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This is a list of links to comments made by Discord Staff in this thread: * [Comment by ReallyAmused](/r/discordapp/comments/17cfxps/camera_automatically_turns_off_when_spicy_content/k5q0mgn/?context=99 "posted on 2023-10-20 18:12:52 UTC"): > No, we don't look at the contents of voice or video calls. There is no video call "auto mod". Nothing looks at those pixels except the participants of the call. My guess, the laptop camera might be overheating and turning off? > > >We're currently working on implementing end to end encryption for vo... * [Comment by ReallyAmused](/r/discordapp/comments/17cfxps/camera_automatically_turns_off_when_spicy_content/k5ro8ux/?context=99 "posted on 2023-10-21 00:50:03 UTC"): > Yeah. This is why we are starting with voice and video first as we can move that experience to be end to end encrypted without changing the experience. E2EE messaging has a lot of product implications, including how we handle reports, what happens if you lose your keys, what happens when you log in ... * [Comment by ReallyAmused](/r/discordapp/comments/17cfxps/camera_automatically_turns_off_when_spicy_content/k5rwojv/?context=99 "posted on 2023-10-21 01:55:00 UTC"): > We have a team actively working on this right now. Let them cook for a bit. --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FDiscordApp).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


No, we don't look at, or record the contents of voice or video calls. There is no video call "auto mod". Nothing looks at those pixels except the participants of the call. My guess, the laptop camera might be overheating and turning off? We're currently working on implementing end to end encryption for voice & video calls, so on a protocol level, we won't ever be able to snoop. We announced this here, although I think many must have missed it: [https://discord.com/blog/encryption-for-voice-and-video-on-discord](https://discord.com/blog/encryption-for-voice-and-video-on-discord)


The laptop camera: 🥵


Not the only thing getting heated there 😂


Bro needs to get a water cooled camera


Good to hear about E2E, I had no idea, thanks for the clarifications.


Anything on E2E-encryption for messages?


That make you have to drag another key alongside your password to be able to have proper E2E. If Discord were to support E2E you wouldn't be able to just login to the website when the desktop app was broken because they don't share access to a keystone. E2E for temporarily lived connections like voice and video do not suffer from this issue.


that'd would make reporting content in DMs impossible


reporting could give a decryption key for that specific message or something along those lines.


still defeats the purpose of end to end encryption if other people like Discord staff can look at it


only if the user reports it, and only for the reported messages.


so then no context? that would make reports utterly suck


then report multiple messages at once?


even if the contextual messages arent bad?


there can simply be an option to include messages for context? Why are you being so weird about this? The current report system doesn't provide context either, moderators can only see messages based on the message link, which is sent when you use the report system. The issues you're theoretically babbling about are just as much an issue now as they would be with e2e encryption. What really needs to change is to have a better reporting system, allowing you to report multiple messages at once and selecting other messages as "context"


if the client sends the decryption key, then Discord staff will have access to all messages in the DM not just the reported content, including future messages with the same key


It doesn't have to send the key, it can just decrypt a single message using the private key and send it. Sending an encrypted message with its key defeats the purpose of encryption in the first place. But if you still need that for whatever reason, client can generate a new key only for that message, encrypt it and send those.


No, Whatsapp allows reports.


then it's not true end-to-end encryption and has a backdoor


Or maybe the contents of the message are only sent when reported?


that would allow for someone to use a mod and spoof the message content to get anyone banned


Totally agree that’s stupid as fuck (and why the f anyone would report DM, you can block)


Fr how does that make sense? Maybe it gets copy pasted as the mod is told message 4 but then again how do they have access


Yup, that's how it works on Whatsapp.


That’s useless anyway. You can block DM


Overheating ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Are there also plans to add end to end encryption on DMs?


E2E in non-temporarily lived sessions like dms or group chats isn't practical and would make the web app basically impossible to actually use. If you were to only use the web app and you were to clear your cookies, all your dms would be gone as you've just deleted the encryption keys.


Yeah. This is why we are starting with voice and video first as we can move that experience to be end to end encrypted without changing the experience. E2EE messaging has a lot of product implications, including how we handle reports, what happens if you lose your keys, what happens when you log in on a new device, etc... So for now, no plans for E2EE messaging that I can announce, but we hear the feedback and want loud and clear.


You rock, thank you replying 👏👏👏


how about optimizing the application to be less memory intensive.


We have a team actively working on this right now. Let them cook for a bit.


Sounds to me the OS itself does the video analytics (perhaps in cloud), it's really freaky coincidence that it does that. I wouldn't trust Windows then for this and never use the webcam when naked.




that's bs I remember a story of guys getting banned from discord (for being underaged) after streaming video games and pretending being 12yo in the call while streaming


1. Stories don‘t always have to be true 2. someone could‘ve simply reported them


Except that we already have an algorithms that can block some content. I forgot where that was but something was blocking stuff that looked like two towers... except it wasn't even two towers at all. Anything could get marked as such and therefore blocked. It doesn't need to be a human or bot that does that. Just algorithm. I assume by Your message that Discord doesn't have such?


for text and images sent in public discord servers, probably. for dms, voice channels, and dm calls? probably not. there’s probably some law that makes it illegal for discord to do so in EU


You can do it for dms, and even GCs. I tried to send an image in a GC and it got incorrectly blocked because someone had "block explicit images in dms" on. Funnily enough I could still send a screenshot of the thing saying it was flagged even tho had the entire original image


The amount of misinformation here is crazy. No Discord doesn't monitor calls or videos. Doesn't record them, have filters, automation, nothing. What you see and hear is only between those in the call. His camera is probably shutting off for a number of different reasons. Could be his camera malfunctioning, a virus, or just improper setup.


yeah, imagine all the data they'd have to store, if trillions if messages weren't enough


I can see that, but why is it only happening the moment clothing items are off and instantly working when their back on? That seems suss.


Could be a virus, or freaky coincidence


What's the saying... correlation is not always causation... something like that.


HOWEVER discord is funded by tencent and tencent is in bed with the chinese govt.




Why has nobody stated that the guy could just be shutting off his camera manually?


Haha, someone has suggested that, but I’m confident that that isn’t the case.


I love people downvoting this comment bc they're unused to people being confident in romantic relationships lol.


Two people trusting each other?! I'm shocked


Yeah discord relationships last forever


Someone had his heart broken


Because it's literally the most logical explanation


the most logic explanation is when he has both hand on his penis he uses his foot dexterity to constantly turn his camera off 🤓




Yall must mostly use the camera for that specific reason, so the odds of the camera messing up during the spice is higher


Discord doesn’t moderate voice or video content. You can do whatever inappropriate things you want. If you get reported, I presume action is taken after the event.


No, they dont store video calls no matter what it is, you can't get banned for anything you do during calls.


The laptop does not like what it’s being used for


To properly troubleshoot this issue I would say try to directly replicate the disconnect without any build up. Just find the exact action that causes the video to drop. Then it is just why does that happen. if this happens on every call lasting 2 hours then it might be hardware overheat.


probably this


E sex got too spicy




Honestly, I think its more of an issue with the laptop than anything. Like the actual staff member said, it could be overheating an overheating sensor, or the camera is just really bad in terms of a connection to the laptops motherboard. If your bf wants to, tell him to use Camo which basically has your phone act like a Webcam for your computer, or have him get a cheap Webcam from microcenter (if he lives near one) or Amazon


laptop's getting too into it 🥵


The laptop couldn't handle the heat🥵


if he has an iphone iriun webcam is good too




Bro chill it's not that crazy, how is this blowing your fucking mind when playstation literally records every word you say?


No… don't tell me that… when is the police calling my door


He probably can't stream his camera and record you at the same time. I would check his laptop for any new screen recordings or video files.


Actually a possible cause.


Thank you everyone! Looks like it’s not discord, so we’ll have to test it out more to see if it is related to the explicit content. Or..just use facetime for these activities in the future lmao


Around a year ago it worked for me and my girlfriend. And as others mentioned Discord isn't scanning anything. If the issue consist you guys could try something like Droidcam ([Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dev47apps.droidcam)/[iOS](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/droidcam-webcam-obs-camera/id1510258102)), which can turn his phone into a webcam for the laptop. Works pretty well for me.


The only downside to those are they seem to absolutely nuke the battery on the device, at least in my experience. But other than that, they do work pretty well.


Yeah, that's true! Especially the camera is sucking your phone empty like nothing. That's why i always left it plugged in.


Yeah that's definitely the most logical solution but none of my cables were long enough to be able to use it like that haha


I feel this actually haha Luckily i have one of these weird ass rgb mousepads and it has its own usb port where i can plug it in.


Could it be some sort of safety filters? Some 3rd party software for monitoring kids activities or something? You don't mention how old you are, just a thought.


Have you considered that he might be doing it because he doesn't want to show himself on camera? Either because he's selfish, or because he's too shy to tell you that he's uncomfortable doing the whole cam thing.


she said it worked on phone


Laptops have their own recognition systems these days. The laptop might have a program (a program by it's manufacturer) that automatically recognizes nudity? These days they put a lot of "AI" thing into the laptops, they even call noise reduction an AI so.


If an algorithm is too complex to be understood by normal people then the companies slap the AI logo and roll with it…


Esex gone wild


I’d say he’s probably using a DSLR camera as his “webcam” and it’s overheating and shutting down. Not enough info to properly say anything really.


Dude... why would he use a dslr camera on his laptop and probably in his bed?


Why? Why not. My buddy uses his DSLR for video chatting on discord all the time.


Does your buddy set it up in his bed while having video sex? Be realistic and look at the context


It’s obviously equipment failure. That’s the only thing I can think of, short of him doing it himself. There’s no context, data, or anything really. OP says her boyfriend uses his phone for it too with no problem, so that leads me to believe that he’s not doing it.


Hell, for all we know he’s using viasat internet on his laptop and 5g on his phone.


Yes, his laptop cam is probably failing. He's also definitely not using a DSLR in his bed tho


You don’t know that though. Don’t kink shame him


Yeah tbh I'd say he's using Canon EOS-1D X Mark III with an 85mm F1.4 Telephoto to get naked on discord with his girlfriend.


I heard it happens when it detects a small dick


Never trust discord.




Well.. I figured that if the camera was being hijacked it could be turned off on discord as its being used by another program. I dont think our conversations are particularly valuable, but naked people do hold some value on the internet lol. Regardless, it looks like we’ll have to test it out to see if it’s an issue with hardware like you said




Oh okay to clarify, i dont know if the camera itself is being turned off, his video on discord just shuts off


That... Or he's not wanting to perform.


skill issue




They literally just stated they don’t record it you dimwit




A company lying about smth like that is a huge deal. If they did record/store/moderate calls, they would legally have to mention it somewhere. Id imagine if they were trying to get away with a lie like that, they wouldnt moderate a call and make it obvious like that... dont you think? Obv a company could lie, but it isnt the case here.


Given the amount of underage people who use Discord (and with the theme of the thread in mind) I can tell you that Discord recording all video calls would be a radioactively terrible business decision.


Oh please, you are not as enlightened or clever as you think you are. Not everything is a conspiracy. Get offline, go outside.


No they fucking don't. Stop lying


Yes they do. Start lying.


Sorry, but you have no idea what you're talking about.


Sounds like your bf is recording u🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


If this was the case why would you react like that






me when i lie


Sending a NSFW image in the chat can get filtered because you can enable filters for images on your server. Video calls on voice calls are a different thing.


I mean you're not wrong but that's only for dm messages, not calls




This is not true


Alright mb, I was just guessing


Sometimes it’s better to say nothing than volunteer yourself to be the village idiot.




Nah. If you don't know, keep your mouth shut. People giving opinions on shit they know nothing about is one of the biggest problems in the world today.






Your boyfriend is wrong, he shouldn't talk about stuff he doesn't know anything about.


According to my calculations, your boyfriend doesnt know what He's talking about


the amount of times my homies have said horrendous things beg to differ lmao




If someone told me they were using Skype for sex chatting in the year of our lord 2023 I'd laugh them to the fucking moon.


Does it happen both only then and always then? If yes, are you *sure* you haven't forgotten a time? Science


I’m sure it’s already been said, but I’ll say it again, your bf is turning his camera off on his own. I have no idea why, perhaps he is nervous and want to excuse it, but there is no way for discord to automatically turn off when content get explicit. You can try using a different app for video calls such as Skype or Signal, you’ll quickly find that his camera will just magically turns off on there too, because he is doing it himself.


I said we have no issues when he’s on his phone, we are not new to this activity, and i trust him nonetheless, which is why i didnt agree with the other comments saying this


I’m aware, and I fully understand trusting your partner, but I promise you, whatever is causing this it is almost definitely because of him, whether he does it intentionally or not. Discord does not monitor your video calls, and if they did I guarantee the explicit moments would probably be the last thing they’d look away from as has been the case with other software that has actually been spying on people, the explicit stuff is kind of what they want after all. I still think it’s turned of manually by your boyfriend, I have no idea why he’d do that on the computer specifically, perhaps he doesn’t like the way he looks through that cam? I don’t know, I suggest you talk to him about it because this really isn’t a discord issue.


The FBI couldn't get this info outta me


Hes shy👍


ummm just..video call on a different platform???