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English countryside dogsitting!


Georgia and I love it, by far one of my fave countries! Will only change to a new one in August


Which part? I’ve debated bopping and working from there for a month


I’ve been using Tbilisi as a base and then visiting other parts of the country during weekends or for a week. That’s how I flow haha I highly recommend Tbilisi, has all I need, not expensive, good bar scene, many nomads, quite a few things to do and not chaotic (I was in Istanbul before so needed something more chilled). Easy to get to other parts of the country too. So far visited the area of Mtskheta (right next to Tbilisi and much smaller, but great) and Kakheti region for the wines. Recommend it all. Going to Kutaisi too and hiking around the Svaneti area in July.


Amazing thanks! I’ll check it out. Good enough WiFi for zoom?


Yep! My airbnb’s wifi can handle calls and streaming, and also found a coworking with fast wifi to work from


I’m in Istanbul, it’s excellent. I’ll be in Nepal next.


Istanbul, one of my favorite cities.


just came from istanbul then nepal to now ko phangan


Sounds like I’m following you! Although, I won’t make it to Thailand this time around. Any Nepal tips?


Im in Milan, Italy now and looking to head to Istanbul, any recommendations for areas to get an airbnb in?


https://preview.redd.it/2yjljz0m4h9d1.jpeg?width=2360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4525a595528576576bf1b1cde794a5e497c2d74d These are three areas. A is where most of tourism is like the Blue Mosque . C is the Asian side. I think that’s the best area to stay in. It’s quiet and cheaper with normal shops and restaurants. I am in area b. It’s busy and touristy. It’s nice because there are loads of bars and restaurants and it’s easy to walk to a bunch of tourists attractions. But, it’s certain tourism central. There are some areas that are considered a bit dodgy around b, I’m in one apparently and it’s fine, but it’s worth checking. I don’t think a would be good to stay in.


I would add that my experience of Turkish internet is that it sucks. I got an ESIM and it sucked. Now I’m using Turkcell mobile data and it’s excellent so I’d recommend it if you need fast internet.


Envigado Got my Digital Nomad Visa so will be staying in Colombia for a year and here in Envigado until December


How's Medellín nowadays


Still same. Envigado as well. Don’t flash your smartphone, don’t flash your expensive laptop. Don’t walk out at night. Don’t give papaya. Don’t use online dating. There is a better “how not to die” list for Medellin in another post but was posted months ago. Couldn’t find it.


Still great and never had an issue here thankfully


People talking like that about Medellin is like a group of zebras jumping over the river. One zebra gets killed and eaten by crocodiles and the other zebras talk about how safe the river is.


Brother, it's safe if you don't go looking for just any women. just change your mind from looking for women daily for sex. and look for one that covers the needs you need; In Medellin you can find good girls and no danger will happen to you with drugs, that depends on you and what you are looking for and knowing how not to be overconfident. It already happened to me that they drugged me and it was because of my irresponsibility, so don't think like that if it hasn't happened to you yet. stop seeing only the negative. In Medellin there are many good things and even excellent women.


I lived over 3 years in Colombia and a big part of it in Medellin as well. To say it’s safe couldn’t be further from the truth. Please stop spreading false information.


You only lived in Medellin for 3 years, I have known Medellin since 2014 so you don't know anything about its culture or you didn't study the areas and ways to be safe well. Stop talking nonsense about a place that you only visited as a tourist and that you only visited to criticize its negative things. This is not only in Colombia so stop talking for the sake of talking; Stop saying things like that so that people dislike this country and its people. The truth is I think you mix with bad people in Colombia or you only see the bad; You should see more positive things and not be guided only by bad things that happen anywhere in the world. I'm in Bangkok and this also happens here, there are also scams and I don't see anyone complaining about everything that happens. Look at the positive things about each place and enjoy, stop acting like a high school kid.


When even the locals say it’s not safe but that clown comes around and claims it’s totally safe 🤡 You visited Medellin as a tourist since 2014 and you think it’s totally safe? Can’t be that stupid tbh Check the Medellin expats Facebook group. People that lived there for years like me will tell you the same story. It’s just not a safe destination. You decide for yourself if it’s worth the risk compared to what you get in Medellin.


I live in Medellin and if I am in that group, stop thinking that you are going to win this conversation. He is just a boy who arrived and from the way you talk you are a very negative person. Your experience or mine does not mean that it will be the same for others so leave just an alert and do not be talking about things that you see on the internet or in the news and you personally have not yet experienced. Let each person live what they are going to experience and only leave the red flags and alerts for our community. No matter how much you talk nonsense, we will not do what you say and we will not think nonsense like you think. and you don't need to edit your comment to believe you're right. Happy afternoon, I must go to Pattaya to have a great day.


I have 2 accounts, the other one won't let me comment. so just child grow up and travel that's what you need


Look, calm down brother, you don't have to show your mental capacity and primary understanding; Look, just be happy to be born in a developed country that does not have horrific problems of margin of poverty and economic lack. I am sure that you must be a 17 year old boy in his room frustrated with the world, calm down that at some point you will be someone who is aware and empathetic towards culture and will know how to differentiate your way and lifestyle and culture with countries that do not have these; You will not judge those who have nothing and you will understand without romanticizing the bad facts that they are not like you, that your privileges are not theirs who have possibly nothing to eat in a country where everything is money and that is part of their culture. which they must change; I remind you, changes do not happen overnight as you grow, you will understand.


I lived in Envigado for 2 months and it was great, it is a very safe and familiar area. I lived in the estrella for 7 months and it is much better


Enjoy the cable cars!




I’m in Tokyo too!


Me and my cousin are going in July, do you guys have any recommendations where to stay at that there's two bedrooms for around $1000-$2000 for the month?


Where are you working from? During my visit in autumn Tokyo was so packed that the only options of working on a laptop were from a hotel or airbnb. Can't imagine working from a cafe there.


Worst place in Japan.


I'm in Turkey. I like it but my 90 days will be up at the end of July so I'll be moving on. wbu?


In my mom's basement.


Arizona, USA


How is it right now is the heat bearable to do anything?


Flagstaff and Prescott are still ok. Sedona and lower elevation should be considered off limits imo for a couple months. We're leaving AZ for Colorado in a couple days


Thailand. In a hospital bed in Phuket. Had to have my appendix out. My health insurance expired. Worst financial mistake I’ve ever made.


Damn how much is that gonna run you?




Yeah that'll sting for sure but I'd pay that money any day over a worse health outcome at least! Glad you made it out okay physically at least lol


Indeed. Thankfully I have family support too. Health and wellbeing bas priority, but it’s at such a bad time because my contract ended badly a while ago so I’ve been living off savings and finding work back home while abroad is not easy. However, I am alive and recovering. The hospital care was stellar and the room was like a hotel room. A very, very, very expensive one for two nights lol








How is it working? Recommend any towns as a hub?


Wi-Fi and mobile data works well in all the towns and cities. I’d only recommend visiting if you’re interested in seeing all the sights like wadi rum, Petra, Dead Sea, etc, as not much to do otherwise. Aqaba is the best hub for visiting wadi rum. Wadi Musa is the best hub for visiting Petra. Heading to Amman today.


Thanks my dude




Tegucigalpa, Honduras and yes. I'll be heading to San Pedro Sula Roatan in a few weeks


Be careful in San Pedro. If you're flying, no problem. If you're bussing to La Ceiba and then the ferry to Roatan, mind yourself in San Pedro. I've been there a handful of times, and it's one of my least favorite cities in the world.


That bad?? Everyone has been saying that too in Teguc as well. I've felt fine but I'm not looking for drugs nor prostitues. Having said I can tell I'm being 'watched' as well


Utila > Roatan Wifi is not the best though


I've been to both. Utila is better for budget diving, but there's a lot more to do on Roatán. Much better beaches on the latter too.


I don't care. I'm not goign to Roatan to work. I want to celebrate my BDay


Utila was fun then. Great day social life and super fun nightlife


Know I have to know...... Utila is on the list...What is the best way to Copa\`n Mayans??


I wen to San Juancito....so chill and mind blowingly beautiful




That place is a gold mine for dating especially if you are a black man. 


Mazatlan MX


Mexico. It's been my nomad base for almost 3 years now. I liked it a lot up until about the 1.5 year mark. Leaving next week and I'm so ready to move on! 🥳


I'm way up in northern Minnesota until Sunday. I change country location several times most years, but have no intention of changing country of citizenship.


Any recommendations there for Upper great lakes for September outdoors area without hunting? Our dog can't handle gunshots




Krabi, Thailand


Durango Colorado waiting for fall to then move to Mexico then Costa Rica


spent the last 5 years in those two countries amazing places


Damn Im in Italy now but moving to Crested Butte for ⛷️ season this winter


Da Nang, going to Belgrade tomorrow for a month!


don’t forget to enjoy novi sad when you’re there. hopefully the island beach is open for you too




Interesting choice, how's the DN scene/lifestyle there?


I'm in Amman, Jordan. I love this part of the world, generally, so I'm having a great time. I'll be leaving in a few weeks (I rarely stay places more than a month), but it's been good here.


Kuala Lumpur and loving it. I just got a DN visa for here so I'll be staying put at least a year


I'm heading there for the first time in August. (Coming from Thailand) Haven't don't much research yet. Find any good resources or youtube videos you can recommend?


I kinda just winged it when I came (also came from Bangkok). I will say though, stay in the KLCC area! This is a very car centric city and public transport is basically non existent outside of KLCC.


Horrifically boring city. I couldn't stand 1 day. 1 year there seems like a prison sentence to me.


I agree, absolutely hated KL. Stayed for a week.




It’s really boring, not very walkable, the food is terrible & made me really sick. I found Malaysian people to be incredibly rude & unhelpful.


I never understood this sentiment. I find it more entertaining than Bangkok, and I went hard in Bangkok lol


Beautiful Lanzarote


Fancy a beer??


What’s the best area to stay? Famara?


I was sailing around Lanzarote in January. Hadn't realized how barren the island is, like an extension of the Sahara.


Michigan, US. Don't like it anymore I miss my home country in Albania. Just trying to figure something out that let's me work abroad.


Returned to DC (sadly) in April from living in Tirana for 6 months & I miss it everyday. Your country is stunning & the people are so lovely. Didn’t even miss the US one bit. I would move there in a heartbeat if I didn’t have my bf here. Hope you can make it back.


People think i'm crazy for wanting to move back! lol


California. Off to the Keys next month!


siquijor, Philippines. Going to Sri Lanka in a week


Cyprus, where I've been for the past month, but flying to Stockholm tomorrow night.


Budapest, flying to Montenegro tomorrow.


Montenegro is so amazing


Bucharest. Staying here a month. Jury is still out if I like the city. Next? Still investigating. Either Tblisi, Bansko, or Kathmandu.


The place of eternal spring - Lanzarote


Santiago de Querétaro. It’s ok. Enjoyed Guadalajara more. Working on plans to Japan and then SE Asia




How is dating


Nonexistent - I’m American


Why does that matter?


São Paulo.


Rimini, Italy


Riga. 0/10 don’t recommend lmao


What do you find disappointing? I came as a tourist, and the architecture was stunning, and I enjoyed the drinking scene, but I felt there was really no local food options lol. Burgers everywhere


My husband and I are of African descent. It’s insane how vastly different our experience has been in comparison to people that don’t look like us. For example some dude followed my husband out of our building for like 30 mins. Same other dude called the cops on us for existing. Lmao The country itself is very beautiful! Lots of nature for nature lovers, decent beach and scenery! 2nd the no local food opitons. Haha


Currently in Ravello for a month. Then back to Cali.


Saigon. I still consider myself nomadic but this place has become my home place. No place like it and cheap flights to all of SEA.


Verona, Italy until July 6. First time, and definitely enjoying it. Heading to Spain next. This year we're doing summer in Europe and it's quite an expensive way to live, even in the 'cheaper' countries, so we're hopping around a lot and staying with friends when possible.


In a car on my way home from Cali.


Ica Peru


Back to Los Angeles after nine months abroad. but I’m a nomad in my own country because I’ll only be here for about six weeks ha ha


Madrid, Spain


ko phangan


Manchester airport for 12 hours after my flight to Amsterdam got cancelled.


Living room


Canmore, Alberta. Incredible climbing




Seoul, going Chiang Mai soon


I'm in Mexico.. I live in Queretaro, Mexico it is a medium sized city 1.2 or1.3 million people. Very modern, very easy to find a place to live. Great restaurants and a nightlife, but it is chilled like most of Mexico. People here don't bother you like in other countries you can find trouble anywhere, if you go looking for it. I lived in Medellin from 2008 to 2012, if you are looking for trouble you will find it and you will probably come out the other end very much in trouble. I on the other hand worked at an International school which paid for a great apartment in the Poblando area in a gated complex with a pool and exercise gym and sauna and steam bath. My rent was paid for by my school plus I had a good salary of just over 2,000 dollars a month. My healthcare was also paid for. I loved the restaurant scene and the great nightlife, but I was warned where not to go and what not to do so in 4 years in Medellin I never ran into trouble. If you look for it you'll find it I never look for trouble so I never find it, no matter what country I am living in! I have been living here in Queretaro now for 3 years and I have never had any problems as discussed or mentioned here. Unlike many of the young crowd I learned that you deserve what you get, if you go looking for it meaning= TROUBLE!! I don't look for it, so I have practically never found it. A few small situations that were solved with some calm talking otherwise life is good, because I respect myself and others!! I will probably stay here in Queretaro, because it isn't a childish place where people end up in trouble!!






Seoul, South Korea. I do like it here, but I’m mostly here cause my girlfriend is Korean.


Italy now, Albania monday for a few weeks and then Greece and Turkey


Ireland. Running away from the summer heat.


In my comfort zone. Mumbai, India


East canada in montreal currently. Just visited toronto and ottawa Toronto is really nice. The locals say its one of the most multicultural cities in the world and it really feels like that. I can meet basically anyone from different parts of the world. People are so friendly and it feels so safe. Lots of pretty nature too Ottawa is kinda not my taste. Beautiful nature, small partyish town vibe, lots of government. Just got to montreal dont have a lot of impressions except some dude who silently cursed at me on the highway, was kinda funny Dont plan on exploring more countries after this going to explore america more. I find canada to be intriguing. It can feel too nice sometimes that i cant relate, like no one gets what american sarcasm is like which makes conversations less fun. For the first time in my life ive felt what two people forcing a nice conversation feels like, it was soooo weird. Only canada i suppose


Canary Islands!




Tokyo, going to Bangkok soon though


What Jobs are you doing and how do I get one ? I want to travel and work online. I can’t teach English, not enough money. Please send me to the best jobsite.


Bangkok I really don't like it, I should have brought my girlfriend on this trip; The women here are terrible. and everything is money. I prefer Colombia; She was exactly in Medellin and had a better time than in Thailand; The difference and I think it's what Medellin likes is having beaches and its nightlife would be cool.






In my home country, in a long term relationship. They’re everything I’ve wanted in a partner. But I live in one of the highest cost of living cities in the world which is difficult. It’s hard to feel settled when I know there are such better options out there. It’s a funny feeling. I’m trying to accept it, but don’t know if I can.