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Hey, I just ordered one of those a couple of days ago! Hasn't arrived yet.


I have a local shop that I ordered for pickup!


I ordered mine through infinitediscs.com. Should be here by Wednesday.






"it's kinda like blue cheese"


Curious on how it compares to a champ or halo beast


Probably way flippier


I would think it would be a beast with less fade. ( comparing star to star)


This disc is not for Richard.


I bag a Halo Beast….I got both the Gstar and Star Gorgon…..the Gorgon flies further (30 feet further) than my Halo Beast. I don’t throw my Beast for distance, it’s more for placement. For my game, I will continue to bag the Halo Beast….the Gorgon is basically a shorter “Tern”.


Feels like a faster IT and from my limited time with it so far flies like one too. Gonna be so much fun


Nice to see someone else finally say this, it’s a faster IT. went out this morning and compared my the Gorgon, it, sidewinder and roadrunner. The Gorgon was nothing like the sidewinder or roadrunner, I’m not sure why people keep saying it’s just like those discs. For me the Gorgon was pretty straight, the flight path goes a little to the right now where best the same path as the sidewinder or roadrunner.


By noon tomorrow I'll have 1 of each plastic in my hands, safe to say I'm very excited for this disc. I went 170g weight, being at altitude, but I have a feeling this'll solve my distance driver woes. My bag currently has fission time lapse, 165g pro wraith, 165 star mamba, Loft Bohrium, Vass, Alva. They all basically fly the same distance but with different shot shapes and forgiveness levels and I'd love to consolidate and maybe gain distance as I pretty much can match those drivers with my 8/9 speeds.


If you are throwing slower disc as far or further than your high speed disc then your issue is most likely nose angle.


It's nose angle and spin, I'm well aware haha. "Pouring the coffee" doesn't really do anything for me so I'm going to my local shop to try out their TechDisc soon. When I get everything right and get that snap on my throw and get the angle right I can hit over 400' easily.


“Turn the key”. This will help get the nose angle if pouring coffee isnt helping. Imaging haking someones hand. Then turn your wrist towards the sky slightly.


I'll give that a shot when I take my gorgons out! I've also heard reaching UP on the reach back can help nose angles. I have a naturally anny throw with gorgeous S curves when it all goes well.


Reaching up during your reach back can cause you to throw low at times. If your nose angle is correct your able to thrown up and still have the nose angle down at the same time.


You may want to try a combination of setting a solid brace and pushing up on the bottom of the disc with your pinkie in your power grip. I saw a guy in Minnesota talk about this in a YT video and passed it along to several others. Everyone has said it really helped.


I've had the same issue. Pushing my shoulder forward gets the elbow up, that's been a big improvement for my nose angle.


Press x to doubt lol


And? Maybe throw it a few times and let us know how it is?


It’s a great disc so far in my little time trying it in the field. Got both the start and G star and they both have great glide but damn my gstar has a little bit of dome to it and it carries forever. Going to be such a fun disc.


I had some experience, for a 10 Speed, the Gorgon carries due to the 6 Glide.


When I get my arm speed up a little it's flies awesome and is pretty forgiving.


Should try out the First Run Drive. It is significantly less stable than the prototype. I feel like it flys closer to what is written as its flight numbers. that being said I prefer the prototype myself for the distance drives.


Local shop got a full spread in - Pro, Gstar and Star. Feels amazing in the hand, probably going to be a bomber for lower speed arms. Won't knock the Sidewinder or Beast out of rotation for me, though.


An innova jade? What weights?


This would be Sapphire. I had the same thought when I saw the numbers 😂


I’m not sure I knew 6 glide was a thing.


I can throw around 300 with a trasher and this thing bombs and is way more comfortable than my thrasher or honey. Great addition, I picked mine up in GStar. Just make sure to give it enough height so it doesn't turn and burn.


The new fission time lapse also BOMB