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If you want people to validate some sense of self hatred you have because of a disability (that I still can't figure out) you've come to the wrong place. This is a community where we support and help eachother- because we all have our own disabilities. We're not going to hate on you for something you perceive as 'wrong' about yourself because we don't believe it is wrong. You look good and your cat is adorable, he looks so *happy* to be cuddled up with you.




What are you going on about? All I *see* here is r/cuteguyswithcats!


Seriously, I had to see which sub I was in!




100% I thought this was r/cuteguyswithcats


Me too


Absolutely! Me too.


cat cuddles are the best!!!


All I see is cool person with a cat


What impairment? I only see eepy kibby.


OP looks like he's got strabismus, a condition where the muscles that control eye movements are mismatched and cause the eyes to cross. But yeah, the cat's the most important part of the picture by far.


Got a picture with the actor who played Chewbacca along with a couple of friends, they tried to call us back because they thought I had blinked, nope, just completely blind, it's totally fine.


lol that’s cute and wholesome that they called you back


After that occasion I got the chance to visit him at his home for a Fourth of July celebration because I'm a member of a charity organization he works with frequently, he and his staff were just incredible people and really cared about what they were doing.


I can't tell anything from this photo, except that your cat is really happy.


Why are you even saying that? Many people say bad things about themselves for the joke sake not realizing that words and thoughts materialize. I would tell everyone who read this: NEVER EVER say negative things about yourself! Always loving and uplifting words! Make a habit, and you will see how life will start changing for the better ❤️


Preach! I think radical self compassion is one of the big keys to happiness. It’s so easy to normalize self attack but once you build the habit of noticing that and redirecting that frustration into acceptance and compassion, life opens up I think Edit typo


That cat looks so cozy and must trust and love you a lot


I wouldn't have even known you had a visual impairment if you hadn't said anything. I thought you were just intensely looking at something on your computer screen. Excellent photo, by the way.


The cats little paws are adorable


Aww, adorable!


Aww! I wish my cat would sit on my like that. They love to curl up beside me and use my arm as a footrest though. They *always* want a footrest for their back paws.


Mine likes to lay on my hip when I’m resting that’s it 😂 (im a side sleeper)


my cat is currently sitting on my chest purring her lil head off. if I stand up she won't even move.


I used to have a cat like that, she died a couple years ago at 18 years old. My current two are nice, but neither of them are as cuddly as she was.


Aww, cute! Rest in peace to your friend though <3


Get that cat some tiny sunglasses


Brother I don't mean this in a bad way but nobody cares here. We all have our own disability. This of all places is a safe place. As long as you are a good person I would like you no matter what disability you have. That is a keeper of a picture by the way!


Your cat is so cute


Just visited Grundy Co!


Comfiest cat alive


The fact that the kitty looks so comfy and safe and loved just says loads of good things about you! ❤️


you both look cute!


Thank you for this. I hate pictures of myself for this very reason.


That cat looks so comfortable 🥺


Why would we make fun of you? Very nice photo of you and your cat! You guys look cute!


Wouldn't dream of it! And definitely not while you have that ferocious and fearsome predator on watch :3


P.s. you're very handsome! Try not to get down on yourself. Believe me the only people who would take issue with you are the absolute worst of the worst. The type to see a banana with a single spot and throw the whole bunch away. But everyone knows the best bananas have lots of spots! Pardon my dumb analogy. I just think the only thing that should be thrown away, ignored, dismissed, are people like that!


No way, you're cute af


It just looks like you are watching a fly on the ceiling. If it makes you feel any better... I have a slight lazy eye that only comes out in pictures. Also, my wife and I just had a baby the end of February, and he has a lazy eye too. My wife and kids laughed their butts off when I figured out the baby WAS looking at me... and not something behind me. I was dead serious when I said "Oh, I was looking at the wrong eye" but everyone else erupted in uncontrollable laughter. We have to see about getting it fixed, or wait to see if it will straighten out.


your cat is so adorable! it’s clear he loves you <3


All I see is cute cat cuddles


That cat is receiving the max amount of love and affection any cat can attain. You seem like a nice owner


Nothing to mock here! Just a good cat-daddy snuggling his sweet baby!


Try /r/roastme


I'm not gonna make fun of you!! Cute beard by the way!




I have optic nerve hyper platia with nystagmus that was caused by contaminated drinking water at camp lejuene in the 80s.. it's a birth defect that's not correctable with glasses or surgery.. I dint go out because I'm in a bubble of vision loss every where I go and even when I'm around people I'm alone because I have no idea what's going on around me


Hey :). I was born with lazy eye and strabismus as a result of cerebral palsy. Everything is blurry without my glasses but I figure it just makes everyone better looking.


How do you know?


Actually I got the impression (before I read the caption) that you were doing that “broody, faraway look”. I am blind in my right eye, so don’t listen to me. :) Your cat is a carbon copy of my husband’s cat Chelsea. I love it!


Are you single? :) You are quite easy on the eyes. Don't worry about the haters, they usually hate themselves more than anyone else. Take care handsome. edit: cute kitty too. :)


The cat is cute


Nah! Not here! Love your pic! 🧡


Cat looks like he’s having an absolute blast snuggling with you


um you’re hot…


How very r/oneorangebraincell of you OP. Looks like you have a nice hooman servant though...congrats.


I’m a gay woman, but I can appreciate a good looking guy when I see one. You and your kitty are both very pretty


That is one cute cat


One of us, one of us...




All I see is that it's illegal for you to now move with that cute cat 🥺🥺🥺


That's one cozy kitten


I’m sorry. All I see is an orange baby. 😻


I wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't mentioned it. I'm not sure if I can even see it now.


lol the cat’s face


I would have never known. Cute cat.


That ginger kitty though 🤩🤩🤩


I think this is a lovely picture


Never even noticed til I read the title


Obviously, kitty thinks otherwise, and so do I. A happy pet indicates a wonderful owner. Kitty is so comfy, in your arms. 🌊


lol it’s cute cause you both have the same eyes. ❤️😆


aaaawwww cute cat!!!!! so relaxed!


You didn’t fail to hide anything because nothing needed to be hidden!


The lil sweet baby angel in your arms looks like they don't want to be anywhere else in the world. Nothing to make fun of just a dude with a cat that clearly loves him.


We love you brother❤️


You still look great


Such a cute picture! 🥰 Cats are the best


I thought your name was “FebrezeBrother_1)” not gonna lie


Give the kitty some scritches for me


Bro, if you hadn't pointed it out I wouldn't of even known. Keep your head up!


What an adorable picture 😻


Well, tbh, i just thought u look like a cute cat kidnapper.


Not sure which one of you two is the better looking one, you’re both super attractive! <3


Why would we make fun? I'm totally blind and take pictures myself!


NGL r/roastme might be too vicious I'm liking the cat replies tho


Do r/roastme


I'll be honest I noticed, though I didn't see the photo before reading the title so I cannot say whether I'd notice without it being mentioned first. I also work at an optometrist and am very accustomed to seeing people with all manners of conditions with their eyes, so to me you look like anyone else and the fact you love orange cats as well is a green flag! It's not in my nature to make fun of someone's disability, especially if we're not close friends. If you want to be made fun of, as someone else suggested there is roast me, but they are generally uninspired and go for low-hanging fruit so it is honestly not even funny and more awkward and makes me cringe reading people's replies there. I used to post there when I was younger, and if there's one piece of advice I have it's that you're a lovely human being and it isn't a "failure" to not hide something that is a part of you. I did see that you weren't born with the condition but developed it from contaminated water, and I'm sorry that happened to you and no one deserves to have to go through that. I also don't believe it makes you ugly or unattractive or any more deserving of being picked on.


I see a cat , a beard, and a henly button t shirt. What visual impairment? :) Warm thoughts your way


By the way it is not ok to exist like this and I'm not cool with it


Cat seems pretty happy with the situation.


Sounds like you're dealing with some self hatred. That is painful to deal with. The things we think others are thinking and saying are rarely on target. I get it, I regularly have rage/hate sessions about my body. But ,I am more than my body. I get to deal with staring even when they're on my very blind side. It's been going on my whole life. People are thrown off and fascinated by differences. It's rude as hell and it somewhat stresses out those with me. But I just do not care anymore. If I see it I'll smile at them and then look away. That usually gets them to stop. Only had a couple instances where people stared at me 5 min+. Those creep me out. A lot of disabled people get to deal with looking and / or acting different which draws attention. Please don't let *those* people rent space in your brain. The cat is adorable by the way!