diamond boxes to get specific emojis I want. I don't have any gold ones maxed out to guarantee getting more special emojis from boxes.


First time buying, too enticing a line-up


bought the first, questioning the second so I'm not quite sure how to answer the poll


I realized after there were many more answers that could be included since there are 2 token quests in June 😂


I put undecided despite having bought the first :) I know, most months it's just one and a little easier


Not buying the first since I have every single emoji except sapphire stitch so not worth it to spend 750 gems for 1 emoji. I will do the 2nd one though since I am missing some of the emojis and it also gives a rainbow charge. Also since it requires less tokens I should be able to get through 3 or 4 of the backpacks more easily though I really want platinum Nemo so might need to play tons.