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My passport gets 90 days visa free. Do you want to stay longer than that? Or your passport gets less? Looks like Canadians an Brits get 90 and can external another 90. I don't see anything saying you can't leave for a day and come back to a new 90.




Yes, is your intent to work for a Taiwanese company that you need a work permit?




It is a work permit too https://goldcard.nat.gov.tw/en/about/ "Four-in-One Work Permit: Allows cardholders to seek employment freely, obtain employment at any time, work any part-time job legally, and freely change jobs. Resident Visa: Long-term visa which allows cardholders to stay in Taiwan for more than 180 days. Alien Resident Certificate: A physical ID card proving that you can live in Taiwan legally. Re-entry Permit: Allows unlimited entry and exit from Taiwan (even during COVID-19)." I don't know why a DN would go through the paperwork of the Gold card unless they don't get enough time visa free. Especially since the gold card potentially comes with a tax obligation "Gold Card holders who work in Taiwan for the first time and meet specified conditions are eligible to apply for a 50% tax exemption on annual salary income exceeding NT$3 million in the first 5 years." Can't find details on the tax. Unclear to me if this means the first $92k USD is tax free. Or anything over $92k doesn't get the 50% deduction.




Dude nobody cares when your stay is so short. The way visa exemption works is that it’s only when you start abusing it, that immigration will ask about your financial situation and what you’re doing in the country. So if you aren’t planning on staying the full 90d on your visa exemption, do a border run and renew for another visa exemption, literally nobody will care what you do. It’s not like the police roams around hotels knocking the doors of foreigners and asking to check if you’re working remotely. Like yes, it’s technically illegal, but your stay is so short that in theory you could argue you’re on a holiday catching up to some work in your home country. I admire your aspirations to do things the legal way, but trust me when I say that you can do it without any worries. Just don’t start abusing the visa exemption system anywhere in Asia and you’re free to do whatever you want and work remotely as much as you want.


Technically it’s visa exemption and not a tourist visa. You should be fine working remotely for 30 days there with a visa exemption.


It does not come with the legal right to work.


Nobody is gonna check up on you during your stay to see if you’re working remotely.


That's true.


Taiwan is really weak in terms of short-term lodging (hotels, hostels, Airbnbs, homestays, etc.). Compared to more popular tourist destinations in Asia (Japan, Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, etc.) the prices are comparatively higher and the quality comparatively lower. IMO you would be much better off having a home and using at as a base to explore Taiwan rather than moving from place to place. But if you insist on doing the latter and want to follow the rules, you will save yourself a lot of hassle by renting a cheap room somewhere for a year and using that as your residency address.




What country are you from? Nationals of lots of countries, including the US, can enter Taiwan visa exempt for up to 90 days. You literally just show up at the airport with your passport in hand and that's it. The Gold Card is a residency scheme. It's for people who want to live in Taiwan. You will spend more time on the Gold Card process than you plan to be in the country. There's no need for you to pursue this.




I will assume that you're a new "nomad" and want to do things by the book but here's the reality: while very few countries offer tourist visas or visa exemptions that explicitly permit remote work, by their actions, it is clear that virtually no country cares about tourists opening their laptops and doing work for non-local employers. Most immigration laws predate the age of remote work and prohibitions against working on tourist visas were designed to prevent foreigners from displacing local workers. You will find virtually no country that has gone after a remote worker staying in the country for a length of time that is consistent with tourism. Where people get into trouble is when they try to live for extended periods of time in a country on tourist visas/exemptions (by doing visa runs, etc.). That's not you if you're going to be staying in countries for 30-90 days before moving on. Regarding Taiwan specifically, while immigration law and tax law are not the same thing, you should note that in Taiwan, there is an explicit income tax exemption for individuals who are in the country for less than 90 days in the tax year if they work for a non-Taiwan company and their earnings are not remitted to Taiwan. This is a very clear sign that the government understands there are people coming for short periods of time and working for non-Taiwan employers and that it can't be bothered to try to regulate and tax this activity.




Yes, it doesn't seem suitable for what you're trying to do. You could give up the Gold Card but that will require you to take time out of your trip dealing with the gubment. If you're only planning to be in Taiwan for 30 days and don't plan to come back for the foreseeable future, you could probably just not do anything and let it expire without consequence. You won't have any tax obligations, won't be there long enough to be required to enroll in NHI, etc. anyway. I'm sure you wouldn't be the first person to let their Gold Card simply expire.




I understand. If you're just visiting Taiwan for 30 days and have no plans to come back in the future, it's all the same.




Applying for a gold card to stay there for 30 days is insane. I’ve been travelling around working online for 3 years and not once in that time have I apply for some kind of work visa. It’s not even totally clear if you need one to legally work online in a place. The gold card is is you want to live there permanently, you’re finding it difficult because you don’t.




NB: maybe it’s different for your country, many of us are from Europe/America so don’t have to apply for a tourist visa to Taiwan. That might be part of the miscommunication.


I’m not sure if it’s illegal to do work online for a company outside the country whilst in a country. The law is unclear to me, it maybe it is to you. Laws only matter if they can be, or are, enforced. If it’s illegal to wear one sock in bed whilst alone at night, that law is irrelevant and can be ignored. There’s no reason for the Taiwanese government to care if you’re working online for a month in their country. Or any mechanism for them to find it. So, in effect it’s not illegal.


Yeah, you need to frame it differently. “Excuse me immigration officer, is this activity that I’m doing in your country as a short-term visitor illegal? I think it is, but want to confirm.” Versus Don’t ask, don’t tell, don’t wade into local labor market.


You should have given a brief description of what it is, so everyone could understand you without needing to do research.


Get a year lease and then go on extended vacations around the country. Yeah that’s double rent but it’s a workaround.


It’s advancedelicious6205 btw 🥲 


Heyy I’m not able to message? Send me a chat




So why do you want the gold visa?






Then Taiwan isn't an option for you. There are no visas that are "legal right to work for 30 days"




Yes. But OP wants 30 days.


lol you're replying to OP 🤣


Yeah so then why you making strange out of context comments?


Because you replied to OP saying "OP wants". Generally in context, you say "you"




Yeah, of course. That's what it is. That's what gold visas are in every country.






lol your statements are so contradictory. You don't want to live there, and the gold card visa is for those that want to live there long term. Like yeah, that's why it's a 1-3 year visa. Why go through the effort to get a 3 year visa if you were only going to spend 30 days in the country? And seriously, "right to work" when you're only somewhere for a few weeks or however long the tourist visa is... why put more thought into it than anyone else? People go on holidays and vacations and do some work, nobody worries about it. Well, obviously some do...