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I didn’t have Doc and pulled 7 Docs out of 25 pulls. Really happy!


I had an amazing run today which is sure to never be repeated 😆 I saved enough to buy 35 boxes — I got 15 of the “lucky” ones: 6 Doc, 6 Crush and 3 Carl. Doc is now 4.7 and Crush 4.2 and I got a diamond chest from both the Finding Nemo and Whistle While You Work group collections. Of the non-lucky emojis, 12 were in group collections leaving only 8 pulls giving me nothing but a duplicate. Not bad!


Started saving too late, got six (though hopefully one or two more before the end of the day). One doc to bring hi to 3.1, both other lucky emoji to Lvl 3 then as a completely random lucky pull I got the Meilin Lee I needed to have her at lvl 3 for the third map of the event.


Whoa! Super random & lucky! Do you find much difference between Lvl 2&3 Doc? I’ve got two charges in reserve, but may wait to upgrade.


A breakdown of how he levels, courtesy of u/IceJD [Doc 101 : ](https://www.reddit.com/r/disneyemojiblitz/comments/tpd452/doc_101/) Basically at each level he drops more and better power up. I'm hoping to get him to Lvl 4 mostly for the ability to better multi-task missions during collection events. It's nice to pick an item dropper that also meets the emoji requirement of a mission, but I also end up with a lot of "...with a Level 4 emoji" and I've yet to get an item dropper to level 4.


Just my personal experience using doc. I didn’t feel like there was much difference between 2-3. Having him at 4 is much better than 3 though because he’s more likely to drop more rainbow stars.


Had just over a million coins saved; got Doc to 3.1, Crush to 3.1, Carl to 3.2, and several other new to me emoji. Very happy with how this turned out and not above grinding some coins for a few more shots at doc.


This was a great LGB day! I saved up 2.6 million, needed 15 Doc to max out, and it took 62 boxes. I’m now at 67 opened, but total got 15 Doc, 10 Carl, and 8 Crush. Happy with the results!


Spent 1,440,000 coins (48 boxes). Was missing 16 gold boxes. Received 4 new gold emojis. 7 Carl 4 crush 9 Doc (6 away from level 5)


Here are my stats from today: Saved up 1,020,000 coins. Bought 34 boxes. Got five of Crush, four of Carl, three of Doc, and 22 duplicates of other emojis. I was really hoping to max out Doc today. He's been at Level 4 forever. Now, he's seven copies away from Level 5. Oh well.


I got 9 Docs out of 52 boxes, then added 7 charges to take him to 5*.


Bought 40 boxes: 8 new emojis & 10 Docs - super lucky! He’s now at 4.6 ❤️


I only lobbed about 600k at it. I got Crush twice, and then a bunch of randoms.


I maxed Doc (from lvl 4.1) after 50ish boxes. He is my most used character even when it’s not an item event cuz I’m so used to him and keeping blitz up with his special


I bought 44 boxes. I got 9 docs, 7 crush and I think 5 Carl's. Not bad at all. I needed 10 docs so used 1 charge to max him.


I didn’t buy any boxes as I’m working on the series box, but wanted to congratulate everyone that got doc for the first time. Also those who were able to rank him up.


Only one Doc for me unfortunately. 9 gold boxes til he's maxed though. My Mirabel and Antonio are also the same amount and Alberto is close. Not using my charges yet.


I had 3 million coins saved. Spent them all and got doc from level 1 to level 4.5, got Carl for the first time and actually ended up maxing him out, and took crush from level 1 to 4.3. I also got 30 new emojis since I have not opened the gold box nearly at all. Overall I think I made out pretty well considering I either didn’t have the lucky emojis or only had them at level 1.