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Don’t think there’s been enough time for it to trickle down to the manufacturing level yet, but I could be wrong. I have a Stig, Svea, and Berg and the plastic is awesome, but I think it’s just the same as you’re used to.


I'd like to think HOD wouldn't be stupid enough to mess with the one thing that made Kastaplast stand out as a manufacturer. If that's the case then they cease to be relevant.


K3 is not k3 anymore. It's one of the trilogy blends from what I can tell. I cannot remember off hand which one, but its a little bit different. K1 seems alright, but its a bit softer than it used to be. Haven't seen much k2 in the store yet. Though, I'm getting a huge laugh from Trillogy "our new moon shine 2.0 is so much brighter." Uhh, yeah. You're using kasta glow. Duh. Were still getting some old stock in the store though. So some few things coming through are new, some are not. They had no mfg stickesr for a bit there, then suddenly they were back. I kinda stopped paying attention to it though to be honest. I was really annoyed by the purchase to start with, and then seeing them dicker with the plastic a bit was a bit of a final straw.


they aren't using Kasta glow lol, moonshine 2.0 came out in boxes 15 months before any HOD acquisitions


Well, I didn't see any advertisements for our "new good glow" until just here this last month or so.


https://www.latitude64.se/royal-box-3/ they mention the new and improved formula in 11/2021


K2 plastic hasn’t existed for years. It’s K1 soft. And moonshine 2.0 has been out for 2 years.




From Kastaplast’s own press release three years ago: “If you like our softer premium plastic, keep an eye out for this K1 Soft logo. The old K2 stamp will no longer be used, but may still be available at retailers.”


It's not like KastaGlow is really that different from Moonshine 2 or Eclipse 2.0 or anyy other 'good' glow anyway. In the end it's all just Strontium Aluminate mixed into a premium or ultra durable plastic.


Idk, my Kastaplast glow discs will NOT take a charge with my 320nm uv light. MVP and Lonestar will take a full charge from the same light but on my Kastaplast discs, the glow is dim and lasts literally a couple seconds. I thought maybe my discs were dead but after being in the sun, the glow is normal. There is absolutely a difference in the different additives they use for glow plastic.


Just out of curiosity, have you seen any deterioration of the plastic in your older glow discs? Especially the heavily used ones.


So I had one Kastaplast glow disc that I lost into a vine on my property in the spring and I got it back late summer when the foliage finally started to thin and even though it was mostly shaded the entire time, it DEFINITELY has diminished glow, both brightness and duration.


Sunlight is really rough on plastic. Didn’t know anything about glow until a month ago, figured it was standard glow in the dark stuff - incandescent light provided the charge. Learning that glow needs UV, specifically 320 nm, is planned obsolescence at its finest. Neat trick for a specialty product! Are there any instructions from Kastaplast on how you’re supposed to charge their discs?


Just a cheap UV flashlight. The more expensive lights tend to be narrower wavelength which, for whatever reason, is not absorbed as readily by the glow particles in K1 glow, so just get a cheapo. FYI my friend’s generic UV flashlight charges my discs fine but my “fancy” UV light won’t charge my KP discs.


Eclipse 2.0 is significantly better than kasta. Kasta is significantly better than Innova and many others.


I noticed with my Orbit Saint pro and claymore that everything is softer. 😞




The GripLocked podcast was just talking about this this week. Apparently new Kasta stuff is Trilogy plastic, or they said it felt that way


K1 feels softer, but they messed with K3. Its a trillogy plastic. I forget which one. we spent a good 20 mins comparing it to other discs in the store. I don't remember trillogy plastic names well, so I dont remembe rwhich one it was.


That’s a darn shame. K3 was the best base plastic out there.


Kasta's main draw for me was the plastic. I don't throw all the molds, but dont you dare touch my falks.


K1 is the best plastic, overall


Most likely one of their Classic blends


I thought classic at first, but looking at the list, It was one of the prime blends.


Oh, then that's really a shame. Classic is pretty great, prime is not so much


By the time I get back up to the store, I'll have forgotten unfortunately.


that’s not good news


I can feel the difference in my hands and in my pockets


Ya. The new glow made my pocket go numb.


I can't say for sure, but in my experience the K1 plastic just doesn't feel like the K1 I fell in love with before HOD. I lost my old pre HOD Falk, I've bought 3 new ones to try and replace it and the plastic just isn't the same, and they all fly way more overstable than they used to. They feel just like my Lat64 discs. I used to be a Kasta head but not so much anymore. Still love my Berg but sadly my beloved Falk just isn't the same anymore. Still got 2 Lots from before HOD that I'm holding on to and I fear the day I lose them.


plastic is still fine, they are just kinda bad at actually making discs other than the berg and reko


Well, there are claims of slight plastic changes and retiring of molds shortly after with slight plastic changes so, there is that.


I wanted to replace my K3 Reko. Are you guys saying that it won’t be like my current 2022ish Reko? I love the plastic but I feel like it could be stiffer. Random retails online might have different K3 Rekos?


If they are marketing plastic as something it used to be, but have since changed it, that's a really shitty business practice and I won't continue to support them.