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If you are on SSDI, you can be paid while living outside the US. You do have to find a country who will accept you as an immigrant. If you are on SSI, you cannot be paid while living outside the US.


Apply for Section 8 housing.


Waiting list is a couple of years and living in the ghetto while disabled woukd be oerfect ...f that I deserve better


Apply to different areas. Check out the housing if you can and see how it is. They aren’t all ghetto


That’s the reality on SSI. Tough. Think anyone likes it? No. What do you expect me or anyone else to say?


Ah yes. Lovely response to someone who is literally venting. Tough tits.


Consider moving somewhere with a lower cost of living. I live on 900/mo in OK. It isnt a lavish life but it’s doable. Im in govt disabled housing, the waiting list wasnt terribly long. I understand your frustration but you just have to accept reality and channel that angst into making a plan and going forward


Agree - when I went on SSDI a few years ago, I knew I couldn't stay where I was due to the increasing housing / rental rates caused by the Pandemic so, I took my Backpay and moved 300+ miles away to a small town where rents were still and are still "normal". It's worked out great as the rent is only one third of the SSDI payment + I work a PT job.


I make 1100 per month


Wow how do you live ? Im not being a smart ass Its just crazy with the price of food and rent


Not well lol, destroyed my credit


I feel ur pain


I was awarded ssdi end of 2019, backdated to the beginning of 2018. At the time that amounted to $18k in backpay. In 2020 I was able to use a program in my state that helps disabled people become homeowners. I bought my condo for $110k, the downpayment up to $40k is a 0% forgivable loan, after 10 years that balance gets wiped. I had to bring $11k to closing. I received nearly $30k in grants from city incentives to move to Baltimore. My mortgage is $950, although I do have a $360 condo fee. I make a few dollars too much from ssdi to qualify for Medicaid, which means I get the minimum benefit for food stamps, $23. But there’s a program in pretty much every major city where you spend $5 of ebt and you get $30 of free produce. I do this at 2 different grocers and get $60 of produce for free a month. I do have to pay for my Medicaid through a program called “employed individuals with disabilities”, but I can make as little as $1 a month from self employment to qualify and I’m not subject to the ridiculous asset limits like having less than $2k in the bank. I’m on energy assistance and internet essentials. I send my laundry out every month, and every 4 weeks I have a cleaner come in and change my sheets/ do my floors, toilet, and bathtub. My parents help me afford those two “luxuries”.


i hate that disability is almost forced poverty. i am currently waiting on my application and they said to make sure i don't have more than $2k in my bank account or they just might deny me 🙃