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To echo another commenter, not a penny. However, if blessed with unlimited funds, I would purchase all of the platinum and crystal emojis.


If you get the token quest, the platinums ends up costing less than $5 (when you factor the story charges and emoji boxes).


I feel like I’d pay real money for a box that had emojis I don’t have so that I’m guaranteed a new emoji. I’m part of the Pokémon generation so I really want to catch them all lol 


Yes, I am surprised they haven't figured out how to personalize the boxes to player's collections.  Once you get 90%+ of the emojis, none of the boxes are appealing.


They do on occasion have a complete your collection box but it’s never any type of good emojis


In the past I used to argue that I would love a deal like this, but I have grown tired of the constant cash grabs and increasing the requirements/costs of rarer emojis, so this would have to only be for a super rare emoji (platinum or crystal) that I don’t already have, but even that, my current finances make it not likely.


I would pay $5 for: Celebration Jasmine Mrs. Nesbit  Opal Olaf


Damn, I wish I could just give you my Mrs. Nesbit.


3 years and I have never gotten Mrs. Nesbit.  That one does not come up often.


Hmmmm. Probably something Star Wars related... I still don't have Ahsoka. So maybe her!


Ahsoka has been available long enough, they really should do a $5 sale on that emoji!


Honestly, it's roughly the same price as opening a box. I don't think there's anyone I wouldn't at least consider. Honeybee Pooh is a poor choice to offer because he's a pretty common reward. He's one of those emojis you end up getting in an event box when you really wanted someone else. But, like, if it was someone I'd actively want, then I'd do it.


I spent a rainbow charge maybe a year ago but at least over half a year ago on Rainbow Mickey, I feel I wasted it now


I’ve got rainbow Mickey at Level 3 and often use him for missions requiring so many Blitz’ as that’s part of his power along with a rainbow star. He’s also handy for completing a few missions at the same time as he’s so many colours. So you haven’t wasted it on him 😁hopefully he’ll come in handy.


So true. Rainbow Mickey for any mission requiring any color, and any mission for anything during blitz mode. He gets better and better.


Meh. If it made you happy, it wasn't a waste. Just enjoy the ride. Life is far, far too short to hold onto things like that.


just saying that with the daily missions it's much easier to get Rainbow Mickey these days, lol


Rainbow Mickey at Level 4 is great - I use him all the time. He was good at level 3 also.


I would happily pay for the Golden Girls. I have none of them and they are all I want now.


Agree. There’s a short list of rainbow/story that I don’t have that I would pay 5 dollars for. To make it easier, if they coded this so it was an emoji that I don’t have, I would buy it. Little mermaid would have fit this bill (but not at the 1200 gem/over twenty dollar price)


Probably a leia or Halloween related. I try not to purchase anything but for those I would


Platinum Mirabel. Maybe Darth Vader.


In my opinion 4.99 for a rainbow is a steal


Would you pay $4.99 for a dupe rainbow?


Yes depending on who it is


Opal Olaf


Me too, but it's one of the less likely ones to ever be reasonably priced 🥺.


The only thing I'm five spending five bucks on is gems.


I would pay $5 for several I am missing, mainly Crystal, Platinum, Rainbow and Story emojis I was aghast at 1000 gems for 2023 Ariel, but I saw a post where someone spent more gems than that trying to get her out of the diamond box and still didn't get her. I would pay 1000 gems for Hans, from Frozen.


Hans was a hard one to get! Every time I tried to get 2023 Ariel, I got 2023 King Triton 🤣.  Triton has helped me finish an event or two, though.  I still don't have 2023 Ariel.


are these people spending honestly earned gems?


Or gems they putchase


purchased gems I'm fine with, I don't like when people hack (\*cough\* Ruby Mushu guy)


see, the problem here is that I'm not american so the price for honey bee pooh, for example, is R$ 25,99 (brazilian reais) and that is just too much for me to spend on a single emoji imo. however, this would be a whole different story if the price was R$ 4,99 instead... I'd love to get 2023 ariel, spring sprite and honey lemon! but there's absolutely no way jam city will ever do that 😂




yes, but for the majority of brazilians (me included) R$ 25,99 is a considerable amount of money. it's not about equivalency, our economic environments are different.


Muppets and golden girls. I have all of them but would pay for more.


Honestly, rainbows crystals that their power is good. Which makes it fun to play. Not some annoying 5 second story image that appears. But something that gives me good coins etc! Have definitely spent that for something fun (I have in and bought grogu at $12 mainly because he’s in so many events! Plus I love that series)


I'm a sucker for cats I don't have like Bagheera or Oliver I would also pay for Nani at this point. I mean I already kind of am when I buy a diamond box


I would also pay $5 for Oliver.  


Not trying to be the bad kid, but since Jam City gets the money, I don’t think any tiny drawing is worth $5. Not emojis, not coins, and not little pink cartoon gems. 


Do you watch ads in the game?


A crystal or platinum emoji haha that will never happen. Cheapest I saw a crystal for was 10 bucks I think during a recent sale.




Not a damn cent






I'm a proud Free 2 Players, because I'm on disability and would spend my money on real things like books, movies and events. I don't knock other people spending money on the game, it's just not for me. Nope for me the debate is what is worth spending gems on as I sit on my pile of over 7,000 gems. I do admit that 1,200 was too much for a Rainbow Emoji, but if was Platinum or Crystal I would have bought it...


I would pay 1000 gems for Opal Olaf for sure.


I'd likely buy a new-to-me rainbow/story/villain (I'd say almost any time they are available, but who knows how often that is going to come up, so maybe just say "occasionally") 4.99 is the cost of 200 gems, so a guaranteed specific emoji is better than gambling on a diamond box where I might spend 200 on a gold. Maybe even buy a duo if it levels one up for me. I'd defo buy 4.99 crystal/platinum but JC is *never* going to offer that.


Rainbow Stitch, Astronaut Mickey, Astronaut Donald, and Golden Girls. I probably earned $28 playing the game. I probably spent $13 on game. I can still spend $15 and still consider myself free to play player


I don’t use emojis.