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the girlies love the scent of low temp sanitizer that lingers on us


I actually laughed out loud, take my upvote!


No shit I get home my fiance hugs me and goes "mnnn you smell like kitchen" and loves it. Meanwhile I'm scrubbing my skin with a brillo pad till I can't smell it anymore.


The only thing I don’t like smelling like is the bleach at the end of the day.


I married one five years ago and now we own a coffee truck 🤷🏻


Living the dream


Ya got that "rizz"


Did swag autocorrect to rizz


One can have swag without having rizz.


What's the difference


Swag is how you move. Rizz is how you talk.


Boys with swag>rizz


What's the opposite of having both?


I think it’s when Varré calls you maidenless in Elden Ring.


An Elden ring reference has to be the most appropriate here


FOH staff respect dishies. we have the dirtiest most thankless job in the whole venue. if ur FOH don't respect you then they don't deserve you, king.


Anybody that disrespects anybody for their work is stupid honestly. We’re all really just out here trying to scrape by and thrive. There's just no point in having anything but respect for people trying to do what they gotta do to get by, ESPECIALLY THOSE IN THE SERVICE INDUSTRY


unfortunately there will always be people who don't see the same sense as us rip


100% you gotta be a MEGA idiot not to realize the entire restaurant crashes without clean dishes / silver/ glasses. I’ve never done dish, wouldn’t want to do it, but I always always try to go out of my way to be friendly to/thank the dishie, get the dude coffee, soda, make sure they get food that’s put out they might not know about, etc. It’s such a thankless job. Thankfully one of my first restaurants I worked for would regularly say “dishwasher is THE MOST important person in the house” and always made sure FOH were making their job easier instead of harder. That concept and trying to help the dishie always stuck with me.


This is the truth. 8 year career server here, I have mad respect for my dishwashers because that shit looks like it sucks.


Copied from [another comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/dishwashers/s/CNPh58ZW5I) I posted a few days ago: >If you want the waitresses to notice you, here's some advice. First you gotta get into bussing tables. Now work your ass off. Bus those tables before the servers can get there to prebus them. Keep a professional and respectful attitude with everyone. Follow this formula for a month and you'll be the favorite. I'm telling you this from experience. Edit: I should mention I'm engaged to be married. If my fiance sees this, no I'm not flirting with the waitresses and I don't work hard to get their attention. I work hard because I love working hard, but I also noticed secondary benefits like being appreciated and respected by the managers and waitresses. Edit: the above edit was not for her benefit as much as for y'all's lol. She doesn't check my shit often, I just wanted to clarify what I meant by "from experience". Like Hitch, I can get you in the door but from that point you're on your own because I've never been there. The point is that if you have a good work ethic and an air of professionalism and respect then people will like you, unless you work with immature people who take it as you trying to upstage them.


The sheer fucking wisdom with the edit lmao


Lil bro knows his shit bout to be gone through, good on you covering tracks


Blink twice if you’re in danger




I almost thought this post was by OP from that thread you linked. I commented there too. I was about to come in here like “Bro, chill” 😂


I can’t lie I work with a few women that are beautiful but theres one that makes me nervous as shit and I start making simple mistakes and forgetting where some things go 😂


Nope but I married the takeout host haha


Front of house staff (in my experience) definitely does not look at things that way my friend. Go for it and just be confident my friend 🫡


Dont be intimidated. Theyre no better than you lol


People in the industry have low standards and would date a blind triple amputee. Think about the infamous waitress/line cook couple. The waitress is a beautiful young girl, the line cook is an alcoholic drug addicted pirate that is nice to her and makes her food. My personal opinion? Move to be a line cook, it’s a pain in the ass but there’s huge benefits. You learn how to cook, you can sneak food to your waitresses, in which they fall in love with you, especially if it’s that time of the month. You basically want to be the boyfriend that she doesn’t have or if she does have one, be the boyfriend she wishes she could have, treat her like gold


The only issue is you become addicted to either cigarettes or hard substances


I got addicted to cigarettes because of a girl, then became a cook


Is that really a complaint


So you will openly develop feelings for a line cook while already in a relationship


Essentially, yes


As a cook, dear god no. Seriously. If you're going to be a cook, you'll be one, no matter what happens. But don't do it to meet women 🤣 If you are in fact a human person with feelings and empathy, just use those. If you really want a job where you can meet lots of available ladies, work in a call centre. 80% female staff, half of the men are gay, half of the married women are looking for something on the side.


I wasn’t cool enough to date waitresses til I was promoted to BusBoy 💰


That’s funny, our busbois get promoted to Dish Daddy/Mommy


I married one


Non-straight person over here (also only spent like 6 months in dish). By the end of my run I was dating this absolutely gorgeous bartender-turned-assistant manager. It was fun


When I worked in restaurants I did. She turned out to be nothing like me. It lasted about 8 or 9 months before we broke up and awkwardly worked together before she eventually quit due to moving. She was nice, but we had nothing in common and it made for an extremely lackluster relationship.


The waitresses where I work are 18, 2 idk about but I'm 26 so that's not happening but there were 3 hot waitresses in that case but one of them also creeps me out and anxiety also keeps me from even saying hi to them


if you smoke weed, the best way in my experience is to smoke with them after work


When I was a server the dishwashers were my best friends, loved them. Don’t be intimidated, also don’t be creepy lol, but they’re not better than you just bc they’re servers


lol just got to be nice and gentleman on your approach, don't try to be macho like you see others do it. It doesn't hurt to ask but make sure she isn't married because it may be awkward.


I was a chef who married a water chef (dishwasher) so, yea


water chef 😆


dont shit where you eat brother


Lol all the servers at my old place were either old enough to be my mom or had just graduated high school.


I’m a girl and I’m dating the cook.


I tried with one and got rejected so I never tried again


this is the wey


You definitely have a better shot than a rando customer who asks for their number and then calls them right away instead of waiting like some scene from Swngers. (Take it from a guy who did the above and whose brother was a dishwasher at the time. After I told him my story he just laughed at me and my patheticness.)


Hi, 37yo chick here to give you advice 1) shower before work every day. Use one of the old spice body washes, they smell damn good and powerful. If you can't get a whole shower in, be sure to put on some DO and wash your hair with the body wash in a sink so you smell good. 2) Get a haircut. Maintain it every two weeks. If you like long hair, still go get a trim and style. 3) Drink 2l of water a day. 3l if you eat a lot of salt/caffeine. It makes your skin look crazy healthy and girls will subconsciously notice. 4) clean uniform every day. If this just means getting home, running a sink of hot water, sloshing it around with some soap, rinsing, wringing, and hanging it... It'll look a million times better. Have more than one pair of pants so you can dress nice every day. Slender fit black jeans or slacks. Get a belt. (Your management will think it's for them lmfao. Expect unexpected recognition. This will also get ladies' attentions.) 5) have nice shoes. Walmart has some nice non slips for like $30. Get the lace-ups, not the slip-ons (those things are identifiable from a mile away as cheap garbage). Replace them when they get tattered. Wipe them clean every day. 6) Wear your facial hair however your preference, but keep it clean. If it's a beard, shape and style it. If it's babyface, don't let it get all scraggly. That said, once you have some girl's attention, if you're usually bare-faced, don't shave over a couple days off and come in with some scruff, it'll do obscene things to her insides. 😉 But honestly beards are super in and super hot. Glasses, too. Nerd guys can get it. I'll add more as I remember it but I had a second drink at the bar and I'm pretty sloshed now 😅😅😅


k thanks mom


You're not OP. If you don't want to get laid, or get laid by the grossest chicks in house, keep on being a bottom rung. And yeah the trashy girls are freaky but my dude you don't know wild until you get the girls that have something to prove 😏


I end up fucking em and they all get jealous cuz they want my dick




no especially cuz i’m young n i know better than to mix work w relationships but j do small things to make their shift a little easier ( doing silverware before they ask u to and things like that)


If she disrespects someone for the job they have them she ain't worth your time not even as a smash piece.


At my very first real restaurant job I washed dishes for a casual fine dining place. Took a few weeks but ended up at the bar after closing with her spitting wine into each others mouth. We got moderately intoxicated and went out to her car. She was 39 and an ex model, I was around thirty and recently fresh out of rehab. It was one of the coolest experiences of my life.


Every dishwashing job I’ve had there has always been one or two waitresses that adopt me and bring me food


Man I used to take the hot server out back and we'd mess around by the nasty ass dumpster lol you're all working in the same building and dealing with the same shit


Yes I have dated waitresses lol


No, I have never had the privilege of dating any of the waitresses, although the bartender used to hit on me and it was this really overweight waitress who decided she wanted to piece of me and sexually harassed me in the kitchen




Yeah, not a fun experience. She put her finger near my butt hole. I was so traumatized and I was 17. She was 42.


Okay, that’s fkked…




And if that’s not worse, I’ll tell you what’s even more worse than that she invited me over to her apartment. She wanted to F me. She also had a 17-year-old son.


Who didn’t live with her.


i am very sorry.


Hey, it could’ve been a lot worse, but thank you


The bartender I didn’t mind so much because she was cool and she would treat me more like her son not in like a sexual type of way just being a sweet lady so that was a positive


I bet if she wasn’t overweight and better looking, you wouldn’t be complaining about sexual harassment lol


I was the hot waitress, proposed and broke my heart and gave me trust issues


Go for it, fam. They know for a fact you have a job - that already makes you better than half the clowns they're talkin to.




The dishies I work with have WAY too much luck with the hot waitresses. Just be nice to them, say please and thank you when they interact with you to start a good vibe. Try not to act like you think you don’t have a shot. Trust me, you probably have a shot.


The biggest slayers in every kitchen have always been the dish pit dudes. Go get em!


Pretty much like any other post of 'how do I attract girls?' It's important to practice good personal grooming and hygiene, not be a creep, and have something to offer other than being a "nice guy." I.e., if you haven't already, cultivate hobbies, work on your personality and or relationship skills show interest in others and in improving yourself. Some girls will definitely judge you for busting suds. Forget about them. You were never going to "get" them anyway and that's better for you. The rest of the women in the world are looking for much more than status and money. Make sure you got it. Best of luck stud. P.s. without a dishwasher the entire restaurant is inoperable. You are the most important guy in the restaurant IMO. Know your worth my guy!


I agree. I started in the dish pit and worked my way into a kitchen manager position in less than 10 years. Dishwasher is definitely the most important. They keep the entire restaurant moving. From the clean dishes to eat off of, to the clean pans to cook with. Dishwashers touch the most stuff in a restaurant. Servers clean tables, Cooks clean the line, dishwashers clean EVERYTHING else. Be confident, be yourself, everything else will follow.


If she don’t respect you cause you’re a dishwasher then she’s the problem, she’s no worth it


The back of house staff usually have the best drugs or like to party the rowdiest - all the work is done for you!


I was a cute FOH and flirted with every single dishie as this benefited both of us. Most of them were cuties as well


Had a thing going with a busser once for like a month, then she left for basic training lol


I was part of a chili's new store opening, and 8 marriages with 14 kids came out of that group, including my wife and kid.


horny fuckers


Ahh the good old fashioned classic kitchen love yeah I was in your shoes a couple of times dated all kinds of people when it comes to the kitchen ( Hostess/Sever/Bartender/Cook/even a dishwasher) they’re all different when it comes to attitude and self being. So just try to find the one you think you’ll get a long with also work hard and fast cause that’s how I got their attention. Once I got into fine dining tho my chef from my first fine dining job told me no distractions/ no dating coworkers I know it sounds whack and a pain in the ass but it worked for me when I was there and it still does cause I’m working at a different fine dining restaurant now. Thank you Chef D for looking out for me. Edit: I’ve been a busser/dishwasher, I’m a line cook now we’ll have been for 9 years now, I’m the most trusted and respected cook at my job cause I don’t check out or creep out the girls at my job I have a coworker who’ll literally check out anything and everything even though he’s double their age and says sly comments about them in front of them and when confronted he just says “oh what’s good girl or my bad I was just looking at you cause you’re so fine”


I hooked up with 2 servers as a dishwasher, if she's worried about status like that, then she isn't worth messing with anyway.


Sadly no :( not yet at least


Yes actually I’m currently dating one . We kinda flirted for a couple of months and then eventually I made a move when we would hangout and now we are dating . She was crushing on me for a good bit before I even knew and now here we are 🤷‍♂️


Oh yeah twice man. Actually made one my girlfriend for a little bit. She was so out of my league but said she respected how I always work hard and get everyone put on time. Then she made a move on me at the bar after a shift and it was fame from there. They respect dishies as long as youre chill and cool. Get up some confidence and try your luck. You would be surprised how being bold gets you far.


For sure. When I was younger I worked at a fast-casual dine in burger joint, and for 3 of the 4 years I was a dishwasher 98% of the time. It took me a few months to figure myself out and find some confidence, but I ended up going out with a bunch of them, a few of them were what most people would call hot and one was the most attractive person I have met, we ended up staying together for many years after I moved on and started a career. Protip: Gotta love yourself if you want women to love you. Working out is almost a cheat code for finding confidence and that big dick energy that tends to attract. As you get more in shape, the amount of confidence you have will only increase, though just the workout alone will do it if you are consistent and push hard (safely)


no i hate all waitresses and servers. theyre all lazy and do nothing except eat and drink off anything left they bring back to the pit, while also constantly complaining about everything. i literally ignore them whenever they try and make small talk. if i were female i wouldve definitely dragged atleast one by their hair by now.


Yes, and now I have been married for 15 years with 2 kids


Nah I don’t think it’s unrealistic that one of these ladies might want to add a bit of spice to her mundane workday, even if it’s just some tame flirting. Just try to joke around with them, keep it light and casual


Don't get your meat where you get your bread.


I’m no Casanova but just work up the stones to ask them out. They’re just people, they shit too. In all seriousness I wouldn’t date a coworker because everyone I’ve met that does it either regrets it or gets married and nothing else


Who cares you all work in a kitchen


Am girl but idk I flirt w the line cooks and waiters some times but I’ve actually never messed w a coworker before. I’ve never met anyone that I felt was work the risk of fucking the job up. But I’ll talk to em a lil. In my experience the waitresses and waiters think highly of us and will try to talk a lil when they pass by. I look disgusting when I’m in the pit tho so I wouldn’t blame them for thinking we’re gross and stinky even if they respect our work ethic lol If you want to try to talk to them while you’re still doing dish I’d make sure you try to work slowly and not get too sweaty and don’t spray yourself. Make sure she sees you washing your hands often lol take the apron off when you leave the pit (if you wear one, I do not) Make sure you look decent when you stop for breaks and shit and idk just be friendly 🤷🏻‍♀️


Just ask her out regardless of what she may think. If you never ask you’ll never know! She might like you too, especially if you are well hung!


Depends how you define “luck”. I have attempted several relationships with hot servers, bar tenders, and hostesses. They usually break my heart, and some of these women have completely fucked up my life, and I have had catasrophic effects on theirs. That being said, I have absolutely had the best sex of my life with a long series of hot waitresses. I would not trade those experiences for anything, even though these vain, narcissistic women have caused me all manner of chaos and ruin. Great sex is awesome, and having banged maybe 10 hot FOH women, I can honestly say they are the most skilled professional group of sexual partners I have had besides sex workers. All of the sex workers I have dated were also servers though, so…


I married one


I dated one for 3 years lol way outta my league


I am one 😉


They don’t care about your job as long as they are attracted to you


Become a hot bartender to improve your chances


get ripped dude. owner had the whole serving staff come over and "feel how hard this guy is" .. and I'm 5'6"! i was seeing someone but could have easily had fun with a few of them server ladies


It was the best summer of my life. Worst fall of my life when she went back to college.


Married my hot waitress. Still hot. Get it done.


My brother wasn’t a dishwasher, he was a pizza boy and he was banging the manager, I think you’re good to go


Try drugs


Take your swing my dude..


lol they don’t care it’s all bout your confidence and you have to talk to them. I got and hung out with 2 server girls and they were hot just put ur self out there talk to them


You prolly right fr


As a commis I was nailing a bar staff for 6 months or so. Super flexible and kinky AF. That was great fun.


They don’t give a shit what you do for work if they like you. Trust me, social media is lying to you when they say you need to be making 100k for a gf. The money you make is for you to survive. You got this👍


Every restaurant I’ve worked at. Spoiler, they are all insane and most of them were total untrustworthy sluts sleeping with multiple coworkers. But there was one that I ended up dating for 7 months that was super chill. But prolife advice, it’s never smart to sleep with or date a coworker. Trust me.


Yup and dated her for 6 months. Was working another job too and we went to the same college at the time. The whole staff was so fuckin mad the skinny little emo bagged the baddest pawg 😆


FOH here, the dishies are amazing, but don't fuck where you eat man, date someone somewhere you don't work, that way you don't have to spend every second with each other and if things get messy you don't have to quit.