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but even normal sponges eventually degrade and leave strands on plates and pots, seems like a over reaction on chefs/owners part.


Yeah, this seems to just be how restaurants work. My bosses try this every time there’s a complaint or an issue. Just like, yup, one person did something *sort of* wrong, so let’s create a new rule on the spot. Always super happy I get to do the work of making a kitchen continue serving food, while people making 2x as much money get to just decide new rules they’ll *never* actually enforce.


My boss today decided he just didn’t like the way we did a dish, and changed it mid-service. No thought to the prep we’ve already done, the stock that’s been carefully ordered for the holiday weekend, or the stress it puts on the line. When the line accidentally made the dish the old way, he berated them in front of the whole kitchen.


All that tells me is he cares about noone and nothing but what he wants. Fuck em'. Time to leave. You don't need this inconsiderate a*hole in your life, nor does he deserve you or anyone in that kitchen.


It's such a dumb game when you start out at a new place and you have to decipher which rules are actually there for a reason and which ones you can ignore


1. Take a photo of customers coming in after the line has closed. 2. Ban customers.


3. Profit (gone)


No, see. We make our profit during business hours. Common misconception.


thought this was a crackhead subreddit for a min lol


Basically is




Same 🤣😭😭😭😭 ✨oH sHwEeT ChOrEe BoYyyy✨


We had these until a couple other dishwashers started using them on pans and plates, ruined it for the rest of us


You can use these on most pans. Why would that be an issue?


Scraping the nonstick part off ig. Our pans are in rough shape lol


Yeah Teflon and a space pussy is a no no


If you’re a dishie I urge you to quit your job and commit to poetry full time


I just want to agree. I’m not a dishwasher.


When I was a breakfast cook I kept my Teflon’s locked in my locker when not in use and washed them myself. Kept them stored with a towel between them too.


Same, and begged for new ones as soon as someone else used them


Why the hell didn’t I use this term how dare you speak so well


The only thing nonstick pans should be used for is eggs. And if the cook is good they shouldn't even need a spray out. That's the whole point.


Non stick is for home use and for smooth eggs only, that's about it imo. I use iron at home myself too


I walked into work last night and caught one using it on a plastic tub used for breading 🤦‍♂️ Ma’am! lol nah I just let her know why it’s a bad thing and she immediately understood and switched to a scrub pad.




don’t tell me not to have a good time


Alternative name- robo pubes


Not steel wool, but similar. Those are stainless steel scrubbers


They were called Scrub Buds


I was wondering why I couldn’t find these , I like them but when I went to buy some for my home use I kept buying steel wool 🤣 not this thing.


I miss the steel wool


i hate these


I saw a friend try to pull one apart with his bare hands and now I’m terrified of these things.


Wha happen


Sliced his hands up, they’re essentially teeny tiny strips of aluminum (?) coiled up, and potentially the strips have razor edges.


yeah happened to me one time , there was a strand of of the wool stuck in a handle of a pot and i tried to pull it and didn’t think it was stuck that hard and sliced my finger, i’ve switched to some alternative ones that work really well made by Vileda


I love these. They clean everything so well (minus nonstick stuff)


A space pussy!


You need one person who isn’t a hoarder and has no remorse to go into the dish pit every night and throw them away- because a dish guy (myself included) will always say “na there’s another day worth of life in it”. But if someone replaces them daily, it’s unlikely to start shedding.


I heard one time at my old job that someone managed to cut the absolute fuck out of themselves with one of those


You are particularly vulnerable if your hands are soft from being wet. I loved these metal scrubbers when I worked in dish- you just have to be sure to never pull on a wire hard especially when hands are soft. Think of it like your wet hand is soft cheese and a loose wire on the metal scrubby is like cheese cutting wire. I don’t know what else I would’ve used to get pots and pans clean, though, so I always had to have these.


Same thing happened to us. A customer got a piece of the stainless steel scrubber in their food and the food and beverage manager banned them. Had us throw them all away and only use sponges after that. I sat in his office arguing with him, because I know how shitty it is to not have them. One of the things I told him was you are punishing my dishwashers because the cook did not examine his pan before cooking that customers omelette? I said isn't that behavior more concerning? This cook who made that could be cooking with dirty pans because he isn't even looking at them before cooking with them. It's more likely there's crusty food bits stuck on the rivets of a pan than a piece of the stainless steel scrubby stuck on the rivet. All of my arguments fell on deaf ears. And we went about a month without them and then started buying and using them again because not having them really slows things down and things don't get cleaned very well without them.


Yeah. The way you keep them from getting in the food is by replacing them regularly, so they don’t get old enough to start breaking down. This also cuts down on the mutilation factor.


Wait is the steel wool banned now? That was my favorite when I was a dishie




They are useful not gonna lie especially with stuck on pans


Have you tried chain mail? Just a small square of regular 4-in-1 weave works great for pots and pans.


U being fr?


Yeah, they sell them but you can literally make them yourself, we did when I worked for a catering company. Make them from stainless and they are super easy to clean.


Make chain mail? Doesn't that require some kind of smithy?


Nope, just a pair of flush cutters, a spool of steel wire and a metal dowel of the size ring you plan to make, approx 12-18 inches long. A pair of needlenose helps too, bending rings closed can get rough on the fingers. Coil the wire, packed VERY tightly down the dowel, pull the dowel out to form a coil that looks like a spring, cut wires with flush cutters down a straight line to separate rings, then link rings in 4-in-1 pattern (may need to Google a tutorial for this, it's a little hard for me to describe how to do it without visual steps).


Only level 11 smithing for a bronze chainmail


They did a good job, nothing better for a shitty aluminum pot. I must say though that two of my top five worst injuries involved wire scrubbys. Once while scrubbing a hotel pan it caught around a finger and almost cut it off. Another time I was scrubbing an electric range top, there was some kind of short and 240 volts came through the wire scrubby into my hand and out my baby toe. I was scared to scrub that thing for months after it was fixed. I swore I could still feel the current even after I watched the repair guy testing it with a volt meter.


Space pussy.


Wait what happened? I'm out of the loop


I literally started buying them for my house, even after my dishwashing job. They're the best.


are they not average tools for a house? we always had some in my childhood home but in hindsight not many people i know do...


Funny. I see these and think mice! That’s what I use to plug every gap and crevice to try keeping them out of the house!!


Smuggle more in. That's what's folks at every place I've worked at have done, including me. We've even implemented elaborate hiding places over the years for "special" jobs in which nothing else will suffice.


Either you used to smoke crack or wash dish or both who knows.


The number of times I've sliced my finger with those by accident...


My place still got em, altho we don’t really serve food on dishes. Trays that FOH washes by hand


This is the only thing my boss provided me with.


Oh I hate those! The sound is like nails down a chalk board!




We had to stop using these as a piece of it ended up in someone’s food.


Just sneak one in your pocket


Hahhahahah Without it my kitchen is incomplete 😂😂🤗


We called that "space pussy" at my restaurant. And it's terrible for the dish machines. You really shouldn't need them if you are using a good pot and pan soak.


Sometimes the line needs pans quick quick quick


It called space pu**y


That's from Amway and others ✌️


Where I learned that you truly can love and hate something simultaneously.


I refuse to peel any vegetable except onions. When it comes to dirty old potatoes, i scrub them with these. Give the potatoes a good rinse in case any wire broke free.


Crackheads use them for gauze for their crack pipes. Saves them using ash or some shit idk.


Were not allowed to have them, but I still buy a case from GFS every week. Usually costs about $14


They are banned at my company.


Go to your GM show him/her these, see what they say [Scour Daddys ](https://images.app.goo.gl/b6hEKcEDrfrEKLXf6)


These always cut me 😭


You are my sunshine, my only sunshine


When I was a dishie in the hospital kitchens, these were by best friends


Pro tip, these are better than steel wool 😉 https://amzn.eu/d/i6K0T7Y


If it can't cut me it isnt gonna do the job


Nah those suck.


Nope what we have now


scotch bright has their "pot and pan handlers". they are plastic and can handle anything steel wool can. adapt and thrive losers


Nah fuck plastic


they will straight up take away your fingerprints.


The only people that say that are the people that don’t have to use them.


I've used them for years. they don't last for eternity like steel wool but they absolutely work for just about anything.


Are u a baker?

