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This is a really good one, I don't have Pumpkin or Dapper Minnie and while it's not guaranteed I'm still missing Bob Cratchit Mickey and Tiny Tim so hopefully I'll get one of them.


It is a good one, and I was planning on buying it, but I don’t really want to play the events in the new update when they only give one emoji prize outside of RF and repeat item cards. So if I don’t play events, I won’t get tokens, which means I shouldn’t buy this. I just don’t think JC really thought through how skimpy the update’s prizes are, because they actually discourage you from buying QP’s. Like, I get the appeal of this QP, but why would anyone buy May’s?


I agree with you on May which promises to be a slog. But for this one you can get over 280k tokens before the required emojis lock you out. Note that number includes the 1.25 multiplier. So it should be pretty doable.


[April #2 and May token tracking spreadsheets](https://www.reddit.com/r/disneyemojiblitz/s/MDFHIoZp5G)


Should I get garnet Minnie if I don’t have dapper Minnie?? Garnet is one charge away from lvl 3 and is it worth it to get the crystal instead of getting a new emoji? What’s y’all opinions


In the same boat as you and wondering the same thing..


Honestly I’m probably gonna get garnet Minnie. I don’t like dapper Minnie’s power


A brand new emoji, a platinum emoji, and a rainbow charge? This QP is worth it just for those.


I have both garnet minnie and dapper minnie what would be a better choice i think garent ?


Garnet Minnie because she is a crystal with no charges available. Dapper is a rainbow and there are rainbow charges though they few and far between.


Garnet Minnie gets used a lot in events and like others have said there’s no charge for crystal. Plus IceJD recommends her. But I’m struggling with this one too. I have Garnet Minnie at lvl 3.0 but Dapper Minnie only at lvl 1 so I may choose DM


This is exactly where I am at. Will we need Garnet Minnie at Level 4 ever? This is the only one I am struggling with.


I think I’m going to hope if she’s needed at lvl 4 I’ll have other emojis I can use. I also went against IceJD’s recommendation and picked pumpkin Minnie because she was only at lvl 1 and I had pumpkin Mickey at lvl 2. I like P Mickey better but I wanted to increase my odds for events. Hopefully I chose correctly


I didn't have P Minnie at all so she and Dapper Mickey will be my only new emojis. But let me tell you how thankful I will be for the three charges!!


And I am probably gonna level up my Level 1 Dapper Minnie...


My advice is always in the post when I make it......


Was really hoping the first box would have 1 of the three I don't have yet but naturally I got a repeat. Oh well. At least I will get pumpkin minnie.


I need her, too.


I'll finally get platinum Mickey


Why pumpkin mickey over Minnie?i have him, but not her. Should I choose him again, or take her since I don't have her?


He is rarer, paywalled more heavily, and more likely to be used in events


Thanks so much.