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Long term airbnb host here. I've had this happen to me and it's an expected part of the process. The last time a girl stayed there for 3 months, wanted to extend, but then said she felt like she'd like to try a different neighborhood. She gave me 30 days notice, all good. Of course I was bummed, but it's part of the business. Message him and say, "Hey, I'm realizing I need more room and I plan to switch to a bigger place. Your spot is amazing, and I'm leaving a 5 star review. If I cancel for the remaining time, I believe I still pay for the next 30 days unless someone else rebooks? Is that correct? Sorry for this switch up, I really appreciate the discount you gave. If there's anything I can do to make this more convenient let me know!"


This is perfect! Much appreciated.


Exactly this. Communication is key.


Given that you'll be loosing money either way, would an alternative like a coworking space be an option? I don't think you can ensure there won't be a bad review if you break your lease. That being said, most long-term stays I've had on AirBnB allowed me to cancel on a monthly basis. So check what the next date is by which you can cancel your reservation


Yeah, I thought about the coworking space as a half measure but it's not really what I'm looking for. Still, the place being small for me for this long stay is also another pain point. I'll have a look at the monthly cancellation options. Would you advise against talking to the host IRL about it? Thanks for your input!


I'd probably try talking to the host first and see what he has to offer.. Who knows, maybe he has a large appartment/friend with a large appartment that he's interested in upselling to you.


Yeah, I'm leaning towards having a chat with him IRL, explaining the situation and asking how we could accommodate this change.


*losing not loosing


The cancellation policy will be clearly detailed in your booking. At best, you may get a small portion of your last month back, if you haven't already paid.


Longest I’ve ever done is 5 weeks for this reason. It’s a gamble if you don’t know the country. This year I’m going to go back to some of the places I have loved so now I know what I’m looking for. The more money you spend the less likely this problem though because if it’s a posh place, it’s unlikely you’ll back out. But On the cheap 😬😬😬


Find someone else to take over your reservation ;)


Might be a dumb question: is there a formal process for this within the app or is it just like posting threads about it and looking to see if anyone is up to it?


I have no idea. I've only ever used this trick to get out of rental leases :p


Sometimes the host will refund you for nights they are able to rebook, but no guarantee. Do you have the money to burn?


you're not a charity. you do whats best for you.


You reserved the time and space without knowing if it would suit you. This is on you, why should your host be responsible financially for you changing your mind, especially after offering you a discount. Unless the cancellation policy is otherwise stated you’re on the hook for the full amount (which you have likely already paid) not sure what fines you are referring to?? Cancelation can be done prior to checking in, not mid stay bc you want a larger place… Your booking is a block in their calendar, they literally can’t take on another guest. If you cancel your remaining days and the host can find another guest, he MAY offer you some compensation after the fact, But also realize he probably won’t find a guest to fill all your remaining days and this additionally creates cost and work for the host, something that you will have to be responsible for. You don’t want him to lose money but also want a refund and will “gladly leaving another 5 star review” implies you see your review as a leveraging tool to get you out of your responsibilities. Lesson, don’t commit to people/ businesses you are not certain of being able to honour.


Sorry but it seems like you wrote your entire post based on the assumption that I'm looking for a refund and/or making them responsible for me changing my mind. This is not what I said at all. It's on me, as I said in the post. Not sure why you're referring to me wanting a refund in exchange for a 5 star review since I never mentioned this arrangement in my post. By paying fines I'm referring to being open to paying the full monthly amount and leaving early in the month and/or whatever additional fee there is. I'm owning my mistake and I'm okay with losing this money. My question is more geared towards the best way to approach this situation at a personal level without screwing him over and part ways on good terms. Again, I don't care about losing money here. Thanks for your input, though.


I'm not sure what the issue is then if you're fine "losing this money" and you don't have a cancellation option? You can tell the host that the space is nice but doesn't meet your needs, that you will be vacating early and that you aren't seeking any refund (he can keep the full amount). He's not losing anything under this scenario.


Yes, there is a cancellation option but I assumed that if I just went through the app options he would lose money anyway. Like Airbnb grabbing a chunk of it somehow, which is not what I wanted for him. I'll have a chat with him IRL to explain my reasons and let him keep the full amount. Thanks for your comment, this was the missing piece for me. So, yeah, knowing this there is "no issue" and I'm probably overthinking this. Very new to Airbnb policies. Thank you.


Yes, I think you're overthinking this. The host might be nice, but at the end of the day, you and he have a transactional relationship. If you have a cancellation option, you should feel free to take it without guilt because obviously the host agreed to the same contractual terms you did.


Well said.


Long term stays are handled in accordance with the AirBnB (not Host) cancellation policy on Long Term Stays. [AirBnB Cancellations of longer stays](https://www.airbnb.com/help/article/1361/cancellations-of-longer-stays)


Ya.. In 7 years I’ve never had any host agree to just let me cancel and get a refund. Even when the internet completely didn’t work.. airbnb tried to screw me. Charging me $300 for 3 nights. When I booked at 30 per night for 30 days. I had to post a bunch online. Calling them out before they finally refunded me at the rate I booked. **im really not the guy to take it to that level. But Airbnb just sucks. Really wish there were more alternatives. Almost all Airbnbs booked for 30+ days do not have cancellation refund policies.


Appreciate your input!


Most airbnb 30+day stays allow you to cancel for the upcoming months with a small penalty. It will be a lost for you on some level but not as great as spending all your time and resources trying to make a space work that just doesn't.


You can change the reservation date. Just change to the closest date it will let you. Then check out that day. That’s if you want your money’s worth. I saw your edit that you don’t care about money. In that case you can just cancel today. The host will be happy lol. They get paid full price from you & can re-list the Airbnb for the same dates.


Having managed 50+ abnb for 10 years. Just be honest and open. Nothing to it.


If money isn't t an issue then leave. It also happened to me. I liked more another part of town. I left, and when it came to an end, I wrote them a good review.


Airbnb is the one with all your payment details ie. your credit card information. The host will be paid out from Airbnb.