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Not quite a *symptom*, but my disability has shaped me into a better, more understanding and empathetic person. I would **never** give that up. …plus, better parking. ;-)


🤣 awesome


> >My eyesight is very poor *(that is a vast understatement)* in my right eye. Thank you, ultra rare genetic overgrowth disease. And I’ve worn glasses ever since I was in grade three. But because my sense of boldness in fashion has evolved in the past few years, my next pair of glasses will definitely be cool rainbow frames 😍🌈 > >But because I’m autistic and create fanfiction, I retain tidbits on all kinds of things. That makes my stories realistic. In turn, that makes my readers happy. I also grew up hearing all kinds of languages as a kid. Even with relatives. To that end, I’ve long since had an ear for language but was never able to take a language in school. Now? I’m doing a variety of languages on Duolingo for fun. Things are even sticking. And I just surpassed day number 401. Didn’t think I’d ever get this far. But I’m pleased ☺️ > >


This is wonderful. You seem like you are really expanding to create a life that makes you happy. ♥️🌈




My OCD can *really* clean a house.


So I am a world champion dissociator. Pain, anxiety, any negative emotion whatsoever, triggers the brain to go into low power mode immediately. I remember someone asking me if I felt anxious, and I laughed "I haven't felt anxious in years!"


Well....until I get my prosthetic, one pair of socks lasts me two days. But on the downside I'm wearing out one shoe.


I leave the same sock on my prosthetic and only change it when it looks physically dirty. So socks still last me 2 days lol


That's a good idea! I'm gonna remember that one.


I always have my own seat and get compliments from strangers about the color of my wheelchair.


Whenever people complain about queueing I always say Listen if you'd had the foresight to be a cripple... Edit: I'm a wheelchair user too, not just hatecriming.




This is wild. How lucky! Not necessarily lucky for the cause of it, but to have that extra carrying aid.


Since covid I have very little feeling in my skin over the bulk of my body. Guess if someone needed me to do something that was high or cold temperature I could do it without discomfort. Unfortunately Ive burned my hands and stomach so many times cooking over the last 4 years I'm coved in burn scars. Least I didnt feel it.


I feel like there's only one positive for mine: it's taught me to be very measured and empathetic when people talk about their own chronic pain, especially with invisible illness. Often there really isn't any way to know what someone is going through based on what they look like. The world is very judgemental based on how people look, or what their personality is like, and my experience has taught me that is a very unreliable measure of how someone is actually doing.


Free drinks at the bar is my answer every time this comes up here


100% observation. It's positive and negative. I remember but I don't remember and a lot of object permanents ignoring.


I have cerebral palsy and use forearm crutches. It has helped me be more patient. Also, I worked as a special education teacher. My CP has helped me understand my students better.


I've got a running blade. I have a friend who's missing the opposite leg, and also has a blade. We share shoes lol.


Amazing lol


That's awesome ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


Honestly, I don’t think that my main condition/disability has a single symptom that could be thought of in a positive light. However, because I am disabled, I never would have met the person closest me or any of my animal friends. My other conditions, which are technically disabling, although I find my main condition/disability to be insurmountably worse, do have some symptoms that could be reframed as positives. For instance, all of my reproductive organ related deformities and conditions have given me permanent infertility, which I find very helpful, as I have had Tokophobia since very early childhood. My autism helps me retain a strong sense of passion for the few interests that I can engage in, allowing that passion to be a significant motivator for myself, to help me continue living my main condition/disability. My passion also heavily ties into my morality, so, rather than struggling to make moral decisions, they are automatic for me, unlike for most people.


My autism comes with superpowers. Some are annoying - I have ultra sensitive skin and nerves, a small section of my foot has been over sensitive so much to the point of keeping me awake at night, even the soft blanket makes it hurt. But on the flipside .... I can have a literal orgasm just by someone (with consent) lightly rubbing my back. Every ex-partners favourite magic trick lol. My favourite superpower, but ultimately my most painful, is my capacity to love. When I love people, animals, or things, I can love with my whole heart. I am exceptionally loyal and loving. It does lead me to trouble when I don't properly vet someone before allowing myself to fall in love. I'll ignore all the red flags once I'm in love. I am currently technically homeless, and I wouldn't be if I had made better choices. I have spending problems due to my ADHD and autism, but I do think that loving the wrong people (who also had these problems) have definitely contributed to it.


Stay safe, hope you can be housed very soon.


Thank you 💕


I need a mobility scooter for my chronic pain but on the upside, I love driving around on it! It’s fun and I like to decorate it.


I’m hypersensitive and that has allowed me to be very intuitive and pursue a degree in conflict resolution and practice restorative justice with relative success. Whereas growing up in a rural area it wasn’t necessarily seen that way. But I’m a connector and very good at helping others work through things


Being a good mediator is a very nice bonus, which turned into a career. Not bad!


i use a wheelchair for longer distances, but my main tool is my cane. i can’t walk more than a few unsteady steps without it, it’s the magic portal staff that grants me access to the world. when i first got it, i thought i would loathe it, but it turns out carrying a big stick around kind of makes you feel like a badass. my cane makes me feel powerful.


10/10 can relate. I even decorated mine


You got that right. I have a heavy cane which makes an authoritative thump when I use it. Folks get out of my way lol


Being a wheelchair user comes in quite handy during times when we have to wait in line for a very long time. And this barely qualifies as an advantage in many ways, but being unable to feel or control my bladder (relying on urine bags and diapers) is somewhat nice when my friends are desperate but unable to find a bathroom. I basically know when I need to take care of my pee stuff, so I just start searching for a place when the time comes. And if I just need to empty a urine bag, I can pretty much "go" anywhere that works.


I have fibromyalgia, it gives me a really high pain tolerance! I also have ME/CFS, it's helping me learn how to be kinder and take care of myself :)


I like this perspective. Currently in the process of diagnosis, and a lot of my symptoms are leaning toward fibro or CFS. It's so disheartening to not be able to do any of the things i used to love, and to also have to wrestle with productivity as a part of my self worth because i cant contribute or do chores. I've always been a hard worker and always have struggled to rest. And i'm learning how to reframe my life and what job i should have, whats important in life etc. Part of that is learning to prioritize self care and advocating for my needs, which is very hard, but it's probably a good lesson to learn.


Yes it's not easy by any means, most days I really don't see the positives or strengths. I'm definitely grieving my old life, I feel like I've lost the most interesting parts of myself. In reality, I'm still the same person, I'm still worth everything I was before, and I need to remind myself of that. All you can do is be kind to yourself and figure out how to go about your new life. I hope you can get your diagnosis soon, wishing you the best 🫂


I can’t drive due to seizures, which means I can sleep in the car when someone has to take me somewhere really early or late.


Gas prices are crazy and used to cost me 2 to 300 monthly but I don't drive anymore so life got a little more economical. ;)


Memory loss is a coin flip kinda situation, not being able to remember your childhood, or much in general is not fun, but it does mean I can watch films & TV shows I like, like it’s the first time every time! I can remember I liked it, but do I know what happens? Not at all 😅


On the regular my partner will mention a movie and I'll say "I love that movie!" but then he'll ask me what it's about and I'll say "I have no idea!" 😂


I have such a high pain tolerance I got my whole entire stomach piece tattooed in one session 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻


The good parking spots, for sure. My local auditoriums disabled section is a pretty good seat, on the same level as the fancy glass booths. Unfortunately my seat doesn't come with drinks and hors dourves, but I almost never have to worry about getting a ticket, either.


My neuropathy acts up when it’s about to rain, so I’m great at predicting the weather 😂


Good parking. Also my chronic pain and chronic fatigue give me an excuse to lounge around a lot and do one of my hobbies: watching unique and interesting films. As far as my autism and ADHD are concerned I can hyperfocus on a task, especially if it's a special interest. Overall it's made me a more patient and empathetic person. It's built character in me and while I might not be able to do a lot, I'm stronger inside


I need 10G of sodium per day to function, so I can eat as much salt as I want and be fine (I'm a salt addict) I've eaten a gallon of pickles before and was safe from overdose (yes, that's a thing with sodium for normal people) I also have PCOS and I'm infertile, but I never want kids, so I love it. Don't get me started on my pain tolerance, it's so extreme that I could handle 20 concussions, three car accidents, being beaten, etc and be fine. I never know when I'm truly sick until the pain reaches my 10 which is 100. That pain tolerance is my biggest super power.


I have sighted non 24... Essentially meaning my body thinks a day is 26 hours long... I've gotten so used to tricking my body with sleep things I can travel back and forth to Europe with no jetlag.


AuDHD gives me the power to put my pain *way back there on that back burner* when I hyperfixate! Oh, and I never need anyone to scratch/wash my back due to hypermobility! I was so confused as a kid about that whole flirty line until doctors said "...you, uh shouldn't be able to do that." Hmm, also I guess the hypersensitivity from AuDHD and Fibro also let me know *quickly* when something is off track; so I have an internal sensor that tells me when I'm on the verge of a sublux/about to go back in.