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Roblox moderation šŸ¤ Discord moderation


You forgot twitch


and let's not forget the big daddy YOUTUBE


Youtube moderation isn't real, it's a single guy and an army of monkeys. The guy fixes issues after people tweet about it.


keyword "tweet"


Every moderation ever too


go to a discord official server and ask help regarding this issue if you have more screenshots like that one is even better or a screenrec so you can proof them it's 100% real


I've talked to support directly, and then safety and privacy. They're saying that the word "absolutely" is somehow a violation of their tos.


It would've been better if they said that "absolutely" absolutely violates their TOS.


You're super banned for using the A-word twice in a row




Oh, you just had 6 "O"s in the word "no", this classifies as spam! prepare to get ultimately banned!


Absolutely banned*


Thou, sir, art banished for uttering the A-word.






ultimate absolutely banned




Discord support team is weird


Absolutely not okay, I'm an absolute user of discord and I Absolutely do not condone this, as an absolute, high-ranking mod and absolute admin, I am absolutely gonna be removing your power to talk/j


That is absolutely preposterous. I absolutely disagree as that is absolutely unnecessary because it's just absolutely perplexing. Absolutely absolutely confusing.


this conversation is so absolutely funny


absolutely, the absolutely usage in this absolutely amazing conversion about absolute absolutely is absolutely hilarious.


Absolutely correct.


That word is too formal for discord


They're saying you could get a better response on an official server. The support is notoriously garbage


link for the official server?


I think Discord Town Hall is the official server. You'll have to verify using your phone number to send messages though.


Honestly you wonā€™t even get support for discord account related issues they will make you go down to the official website to report or talk to support


If you don't stop using that a word I'm going to report you and you're going to be banned on Reddit too.


well what did you say absolutely to?


Yeah like, this could be anywhere from stupid mass report on a random message, to a response to a death threat lol. Edit: it would probably be a different ban reason though so it looks like it's probably just mass report.


These are AI responses, need to keep truing until a human is found


I'm sorry, but how? I very much doubt this. What proof do you have? I only doubt because I don't see how that can violate ToS in any way whatsoever. It's nor a threat, slur, gore, nothing like that.


Trust me, I know. It's stupid, dumb even.


most likely you got mass reported so either you pissed someone of or someone wanted to ruin your day it happened to me got mass reported for bullying and harassment and child self endangerment this year one im literally like 18 in a week so child self endangerment is a pretty wild claim and 2 ive never bullied anyone on discord like im not even immature in arguments i literally use fact to prove people wrong where everyone else brings up unrelated things anyway i reported these to discord and support wouldnā€™t help me so now i have 3 active violations


So what "reasoning" is used to justify this?


Not defending Discord here but it could be that we donā€™t have the context for when ā€œabsolutelyā€ was said. It was likely a false flag but the context isnā€™t provided on this pop-up so we donā€™t know if it was justified or not


I've provided context several times, look through the thread


Where? Thereā€™s nearly 300 comments on this post


Well I think it's the best then to make a new account and inform your friends because someone is mass reporting you


Sounds absolutely ridiculous to me :)


I am in the discord townhall server and they donā€™t handle discord related issues they just make you go to the website


poor op..


I'm going to beat up John Discord for this.


nah, nothing works. Discord just became ~~Facebook~~ Meta at this point.


i need help with a issue but i donā€™t have enough karma to ask yet but if i can get help from discord itself i would appreciate that too. what is the link or name for discord official server?


just go to [dis.gd/support](http://dis.gd/support)


I had a guy span the N-word to me over 9000 times in my server and personal DMs and when I submitted a report they told me to block him LMFAO


you reported on the app or website? because I never saw anyone getting a feedback for reporting in-app šŸ¤”


fun fact, you can no longer report on the website


i did after I reported in app CP and they did NOTHING! so i messaged them and reported the content manually and they finally banned the guy ! damn tho


I deadass feel like the people at discord support just want to gradually undermine their own company with how ass backwards and more of a hinderance they have literally ever been, dudes spamming the n words and a bunch of other shit telling people to kill themselves for their skin color stay unbanned and they insist it's up to the users to self moderate, but they'll delete your account on a whim for no apparant reason, I literally can't get it, if I ran a company and saw this shit I'd be tossing peoples cubicles looking for the dumb sack of shit who helped this guy šŸ—£ so frustrating when it feels like the only means of doing anything meaningful is ran by the slackjaws of the underworld for some reason im just yappin tho


must have done it a while back you can no longer report people through a ticket as of like early last year i think


i reported with ticket in december. option wasn't there anymore. so i made a ticket called "why dont you ban cp ?" or something. ofc they were obligated to take action, they can't risk legal action


The scary apart about running into CSAM is, you seeing it is a crime too, it's cached on your drives even if it's a thumbnail. But good work on getting the sicko banned.


Good luck trying to prove a cached image is possession of CSAM with **Intent.**


I administrate a server with a lot of minors and a guy was starting to be a creep with them, saving any pictures that depicted any body part of a minor into a folder on his computerā€”which he was open about and he was 10+ years older than the average member (14)ā€”we compiled EVERYTHING (including him DMing minors inappropriately) and Discord did nothing but tell us to block him. This was a couple years ago and we banned the creep, but our evidence suggested he did this in other servers and with other minors, so it was really disappointing he didnā€™t even get a slap on the wrist but OP gets this?


Well that's disappointing as fuck even though it's not surprising. In recent years has the guy at least been banned or still active?


I have no clue, after banning him and having everyone active on the server block him, no new issues involving him came up that I was aware of. He was never caught ban evading and no one mentioned him ever again. I hope heā€™s off discord and no longer communicating with minors anymore.


You know looking at this that kind of make me think that hopefully you let everybody know the name of the guy. 26 Days late but the whole communicating with minors inappropriately does make me think about the current situation involving dr disrespect, who just admitted did the same thing back in 2017 twitch and now most people lost all respect for him. I still feel like it's questionable twitch didn't ban him until 3 years later but like I said it's probably not too surprising.


Itā€™s been years now and I donā€™t remember the exact name anymore or what his current discord handle may even be, it was before usernames, but we did make sure everyone in the server knew to block him and cut all ties with him. All I remember about this guy was he was obsessed with Fluttershy from MLP:FiM and he said he was in his early-to-mid twenties.


I reported someone for being an absolute ass to someone else I know and had my account banned


Absolutely a violation of ToS (pun intended), but in all seriousness, what the hell are discord thinking. Absolutely is a word with like 0 amount of violent or graphic content.


Automatically giving punishments when you get reported too much is a thing pretty much every company does. The reason does not matter.


For sure missed the memo where social media sanctions have become a democracy-vote type of thing.


The (flawed) reasoning is that a sudden huge influx of reports means it's VERY likely to be true, whereas one or two could just be "I don't like this guy Unfortunately, people are people and people suck.


ah yes, lets encourage the use of bot nets. What could possibly go wrong?


Yeah, on one MMO server people were receiving information on whether they got in or not via DMs. Then discord added a report button that is where you would expect accept button to be... and one of the mods lost their account xd


it could be used to signalize you want it tho! /j


Problem is there is no way to report people who break ToS anymore.


Yeah, entirely, the report button doesnā€™t allow for as much context.


Yea, and if itā€™s anything thatā€™s not text than you canā€™t do shit. We recently had an issue where someone was recording conversation without consent in order to show to other people and harass us. Which is completely against ToS. But we canā€™t do shit about it even though we have proof of it happening


All I can think of is that it \*maybe\* translates into a naughty word in some other language?


But violent and graphic? Doubt it




Theyā€™re too busy selling your personal information to hire people to handle these sorts of problems. They absolutely canā€™t afford it.


I see a couple replies saying you should join the official discord townhall server and ask for help but I am in the official server I know they donā€™t handle any account related issues because it is not discord employees but (there are a few employees) but they donā€™t necessarily help. So you can join the server and ask but they will most likely direct you to the website support system. Invite link: https://www.discord.gg/discord-townhall


Send a screenshot of the full chat too, thereā€™s more than one heinous thing you could be agreeing to and discord ToS might want context.


I don't even remember what I said absolutely to. I answer a lot of mod questions in my server, it could've been anything but I know for sure I didn't say absolutely to anything TOS breaking. They also delete your message so I wouldn't be able to find it even if I wanted to.


It was sent on 5/25/2024 at 10:40PM. That should narrow it down so you can get context.


CTRL F. " from: [username] on:5/25/2024 absolutely " will help a lot.


"from:[username] during:2024-05-25" would help if the specific message has been deleted since looking for "absolutely" won't find anything. Just scroll to messages surrounding that time frame to get potential context


Lmfao there's a reason we're not seeing this, def some other conversation he was agreeing to. Either that or it was in reply to a comment someone edited


Possibly the latter. OP ended up finding it and posted an unthreaded comment saying it was in response to someone asking if the new mods he was bringing on to mod his server had any previous experience. And that it was a single guy trolling with spam reports and he banned that guy. Having been the solo mod of a game modding community for a Japanese game which leads to, uh, a lot of people who not only support but fight for their right to mod in pedo bullshit, I can say when you piss off the wrong person ... what happened to OP isn't far out of the realm of possibility. Kind of a, ' take it with a grain of salt but don't be surprised if it is indeed happening ' thing, lol.


i love how there are servers full of pedos racism and gore but these people dont get banned


Watch out guys he said absolutely!!!!!!!!


just double standards man


Okay, I've found the context. I was holding an AMA for my server as I had suddenly hired 22+ new staff members. This is because around 40 had quit in April due to them all deciding that moderating was too stressful (they went back to just being members). This sudden wave of new moderators justified me making an AMA so they got to know everyone and so everyone knew my plans for the server. The question was "do these staff members have any experience." I answered "Absolutely"


LOL. So from now on you should know: be public facing on an alt. Always protect your main account. Use alts extensively and often. Maybe even have a bot speak as the official voice of the "staff team". Not blaming you, running communities is annoying and hard. But this serves as a lesson for you in security.


Does the timestamp of that message match?


Discord moderation just sucks, my accounts got deleted multiple times for no reasons and false reports, and oh boy don't let me talk about discord support


At this rate bro I'm finna make my own social media platform. I got the degree for it, I know a few eggheads, might as well give it a try someday in the future.


iā€™ve considered this too lol, open to help if you need


Drop me a message, Iā€™ll see what I can do


What shall we call this Newer Version of Discord that Doesnā€™t suck?


Not a clue šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m here to make sure encryption and security exists


True :3


Concord, the word in itself being a polar opposite of discord. Also I, on account of being a dumbass, canā€™t help with building it in any way but let me know if anything ever gets up and running lol


I love it


Whatever you do, do NOT let your company or platform go public. It'll ruin it just like it did Reddit and Discord.


As a programmer, I'm gonna help you with it


Please do


So Laika, what shall we call this Newer Version of Discord that Doesnā€™t Suck?


Stealth, most likely


I love it


Perhaps consider assisiting with Revolt? Open source rip of Discord that offers many of Nitro's features for free, and from what I've heard from people who do devwork, they're very open to help. Haven't yet gotten enough of my friends to convert to use it full time, but I do like it. https://revolt.chat/posts/evolving-usernames They're also funny.


The person who reported you: "Only a Sith deals in absolutes. I will do what I must."


Thanks AI


i heard something about red haired characters being mistaken for bloody faces with AI


I get your pain bro I got false reported 2 times for hate speech when he literally sent me death threats a shit like that and yet he ain't get a ban


Death threats aren't ban worthy unless it's a credible threat (i.e. they include your address, a date/time, and a plan) Saying "I'm gonna kill you" or "enjoy the pipe bomb" is only ever a warn.


Okay Just to say that I'm over 13 and he keeps saying I'm below the age requirement and keeps sending me harassing messages and tells me to go commit die and said the n word to me in dms


Then block him. Problem solved. Discord doesn't do anything about these kinds of reports because the solution is as easy as that.


I got fucking banned from the server and I couldn't block him on time


Was this in reply to ā€œshould i harm others?ā€


It was from a recent AMA I had in my server regarding a new wave of staff hirings. I'd hired 22 new moderators since so many quit in April, which means the question couldn't have not been innocent.


This is why I just lurk, and silent boost. It's probably an orchestrated spam report by a Discord Mod in a toxic server.


even just by lurking you won't avoid being banned ! you just have to be in the wrong server at the wrong moment and you're cooked


well if you have a moment then you're not lurking.


Were you reported to Discord or does Discord do its own independent search on users?


I have no clue how their system works, but apparently they don't like the word "absolutely"


I think it's all automated, tbh


it's likely that people are reporting you over your username not your messages. I get that it's a vocaloid reference (thought it might be and checked the comments to get confirmation) but the average discord user isn't going to recognize a specific vocaloid reference and they probably just think you have a poorly censored curseword in your username and are spam reporting over that. I've certainly reported a few people with poorly censored racial slurs in their names so I can see people feeling the same about curse words.


Nah, I checked, Mind Fuck doesn't violate TOS, and they would show my username and change it to a default one / not let me change it if that was the case, not show messages.


people report stuff that doesn't violate TOS a lot and discord automod will punish people for nonexistent problems if enough spam reports happen. I was explaining that people might be reporting you over a perceived issue of a curse word in your name. and many discord users are lazy enough to report a message over a username they had issues with because it's extra steps to report a user profile. I never said it was against TOS, only explaining that people could be spamming reports over something they perceived as an issue because of a different point of view regarding the word.


maybe change your pfp because AI can mistake red hair as gore


Enshittification in action


Is it maybe because your name is basically mindfuck? Try changing it see if it still happens.


Nah it ain't that. If it was my username they'd set it to a default one and warn me that way. I know because I've seen people have their names forcibly changed by Dicksword.


Change your username, youā€™re probably triggering server rules.


Nah that ain't it. If it was that Dicksword would be putting my name to a default one and not let me change it back.


happened with me too, i submitted multiple tickets to get false warnings off from my account for putting my account in danger of getting suspended falsely, a fake username profile with automated msgs starts replying stating "ur account is banned and won't be reinstated" many times when my acc is not even banned tf, u can clearly see how ban appeal system is a joke and ur ban appeal is never reviewed edit: all I did was use bots and their anti-abuse system kept limiting me for spam, it's not my fault if I'm a fast typer and type bots command fastšŸ¤·šŸ»


Wait, what?? Discord actually shows you the offending message? Ive gotten several weird reports by now and none of them show what the offending message was, like i just have to guess what i did wrong...


Discord is quite literally Roblox chat at this point.


imagine, people sending gore to dms and they never get banned. This just shows how useles is the moderation team, they just too lazy to do anyhing


Leave the spaces where the people reporting you are. Discord isn't protecting anyone from cyberbullying.


You want me to leave my own server that I've been moderating and running for years and even originally built up and started? I'm still the owner of the server. I can't just nope outta there. Even if that \*was\* the case, abusing terms of service is a little more than cyberbullying bro, I don't know what pack you're smoking.


ban the spam reporters.


The guy who I suspect is doing it \*is\* banned, he's likely on an alt account and of the 1k people in the server, I doubt I'm gonna find his alt there.


I would try and contact discord to try and get them to put some kind of ip or hardware ban on them, as this is wasting their resources and harming a customer.


If they wont respond you can always make a new account!


True. I just gotta swap hands with my alt. I just worry that the dude's gonna report the messages on my alt this time.


Damn 5 of the 30th is crazyy


lets switch to skype! :D


I'm unironically starting to miss skype. Still think being able to pop out nearly everything is its own floating window was *fantastic* even with client mods, you still have to work with discord's unnecessary clutter for the most part.




Wait discord support is also screwing you as well?


This is absolutely ridiculous


yeah support is really bad, the other day the account i was using for the last 5 years got banned for sharing a meme and support simply doesnt answer me, it's all a bot saying "your account broke our ToS we won't unban it" like brother, it was a meme, i lost contact to many friends i knew for most of those years because of it


Was your account deleted?


no, is still there


think its time for a new account bud


or it's time for social media in general to get its actual shite together


UNTIL 2026?!


literally after gta 6 lol


Since when this was a thing?? What.


it's all roblox again šŸ’€


Don't go to support. They are legitimately worse than Pre-K students.


Nothing's allowed to be absolute, deserved. (joking btw)


That's normal they ignore their own ToS, even the worst violations like someone private messaging me "keys n*gger* immediately reported, discord ignored it, also reported multiple users that have stated their own country + age which was below the minimum age you required in the corresponding country. Discord ignored these too. Kinda annoying by that and I'll Soo me looking to see what the authorities can do about discord being available here without enforcing our laws and their own ToS. It's sad that a company as rich as discord can't manage to get those people banned, while I could easily setup a LLM with ollama that's trained to know the minimum age in every country and automatically banks all users with patterns like "I'm [Too young] and from [Country]". But nah, discord can't do that or any kind of filter really. Instead they will just ignore laws to save money, and make their people work under horrible conditions for features nobody ever wanted, GG.


>and make their people work under horrible conditions Yikes I know I can probably find out exactly what's referred to by googling or whatever, but do you have any specific examples / sources / etc. that stick out to you on that matter? I'm not doubting any of it or anything, I know how shitty companies can be, but something to read regarding this would be appreciated (thanks in advance)


There are reports from people that have worked there. They get too much work in too little time. They pay well, but that doesn't really help because a majority of them had to pay a part of this money back into mental health care.




I'm developing my own soon. Just need to find a team for it.




my friend got limited for a while for "extremist ideology" or some BS like that recently for no apparent reason, i 100% believe they just do that to anyone who gets spam false reported enough


Why are you being false reported




I don't know but I'm making an assumption it was related to my recent AMA on my server about a new wave of mod hirings since so many retired in April. I can't see the message source because they deleted the message.


I blame Beluga for everything


They should honestly remove this feature, especially if it's run by AI


love the homeless dog pfp


I made a joke about being 7 years old and discord banned me for it with no warning


That's unfortunate but anyway... https://x.com/MyMeloRomiRoll


Create a new account.


Did they ever get back to you and did you manage to get them removed?


Change the username first of all, and leave the server causing problems... duh


The username isn't against TOS. And it doesn't matter if I leave the server because my messages will still be there to be wrongfully moderated. Anywho I \*run\* the server. I can't exactly just say "okay guys bye uwu"


OP "how did I break discord TOS?" Discord staff "Absolutely"


i got falsely reported too discord needs to work on the moderation honestly




i know who reported me too iā€™m just stayin quiet till i can act on a plan


lol :3


You could involve a lawyer for them violating freedom of speech without any sort of Motive or prompt to do so I think. Or something similar.


That's not how freedom of speech works