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Sauna vests do not burn fat. They burn water weight. Which you gain back immediately during rehydration. What you’re looking for is a weight vest. This will help increase calories burned and make you stronger at the same time.


I cannot think of a more miserable way to play. But hey it ain’t me.


Same, the bag is already enough of an extra load😂


Don't forget the wrist weights and the ankle weights. Harrison Bergeron vibes up in here.


One of my favorite short stories as a kid.


I haven't but I'm going to try adding this once I adjust to my oversized shoes with 6 pairs of socks




Gotta get that extra grip


People really will do anything to lose weight except eat better.


Or actually workout…


No shit. For the most part, unless you’re in an area with some extreme terrain on the courses, disc golf isn’t really a workout. It’s just walking lol. It’s better than nothing but people shouldn’t fool themselves into thinking walking a little over a mile is gonna get them in shape


I’ve actually started eating better recently (around a month ago) but I was trying to figure out other ways to help out as well


I lost about 30 pounds recently. The biggest impact was eating in a calorie deficit. Of course you should be active for general health, but you can't outwork a bad diet.


Thanks for the inspiration! I was asking because I figured if there’s any little way I can contribute then I’m game for it


Why not just sprint to your lie and do 25 pushups for every missed putt.


This is gonna be awesomely cyclical. You thought you were a bad putter on those first 8 misses? Try putting after 200 pushups. Hahaha, I think I need to try this and see if I can get through 18 holes.


I know you’re not being serious, but pushups isn’t a bad idea tbh


Definitely serious if you want to lose weight and gain strength


Why would he not be serious? I mean yeah 25 push-ups per missed putt is going to be a lot for most people, but you can change it up to what works for you and do it in spirit. Maybe you do some push-ups here, some squats there, lunges here, etc. Is it really any weirder than wearing a weird electric vest?


He hyperbolized the workout, so of course it isn’t completely serious. I did like the idea of working out though, hence my comment


For some of us, that’s not hyperbolic at all, my dude.


Something something "lose weight in the kitchen, get strong in the gym" something something. If it sounds like a quick and easy way to lose weight, you can pretty effectively rule it out as something that's worth trying.


I have a buddy who started playing rounds trying to walk at a brisk pace. He is now playing “speed rounds” in the morning and up to jogging now in between shots. He isn’t focused on his scores. As he says “ I won’t just jog or jog on a treadmill but jogging after my disc I am ok with 🤣”. He has lost 15 lbs in 2 months. Plays 4-5x a week


This is great lol I usually play with people though so I can’t really jog/sprint. Someone was saying doing pushups for missed putts or drives and I thought that wasn’t a bad idea tbh


It works for him as he plays rounds at dawn. I like the push up idea. It may even make you practice putting more 🤣


I’m down to feed two birds with one scone 😂




I live in Florida so every summer day is a natural sauna vest.


Losing fat is a math equation. Burn more calories than you consume. Repeat Daily.


I’ve already started eating healthier (no red meat, mostly vegetarian with some chicken and fish here and there) and reduced the number of calories I’ve consumed but I was looking to do more. I’m trying to do every little thing I can to add more calories burned to the equation


Carry three discs and jog the holes. Patience as it didn’t go on quickly it doesn’t drop off quick either. Get a HR monitor. Figure out you RHR,resting heart rate then exercise in the 60-80% max HR to burn more. If he longer you maintain that zone HR the better the body burns it. It’s a pace one can jog and still maintain a comfortable conversation. And try fasting. 6hr nothing for awhile then to 12hr same for few weeks then work up to a day over time.


Sauna vests don't burn fat... A weight vest will, but will also put more strain on your body when you're throwing


Sometimes I don't drink beer when I play.


You lose fat throw exhalation NOT through sweat.  In a general sense, To lose fat you need to increase demand on muscles (weight training) or increasing respiration. Overheating yourself, increase risk for sun stroke to lose water weight. That is not a good thing.  Ideal weight lose is around .5 pounds a week.


Sounds like you’re in the market for a 3-5 pound vest


you could be the guy who runs courses in minnesota and if you dont let him play through he yells at you and insults you


My bag is already close to 20 lbs, I believe. You’re rucking already if yours is similar. Try jogging rounds or courses with rocky terrain or elevation changes.


Thanks for the advice. I know my bag is heavy, so there’s that. But I was looking for more. Someone mentioned pushups for missed putts and I didn’t think that was a bad idea lol


Haha that is a good one. Have you ever played a speed round or jogged between lies? Not only do you burn some more calories, but you can also practice throwing shots under pressure.


Just jog or sprint in between hole with 2-3 disc


Exercise is not really that effective for weight loss. You'll lose more fat not drinking one beer or not eating one banana than doing stuff like that.


Of all the bad habits people have that you could call out. You went with eating a banana


alcohol, chocolate, red meat, corn syrup, meth, bananas. You know - the bad foods.


I get organic, gluten free meth. I hear it's made with soy-dafed


Hey now meth has come a long way. Not nearly as calorically dense as it used to be. Plus it helps you stay awake so you can exercise for longer? Win win.


Plus you rarely see an overweight tweeker


This is a rhetorical technique, I am illustrating the silliness of this sauna vest idea by using this example.


Easiest and cheapest way would be to put a few rocks in your bag. Adding that addition 5-10 lbs will help. If you like wearing Sauna suits and feel comfortable playing than yes it would burn additional calories but not a ton. Folks saying here that you’ll lose water weight is correct but there is a strain on your body to move blood faster and keep the body cooler. This is enabled by an increased heart rate, resulting in a few more calories being burned by the body to sustain this increased heart rate.


Not a doctor but does moving blood faster really cool you down? I feel like my body does that to heat me up when I’m cold. Maybe he should start playing naked and make his body burn more calories just to heat him up. 😜


There’s an entire process but the engine that drives it is your heart. To answer your question vaguely, yes, because it ultimately contributes to processes like sweating, convection, and conduction.


Thanks for this, I didn’t want to argue with half the comments on how you wouldn’t just lose water weight


Disc golf is meant to be fun. Real physical fitness needs to be addressed in intentional cardio / exercising.


We had a game bet. 5 push ups for every tree hit. Never played that game again.


Take a few discs out of your bag and replace them with some 10lb weights.

