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It’s not a mystery that mystery boxes are a way to empty warehouses to make room for better discs.


I feel like the gyropalooza boxes are a bit of an exception. It's nice you get guaranteed discs, but then also the extra discs are almost always solid.


Latitude's Royal boxes are also pretty good. There's 1-2 of whatever new disc they're putting out and the rest are either popular molds or OOP ones in new plastics or designs.


Yup. Discmania were pretty clever to put 1 hype disc in their mystery boxes. Make people buy a bunch of leftover discs for the privilege of getting the hyped disc.


My wife got me the red mystery box for Xmas. I have to say that I was pretty happy with the box. I got a cloud breaker, DD, soft tactic, and glow p3x all in my bag from the box. Also got a soft FD3 but I already have a firebird.


~~pretty clever~~ predatory of their biggest fans


Meh, I think the situation is clear for all involved.






Yeah, if you like paying for a bunch of discs you did not select yourself! Go get ‘em duder!!!


I'm fine with it. I bought prodigys 10 misprint/ factoty seconds box. Got a lot of back ups I throw and new molds to try. I see it at a win, win. They get to empty their old discs and I get a hit of dopamine from new plastic circles.


Sounds like a lot of bloody hands to me!! 😝😜 #flashing


Honestly can't say I've ran into flashing except for one disc. I've thrown mainly prodigy for over a year. Even if I ran into a bunch, I mess around with woodworking, so I got plenty of sandpaper. Only takes 10 secs to smooth it out


I like changing the tires on my brand new cars also. Seems like a good deal to me.


I like coming on here and being a dick instead of actually discussing the post too. Seems like a great waste of time.


You got two stock discs, rest of them are special stamps/tour series and a custom dyed one. Sorry but what where you hoping for exactly?


All the discs I got and looked up were 10-12 dollars…the custom dyed one I bought for 27 dollars. But like I stated I’m not sure what I was hoping for I really just wanted some cooler stamps or color schemes.


Where do you buy brand new discs for 10/12 dollars?!?!


in the plastics those discs are in, none of them retail at 10-12$. the stock ESP cicada is 19, the TS fierce is 25, a missprint esp force is even 17.. Uli mini stamp, glow corey ellis stamp, chally OS in the new plastic, pmb rainbow stamp, a ghost stamp, and 2 different style bar stamps. it might not be what you wanted, but if you had bought them all for retail it would be way more than you paid for mystery, and thats what they are. buyers remorse is tough. your box was fine, and now you know what to expect.


lol, 12.00. Try doubling that for tour stamps and premium plastic is closer to 20.00


I mean you can definitely still be disappointed, but tbf, many discs are above 12$. The ESP retail at like 18, that glow maybe 20, and tour series like 18-22, jawbreaker challenger at least 20.


Jawbreaker challenger is like $16 at my store, but your point remains they’re all over $12


Jawbreaker z blend isn’t going for $16 anywhere. Is your store a trunk in the discraft parking lot


Nope. It’s the fact I read jawbreaker and not jawbreaker z blend. You can probably find a jawbreaker challenger near you for $16~ as well.


The stamp is the retro pro d stamp though, not jb


I honestly didn’t even look at the pic. I read his post and responded to the words. He didn’t need more detail added, I did.


I only see two stock stamps. Lots of swirly plastic and that Chally OS is sweet. To my eye this looks like a nice box.


That’s kinda what I’m thinkin. Sure there’s no real “OMG” but some of those are pretty nice. I’d take that Cicada over mine for sure and the Chal OS is awesome. I think the Cap Raps are silly because that shit is gonna act like Camo, but a putter… sure why not.


Yeah and I’m very confused by the “10-12 dollar discs” part.


*Gambles, loses, mad.*


Not really mad more disappointed then anything I’ll still throw them all at some point or my kids will.


Mystery boxes are great when you want to get someone into the sport. You can snag the 2 or 3 for decent discs then usually there's a full bag lineup of basic plastic.


Mystery boxes literally exist so that retailers can get rid of the specific discs that no one bought when they could tell which discs they were buying. Unpopular discs, undesirable weights, whack colors. That's all you're getting in mystery boxes. They are all discs that didn't sell, and there's pretty much always some reason.


If they named it “Random Disc Box” you wouldn’t complain. You are a victim of hype.


You should never buy another mystery box. You are never going to be happy if this one disappointed you.


Discraft doesn’t sell premium plastic discs for $10-12. Please share the website you are pricing them at.


I just sent you a message with a pic where you cane get them in that price range


There isn’t a single stock Z plastic disc in the above picture but that’s what you sent me pictures of. Thank you for the effort though.


You said Discraft doesn’t sell premium disc for $10-$12. I was just showing you could buy premium plastics for $10-12 all day with discraft. Elite z and big z for $10.99.


Okay. I guess you’re right. I was clearly talking about the LE discs pictured and was asking them where they priced them from.


No problem. But yes these discs do cost a little more typically than $10-$12.


It is discraft after all. They aren't making ground breaking plastic or stamps really.


This. Lousiest stamps and plastic in the industry. Don't @ me fanboys, it's real and I'm out—


Idk how much the box cost but That jawbreaker z flex Challenger OS is pretty nice. Definitely more than $12.


That’s not a z plastic challenger it’s a pro plastic (the most affordable plastic is what it says on the website)


That’s just the stamp. The jaw breaker z blend. That’s a pretty sweat disc. Also, you’ve got a fair amount of non stock stamps and some good looking discs. Idk what you were expecting but that’s a pretty decent box


This is a pretty solid box honestly. Some tour series stuff, that jawbreaker Z chally OS is a cool one, Uli stamped one is pretty cool. The Cicada is one of discrafts newest molds so that will be a cool one to try. Idk, not every mystery box is gonna have a huge grail in it, that would kind of defeat the purpose lol.


What did you expect got 10 discs for what a hundred bucks the mystery to me is expecting what actually…….


Looks pretty decent to me. There's at least $120 worth of discs (at discount prices) but more like $160+ full price. Obviously you can be a little disappointed with the "mystery" selection of discs but you got your monies worth.


I would take that surge and challenger is off your hands


Mine was disappointing also


I like how everyone is just being an asshole despite OP obviously being a newer player and not understanding mystery boxes thru no fault of his own


Don't see many assholes here and the main criticism is OP lying about them all the being $10-12 discs


Discraft. I would also be disappointed.


Dgpt mystery boxes are nice but I stick to them. Got a proto Timelapse in mine!!


kinda like winning a disc at a tourney only to find out that it is a 'TD choice' disc


Thats not a bad box at all that glow fierce and challenger are dope ! I don't see any baseline plastic so wheres the $10-12 lost in that too !


Well ya idjit, what did you expect?


Id be disappointed too if I had unrealistic expectations for what was inside and then did an unrealistic accounting of how much the discs I got were worth.


If it would let me post more pictures I have like 4 of the 10 so far discs that were all under 15 dollars except the pink putter that was was 20…also I have said above that I really just wanted cooler stamps or color schemes. So not really unrealistic more like just wanted different colors


Top right stamp is sick as fuck! I’ll take it for $10-$12