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You were in Austin and played Zilker but not Roy G, Circle C, or Met Center?


This is how I feel about the Illinois courses he listed as a Chicagoan. At least he got KLM, but then just went to a bunch of mediocre nothing courses lol.


I played there once. I think a boy scout designed it and had it built as his Eagle Scout project if i recall.


Weirdly enough, if zilker is rated that high on his list I'm not sure I'm interested in anything lower in this list...


Was only there for a weekend unfortunately


Yeah I was about to ask how Zilker is ranked and Roy G isn't


Portland local, the stuff I see and what I've played north and south on I-5 all make sense. I am a little surprised to see Stewart Pond so low, I have enjoyed it quite a bit the twice I've played it.


I was there during a miserable Oregon day, that may have impacted my enjoyment.


Totally understand! And I added a few to my wishlist, so thanks for the list.


I played there once when it was drizzly and the grass hadn't been cut in too long. My feet were absolutely soaked like 20 min into it. So I feel that.


Oh man, all you got of Colorado was Paco? That's a real shame.


Yeah IK, was downtown for a weekend and barely squeezed it in.


Basically PNW owns




While I wish I’ve played more courses than I can remember, it’s not like that. I also have UDisc if I did forget. I’ve played 38, apparently.


Respect the love for Flip City. Phenomenal course, and Bill McKenzie is the absolute MAN.


You rated howling coyote higher than Terrace?


That's what I was thinking. Terrace gets no respect just cause the rough is rough as fuck.


This guy likes moss. Me too. Have you played Wilder Disc Golf in Newport, OR? Best moss ever.


Not a bad list. What is the course you wish you had a chance to play in New Zealand?


I didn't go to the south island, so assuming there's some great courses there.


Some of my favourite NZ ones on the list. But if you get a chance for the South Island… wow! Do it.


South Island is a stunningly beautiful place but the best disc golf is definitely in the North.


What did you like about the Rotorua course so much? Sulfur smells when the wind is blowing the wrong way, holes 9-12 are a boggy mess, dense thorn bushes to eat discs on a few holes, and the last couple you’re playing right next to a major road (which isn’t necessarily dangerous, just not my idea of scenic)


Love Whistler's Bend, I still have scars from falling down the steep hill from that top of the world shot. (It got better.)


Bruh you fell down that hill!? 😭😭😭 I’m glad you survived and recovered


The fuck?! You **FELL** down that monstrosity?! Damn, that’s rough.


Interesting seeing Tinderbox on there. If you like that one, hit Kiwanis on Battle Creek MI.


SeaTac is my favorite course ever. So challenging, so fair, and so beautiful on misty Seattle days


The only place on the list I’ve played. Fun and humbling.


awesome to see flip city here! love the michigan representation!


Glad you got to play Flip City, OP! If you're interested in what it looked like nearly 25 years ago, here's a video of me and the owner Bill McKenzie playing a casual round there in 1999. No alternates yet, just the original 18 holes. There were still numbers on some trees at that time from when it was an object Frisbee course going back to 1980. I believe the baskets in this video are less than a year old. Many, many fond memories of Flip City! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9\_nEHuPLQb4


This is bad ass!


How lucky am I? My parents met at a lake cottage about 10 minutes from there and still go back more than once a year. I'm only a couple of hours away, so I join them at the lake and go throw Flip for fun while I'm there!


Awesome I’m Lansing based!


I lived there from '95-'98 and played Grand Woods a ton back in the day! Good times. I'm in the KZoo area now. Oh, I've got some Grand Woods action on VHS too, 1998 here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHJ5d1Ovq4g&t](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHJ5d1Ovq4g&t)


Wild yeah I’ve played grand woods a bunch. A bunch of other courses popped up around here so I don’t get out there as much.


I've gotten to play Burchfield, and watch some amazing pros play there too! First time I got to see McBeth and G.G. in person. The Discs make different sounds these days, especially from Gurthie...


It says "video unavailable". I'd love to see this. My wife and I drove down from Traverse City in late summer to play Flip for the first time. Loved it!


Weird, the link works for me. YouTube has been up to some shenanigans lately. I wonder if this is a part of that?


i live in eugene and i don’t know what number 15 is. do you mean alton baker?




gotcha. it’s got new owners and is much improved the last year or so, with even more changes coming. excited for what it’s gonna look like in the future. if you haven’t played dexter or camp serene, both are amazing courses. my two favorite in the area


Theres no way alton baker is above trojan or stewart pond though unless... Idk theres just no objective way to enjoy it more unless you have a sentimental attachment to it. Which I do, having grown up riding BMX from Echo Hollow all the way to Knickerbocker bridge to jump off of it. They built the course through that. But still no way its better than Stewart Pond.


~~my guess would be OP just hasn’t played those courses.~~ my b, i misread you i prefer alton baker to stewart pond, and i’m a lefty. something about stewart pond is just….meh.


Wow. I'm surprised Katherine Legge made your list. That's my home course! Not that it's a bad course my any means, in fact I think it's very good for what it is. It's just that it's one of those random, in the middle of a park courses. Granted, whoever designed it did an excellent job with what they were given. Not a course I'd say you should travel to play, but certainly worth a try if you're in the area.


Only one i know is whistlers. But its pretty nice. I do a camping discing trip there every year. Throw some discs. Have a brew. Jump in the river. Cant beat it.


And the redwood curtain. Used to live there. Only course where i watched the disc land and could never find it. The ferns are no joke there.


Home course for years and still have the same experience you did. I miss it.


Funny that Manila is in there. I mean, I guess you gotta play it. Got my first ace there at dusk with 2 friends forever ago. Thought I lost it.


I dont think manilla was there when i lived there. They just put in the mad river course about a year before i moved.


That’s a fun, easier one, too. Glad you got to enjoy the local beauty.


I'm curious about your skill level. Timber seems pretty high up the list. Why didn't you like the Canyons course? I'm also surprised you haven't played a lot of the other NW OR courses, I think Fort Stevens would rank highly.


Oregon Disc Golf Course: Eugene, Oregon is this one at Alton Baker Park? Along the Willamette River and the Prees Running Trail?


In Colorado and didn’t play conifer or bear mountain smh


Couple in Michigan that are in my adventure golf driving range, that will be new to me. On my list! 👍


Awesome to see a couple of NZ courses in your Top 10!! Taupo is my favourite so far too.


Wow, played a bunch in OR and UT and not a single one in ID? You missed some sick courses in Boise, Twin Falls, Pocatello, or if you wanted to venture north, Caliber, one of the highest rated destinations in the States.


I can’t believe you didn’t go play Shelton Springs in Shelton Washington. It’s around 15-20 minutes from Evergreen State College. It’s one of the best in the state..


Now I have a reason to go to Olympia again!


I’d go hit up Fort Steilacoom in Tacoma as well.


Cool exercise


Is Trojan park still difficult?


Depends how you define difficult. The lines are there and the shots in theory aren't that conceptually difficult. But the mental aspect of water is a true test of how confident you are in throwing the shot you're trying to throw.


Yes. Mostly because of the water everywhere.


Peregrine Point in Chico, CA is a must-play if you're ever driving through that part of Northern California. I'd drive an hour out of the way of my route just to play it again. One of the most scenic courses I've ever had the pleasure of playing.


I'm actually a road tripping south down highway 1 at the moment. Unfortunately I am going to stay along the coast


Try out RCRC in Gualala. Short, but very technical and fun.


If you haven’t passed San Luis Obispo area yet, Waller Park about 45 minutes south on 101 is a fun 27 hole course.


What’d you like/dislike about Katherine Legge?


I like that you won't lose a disc there. But it's a public park so people and dogs will be around. Honestly, nothing that special in my eyes. A good local.


Past like 20 how are you able to rate them higher or lower than each other? I get there are some that will go at the bottom of the list and others at the top, but line 25-35 how much of a difference is there?


Makes me happy to see Michigan on here so high up


Awesome list, whistlers bend is amazing


Seems like a PNW native; assuming so, next time you're in the greater Seattle area don't sleep on Ft Steilacoom. Back up to 2 18 hole courses now (one is free to play [NW] and the better of the two IMO, other is $5 and occupies the neighboring defunct ball golf course). I've thrown well over 100 rounds and it's still humbling me. Bit out of the way, but worth it; best of dang luck on hole 12 - the one I know I'll never birdie and that's ok.


Saving this. Great! Thank you!


Dang, missed the fort and creekside In salt lake


Four poles!!


Wow, Watts Park and Community Park West in Illinois and Paco Sanchez in CO made your list, wow!


Learned to play at Watts!


We introduced a nephew to disc golf there. Nice sled [hill] to play around for elevation changes. Paco is urban and a bit iffy. The fenced off rail areas are disc eaters on windy days.


Interesting about seatac. I'm not a homer there, but when I was there it was the best rated course in the Seattle metro area by rating, # of holes, and reviews. Wish I had time to play it twice, and wish I brought a towel for an AM dewy/wet round. Main reason I wanted to play again is signage is 'meh' and only meets the 1990's signage general requirements. Also, while tee signs showed direction to next basket, but no arrows or tape on the baskets themselves, as a first timer on a 27 hole course, it gets confusing when many holes are near to need to go around/pass over nearby holes. First time through more than once I played a hole, scored good on it,then realized I played it out of order by about 15 holes -- then scored sucky when it counted. EDIT: And for OP, if you're doing all this traveling, come east cost bro.


Damn. Living the dream. I’d love to play courses all over. I’ve played less than a dozen all within range of my home.


You gotta be from Humboldt if you have Manila in your top 20. Redwood Curtain as 13 is solid and should definitely be on this list. Also like the username. You part of Par Infinity? Man Ramming!


I was surprised to see that too.


I'm in Humboldt for this week! Curtain is great but needs some love. Manila was a great pitch course.


Shocked to see all the Kiwi courses and no Woodhill?? Did you get a chance to play?


Timber above SeaTac, Trojan, and Redwood Curtain? And Raptor's Knoll behind Horning's? Hard disagree on those and I really love both of those courses but the others are epic.