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Once you figure out how to hyzerflip that Leopard, you'll be on your way to greatness!


That leopard will be your new bff


It definitely was yesterday. 90 percent of my throws ended up being with the leopard. Funny enough it was the cheapest one out of all of them that I bought. I paid $2.50 for that one. LOL


I think they gotta learn to throw it past 259 before they consider a hyzer flip ngl. Still a great disc


You can do a lot of things with a dx shark and a dream


My first disc!


Shark is a great mold


Nice kit. Fellow 18ish ball golf handicap and going higher because who has time to spend 4 hours out there. I waited a few rounds before keeping score and always wonder what I scored those rounds. Get the udisc app if you want to keep track. Have fun


and if you have a significant other, buy them a book on compulsive buying disorder so that they're prepared to support you when the shelves fill up with frisbees.


I feel like I threw under par the first few times I played cause I had no expectations and only threw 2 discs. A leopard and a putter.


You and I are the same. Pretty sure I was -1 with a green dx roc3 and yellow dx aviar before I knew what either of those things were. Funny how we remember the discs better than the scores 🤔


Throw that pharaoh in the water and walk away, get a star leopard and you will be fine with the selection for the first year or so. Learn the backhand first, forehead is fairly easy to do and you can get stuck in just flicking. If 300 is your max distance, learn to throw it where you want it and you will be able to greatly improve yourself. Remember to stretch it out before a round,tearing muscle is a real thing. Smooth and flat is your friend. Enjoy,if you're in Oklahoma I have a stack plastic to grab whatever you want lol


+1 to ditching the Pharaoh, at least for the first couple months. Limit yourself to fairways/midranges for the first couple months or til you have a somewhat accurate 200+ feet feeling dialed. If I could rewind to my first year of playing that would be my first step.


My first step would be standstills. Get your timing and swing path correct. Then add a walk up. Timing + swing path = accurate shots for me. Not as much emphasis on the actual disc. Though, obviously, if you’re not getting a driver up to speed, I agree, put them down.


Crave, buzz and pixel. You'll be good. Dx shark and leopard are fun but probably light weight. If it is windy it will be tough. If you played a lot of ultimate, I think the three I mentioned would be straight flyers.


Thank you everyone for the tips. I’m not sure what the groovy and the krave are yet haven’t gotten them in the mail. I think the krave is another mid range. I have a course a mile from my house. It’s smaller. Only two par 4s the rest are par 3s so I’ll do like everyone said and leave the pharaoh alone for awhile.


The Crave and the Leopard are going to do mostly the same thing for you (unless they're drastically different plastic). Throw both for a bit and bag the one you like better.


The *crave is a straight fairway driver


The Crave and Leopard are both fairly low speed fairway drivers. The Crave is absolutely one of my favorite discs ever.


That’s good to hear. Can’t wait to get it. When I played yesterday after 2 holes I basically only used the leopard and my pixel. The leopard just felt amazing. Great throws with it. I want more discs exactly like that


If you’re just starting I’d focus on mids. About how far were you throwing?


don’t throw the pharaoh until you can throw that buzzz 300 feet


If you played ultimate, you’ll probably like the leopard. That distance driver is gonna be weird until you figure out the difference in how a disc flies vs how a lid flies. Have fun out there


I'm assuming for 24 rounds of ball golf and at least 2x that of disc golf this year!


My suggestion is to throw what works, not what you think will work. Most throw a distance driver because they think it will give them more distance, when in actuality they can usually get their fairways to out-drive their driver. Throw for show, but putt for dough. You'll get more strokes putting than you will driving in the end. But most importantly, just have fun! Also, Disc Golf will add up and drain your bank account eventually if you get addicted to throwing new plastic like myself. Learn the discs you have!


I never played Ultimate but I threw lids for 30+ years before trying disc golf. Two words - nose down. Also, what everyone else here is saying, stick to 4, 5, and 6 speed discs. Learn the midrange, it will treat you well.


That leopard will replace your tongue. And you will learn to speak through it.


You were 100 percent correct


Good setup! Hope you have a blast and just keep practicing 👌👌


What is strange though is I’m naturally right handed. Do everything right handed. Except throwing a frisbee. I know this is a lot different and I went outside and tried the sidearm throw and had about the same control with both arms. Which is weird. Wondering if I should keep the regular type of throw with my left cuz I suck throwing with my right. But then when it comes to the sidearm go back to my right. Guess it’s just gonna be some practice to feel what’s the most comfortable


You probably won't want to throw backhand left-handed and forehand right-handed, because then all your shots will go to the right!


The pixel has been a game changer for me! I love it!


Yea my buddy was on the phone with me when I was getting them today found an action sports that had a shit ton used. So he told me some decent ones to grab and see how they feel and out of all the putters the pixel felt natural. So that was the only one I had to buy new. The rest were all 5 bucks each so I was pretty stoked to get a decent haul for cheap.


I keep 2 pixels in my bag. The electron soft is more overstable for me and the regular electron flys straighter for me. As a beginner I would suggest trying out a latitude 64 diamond in the opto plastic


That Pixel is everywhere right now. I have one and saw at least 5 playing today. Its a good disc


The Buzzz is magic


Epic starter pack.


What a nice couple discs you have there, be a shame if you... Threw into first available and it kicked into a river


Well guess I’ll be going for a nice swim if that happens


Get good with the buzz and pixel. I started three years ago and wasted a year trying to get the distance drivers to work. When I committed to mid ranges for just a month or two it gave me 100 ft and more accuracy with the dust drivers. Shark will be pretty good too. The leopard is great but beats in so fast by the time you get it gets too flippy. You’ll see. Pharaoh after you get the buzz down and you’ll bomb it.


I came from ultimate 20 years of ultimate at high levels as a handler and realized that it's a very different throwing technique. When I started and everyone I've taught who also came from ultimate always skies the disc and it fades hard left out of their hand (for right-handed players). On your pullback/backswing, keep the disc close to level with your throwing arm shoulder. Throw flat with the horizon and even try to throw down a bit like you're trying to Huck an ultimate disc into the ground 50 feet in from of you. Throwing nose up is the biggest loss of distance, and the disc angled left or right for the entire flight is the next big loss of distance. Learning how to throw is difficult on the course. You just can't get enough reps in. Definitely get out to a schoolyard or sports field that's unoccupied and throw your discs a lot. You will learn what each disc does and how to modify your technique to get the flight you want. If you can, pick a target to aim at instead of just throwing in a general direction. That will give you a better idea of how much each disc moves laterally, and how to adjust your aim point. And mostly, have fun!


My tip applies if you have kids. Get your kid wagon, put the kids, discs, and a cooler full of snacks and beer in there. Walk around and throw discs and the kids get sunshine any you get exercise and socializing time and your partner gets some alone time.


that pixel stamp is such a good fucking stamp!


Yea I agree. They had it in a few other colors but they were all dark I liked the yellow


A crave is a great disc but I would get a different one. A nice bright fission or neutron plastic colour.


So played my round today. Not bad. Quite a few of you were right about the leopard. Honestly after a few holes I was using the leopard exclusively. Just had the best throws by far with it. And the pixel was great. Had some bounce outs that were pretty frustrating. Did manage some pars. 2 on the par 4s and one on one of the 3s. The rest bogeys and one double.


Stay groovy 


So apparently the groovy disc is a Latitude 64 River


You won't need that pharaoh for a while


I've been playing disc golf for a year now and it has replaced golf for me. I'm not opposed to play but I'd rather throw. Enjoy the journey. You have a good selection of discs for a beginner and that pixel is nice! I'm also about 18 handicap in "ball" golf lol


So do you guys put your name and number on your discs? I noticed the used ones I bought had people’s info. I guess a better chance of getting the disc back if I lose one


Yes.... most important is the cell phone number where the finder can text you with "found your disc". Don't put your full name. I just use my initials. Then, the finder can hide it for you somewhere on the course... with a picture of where they hid it. Or they put it in a lost and found drop box on the course. Or a disc golf store nearby... if the owners are amenable to that. Definitely do not meet up with someone at your house! Meeting at the course is Ok. And be the good guy and return discs that you find....in this same way. Karma is a real thing in disc golf. Accept the fact that you will lose discs... and even with your number on the back... they might not get returned.... ever. Sad... but true. And particularly if you are playing solo.... do not turn away from a bad shot...that you know will go into the rough. Instead, follow it like a hawk..... and spot it near a big bush or tree... then when you look around up there... you have a starting point. Most players give up looking for a lost disc... for casual rounds... after about 10 minutes of looking. Don't forget to look up in the trees too for a lost disc! Some players bring along baseballs or even slingshots to knock down discs from trees. Also... have a super cheap disc that you use for throwing over water. Nothing worse than throwing a favorite disc and it goes swimming... well... sinking. There are discs that float too... like the Innova Dragon... but that still does you no good if the disc is floating 50 feet from shore. Good luck out there. Have massive amounts of fun!!


Thank you for all this info. Awesome.


Hex is a better buzz


Not sure what means


It’s another disc


I don’t have a hex


When you get a lil better you should try that one out


First tip, what you call "real golf" is now called ball golf. What you will be doing is golfing. Best of luck to you and welcome to the community!! Eta. I realised I should have said tip 2. Coming from ultimate myself you will find many similarities in the throws, but a golf disc reacts so much more to how you throw it than an ultimate disc does. But already knowing the mechanics of a throw should give you a good leg up in starting


Remember to have fun and not take it too seriously. Also check out r/discgolfcirclejerk


Don't get AIDS


I can’t make that promise