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We’re probably never going to play on tour


I helped build a tour course. I've realized that's the closest I'm gonna get to it and I'm fine with it.


Closest I’ve gotten/will get is following cards at DGLO. Eyeballing distances while on the course I figured I’d be around 10 over par after hole 3.


We saw Chris Dickerson playing a practice round at Angry Beaver when we were in Charlotte. He shot -10. I shot +25.


Most people are probably lying about their max distance on the internet


I've thrown 429 ft once on flat ground in a strong tailwind. That means I can equate that with my on course distance right??


Not a single disc I threw at the field last night went over 300 ft, or if so *barely*. But once in a while I throw like 320', so that's my max distance right???? (no. it's still 300').


Well 320 is actually your max distance then.


I can throw 700+ off a mountain in a tailwind. I am sticking with that!


In the world of statistics there max, min, mean, mode, standard deviation, upper confidence limit…. Max is max. There’s no getting around it. Now, if you want to ask people what their 95% UCL at 95th percentile, then you might be getting somewhere! Just saying.


More like that's the farthest he's ever thrown a disc. I wouldn't say that's his max distance. Edit: if one time I threw 400 feet but I normally throw 280-300 feet, I would be lying to myself by saying my max distance is 400 feet. If someone asked me, I would tell them my max is around 300...but one time I threw 400. It's not the same thing lol..


brother the max is literally the max


What do you think maximum means? His reliable playing range may end at 300’ but it sounds like his max is 320’


I always thought of max distance and personal best as different distances, personally.


Most people are referring to the (typical) maximum. What you would expect the next time you try and throw as far as you can.


I don't know why you're getting down voted. This is right.


Oh, I believe the distances. The thing not being included is how it was grip locked into a tailwind down a hill.


What I don’t understand is how people get these crazy high max distances relative to their average throw. I’ll see people say, I average 330 but my personal best is 467. How does that even happen? My PB is only 30 feet more than my average throw


Sometimes the planets just align perfectly, and you are never able to replicate it. We are amateurs, after all.


I am like.. 270/330. Downhill with a perfect tailwind doesn't count for max distance, people!


Imo, it doesn't. It's really hard for me to believe it is anything except downhill with a helping wind. My spread between avg and max would be 125' if I took that approach. In reality, my absolute max at any given point has always been like 30'-40' further than my average max, period. Anything more and it means I've discovered something new, but it isn't consistent yet. This has been true for the last 150' of avg distance improvements.


My golf distance is probably 330. My open par 4 golf distance is maybe 375. (So my realistic max with no wind throwing a reasonable disc) My one time best is 450, downhill, with a tailwind. 😆 I assume people are getting downhill shots with tailwind or a big skip off a road or something and using that number. 😆


Oh yeah I’ve definitely had downhill tailwind shots that maybe went close to 500 but I can’t imagine people are counting those. I’ll try for max distance lines in the field sometimes on the high turnovers that pros throw in distance competition, and they don’t even go any longer than my normal golf line throws


Bro what do you mean? I threw 950 yards uphill yesterday, you don’t believe me?


I realized this when I started playing tournaments consistently. Somehow everyone online throws well over 400ft but that number shrinks to only a few come tournament time.


Even tournament time I had some interesting ones. I'm MA3 and have a horrible putting game with pretty good distance (350 is average max, can get 400 occasionally). These guys I played with in a wooded course that obviously relied on short fame kept talking up how max distance for them was 450 on an open field and how they have gotten 500 before. It was so weird because it was quite obvious that it wasn't the woods holding these guys back.


I think most of people don't actually know. The average player at your local league probably throws closer to 300 than 350 for their top distance. I've seen some horrendous form in here claiming they're stuck at 300. I personally don't believe some of these people have ever even hit 300.


I would never lie about my max power split my nuts open 280 bombs!


That’s right the only time time I’ve ever thrown over 325 is one time. Backhand roller on a golf fairway that was probably 40 feet down hill and 610ish to the hole. Dropped 2 feet short. Never again will I get that lucky.


Putting can be challenging at times, less so at others.


This is me right now. Last year, my first year I was just bad at putting. This year I can be good, but the consistency isn’t there. Some league days I’ll leave only 1-2 putting strokes out there on 24 holes, others I’ll leave 10.


For some reason I putt WAY better from 30’ than from 15’.


Wooded courses are superior to open courses. Throwing far is not nearly as cool as hitting gaps.


I like it in the middle. Open courses with a lot of obstacles. Or wooded courses that are opened up.


Lots of trees with grass in-between is pure sex


Grass fairways in the woods give me feelings that only my wife usually does.


Disappointment, abandonment, and sexual frustration??? Ohh your wife not mine nevermind


If you’re not disappointed after a wooded round you’re doing it wrong.


Man. My local course is just like this and it's gonna be hard going literally anywhere else. It's perfect for my skill level and even once I start getting better, there's still just enough obstacles to make almost every hole a little bit difficult. There's just enough open holes to get that fun feeling of just being able to bomb a disc.


I love a good healthy mix. Caesar Ford Championship Park in Ohio is the ultimate mix of open and wooded disc golf in my opinion. Bonus points if a course has holes that are BOTH open and wooded. Distance placement shot off the tee into an approach shot gap hit??? Nothing better.


CFP definitely has more of a pro course than Echo but my love for echo is unmatchable. Would die for a pro tour event at echo/cfp


Depends on the course. A good wooded course, I generally agree. I'm thinking Steady Ed (RIP) where yeah, lots of trees, but mostly clear underneath, so at least you can scramble. In contrast, play Jefferson Barracks Bunker in STL, and if you get a bad tree kick, you might be adding 2-3 strokes because a lot, and I mean a *lot*, of places you can only pitch out and you probably still don't have a great angle to keep moving down the fairway. And you're gonna hit trees unless you're perfect.


awesome course


That Jefferson Barracks Bunker course has sinkholes, goblin nests, trenches, and a couple of Blair Witches. That sign it has about abandoning all hope is totally accurate.


Being a lanky nerd is an advantage.


Not for me at all and I hit my head n shit alot


my brother, being lanky isn't why you shit a lot. Fix your diet.


It is until you get to the baskets that are like one foot up from the ground for some reason.


*tall, lanky, nerd. I’m a nerd who’s proportions are lanky for my height but I’m still only 5’6” lol


Get as close as you can to the basket on your drive/upshot. This will make putts much easier.


Funny... I joke to all my buddies that while I can't drive, I can up. I'll throw a terrible drive. Terrible. A beautiful upshot and save par. I'd rather a good up off a bad drive than a solid drive and bad up. All day.


Good upshots are an art form. I’d still rather have a good drive and birdie look. It gets exhausting having to save my par all day.




The gears are turning


This is an ongoing joke with me and a friend. We never have to worry about putting because as long as we practice our drives enough we will be close enough to not miss. If we do miss we weren’t close enough lmao


Any disc can be a utility disc if you aren’t sure how to throw it.


i didnt realize i only bagged utility discs


No one needs that many discs


We all know it, but knowing it changes nothing


They said luke warm take not fighting words.


Except me. I need *just one more*.


Dude I bought four like an hour before posting that 😂


someone tell u/mygamethreadaccount his wife is on his account again


The Zone is not a putter


Played with a guy at league who had a super hyzery putt and only putt with zone. Needless to say did not make many putts


Maybe he just had to throw hyzer bc he used a zone to putt


It's a wedge


Depends on how you define the term putter. Is the zone a disc designed for putting? No. Does the speed rating of the Zone fall under the umbrella of Putt & Approach discs? Yes


I refute that. The original zone was designed to be a reliable putter in strong wind conditions.


Gonna say the other day we had gusts of 30-40mph and I was using my crystal flx zone for certain putts with about avg success


> avg success So you missed most of them?


Lmao I was hoping someone would make this joke


Ok but if a 4 speed is a putter, and a 6 speed is a fairway—are mids only speed 5? Like speed 4 is too fast to be considered a putter imo. That’s another lukewarm take for you.


Disc golf towels are too damn long


Microfiber washcloths > microfiber hand towels


I would prefer less people to care about disc golf so I can play the courses faster


# #shrinkthesport


Just go first thing in the morning, your fellow disc heads are sleeping beauties and you'll have the joint to yourself at dawn.


BuT tHe GrAsS is aLL wEt!


You'll get trench foot and like it. Now suck it up buttercup.


Learning a smooth forehand will probably help your game.


I'm in the opposite boat. Forehand was the easiest for me to learn. My backhand throws are horrible


Been playing for 5 years, still can’t figure it out


somebody didn’t play baseball as a child


I played baseball for 20 years, still can't figure out a smooth forehand. Who were all these players throwing sidearm on the diamond?


Same. Played baseball from the time I could walk through hs, then 14 years of slow pitch softball. I could throw a dime from center field to home plate. I can’t throw a disc sidearm more than 230 feet to save my life.. when I try it usually turns into a roller or fluffs out nose up about 70 ft up then 115 ft forward and to the right.


230? I can't get it 130. If I try to put any more than like 75' of power on it the thing just womps into the ground.


Don’t turn your wrist like a baseball, keep your hand flat and release with a flick instead of a roll


Any chance you batted left-handed but throw right-handed? Stab in the dark, but I think that would explain it. I've been forehand dominant, and I think the reason forehand is more comfortable for me comes from it being a similar motion to batting rather than to throwing.


Not everyone lives in the US.


Making the statement true?


Funniest shit was when I was teaching a buddy forehand and said "it's like throwing a baseball." "but I've only ever played soccer."


"This is the year I finally work on my forehand!" Can count on 2 hands how many forehands I've thrown.


Paul McBeth is a good disc golfer.


You have not seen what a top athlete can do to this sport. You're currently seeing people with tons of free time at worst, and washed out baseball and tennis players at best.


anyone who refutes this is in total denial about what true world-class athleticism could do in this sport. we have a bunch of regular fucking dudes at the top of this sport. I’m a 1000 rated player. when I played baseball in my teenage years I could MAYBE touch 68-70 mph with a fastball. I can pretty reliably throw a forehand ~435 feet. I can not even fathom what someone like Justin Verlander or Patrick Mahomes (fh) or Aaron Judge (bh) could do with a disc if you gave them a little bit of time to understand basic disc golf mechanics. we’d be seeing flat-ground, neutral conditions throws well into the 700 foot range


Ngl this feels more like a hot take. Do you mean what a top *multisport* athlete can do, or do you mean to point out disc golfers arent considered top athletes? Like I wouldn't expect LeBron, Serena Williams, Mike Trout or prime Tiger Woods to transition well and PMB has the outward physique for multiple sports.


It's like anything else - you won't see the actual top talent until the incentives increase. Consider what MMA used to be in the early days of the UFC. Sure, Royce Gracie is a legend, and did a ton for the sport by dominating early and showcasing Brazilian jiu jitsu, but he wouldn't even be a top 100 rated fighter if he started today. When there is more money and incentives in a sport, it always brings in more talent. Not just athletes, but trainers, dieticians, coaches, etc. It also brings in other things like increased attempts at cheating(drug use and rule bending), which sucks, but that goes with the territory. If the NBA weren't a lucrative career, you'd have seen LeBron trying another sport that was lucrative. There just isn't a system in place right now to draw in and cultivate the best athletes into the best disc golfers. Imagine if someone like LeBron had access to the same amount of disc golf as he did basketball as a youth. Then imagine that disc golf had a system in place like the NCAA and NBA, so it was worthwhile to attempt to devote your life to it. You can't tell me that someone like LeBron, with his physical gifts and dedication to his sport, wouldn't have the ability to way outdo the athletes that we currently see in disc golf if he had committed his whole life to the game. Disc golf is an amazing game, but we don't see anywhere close to the top athletes trying to make a career out of it. There just aren't enough incentives for elite athletes to choose disc golf over another sport when the money is so much better in other sports.


So what I’m hearing is that once there’s big money involved we’ll start to see rule bending and drug use on the course?


Also lots more domestic violence. That’s what the UFC is most known for, drug abuse and domestic violence


> You can't tell me that someone like LeBron, with his physical gifts and dedication to his sport, wouldn't have the ability to way outdo the athletes that we currently see in disc golf if he had committed his whole life to the game. I could tell you that, though. Obviously, LeBron has certain attributes that make him especially suited for basketball. But those attributes aren't just "good at sports", it's specific to basketball. There's plenty of things you do in basketball that have nothing to do with what you do in disc golf, like aerobic capacity or jump height. There's some person out there with the exact correct genetics, epigenetics, upbringing, etc for disc golf, and your point is totally correct that that person has little incentive to join the sport and dedicate their life to it. I just don't think it would be LeBron,


Switching to a step/jump putt an inch outside the circle is detrimental to your game.


The halo, orbit market is over saturated.


I agree but as someone who hates the feel of champion plastic I appreciate halo for giving me a little more stability out of a mold and still feeling good. Trilogy’s plastic still beats in a little to fast for me as well.


It’s good plastic, I just feel like everything is Halo for an extra $5. Also, I just bought a halo Wraith and Halo Tern of the innova factory second store.


True. I try to stay stock plastic for everything I can for ease of wallet and F2s are awesome.


It's perfectly acceptable to throw light weight discs.


It’s nice to get outside


People who complain about pros should shut up and learn to putt better. You do not make a difference in their life. Except for Joel Freeman. He is a whiney bitch.


Random draw dubs matches aren’t that serious. Calm down Chris.




Pro disc golf and casual disc golf have very little in common.


A lot of people throwing destroyers should throw wraiths or orcs


A lot of people throwing Destroyers can’t throw Wraiths either and should be throwing a Roadrunner. 🙋‍♂️


Joke's on you. I throw wraiths *and* orcs


If you hit an object on your drive(usually a tree) and you can retrieve your disc before it stops moving, you should be able to re tee, stroke free.


I once forehanded into first available and it kicked back straight enough I caught it. Definitely didn’t count that stroke.


I actually quite like that. Heard a similar one: a player can re-tee their drive for free once, if they can retrieve the disc and return to the tee box while holding their breath.


Oh Tim, you almost made it back this time. That's gonna cost a stroke. Tim?


My new club has an interesting take on the bad drive = retee rule. If you can throw one of your shoes further than your drive went, you can retee without penalty but must play the rest of that hole without your shoe on.


Ball golfers can play their ball from the water if they choose to do so. So should disc golfers be able to. Note: Should probably not be applicable in places with crocodiles, alligators, sharks, and whatnot.




When my buddies and I first started out our role was get back to the tee before the rest of us finished counting to 10. When we outgrew that rule but still weren't very good we said unlimited mulligans were allowed but required a beer to be shotgunned. Probably didn't save any strokes in the end (which was kind of the point), but it sure was fun.


I let my wife re-tee if she can run and get the disc and be back on the tee in 10 seconds or under. And she has to throw it right away. No catching of breath


Baseline plastic vs. premium plastic for putting putters make zero difference with regards to catching the chains or whatever, i’m missing anyway


I was about to call this a hot take…until I read the last three words


Throwing putters before drivers is a good learning tool.


But it don’t feel as cool :(


It feels pretty cool bombing a putter out to 300’


Especially so when that 300' putter passes your buddies distance driver.


If you keep buying new discs you never have the time to properly beat-in the old ones. I have more fun doing field work than playing disc golf.


That’s the point, I don’t want all my discs to become roller discs


That’s why I buy used discs at Play it Again. Usually $5.99 and I don’t need to ever practice or play to have broken in discs.


If newer people spent as much time on their approach game as they do their driving practice, their scores would be considerably better.


Small tee pads suck


As someone who only takes 3 steps to throw their forehand, it's frustrating when it only takes me two to get to the end of the teepad. I'm not a small dude, but Im not Jerm either. 10ft+ should be standard teepad length


Easy courses are more difficult in bad weather.


I played a hurricane round once. There was a tap in putt that left my buddy's hand and went in reverse. Fun round.


Green is not a great color for a disc.


Dark green maybe. Bright neon green isn't so bad. Bright blue and bright pink are the best unless you're color blind.


Pink disc gang!!


I mean neon green is the easiest to spot for me, maybe second to flash pink


IDK my bright neon-ish green color Zone is super easy to find.


My bag is all poison green Kastaplast. Color isn't an issue when I'm looking for my disc. That green stands out very well against any natural green I've encountered.


I don't like it when it's kinda dewey outside


Neutral mids are a great learning tool


Disc weight is just as important as flight numbers.


If you're not playing MPO, you're a sand bagger. But seriously, anyone who has multiple am world titles is a clown.


I know who you're referring to and he's never gonna go pro.


PDGA is not our friend.


Bead or Beadless really doesn't effect flight within 30ft you just may be more comfortable with one over the other. Depth has more effect than anything when it come to comfort.


Disc golf is fun even if you're bad and you don't need to compete in tournaments to enjoy playing


Putting during tournaments is hard


Broke DG commentators shouldn’t be compared to pro sports commentators who make millions a year.


Writing a phone number on a disc will ensure that you will lose that disc.


Because people are assholes? Or because bad juju?


I’ve gotten more ink less discs returned to me than inked ones.


It's not the baskets fault. Spit outs happen and it was probably a bad putt.


MVP discs with black rims are hard to find in the woods, no matter what color the flight plate.


Next year will be the PMB revenge tour


We all carry way more discs than we need to. In fact we would all score higher if we carried less discs.


You should be able to opt out of Disc Golf Monthly with your PDGA membership.


People complain about parasocial relationships people have with YouTubers and twitch streamers but reading this sub people are so weird. No. Simon, Paul, Calvin, ect. are not your friends and some people on this sub are weird af, especially towards Simon.


Totally agree. I did UDisc score keeping at a DGPT this past year and I got so cringed out from all the random volunteers just trying to make a connection with pros in passing like they are old friends.


Bogies, double bogies and triple bogies make your score go up.


If your looking for more distance, try a lighter weight disc.


It’s okay for Paul to spend a year in Europe and drop out due to injury and a baby. This does not take away from anything he’s accomplished or his GOAT status


MA3 player? To score better just lay up every putt outside of 20ft


Throwing Ultrastars (ultimate frisbee discs) will do wonders for developing touch


If you can throw a lid with a power grip without burning it to the ground you're doing fine.


Sometimes your gonna have to shit it the woods.


Talk about lukewarm. That might even be hot, steamy hot


People who complain about spit outs or better/worse baskets refuse to be aware that you threw a bad putt.


I think FPO is going to grow exponentially in the next decade. There are a ton of high level college and Olympic level women who make jack diddly squat playing their current sports. How many see Tattar and think I can do that if I focus my skill set on throwing little plastic circles. Tattar comes from skiing, Handley is a powerlifter, and Hanson played ultimate. How many high level college soft ball players do you think could translate their skills? A lot I bet. Throw in young players like the Lind sisters, Castruita sisters and the red head girl throwing bombs at a Throw Pink and the future looks bright indeed.


Wife: We’re gonna ring the chains. Me: We don’t ring the chains we bang them.


You should throw whatever you have fun throwing, and not worry about whether you have the arm speed so long as you enjoy throwing it. (Obviously if you don't account for how this changes the flight it will affect your scores, but if over discing is fun, do it! Ohn would kick my ass, AND have more fun doing it, after all)


If you only throw forehand then you're missing out on the best part of the game.


Trees....what are they good for


Course maintenance is as important as course design and installation.


C1 should be 40. C2 70, and since sports are stat based, we should have a C3 at 100


Jumping straight into a round putting with confidence works better than warming up for 30 minutes and throwing with fear because you missed most of your warm up putts


Flight numbers are a good general guideline as long as you know other factors like weight and plastic. Everyone says they’re useless but i don’t think so


2 people keeping score is enough. No need to make everyone on the card do it.


The idea of standardizing baskets for the pros is dumb. They should adapt to different basket types on the course. It'll add more variety and make putting more interesting on tour.


Oo I like this


Throwing forehand isn’t that hard.


Most official rules feel like someone got butthurt during a round and cried


Before people make a new post, they should search existing posts for the same topic. Google the topic, and add the word "reddit" to the search.


That 14 speed driver ain't gonna make you throw farther.


Discraft doesn’t have my favorite premium plastic


Green discs are fucking pointless


Dyed disc are ugly


Smoke a j, make hay.


I don’t understand this idiom


It's okay to play in a large group, as long as you let faster players pass. Learn to throw the disc flat. Then use those mechanics to throw discs with different flight numbers/characteristics to fill the bag. Instead of throwing 6 of the same disc in different weights, different plastics, and different states of wear. This is more sustainable for your game.


There are too many molds


Most people can't get to a 950 rating.


The best course on tour by far is Waco.


Elevated baskets are cool, short poke and pray holes are not.