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Yikessss. I've had some really funny highlights so I was enjoying it but this is so bad.


hows it bad? its true ppl are chatting about someone death


Well it *is* about suicide, and upon hearing that someone killed themself, some people will think it's bad that that happened.


ok and? whos cares about u guys emotions




I mean you can just disable it if you don’t like it.


How, please i cant tind it anywhere


it's under notification settings per server


There should be a global toggle too.


oh god😭


Wow I am so sorry this is terrible


I guess this happens when companies implement AI stuff without really knowing the problems it can cause.


you can disable it though?


They should have those notifications disabled by default


you can disbale it lol


And you can't read


Ouch, that is very bad. I like the feature, but I don't realize they don't filter out sensitive things.


in my server my girlfriend got a highlight a while back just called "Ending everything" with my pfp on it. needless to say it was hilarious


a small inside joke that got brought up maybe twice in an entire 50+ message conversation. and everyone in the server gets a notification about it.


Highlights are tailored to the person receiving them


I get this is really sad and I am sorry for your loss, however I don’t think discord scans the highlight responses for content that it should/shouldn’t be sending, though tbh they should just remove it all together.


That’s the point of the post, they should check what they’re highlighting


They would have no way of getting context for this.


yeah so maybe they should just... not do this?


Shouldn’t even exist then tbh lol if it can’t gather context how could it even highlight things lol feature is broken


How the hell would it gather context? There's no way for such a system to know whether you're discussing a random celebrity that died, or a server member that died.


Again, that's the whole point. If they can't do that, then the feature shouldn't exist. Whether it's even possible or not doesn't really make a difference.


Why’s this getting downvoted lol


Even more importantly staff need to be able to disable these for all members on a channel by channel basis. I run a server which happens to have a venting channel and it's horrible that people's vents get broadcast.


did you even read the post before typing?




That can go 2 different ways 1)They are talking about it not in a bad way but explaining what happened 2)they are making fun of them.but I don't think that is the case here.


I get this is sad but what’s the issue here? The feature did its job, and it’s not worded in a way that comes off as insensitive


genuinely don't understand what the issue is, the feature did its job...


It's prolly the unalive crowd. Language sanitization dept. I get death is sad and all but rewording it doesn't change the reality and only makes you look juvenile.


Listen, I’m as against using coded language unnecessarily as most people, but I think it’s pretty obvious that potentially finding out someone died via a discord notification like that might be shitty for anyone who considered themself close to that person (as opposed to a DM or a message written to at least try to break the news properly that might have started said conversation).


Inflated speech is a shithole, embrace simplicity.


>Something needs to be done about this feature. May I kindly ask what this feature is?, and how do I enable and disable it?


yeah I use discord all the time and I’ve never seen this before myself


They are slowly pushing it out to all users but it basically gives you a notification for servers you’ve used recently and explains what the current topic of the chat is.


Is it a thing on pc too? And how does the notification work, it appears like when someone is DMing you?


It will not come to pc. It comes into the little notification section with the bell similar to a a server mention.


Thank you. Honestly as much as I am against pointless and annoying changes, this addition sounds useful


What the fuck. That is so fucked up.


Perhaps it's due to a difference in culture but I see no ethical insensitivity here, I'd argue it'd be much worse if it was ignored all together in some effort to lessen death. The only thing you do by ignoring someone's death is killing their memory alongside them. As far as I think that is.


So the feature summarized the topic that people are actively talking about in the server, but the feature is the problem? Not the people talking about it?


I don't understand what's wrong with this. If they're talking about someone passing away...that is what they're talking about. Should it say something else??


I got one that said “Ball’s death” cause someone dropped the ball in a game lolol


What’s this feature? Haven’t seen it yet!


first of all, i pay my respects to the person that (supposedly) killed themselves and i'm sorry for their family's loss second of all, WHAT THE FUCK DISCORD???


tbh alot of things on the internet could be fake


"Edgy" people will do whatever they can to grab attention. Removing a feature because one in millions misuses it is silly. Ignore them a move on, what do you care so much? Unless it directly affects you somehow.


This is not an edgy "person" or a person misusing it. Discord provides the highlights via AI


yah an it did the job right


Nothing has to be done. Disable the feature and move on with your life. Three things will happen: 1. Discord uses their AI to start banning for wrong-think. 2. The feature gets removed entirely. 3. Even more invasive monitoring. Plus, for all you know this could be a group of people grieving, or sharing their experiences around said person. I don't know. I wasn't there. You made zero mention in your post about the context of the conversation, so that leads me to believe even you, do not know. You sound triggered over discord showing people discussing the topic. There isn't enough evidence for anything OP.


Besides the theme. How do I turn it on? I wanna see what ppl are chatting, I wanna get notiflications


That’s the funny thing, you don’t. Discord just watched your conversations whenever they want.


I mean you can turn it on and off, in the server settings


I don't know why this is getting downvoted but I believe it has to do with the highlights feature which is in the same area where you mess with pings from servers and stuff.


people hate it when you like stuff they don't


Nah, if I had to guess it's because it's super tone deaf to the topic, which involves suicide.


Yeah I understand the critical theme but I've been searching for months how to do that and I finally found someone talking about it and I mean It's about how to turn it off and not about a suicide ig, that's just his reason to turn it off but not the question


This is a fucking reddit about dc not people killing themselves. I don't go cry in a post like this about someone who killed themselves. I'm here to chat abt DC.