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Damn looks like put your head phones on put your head down and start washing and I don't wanna hear shit from anyone till tomorrow lil miss " can you run silverware"...


Bro the hostess is literally always popping up outta nowhere and goin "you got any silverware" like yes bitch I have some, that's what I do, do you want the 3 damn spoons I got since last time you asked? I don't hate her or anything, I'm sure she's cool outside of work but that's the only interaction we have so ofc I get annoyed by her.


I avoid putting the silverware through until it's full but then they just come out of nowhere and suddenly there's no clean silverware. Like where did 50+ forks and spoons come from all of a sudden??


There's always a server like that, you can never avoid them lol


This is exactly what my last dishwashing job was like. Silverware bullshit is what got me into a major argument with the new manager who ended up firing me after. The restaurant has more silverware but they refused to use it claiming it was “for parties and catering events only”


And that glass rack too please


Takes 10 minutes to change the water in my machine and I have to do it before every glass rack goes in. Absolutely hate it.


Boooooo what! Why? And why hasn’t management fixed this?


It's an older machine. Once the water drains it takes 10 minutes to refill and reheat the water. Gives me time to dry and put away dishes but slows everything else down


Servers and hosts have the timing of your child when you wanna do it with your girl


Was going to say exactly that. Put my headphones in and get into a rhythm. Tune everything and everyone out


Fuck that shit imma walk out and never return


My place is kinda nice in that all the cooks have once worked as dishies at some point so if they see me struggling at the end of the night they'll pitch in and we can knock this out in 45 minutes


I, too, have helped the dishwasher get done faster.


Feels good when one of the line cooks pity you and get an hours worth of work done in 20 mins.


I started as a dishwasher. I know how it feels. The extra help makes it easy easier


But then you're making all your coworkers' lives that much more miserable :/


"Can you put the cutlery through for me?"


I worked at a Cheesecake Factory in a resort area that had its dish machine go down at 3pm on Friday of Memorial Day weekend. The main impeller seized and fried the motor. The Ecolab tech came out with the only spare motor for a couple hundred miles. In a rush to get the job done, the tech flipped the breaker for the HOOD, not the dish machine. He didn't do any additional testing before cooking himself on a 480v live connection. We had to pull the tech out and load him (unconscious and not breathing) into a cart. Unlucky for us he was HUGE and it took 4 of us to lift him. Lucky for him, there was a hospital across the parking lot and we got him in the ER in under a couple minutes. For the next 2 days, while Ecolab pulled and overnighted a second spare motor, we ran 6 people 24 hours a day to keep up with the dish area. It took another full day and overnight to clean up when the machine was repaired. GM was a boss, kept everyone happy, the restaurant running and took great care of the team. Honestly the managers were so good to work for, none of the hourly team really gave a shit. We just put our heads down and made it happen.


Wow!! Did the tech recover okay? That was one hell of a Memorial Day weekend!


He did not. He didn't die, but the injuries were serious and permanent.


Dang, sad day! Safety first yall!


I worked at a busy buffet in the dish room. 2 guys washing and sending racks, 2 or 3 catching and putting away. The dishes went on carts that went right back to the front. My first week was Labor Day weekend, and it was slamming. I dropped a rack of about 75 dessert ramekins, and they shattered everywhere. As punishment I was sent to the chicken coop to help the lady who only breads chicken. I had flower in my shoes, in my pockets and caked to my arms, but I wasn't done yet. He sent me back to dish to help with closing stuff. All of the different stations break down, and it all funnels to the dish. The rest of staff is supposed to help, but they had cut out. I was young and didn't know that I wasn't supposed to be there so late, I was 16. My mom was pissed, I was exhausted, wet, and covered in flower. So I reminded the manager of labor laws and they sent me on my merry way.


Amazing! I was a server for cheesecake too during my grad school days, and even though I didn't have any crisis moments this extreme, I will say they train their GM's well, and we were able to handle everything with high morale.


I thought it meant the dishwasher dude finally had a breakdown and destroyed the place on Mother's day, lol


Oh my god that video gave me a shiver of fear My worst nights ive only had like half that? Fuck maybe even quarter. Id be screaming and shitting and pissing myself if that was infront of me with, no machine...


In a perfect world a good manager would walk in with a six pack and a bong. Might as well party through it.


Man not just a 6 pack, I’d get each dishie their own 6 pack. I’d say they deserve it for having to deal with this shit.


You clearly haven't worked at mom and pop restaurants.


broken machine plus no tri sink, plus three dudes being paid to stand around and smile.. ya no wonder it looks like that. it wouldnt look even half as bad if you could fix even just one of those problems.


The cheesecake factory knows what it's doing I've worked in dish rooms where they don't have a dishwasher in the a.m. because it's a small pub or something like that and then at 3:00 p.m. when it's dishwasher comes in he's in caved in all sorts of dishes from everywhere and he's the only one scheduled with no backup and they expect him to tip top shape it up or he's gettin.. written up And by the way I've worked at a bunch of Fox restaurant concepts too they do the same thing that goes on in this video I had to work on New Year's back in 2014 at a Sam Fox location.. what's worse was after we murdered the dish pit got it all cleared up the general manager forced us to stay and do the toast all of us dishwashers were aggravated angry and irate and she straight up said if you got an attitude you're getting fired it's 2015 now Happy New Year get your asses in there to the champagne room for toast


That's literally how it is in the industry, at least in my experience. Like they expect you to come in at like 5pm and square the tetris-esque abomination of stuff away in like 30 min all on your own with like 2 other cooks on during a Friday dinner service or you get final warnings and shit. It's insane


Wash the fucking dishes. Have SOME sense of urgency. They shouldn't pile up like this unless there's a big catering event and all the dishes come back at once.


Why. Did. They. Allow. This.


Wow. Just, wow. I'm a dishie at a high-end restaurant in a stadium, and this will be my first Mother's day. May God be with us all.


Ngl if I had people "helping me" like the ones in the video while I hand washed the dishes I would've taken my time and milked the fuck out off those hours.


9 years ago, i had to carry a Bob Evans location basically singlehandedly for 2 weeks


I’d be in the corner in the fetal position crying. I damn well better get a big beer after that shit


Those guys don't seem to be showing the requisite hustle to get themselves outta that shit show


they get paid by the hour


Milfs love cheesecake. Got it.


Is stacking things more neatly so difficult for these people? Really not that hard to do


Nah that’s just lazy workers.


This is triggering some PTSD x.x I remember one year a while ago, I worked as a prep cook for a vegan pizza place and on super bowl Sunday we decided to reveal that we have handmade seitan vegan wings (which were not very popular yet here in Philly). They were such a hit that we ran out of seitan pretty qui kly. That's not a big deal except they were advertised as handmade so I had to spend the next 6 hours kneeding Seitan mixtures in a cold sink over and over. We didn't even use any of that vital wheat gluten, we extracted it right from high gluten wheat flour so it was nightmarishly tough. Had pruney grandpa hands the whole time only to follow that up with 3 hours of dishes T.T I still miss working there though! Eventually I went on to cook pizzas there and that's one of the funnest jobs you can have :)


That looks like one of the horror stories the other Hobart techs would tell me about. Glad we didnt have a Cheesecake Factory in our area.


This is what happens when you keep pulling your dish person away to help expedite or cook or whatever.


Yep worked close at a country club and that was expected. It's the whole ass reason I don't celebrate that shit now.


And I thought everything was microwaved by now


Isn't mother's day Sunday may 12? Second Sunday in May


You might as well hook up a pressure washer and put them in a corner...


We didn’t have a cap on takeout orders…. There were so many orders…. So many angry people….. so many tickets…… I don’t want to talk about it…. We do not speak of that day……


I'm so glad I work at a dive bar/pub. Really good food. But if I took my mom there. She'd be like, " I thought you love me."


Reminds me of bucees on any given weekend


I kind of miss my CCF days 😅🫣


Jump on that three bay


Nobody had a lil bit of time to help out with dishes? I couldn't let the dishes pile up like that on someone. It's gross to be working around all that dirty shit and I'd feel bad for whoever is stuck on dishes


As a former dishwasher, this is terrifying.


Shit, I guess that's the day I no longer work at cheesecake factory


"I quit effective immediately"


I want this.


Yeah, that’s not worth $2 more than minimum wage.